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Dominant black-eyed white phenotypes are one of the most commonly observed traits in domestic animals. Their genetic control mechanisms, however, have not been elucidated. As the first step to approach the problem, we examined histologically the patterns of the distribution of pigment cells in Shiba goats (two each of day-73-postcoitum and day-112-postcoitum fetuses, and a 15-week-old kid) with the dominant black-eyed white phenotype. Melanocytes were present and fully pigmented in the choroid and the sclera of eyes, as well as in dorsal skin epidermis of the fetuses and of the kid. Melanocytes were also found in approximately 6% of the hair bulbs in the fetal dorsal skin, while the rest (94%) lacked them. Hair follicles of the kid did not harbor melanocytes except for some in the early anagen stage. The results suggest that the survival of melanocytes was inhibited specifically in the hair follicles of the Shiba goat with the dominant black-eyed white phenotype and that the ostensibly similar phenotypes in the Shiba goat and in the SI or W mutants of the mouse, where melanocytes die en route to the hair bulbs, are regulated by different mechanisms.  相似文献   
Calmodulin activity was detected and assayed in barley aleuronecells. The effect of calmodulin antagonists on GA3-induced enzymesynthesis and secretion in barley aleurone layers was also investigated.These calmodulin antagonists (chlorpromazine, haloperidol) inhibitedonly GA2-induced -amylase secretion. This inhibitory effectwas intensified after 6 h of GA3-incubation. This leads us tosuggest that some calmodulin-controlled mechanism is involvedin GA2-induced -amylase secretion. Hordeum vulgare L., barley aleurone cells, gibberellic acid, -amylase secretion, calmodulin, calmodulin antagonist  相似文献   
Abstract.  Termites (Isoptera) are eusocial insects and express polyphenism. Soldiers have specialized morphology for colony defense, but their feeding activity is dependent on other colony members. To determine differences in cellulose degradation between soldier and worker termites, enzymatic activity and cellulase gene expression, as well digestive tract histology, are examined in two phylogenetically distant species. In Hodotermopsis sjostesti (family Termopsidae) , endo-β-1,4-glucanase activity is identified in the salivary glands, whereas β-glucosidase activity is identified in salivary glands and hindgut. The relative expression levels of endo-β-1,4-glucanase genes in soldiers are significantly lower than in workers. Thin sections of salivary gland of workers and soldiers are different in H. sjostedti . In Nasutitermes takasagoensis (family Termitidae), the endo-β-1,4-glucanase activity is restricted to the midgut in four tested castes (i.e. three types of workers and soldier). Examination of activity per termite reveals the highest activity in minor workers and the lowest activity in major workers and soldiers. The β-glucosidase activity is also concentrated on the midgut in all four castes. The relative expression level of the endo-β-1,4-glucanase gene does not correspond with its activity in the midgut. In thin sections prepared from N. takasagoensis , the folds and pulvillus in the gizzards, and cuticle structure of soldiers are less developed compared with the other three worker castes. The differences in digestive system among termite castes in terms of caste development in each species are discussed.  相似文献   
野鸦椿的植物化学成分研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
从野鸦椿 (EuscaphisjaponecaKantiz)枝叶的甲醇提取物分离得到 6个化合物 ,通过波谱分析鉴定为 5 ,7 dihydroxy 2 methyl benzopyran 4 one(Ⅰ ) ,3,4 ,5 trihydroxy benzoicacidmethylester(Ⅱ ) ,3,7 dihydroxy 5 octanolide(Ⅲ ) ,methyl 5 ,7 dihydroxy 2 (Z) octenoate(Ⅳ ) ,7 hydroxy 2 octen 5 olide(Ⅴ )和vomifoliol(Ⅵ )。  相似文献   
Distributions of peroxidase isozymes in various organs of theJapanese morning glory (Pharbitis nil CHOISY) are described.Most peroxidase isozymes had indoleacetate oxidase activity. (Received December 29, 1969; )  相似文献   
HIROTA  O.; OKA  M.; TAKEDA  T. 《Annals of botany》1990,65(4):349-353
During the ripening stage of barley and rice, the sink activitywas defined as the dry matter increase per units sink size,leaf area and time, as follows: NAR = A.SinkW+NAR', where NAR is the net assimilation rate (g d.wt dm–2d–1);A is the sink activity [g d.wt g–1d.wt (ear) dm–2d–1]; Sink W is ear wt per plant at heading (g d.wt);and NAR' is net assimilation rate excluding the assimilate ofsink organ (g d.wt dm–2 d–1). Plant material with 16 combinations of mutually different sink(ear) and source (leaf) size were produced at heading for eachcrop: parts of each leaf and ear were removed to produce fourgrades in barley, and also a part of each leaf was removed producingfour grades for four rice varieties showing different ear size.NAR and NAR' were determined during 26 and 21 d in barley andrice after heading, respectively. Sink activity (A), representedas the assimilation rate induced by the sink organ, was estimatedfrom the relationship between SinkW and NAR using the previousequation. The sink activity was significantly higher in ricewith a value of 0–0.028 g d.wt g–1 d.wt (ear) dm–2d–1 vs. 0–0.0017 in barley, suggesting that therelative role of leaves for grain filling is considerably higherin rice than in barley. The sink activity obtained in the studymight be introduced into a model to predict the yields of barleyand rice. Hordeum vulgare L, barley, Oryza saliva L, rice, dry matter, NAR, sink, source, sink activity, model  相似文献   
The shapes and lengths of copulatory pieces and vaginal appendices of the carabid beetle subgenus Ohomopterus (genus Carabus) vary among species. In Japan, the species in the group with a medium body size (C. yaconinus, C. iwawakianus, C. maiyasanus, C. uenoi, C. arrowianus, C. esakii, and C. insulicola) are usually allopatric or parapatric, except at Mt Kongosan, where C. uenoi, C. iwawakianus, and C. yaconinus are sympatrically distributed. The degree of premating isolation by mate preference was high between sympatric populations, irrespective of the genetic distance between them. However, premating isolation was absent between parapatric populations. The degree of premating isolation for allopatric populations spanned a wide range of isolation values. Thus, mate discrimination by males seems to have evolved mostly between sympatric pairs. These results suggest two hypotheses. First, premating isolation has evolved through reinforcement or through reproductive character displacement after sympatric contact. Second, premating isolation has evolved in allopatry, and as a result of premating isolation, the species can coexist in sympatry. We also examined the degree of mechanical isolation between C. uenoi and C. iwawakianus (a sympatric pair), which have a very large difference in the length of the copulatory piece. The insertion success was low and only one female produced viable offspring among 15 crosses; however, death in females due to copulation was rare. For sympatric matings between C. uenoi and C. iwawakianus, a large difference in the genital size might reduce the gene flow with small mating costs. Gene flow that was significantly reduced by genital difference might cause either the evolution of premating isolation through reinforcement/reproductive character displacement or through the maintenance of a high degree of premating isolation following sympatric contact. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 87 , 145–154.  相似文献   
We examined regional and temporal variations in prey selection by Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos during the nestling period in Japan. We made direct video recordings of a pair of Golden Eagles in Akita prefecture as they delivered prey to the nest for two consecutive nestling periods. We also assembled data from previous studies in Japan, eventually obtaining 14 data sets with which we compared prey composition during nestling periods. Among them, four sets of data were recorded daily by video and used to investigate the temporal change in prey selection and the amount delivered to the nest. The prey item composition varied considerably among the data sets. Japanese Hares Lepus brachyurus were predominantly selected in three data sets, reflecting the lowest dietary breadths that were determined by prey composition. Data sets with higher dietary breadths consisted mainly of Japanese Hares, snakes and Copper Pheasants Syrmaticus soemmerringii . Temporal change in prey selection during nestling periods showed marked variation, but similarities were found in later deliveries of snakes and in total prey weights (83.7–89.9 kg) delivered to successfully fledged broods. Taken together, our results suggest that during nestling periods Golden Eagles in Japan specialized on Japanese Hare. Diet breadth increased through feeding predominantly on snakes, a temporarily available prey, to satisfy the breeding dietary requirement. Regionally varied temporal prey selection may be a key factor for sustaining Eagle populations in the forested mountain habitats of Japan, where prey and habitat conditions change dramatically during the breeding season.  相似文献   
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