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The SPINDLY (SPY) protein of Arabidopsis is a negative regulator of gibberellin (GA) response. The SPY protein has 10 copies of the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) at the N terminus. TPR motifs function as protein-protein interaction domains. Several spy alleles are affected only in the TPR region suggesting that protein-protein interactions mediated by this domain are important for proper GA signaling. We have used a reverse genetics approach to further investigate the role of the TPR domain. The TPR domain of SPY was overexpressed in wild-type, gai, and spy plants. Expression of the TPR domain alone is not sufficient to rescue spy mutants. Expression of the TPR domain in a wild-type background produces phenotypes similar to those caused by loss-of-function spy mutants including resistance to GA biosynthesis inhibitors, short hypocotyl length, and early flowering. The dwarfing of the floral shoot internodes caused by the gai mutation was suppressed by expression of the TRP domain. Expression of the TPR domain had no effect on the abundance of endogenous SPY mRNA. The TPR domain was found to interact with SPY both in vitro and in yeast two-hybrid assays. These data indicate that the TPR domain of SPY can participate in protein-protein interactions and that these interactions are important for the proper functioning of SPY.  相似文献   
The phototropins phot1 and phot2 are plant blue-light receptors that mediate phototropism, chloroplast movements, stomatal opening, leaf expansion, the rapid Inhibition of hypocotyl growth in etiolated seedlings, and possibly solar tracking by leaves in those species in which It occurs. The phototroplns are plasma membrane-associated hydrophilic proteins with two chromophore domains (designated LOV1 and LOV2 for their resemblance to domains In other signaling proteins that detect light, oxygen, or voltage) in their Nterminal half and a classic serine/threonlne kinase domain in their C-terminal half. Both chromophore domains bind flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and both undergo light-activated formation of a covalent bond between a nearby cystelne and the C(4a) carbon of the FMN to form the signaling state. LOV2-cystelnyl adduct formation leads to the release downstream of a tightly bound amphlpathlc α-helix, a step required for activation of the klnase function. This cysteinyl adduct then slowly decays over a matter of seconds or minutes to return the photoreceptor chromophore modules to their ground state. Functional LOV2 is required for light-activated phosphorylation and for various blue-light responses mediated by the phototroplns. The function of LOV1 is still unknown, although It may serve to modulate the signal generated by LOV2. The LOV domain Is an ancient chromophore module found In a wide range of otherwise unrelated proteins In fungi and prokaryotes, the latter Including cyanobacterla, eubacterla, and archaea. Further general reviews on the phototropins are those by Celaya and Liscum (2005) and Christie and Briggs (2005).  相似文献   
We reported recently that internalization of the plant blue light receptor phototropin 1 (phot1) from the plasma membrane in response to irradiation is reliant on receptor autophosphorylation. Pharmacological interference and co-immunoprecipitation analyses also indicated that light-induced internalization of phot1 involves clathrin-dependent processes. Here, we describe additional pharmacological studies that impact the subcellular localization and trafficking of Arabidopsis phot1. Alterations in the microtububle cytoskeleton led to dramatic differences in phot1 localization and function. Likewise, inhibition of phosphatidic acid (PA) signaling was found to impair phot1 localization and function. However, action of PA inhibition on phot1 function may be attributed to pleiotropic effects on cell growth. While phot1 kinase activation is necessary to stimulate its internalization, autophosphorylation is not required for phot1 turnover in response to prolonged blue light irradiation. The implications of these findings in regard to phot1 localization and function are discussed.Key words: phototropin 1 (phot1), phototropism, subcellular trafficking, autophosphorylation, protein turnover  相似文献   
SPY (SPINDLY) encodes a putative O-linked N-acetyl-glucosamine transferase that is genetically defined as a negatively acting component of the gibberellin (GA) signal transduction pathway. Analysis of Arabidopsis plants containing a SPY::GUS reporter gene reveals that SPY is expressed throughout the life of the plant and in most plant organs examined. In addition to being expressed in all organs where phenotypes due to spy mutations have been reported, SPY::GUS is expressed in the root. Examination of the roots of wild-type, spy, and gai plants revealed phenotypes indicating that SPY and GAI play a role in root development. A second SPY::GUS reporter gene lacking part of the SPY promoter was inactive, suggesting that sequences in the first exon and/or intron are required for detectable expression. Using both subcellular fractionation and visualization of a SPY-green fluorescent protein fusion protein that is able to rescue the spy mutant phenotype, the majority of SPY protein was shown to be present in the nucleus. This result is consistent with the nuclear localization of other components of the GA response pathway and suggests that SPY's role as a negative regulator of GA signaling involves interaction with other nuclear proteins and/or O-N-acetyl-glucosamine modification of these proteins.  相似文献   
Several "clock" genes that regulate the circadian system in Arabidopsis thaliana have been identified. The GIGANTEA (GI) gene has been shown to participate in the circadian system that is linked to overt rhythms in gene expression, leaf movements, hypocotyl elongation, and photoperiodic control of flowering in Arabidopsis. During continuous light (LL), circadian expression patterns in gi-2 mutants show reduced amplitudes and altered period lengths when compared with controls. Rhythms in stomatal function, such as transpiration, have been shown to be endogenous and persist in constant lighting conditions. In order to test for a physiologic variable that might be affected by the circadian clock via the GI gene, we compared circadian characteristics of transpiration between three Arabidopsis mutants (gi-2, spy-4, spy-4/gi-2) and wild-type (WT) controls in synchronized (LD for 2.5d) and free-running (LL for 3d) conditions. Each genotype showed a significant circadian rhythm in LD at p < 0.001, with acrophases located near the middle of the daily 14h L-span, with average amplitudes for WT: 18.9%, gi-2: 16.1%, spy-4: 7.7%, and spy-4/gi-2: 5.3%. On the first day in LL, the circadian amplitude was dramatically reduced to 3.1% for gi-2 compared with WT (11.9%), while amplitudes for spy-4 (6.9%) and spy-4/gi-2 (5.7%) were not significantly changed from LD. The amplitude for gi-2 remained low during days 2 (4.2%) and 3 (2.1%) in LL, while it slowly dampened for the WT (8.6 and 6.6%). The amplitudes for spy-4 (6.6%) and spy-4/gi-2 (5.6%) on day 2 in LL were indistinguishable from the LD span, but finally dampened on day 3 in LL (1.9 and 2.3%, respectively). These data suggest that transpiration is a physiologic variable controlled by a circadian system that involves both the GI and SPY proteins.  相似文献   
The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) SPINDLY (SPY) protein negatively regulates the gibberellin (GA) signaling pathway. SPY is an O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) transferase (OGT) with a protein-protein interaction domain consisting of 10 tetratricopeptide repeats (TPR). OGTs add a GlcNAc monosaccharide to serine/threonine residues of nuclear and cytosolic proteins. Determination of the molecular defects in 14 new spy alleles reveals that these mutations cluster in three TPRs and the C-terminal catalytic region. Phenotypic characterization of 12 spy alleles indicates that TPRs 6, 8, and 9 and the catalytic domain are crucial for GA-regulated stem elongation, floral induction, and fertility. TPRs 8 and 9 and the catalytic region are also important for modulating trichome morphology and inflorescence phyllotaxy. Consistent with a role for SPY in embryo development, several alleles affect seedling cotyledon number. These results suggest that three of the TPRs and the OGT activity in SPY are required for its function in GA signal transduction. We also examined the effect of spy mutations on another negative regulator of GA signaling, REPRESSOR OF ga1-3 (RGA). The DELLA motif in RGA is essential for GA-induced proteolysis of RGA, and deletion of this motif (as in rga-delta17) causes a GA-insensitive dwarf phenotype. Here, we demonstrate that spy partially suppresses the rga-delta17 phenotype but does not reduce rga-delta17 or RGA protein levels or alter RGA nuclear localization. We propose that SPY may function as a negative regulator of GA response by increasing the activity of RGA, and presumably other DELLA proteins, by GlcNAc modification.  相似文献   
Reorganization of the cortical microtubule cytoskeleton is critical for guard cell function. Here, we investigate how environmental and hormonal signals cause these rearrangements and find that COP1, a RING-finger-type ubiquitin E3 ligase, is required for degradation of tubulin, likely by the 26S proteasome. This degradation is required for stomatal closing. In addition to regulating the cytoskeleton, we show that cop1 mutation impaired the activity of S-type anion channels, which are critical for stomatal closure. Thus, COP1 is revealed as a potential coordinator of cytoskeletal and electrophysiological activities required for guard cell function.  相似文献   
Han IS  Tseng TS  Eisinger W  Briggs WR 《The Plant cell》2008,20(10):2835-2847
It has been known for decades that red light pretreatment has complex effects on subsequent phototropic sensitivity of etiolated seedlings. Here, we demonstrate that brief pulses of red light given 2 h prior to phototropic induction by low fluence rates of blue light prevent the blue light-induced loss of green fluorescent protein-tagged phototropin 1 (PHOT1-GFP) from the plasma membrane of cortical cells of transgenic seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana expressing PHOT1-GFP in a phot1-5 null mutant background. This red light effect is mediated by phytochrome A and requires approximately 2 h in the dark at room temperature to go to completion. It is fully far red reversible and shows escape from photoreversibility following 30 min of subsequent darkness. Red light-induced inhibition of blue light-inducible changes in the subcellular distribution of PHOT1-GFP is only observed in rapidly elongating regions of the hypocotyl. It is absent in hook tissues and in mature cells below the elongation zone. We hypothesize that red light-induced retention of the PHOT1-GFP on the plasma membrane may account for the red light-induced increase in phototropic sensitivity to low fluence rates of blue light.  相似文献   
Brucella is the causative agent of the zoonotic disease brucellosis, and its success as an intracellular pathogen relies on its ability to adapt to the harsh environmental conditions that it encounters inside the host. The Brucella genome encodes a sensor histidine kinase containing a LOV domain upstream from the kinase, LOVHK, which plays an important role in light-regulated Brucella virulence. In this report we study the intracellular signaling pathway initiated by the light sensor LOVHK using an integrated biochemical and genetic approach. From results of bacterial two-hybrid assays and phosphotransfer experiments we demonstrate that LOVHK functionally interacts with two response regulators: PhyR and LovR, constituting a functional two-component signal-transduction system. LOVHK contributes to the activation of the General Stress Response (GSR) system in Brucella via PhyR, while LovR is proposed to be a phosphate-sink for LOVHK, decreasing its phosphorylation state. We also show that in the absence of LOVHK the expression of the virB operon is down-regulated. In conclusion, our results suggest that LOVHK positively regulates the GSR system in vivo, and has an effect on the expression of the virB operon. The proposed regulatory network suggests a similar role for LOVHK in other microorganisms.  相似文献   
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