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This paper examines the thymic dependence of alloimmunity inamphibians. In Xenopus, the presence of a thymus during thefirst 2 weeks of life is essential for the development of normalfirst-set skin allograft immunity. Thymectomy during this earlyperiod always impairs the alloimmune response of young adulttoads. However, most of these thymectomized animals are ableto completely destroy skin allografts, albeit with prolongedrejection times. Chronic graft rejection, rather than tolerance,still occurs following thymectomy as early as 5 days, when thethymus contains no small lymphocytes. In contrast to the considerabledifferences in first-set allograft survival times in controland early-thymectomized Xenopus, second-set grafts, appliedsubsequent to first-set destruction, are rejected in acute fashion(<3 weeks) in both groups. That the defect in first-set alloimmunityis specifically related to absence of thymus has been confirmedby implanting allogeneic thymus 2 weeks post-thymectomy. Thedonor thymus remains healthy and restores the allograft responseto normal. In contrast, allogeneic spleen does not reconstituteand itself often undergoes destruction. Preliminary autoradiographicexperiments on lymphoid tissue involvement in first-set allograftrejection are also described.  相似文献   
We adapted and optimized the use of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens binary PVX expression system (PVX agroinfection) to screen Solanum plants for response to pathogen elicitors and applied the assay to identify a total of 11 clones of Solanum huancabambense and Solanum microdontum , out of 31 species tested, that respond to the elicitins INF1, INF2A and INF2B of Phytophthora infestans . Prior to this study, response to INF elicitins was only known in Nicotiana spp. within the Solanaceae. The identified S. huancabambense and S. microdontum clones also exhibited hypersensitivity-like cell death following infiltration with purified recombinant INF1, INF2A and INF2B, thereby validating the screening protocol. Comparison of INF elicitin activity revealed that Nicotiana plants responded to significantly lower concentrations than Solanum , suggesting variable levels of sensitivity to INF elicitins. We exploited natural variation in response to INF elicitins in the identified Solanum accessions to evaluate the relationship between INF recognition and late blight resistance. Interestingly, several INF-responsive Solanum plants were susceptible to P. infestans . Also, an S. microdontum  × Solanum tuberosum (potato) population that segregates for INF response was generated but failed to identify a measurable contribution of INF response to resistance. These results suggest that in Solanum , INF elicitins are recognized as general elicitors and do not have a measurable contribution to disease resistance.  相似文献   
Several investigations have indicated that Tetrahymena pyriformis secretes ribonuclease activity into culture media. The extracellular ribonuclease from strain W has been purified and partially characterized. The molecular weight was determined by gel filtration to be 26,500. The amino acid composition of the enzyme was compared with those of the three intracellular ribonucleases characterized by Trangas, and substantial differences were demonstrated. The extracellular enzyme hydrolyzed both polyadenylic and polyuridylic acids, indicating lack of absolute base specificity. The hydrolysis of polyadenylic acid followed normal Michaelis-Menten kinetics, but substrate inhibition occurred at high concentrations of polyuridylic acid. The hydrolysis of polyuridylic acid was competitively inhibited by 2'- and 3'-cytidine, guanine, and uridine nucleotides, and by 2'AMP. No inhibition of the hydrolysis of Torula yeast RNA was detected. The kinetic properties of the extracellular ribonuclease are compared with those of the intracellular enzymes.  相似文献   
Individual leaves of perennial ryegrass cv. Aberystwyth S23 of two leaf ages and at two levels of nitrogen fertilisation were point inoculated with Puccinia coronata f.sp. coronata in a growth chamber. In general, there was no significant difference in the lifespan of inoculated versus control leaves. However, the higher rate of nitrogen extended leaf lifespan more markedly in rusted than in control leaves. Uredospore production varied according to leaf age: colonies on juvenile leaves produced three times as many spores as those on mature leaves.  相似文献   
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