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Active form of Notch imposes T cell fate in human progenitor cells   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The crucial role of Notch signaling in cell fate decisions in hematopoietic lineage and T lymphocyte development has been well established in mice. Overexpression of the intracellular domain of Notch mediates signal transduction of the protein. By retroviral transduction of this constitutively active truncated intracellular domain in human CD34+ umbilical cord blood progenitor cells, we were able to show that, in coculture with the stromal MS-5 cell line, depending on the cytokines added, the differentiation toward CD19+ B lymphocytes was blocked, the differentiation toward CD14+ monocytes was inhibited, and the differentiation toward CD56+ NK cells was favored. The number of CD7+cyCD3+ cells, a phenotype similar to T/NK progenitor cells, was also markedly increased. In fetal thymus organ culture, transduced CD34+ progenitor cells from umbilical cord blood cells or from thymus consistently generated more TCR-gammadelta T cells, whereas the other T cell subpopulations were largely unaffected. Interestingly, when injected in vivo in SCID-nonobese diabetic mice, the transduced cells generated ectopically human CD4+CD8+ TCR-alphabeta cells in the bone marrow, cells that are normally only present in the thymus, and lacked B cell differentiation potential. Our results show unequivocally that, in human, Notch signaling inhibits the monocyte and B cell fate, promotes the T cell fate, and alters the normal T cell differentiation pathway compatible with a pretumoral state.  相似文献   
For marine deposit-feeding invertebrates, the distribution of species with different life history strategies has long been known to be correlated with sediment organic concentration. Large populations of opportunistic species are found in sediments with enriched organic concentration, while equilibrium species populate low organic concentration sediments. Differences in both behavioral (e.g. feeding rate) and physiological (e.g. growth rate, reproductive output) adaptations determine the ability of species to establish populations in different environments. By systematically documenting differences in the way these factors vary as sediment organic concentration varies for both opportunistic and equilibrium species, we can better understand the mechanisms underlying this correlation between sediment organic concentration and species distributions. Here, we present the results of experiments examining the interactions among food concentration, feeding rate, growth rate, and reproductive output (measured as egg number and size) for the equilibrium species Abarenicola pacifica. A. pacifica is a large, long-lived, iteroparous, sub-surface deposit-feeding polychaete. Individual worms were reared throughout most of one generation in sediments differing only in the concentration of organic matter. Juveniles (<20 mg AFDW) had higher feeding rates and growth rates in sediments of higher organic concentration throughout the range tested. These results are consistent with the predictions from optimal foraging theory. As worms grew, however, these patterns changed. Once worms reached a mean body size of approximately 50 mg AFDW, feeding rate was greater on sediments of lower organic concentration (although it took worms in the sediments with lower organic concentration longer to reach this size). Differences in growth rates among treatments decreased as worms grew. For worms >100 mg AFDW, growth rates were uniformly low ( approximately 1%/day) on all sediments, but the early advantage obtained by worms in the high organic treatments resulted in much greater body sizes after 200 days. Worms had higher tissue triacylglyceride concentrations and produced more eggs (independent of worm size) as sediment organic concentration increased. We conclude that A. pacifica alters its feeding rate in response to variations in food resources in such a way as to maximize its energy intake and thereby maximize fitness. Future studies should investigate whether opportunistic species (as well as other equilibrium species) also have this ability.  相似文献   
Natural killer (NK) cells have different roles in the host response against Plasmodium-induced malaria depending on the stage of infection. Liver NK cells have a protective role during the initial hepatic stage of infection by production of the TH1-type cytokines IFN-γ and TNF-α. In the subsequent erythrocytic stage of infection, NK cells also induce protection through Th1-type cytokines but, in addition, may also promote development of cerebral malaria via CXCR3-induction on CD8+ T cells resulting in migration of these cells to the brain. We have recently shown that the regulatory Ly49E NK receptor is expressed on liver NK cells in particular. The main objective of this study was therefore to examine the role of Ly49E expression in the immune response upon Plasmodium berghei ANKA infection, for which we compared wild type (WT) to Ly49E knockout (KO) mice. We show that the parasitemia was higher at the early stage, i.e. at days 6–7 of Plasmodium berghei ANKA infection in Ly49E KO mice, which correlated with lower induction of CD69, IFN-γ and TNF-α in DX5 liver NK cells at day 5 post-infection. At later stages, these differences faded. There was also no difference in the kinetics and the percentage of cerebral malaria development and in lymphocyte CXCR3 expression in WT versus Ly49E KO mice. Collectively, we show that the immune response against Plasmodium berghei ANKA infection is not drastically affected in Ly49E KO mice. Although NK cells play a crucial role in Plasmodium infection and Ly49E is highly expressed on liver NK cells, the Ly49E NK receptor only has a temporarily role in the immune control of this parasite.  相似文献   
Enumeration of Protozoa and Bacteria in Muddy Sediment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We studied the effects of a bacterium (Pseudomonas chlororaphis) and a bactivorous protozoan (Uronema sp.) on transformations of labile dissolved organic carbon (DOC). In 36-day time series experiments, bacteria were grown on glucose both with and without protozoa. We measured bulk organic carbon pools and used electrospray ionization mass spectrometry to characterize dissolved organic matter on a molecular level. Bacteria rapidly utilized glucose, depleting it to nondetectable levels and producing new DOC compounds of higher molecular weight within 2 days. Some of these new compounds, representing 3 to 5% of the initial glucose-C, were refractory and persisted for over a month. Other new compounds were produced and subsequently used by bacteria during the lag and exponential growth phases, pointing to a dynamic cycling of organic compounds. Grazers caused a temporary spike in the DOC concentration consisting of labile compounds subsequently utilized by the bacteria. Grazing did not increase the complexity of the DOC pool already established by the bacteria but did continually decrease the particulate organic carbon pool and expedited the conversion of glucose-C to CO2. After 36 days, 29% of initial glucose-C remained in pure bacteria cultures, while only 6% remained in cultures where a grazer was present. In this study the bacteria were the primary shapers of the complex DOC continuum, suggesting higher trophic levels possibly have less of an impact on the qualitative composition of DOC than previously assumed.  相似文献   
Natural killer (NK) cells are part of the first line defense against tumors, parasites and virus-infected cells. Therefore, factors that control NK-cell numbers and their function are important. CD27 is constitutively expressed on NK cells and its expression correlates with sequential phases in NK-cell development, discriminating phenotypically and functionally different subsets within the NK-cell population. Although CD27 has been described to have an important regulatory role in effector and memory T and B lymphocytes, its role in NK-cell biology remains to be addressed. In this study, we used CD27(-/-) mice to investigate the role of CD27 in NK-cell development and function, both during the resting state and upon stimulation. The results show that NK-cell numbers are not impaired in CD27(-/-) mice. Moreover, CD27(-/-) NK cells reach full phenotypic maturity, evidenced by normal expression of CD49b, CD43 and CD11b. Expression of activating receptors is unaltered, whereas expression of several inhibitory receptors is increased. Cytotoxicity and interferon-γ production by NK cells from CD27(-/-) mice in the resting state are normal. However, upon in vivo anti-CD40- or poly-I:C-mediated activation, or in vitro interleukin-15 priming plus anti-NKp46 stimulation, the absence of CD27 results in decreased cytolytic activity and cytokine production by spleen and liver NK cells. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that CD27 is dispensable for the development of functional NK cells. However, upon stimulation of NK cells, CD27 displays an important role in their activation and functionality.  相似文献   
This synthesis brings together published and unpublished data in an evaluation of restoration of former salt hay farms to functioning salt marshes. We compared nine years of field measurements between three restored marshes (Dennis, Commercial, and Maurice River Townships) and a reference marsh (Moores Beach) in the mesohaline portion of Delaware Bay. In the process, we compared channel morphology, geomorphology, vegetation, sediment organic matter, fish assemblages, blue crabs, horseshoe crabs, benthic infauna, and diamondback terrapins. For fishes we compared structural (distribution, abundance) and functional (feeding, growth, survival, reproduction, production) aspects to evaluate the restored marshes in an Essential Fish Habitat context. Marsh vegetation and drainage density responded gradually and positively with restored marshes approximating the state of the reference marsh within the nine-year study period. The fauna responded more quickly and dramatically with most measures equal or greater in the restored marshes within the first one or two years after restoration. Differences in response time between the vegetation and the fauna imply that the faunal response was more dependent on access to the shallow intertidal marsh surface and intertidal and subtidal creeks than on characteristics of the vegetated marsh. The fishes in created subtidal creeks in restored marshes responded immediately and maintained fish assemblages similar to the reference marsh over the study period. The intertidal creek fish assemblages tended to become more like the reference marsh in the last years of the comparison. Overall, these results document the success of the restoration and how marshes function for both resident and transient fauna, especially fishes.  相似文献   
The Ly49E NK receptor is a unique inhibitory receptor, presenting with a high degree of conservation among mouse strains and expression on both NK cells and intraepithelial-localised T cells. Amongst intraepithelial-localised T cells, the Ly49E receptor is abundantly expressed on CD8αα-expressing innate-like intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (iIELs), which contribute to front-line defense at the mucosal barrier. Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), encompassing Crohn''s disease and ulcerative colitis, have previously been suggested to have an autoreactive origin and to evolve from a dysbalance between regulatory and effector functions in the intestinal immune system. Here, we made use of Ly49E-deficient mice to characterize the role of Ly49E receptor expression on CD8αα-expressing iIELs in the development and progression of IBD. For this purpose we used the dextran sodium sulphate (DSS)- and trinitrobenzenesulfonic-acid (TNBS)-induced colitis models, and the TNFΔARE ileitis model. We show that Ly49E is expressed on a high proportion of CD8αα-positive iIELs, with higher expression in the colon as compared to the small intestine. However, Ly49E expression on small intestinal and colonic iIELs does not influence the development or progression of inflammatory bowel diseases.  相似文献   
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