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Conformational polymorphism of DNA is a major causative factor behind several incurable trinucleotide repeat expansion disorders that arise from overexpansion of trinucleotide repeats located in coding/non-coding regions of specific genes. Hairpin DNA structures that are formed due to overexpansion of CAG repeat lead to Huntington’s disorder and spinocerebellar ataxias. Nonetheless, DNA hairpin stem structure that generally embraces B-form with canonical base pairs is poorly understood in the context of periodic noncanonical A…A mismatch as found in CAG repeat overexpansion. Molecular dynamics simulations on DNA hairpin stems containing A…A mismatches in a CAG repeat overexpansion show that A…A dictates local Z-form irrespective of starting glycosyl conformation, in sharp contrast to canonical DNA duplex. Transition from B-to-Z is due to the mechanistic effect that originates from its pronounced nonisostericity with flanking canonical base pairs facilitated by base extrusion, backbone and/or base flipping. Based on these structural insights we envisage that such an unusual DNA structure of the CAG hairpin stem may have a role in disease pathogenesis. As this is the first study that delineates the influence of a single A…A mismatch in reversing DNA helicity, it would further have an impact on understanding DNA mismatch repair.  相似文献   
Many Gram-negative bacteria initiate infections by injecting effector proteins into host cells through the type III secretion apparatus, which is comprised of a basal body, a needle, and a tip. The needle channel is formed by the assembly of a single needle protein. To explore the export mechanisms of MxiH needle protein through the needle of Shigella flexneri, an essential step during needle assembly, we have performed steered molecular dynamics simulations in implicit solvent. The trajectories reveal a screwlike rotation motion during the export of nativelike helix-turn-helix conformations. Interestingly, the channel interior with excessive electronegative potential creates an energy barrier for MxiH to enter the channel, whereas the same may facilitate the ejection of the effectors into host cells. Structurally known basal regions and ATPase underneath the basal region also have electronegative interiors. Effector proteins also have considerable electronegative potential patches on their surfaces. From these observations, we propose a repulsive electrostatic mechanism for protein translocation through the type III secretion apparatus. Based on this mechanism, the ATPase activity and/or proton motive force could be used to energize the protein translocation through these nanomachines. A similar mechanism may be applicable to macromolecular channels in other secretion systems or viruses through which proteins or nucleic acids are transported.  相似文献   
Gram-negative bacteria use a needle-like protein assembly, the type III secretion apparatus, to inject virulence factors into target cells to initiate human disease. The needle is formed by the polymerization of approximately 120 copies of a small acidic protein that is conserved among diverse pathogens. We previously reported the structure of the BsaL needle monomer from Burkholderia pseudomallei by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and others have determined the crystal structure of the Shigella flexneri MxiH needle. Here, we report the NMR structure of the PrgI needle protein of Salmonella typhimurium, a human pathogen associated with food poisoning. PrgI, BsaL, and MxiH form similar two helix bundles, however, the electrostatic surfaces of PrgI differ radically from those of BsaL or MxiH. In BsaL and MxiH, a large negative area is on a face formed by the helix alpha1-alpha2 interface. In PrgI, the major negatively charged surface is not on the "face" but instead is on the "side" of the two-helix bundle, and only residues from helix alpha1 contribute to this negative region. Despite being highly acidic proteins, these molecules contain large basic regions, suggesting that electrostatic contacts are important in needle assembly. Our results also suggest that needle-packing interactions may be different among these bacteria and provide the structural basis for why PrgI and MxiH, despite 63% sequence identity, are not interchangeable in S. typhimurium and S. flexneri.  相似文献   
The low affinity of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) to hybridize with DNA in the presence of a mismatch endows PNA with a high degree of discriminatory capacity that has been exploited in therapeutics for the selective inhibition of the expression of point-mutated genes. To obtain a structural basis for this intriguing property, molecular dynamics simulations are carried out on PNA x DNA duplexes formed at the Ki-ras proto-oncogene, comprising the point-mutated (GAT), and the corresponding wild-type (GGT) codon 12. The designed PNA forms an A...C mismatch with the wild-type sequence and a perfect A...T pair with the point mutated sequence. Results show that large movements in the pyrimidine base of the A...C mismatch cause loss of stacking, especially with its penultimate base, concomitant with a variable mismatch hydrogen bond, including its occasional absence. These, in turn, bring about dynamic water interactions in the vicinity of the mismatch. Enthalpy loss and the disproportionate entropy gain associated with these are implicated as the factors contributing to the increase in free energy and diminished stability of PNA x DNA duplex with the A...C mismatch. Absence of these in the isosequential DNA duplex, notwithstanding the A...C mismatch, is attributed to the differences in topology of PNA x DNA vis-à-vis DNA duplexes. It is speculated that similar effects might be responsible for the reduced stability observed in PNA x DNA duplexes containing other base pair mismatches, and also in mismatch containing PNA x DNA duplexes.  相似文献   
Salmonella and other pathogenic bacteria use the type III secretion system (T3SS) to inject virulence proteins into human cells to initiate infections. The structural component of the T3SS contains a needle and a needle tip. The needle is assembled from PrgI needle protomers and the needle tip is capped with several copies of the SipD tip protein. How a tip protein docks on the needle is unclear. A crystal structure of a PrgI–SipD fusion protein docked on the PrgI needle results in steric clash of SipD at the needle tip when modeled on the recent atomic structure of the needle. Thus, there is currently no good model of how SipD is docked on the PrgI needle tip. Previously, we showed by NMR paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (PRE) methods that a specific region in the SipD coiled coil is the binding site for PrgI. Others have hypothesized that a domain of the tip protein—the N-terminal α-helical hairpin—has to swing away during the assembly of the needle apparatus. Here, we show by PRE methods that a truncated form of SipD lacking the α-helical hairpin domain binds more tightly to PrgI. Further, PRE-based structure calculations revealed multiple PrgI binding sites on the SipD coiled coil. Our PRE results together with the recent NMR-derived atomic structure of the Salmonella needle suggest a possible model of how SipD might dock at the PrgI needle tip. SipD and PrgI are conserved in other bacterial T3SSs; thus, our results have wider implication in understanding other needle-tip complexes.  相似文献   
DNA triplexes are formed by both isomorphic (structurally alike) and non-isomorphic (structurally dissimilar) base triplets. It is espoused here that (i) the base triplet non-isomorphism may be articulated in structural terms by a residual twist (Δt°), the angle formed by line joining the C1′…C1′ atoms of the adjacent Hoogsteen or reverse Hoogsteen (RH) base pairs and the difference in base triplet radius (Δr Å), and (ii) their influence on DNA triplex is largely mechanistic, leading to the prediction of a high (t + Δt)° and low (t − Δt)° twist at the successive steps of Hoogsteen or RH duplex of a parallel or antiparallel triplex. Efficacy of this concept is corroborated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of an antiparallel DNA triplex comprising alternating non-isomorphic G*GC and T*AT triplets. Conformational changes necessitated by base triplet non-isomorphism are found to induce an alternating (i) high anti and anti glycosyl and (ii) BII and an unusual BIII conformation resulting in a zigzag backbone for the RH strand. Thus, base triplet non-isomorphism causes DNA triplexes into exhibiting sequence-dependent non-uniform conformation. Such structural variations may be relevant in deciphering the specificity of interaction with DNA triplex binding proteins. Seemingly then, residual twist (Δt°) and radial difference (Δr Å) suffice as indices to define and monitor the effect of base triplet non-isomorphism in nucleic acid triplexes.  相似文献   
Structural understanding of DNA triplexes is grossly inadequate despite their efficacy as therapeutic agents. Lack of structural similarity (isomorphism) of base triplets that figure in different DNA triplexes brings in an added complexity. Recently, we have shown that the residual twist (Deltat degrees ) and the radial difference (Deltar A) adequately define base triplet nonisomorphism in structural terms and allow assessment of their role in conferring stability as well as sequence-dependent structural variations in DNA triplexes. To further corroborate these, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are carried out on DNA triplexes comprising nonisomorphic G* GC and A* AT base triplets under different sequential contexts. Base triplet nonisomorphism between G* GC and A* AT triplets is dominated by Deltat degrees (9.8 degrees ), in view of small Deltar (0.2 A), and is in contrast to G* GC and T* AT triplets where both Deltat degrees (10.6 degrees ) and Deltar (1.1A) are prominent. Results show that Deltat degrees alone enforces mechanistic influence on the triplex-forming purine strand so as to favor a zigzag conformation with alternating conformational features that include high (40 degrees ) and low (20 degrees ) helical twists, and high anti(G) and anti(A) glycosyl conformation. Higher thermal stability of this triplex compared to that formed with G* GC and T* AT triplets can be traced to enhanced base-stacking and counterion interactions. Surprisingly, it is found for the first time that the presence of a nonisomorphic G* GC or A* AT base triplet interrupting an otherwise mini A* AT or G* GC isomorphic triplex can induce a bend/curvature in a DNA triplex. These observations should prove useful in the design of triplex-forming oligonucleotides and in the understanding the binding affinities of this triplex with proteins.  相似文献   
Many Gram-negative bacteria that cause major diseases and mortality worldwide require the type III secretion system (T3SS) to inject virulence proteins into their hosts and cause infections. A structural component of the T3SS is the needle apparatus, which consists of a base, an external needle, and a tip complex. In Salmonella typhimurium, the external needle is assembled by the polymerization of the needle protein PrgI. On top of this needle sits a tip complex, which is partly formed by the tip protein SipD. How SipD interacts with PrgI during the assembly of the T3SS needle apparatus remains unknown. The central region of PrgI forms an α-helical hairpin, whereas SipD has a long central coiled-coil, which is a defining structural feature of other T3SS tip proteins as well. Using NMR paramagnetic relaxation enhancement, we have identified a specific region on the SipD coiled-coil that interacts directly with PrgI. We present a model of how SipD might dock at the tip of the needle based on our paramagnetic relaxation enhancement results, thus offering new insight about the mechanism of assembly of the T3SS needle apparatus.  相似文献   
Implications of DNA, RNA and RNA.DNA hybrid triplexes in diverse biological functions, diseases and therapeutic applications call for a thorough understanding of their structure-function relationships. Despite exhaustive studies mechanistic rationale for the discriminatory preference of parallel DNA triplexes with G*GC & T*AT triplets still remains elusive. Here, we show that the highest nonisostericity between the G*GC & T*AT triplets imposes extensive stereochemical rearrangements contributing to context dependent triplex destabilisation through selective disruption of Hoogsteen scheme of hydrogen bonds. MD simulations of nineteen DNA triplexes with an assortment of sequence milieu reveal for the first time fresh insights into the nature and extent of destabilization from a single (non-overlapping), double (overlapping) and multiple pairs of nonisosteric base triplets (NIBTs). It is found that a solitary pair of NIBTs, feasible either at a G*GC/T*AT or T*AT/G*GC triplex junction, does not impinge significantly on triplex stability. But two overlapping pairs of NIBTs resulting from either a T*AT or a G*GC interruption disrupt Hoogsteen pair to a noncanonical mismatch destabilizing the triplex by ~10 to 14 kcal/mol, implying that their frequent incidence in multiples, especially, in short sequences could even hinder triplex formation. The results provide (i) an unambiguous and generalised mechanistic rationale for the discriminatory trait of parallel triplexes, including those studied experimentally (ii) clarity for the prevalence of antiparallel triplexes and (iii) comprehensive perspectives on the sequence dependent influence of nonisosteric base triplets useful in the rational design of TFO’s against potential triplex target sites.  相似文献   
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