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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Gene delivery approaches serve as a platform to modify gene expression of a cell population with applications including functional genomics, tissue engineering, and gene therapy. The delivery of exogenous genetic material via nonviral vectors has proven to be less toxic and to cause less of an immune response in comparison to viral vectors, but with decreased efficiency of gene transfer. Attempts have been made to improve nonviral gene transfer efficiency by modifying physicochemical properties of gene delivery vectors as well as developing new delivery techniques. In order to further improve and understand nonviral gene delivery, our approach focuses on the cell-material interface, since materials are known to modulate cell behavior, potentially rendering cells more responsive to nonviral gene transfer. In this study, self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiols on gold were employed as model biomaterial interfaces with varying surface chemistries. NIH/3T3 mouse fibroblasts were seeded on the modified surfaces and transfected using either lipid- or polymer- based complexing agents. RESULTS: Transfection was increased in cells on charged hydrophilic surfaces presenting carboxylic acid terminal functional groups, while cells on uncharged hydrophobic surfaces presenting methyl terminations demonstrated reduced transfection for both complexing agents. Surface--induced cellular characteristics that were hypothesized to affect nonviral gene transfer were subsequently investigated. Cells on charged hydrophilic surfaces presented higher cell densities, more cell spreading, more cells with ellipsoid morphologies, and increased quantities of focal adhesions and cytoskeleton features within cells, in contrast to cell on uncharged hydrophobic surfaces, and these cell behaviors were subsequently correlated to transfection characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: Extracellular influences on nonviral gene delivery were investigated by evaluating the upregulation and downregulation of transgene expression as a function of the cell behaviors induced by changes in the cells' microenvronments. This study demonstrates that simple surface modifications can lead to changes in the efficiency of nonviral gene delivery. In addition, statistically significant differences in various surface-induced cell characteristics were statistically correlated to transfection trends in fibroblasts using both lipid and polymer mediated DNA delivery approaches. The correlations between the evaluated complexing agents and cell behaviors (cell density, spreading, shape, cytoskeleton, focal adhesions, and viability) suggest that polymer-mediated transfection is correlated to cell morphological traits while lipid-mediated transfection correlates to proliferative characteristics.  相似文献   
The impact of continuous chlorination and periodic glutaraldehyde treatment on planktonic and biofilm microbial communities was evaluated in pilot-scale cooling towers operated continuously for 3 months. The system was operated at a flow rate of 10,080 l day?1. Experiments were performed with a well-defined microbial consortium containing three heterotrophic bacteria: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Flavobacterium sp. The persistence of each species was monitored in the recirculating cooling water loop and in biofilms on steel and PVC coupons in the cooling tower basin. The observed bacterial colonization in cooling towers did not follow trends in growth rates observed under batch conditions and, instead, reflected differences in the ability of each organism to remain attached and form biofilms under the high-through flow conditions in cooling towers. Flavobacterium was the dominant organism in the community, while P. aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae did not attach well to either PVC or steel coupons in cooling towers and were not able to persist in biofilms. As a result, the much greater ability of Flavobacterium to adhere to surfaces protected it from disinfection, whereas P. aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae were subject to rapid disinfection in the planktonic state.  相似文献   
Expressed protein libraries are becoming a critical tool for new target discovery in the pharmaceutical industry. In order to get the most meaningful and comprehensive results from protein library screens, it is essential to have library proteins in their native conformation with proper post-translation modifications. This goal is achieved by expressing untagged human proteins in a human cell background. We optimized the transfection and cell culture conditions to maximize protein expression in a 96-well format so that the expression levels were comparable with the levels observed in shake flasks. For detection purposes, we engineered a 'tag after stop codon' system. Depending on the expression conditions, it was possible to express either native or tagged proteins from the same expression vector set. We created a human secretion protein library of 1432 candidates and a small plasma membrane protein set of about 500 candidates. Utilizing the optimized expression conditions, we expressed and analyzed both libraries by SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis and Western blotting. Two thirds of secreted proteins could be detected by Western-blot analyses; almost half of them were visible on Coomassie stained gels. In this paper, we describe protein expression libraries that can be easily produced in mammalian expression systems in a 96-well format, with one protein expressed per well. The libraries and methods described allow for the development of robust, high-throughput functional screens designed to assay for protein specific functions associated with a relevant disease-specific activity.  相似文献   
Plus-strand RNA virus replication requires the assembly of the viral replicase complexes on intracellular membranes in the host cells. The replicase of Cucumber necrosis virus (CNV), a tombusvirus, contains the viral p33 and p92 replication proteins and possible host factors. In addition, the assembly of CNV replicase is stimulated in the presence of plus-stranded viral RNA (Z. Panaviene et al., J. Virol. 78:8254-8263, 2004). To define cis-acting viral RNA sequences that stimulate replicase assembly, we performed a systematic deletion approach with a model tombusvirus replicon RNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which also coexpressed p33 and p92 replication proteins. In vitro replicase assays performed with purified CNV replicase preparations from yeast revealed critical roles for three RNA elements in CNV replicase assembly: the internal p33 recognition element (p33RE), the replication silencer element (RSE), and the 3'-terminal minus-strand initiation promoter (gPR). Deletion or mutagenesis of these elements reduced the activity of the CNV replicase to a minimal level. In addition to the primary sequences of gPR, RSE, and p33RE, formation of two alternative structures among these elements may also play a role in replicase assembly. Altogether, the role of multiple RNA elements in tombusvirus replicase assembly could be an important factor to ensure fidelity of template selection during replication.  相似文献   
Purified recombinant viral replicases are useful for studying the mechanism of viral RNA replication in vitro. In this work, we obtained a highly active template-dependent replicase complex for Cucumber necrosis tombusvirus (CNV), which is a plus-stranded RNA virus, from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The recombinant CNV replicase showed properties similar to those of the plant-derived CNV replicase (P. D. Nagy and J. Pogany, Virology 276:279-288, 2000), including the ability (i). to initiate cRNA synthesis de novo on both plus- and minus-stranded templates, (ii). to generate replicase products that are shorter than full length by internal initiation, and (iii). to perform primer extension from the 3' end of the template. We also found that isolation of functional replicase required the coexpression of the CNV p92 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase and the auxiliary p33 protein in yeast. Moreover, coexpression of a viral RNA template with the replicase proteins in yeast increased the activity of the purified CNV replicase by 40-fold, suggesting that the viral RNA might promote the assembly of the replicase complex and/or that the RNA increases the stability of the replicase. In summary, this paper reports the first purified recombinant tombusvirus replicase showing high activity and template dependence, a finding that will greatly facilitate future studies on RNA replication in vitro.  相似文献   
Laboratory evolution is a powerful approach to search for genetic adaptations to new or improved phenotypes, yet either relies on labour-intensive human-guided iterative rounds of mutagenesis and selection, or prolonged adaptation regimes based on naturally evolving cell populations. Here we present CRISPR- and RNA-assisted in vivo directed evolution (CRAIDE) of genomic loci using evolving chimeric donor gRNAs continuously delivered from an error-prone T7 RNA polymerase, and directly introduced as RNA repair donors into genomic targets under either Cas9 or dCas9 guidance. We validate CRAIDE by evolving novel functional variants of an auxotrophic marker gene, and by conferring resistance to a toxic amino acid analogue in baker''s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a mutation rate >3,000-fold higher compared to spontaneous native rate, thus enabling the first demonstrations of in vivo delivery and information transfer from long evolving RNA donor templates into genomic context without the use of in vitro supplied and pre-programmed repair donors.  相似文献   
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