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The topological similarity of voltage-gated proton channels (HV1s) to the voltage-sensing domain (VSD) of other voltage-gated ion channels raises the central question of whether HV1s have a similar structure. We present the construction and validation of a homology model of the human HV1 (hHV1). Multiple structural alignment was used to construct structural models of the open (proton-conducting) state of hHV1 by exploiting the homology of hHV1 with VSDs of K+ and Na+ channels of known three-dimensional structure. The comparative assessment of structural stability of the homology models and their VSD templates was performed using massively repeated molecular dynamics simulations in which the proteins were allowed to relax from their initial conformation in an explicit membrane mimetic. The analysis of structural deviations from the initial conformation based on up to 125 repeats of 100-ns simulations for each system reveals structural features consistently retained in the homology models and leads to a consensus structural model for hHV1 in which well-defined external and internal salt-bridge networks stabilize the open state. The structural and electrostatic properties of this open-state model are compatible with proton translocation and offer an explanation for the reversal of charge selectivity in neutral mutants of Asp112. Furthermore, these structural properties are consistent with experimental accessibility data, providing a valuable basis for further structural and functional studies of hHV1. Each Arg residue in the S4 helix of hHV1 was replaced by His to test accessibility using Zn2+ as a probe. The two outermost Arg residues in S4 were accessible to external solution, whereas the innermost one was accessible only to the internal solution. Both modeling and experimental data indicate that in the open state, Arg211, the third Arg residue in the S4 helix in hHV1, remains accessible to the internal solution and is located near the charge transfer center, Phe150.  相似文献   
Inhibition by polyvalent cations is a defining characteristic of voltage-gated proton channels. The mechanism of this inhibition was studied in rat alveolar epithelial cells using tight-seal voltage clamp techniques. Metal concentrations were corrected for measured binding to buffers. Externally applied ZnCl(2) reduced the H(+) current, shifted the voltage-activation curve toward positive potentials, and slowed the turn-on of H(+) current upon depolarization more than could be accounted for by a simple voltage shift, with minimal effects on the closing rate. The effects of Zn(2+) were inconsistent with classical voltage-dependent block in which Zn(2+) binds within the membrane voltage field. Instead, Zn(2+) binds to superficial sites on the channel and modulates gating. The effects of extracellular Zn(2+) were strongly pH(o) dependent but were insensitive to pH(i), suggesting that protons and Zn(2+) compete for external sites on H(+) channels. The apparent potency of Zn(2+) in slowing activation was approximately 10x greater at pH(o) 7 than at pH(o) 6, and approximately 100x greater at pH(o) 6 than at pH(o) 5. The pH(o) dependence suggests that Zn(2+), not ZnOH(+), is the active species. Evidently, the Zn(2+) receptor is formed by multiple groups, protonation of any of which inhibits Zn(2+) binding. The external receptor bound H(+) and Zn(2+) with pK(a) 6.2-6.6 and pK(M) 6.5, as described by several models. Zn(2+) effects on the proton chord conductance-voltage (g(H)-V) relationship indicated higher affinities, pK(a) 7 and pK(M) 8. CdCl(2) had similar effects as ZnCl(2) and competed with H(+), but had lower affinity. Zn(2+) applied internally via the pipette solution or to inside-out patches had comparatively small effects, but at high concentrations reduced H(+) currents and slowed channel closing. Thus, external and internal zinc-binding sites are different. The external Zn(2+) receptor may be the same modulatory protonation site(s) at which pH(o) regulates H(+) channel gating.  相似文献   
The genome of Musa balbisiana spp. contains several infectious endogenous sequences of Banana streak virus (eBSV). We have shown previously that in vitro micropropagation triggers the activation of infectious eBSOLV (endogenous sequences of Banana streak Obino l'Ewai virus ) in the synthetic tetraploid interspecific hybrid FHIA21 (AAAB). In this work, we show that another synthetic tetraploid (AAAB) hybrid and two natural triploid (AAB) plantains are equally prone to the activation of infectious eBSOLV during tissue culture. These results are a strong indication that such activation is a general phenomenon in interspecific Musa cultivars, whether synthetic or natural. We also report the first in-depth study of the correlation between the duration of tissue culture and the level of activation of infectious eBSOLV, and show that specific and common activation patterns exist in these banana plants. We hypothesize that these patterns result from the concomitant activation of infectious eBSOLV and a decrease in the virus titre in neoformed plantlets, resulting from cell multiplication outcompeting virus replication. We provide experimental data supporting this hypothesis. No activation of infectious eBSGFV (endogenous sequences of Banana streak Goldfinger virus) by tissue culture was observed in the two natural AAB plantain cultivars studied here, whereas such activation occurred in the AAAB synthetic hybrid studied. We demonstrate that this differential activation does not result from differences in the structure of eBSGFV, as all banana genomes harbour eaBSGFV-7.  相似文献   
Although alveolar epithelial cells were the firstmammalian cells in which voltage-gatedH+ currents were recorded, nospecific function has yet been proposed. Here we consider whetherH+ channels contribute to one ofthe main functions of the lung: CO2 elimination. This idea buildson several observations: 1) somecell membranes have low CO2permeability, 2) carbonic anhydrase is present in alveolar epithelium and contributes toCO2 extrusion by facilitatingdiffusion, 3) the transepithelialpotential difference favors selective activation ofH+ channels in apical membranes,and 4) the properties ofH+ channels are ideally suited tothe proposed role. H+channels open only when the electrochemical gradient forH+ is outward, impartingdirectionality to the diffusion process. Unlike previous facilitateddiffusion models, HCO3 andH+ recombine to formCO2 in the alveolar subphase.Rough quantitative considerations indicate that the proposed mechanismis plausible and indicate a significant capacity forCO2 elimination by the lung bythis route. Fully activated alveolarH+ channels extrude acidequivalents at three times the resting rate ofCO2 production.

Voltage-gated proton channels are expressed highly in rat alveolar epithelial cells. Here we investigated whether these channels contribute to pH regulation. The intracellular pH (pH(i)) was monitored using BCECF in cultured alveolar epithelial cell monolayers and found to be 7.13 in nominally HCO(3)(-)-free solutions [at external pH (pH(o)) 7.4]. Cells were acid-loaded by the NH(4)(+) prepulse technique, and the recovery was observed. Under conditions designed to eliminate the contribution of other transporters that alter pH, addition of 10 microM ZnCl(2), a proton channel inhibitor, slowed recovery about twofold. In addition, the pH(i) minimum was lower, and the time to nadir was increased. Slowing of recovery by ZnCl(2) was observed at pH(o) 7.4 and pH(o) 8.0 and in normal and high-K(+) Ringer solutions. The observed rate of Zn(2+)-sensitive pH(i) recovery required activation of a small fraction of the available proton conductance. We conclude that proton channels contribute to pH(i) recovery after an acid load in rat alveolar epithelial cells. Addition of ZnCl(2) had no effect on pH(i) in unchallenged cells, consistent with the expectation that proton channels are not open in resting cells. After inhibition of all known pH regulators, slow pH(i) recovery persisted, suggesting the existence of a yet-undefined acid extrusion mechanism in these cells.  相似文献   
Long runs of seasonal rotifer population data allow analysis of seasonal occurrence using mathematical tools. The application of Fourier analysis to a 15 year dataset describes seasonality in simple mathematical terms. This facilitates comparison of population expression with potential population driving variables and provides a basic modelling tool. Results show that annual patterns of occurrence and density have linkages with annual maximum and minimum environmental temperature, although the exact relationships are not clear.  相似文献   


HLA-B*51 and HLA-B*52 are two close human leukocyte antigen (HLA) allele groups with minor amino acid differences. However, they are associated with two different vasculitides (HLA-B*51 in Behçet's disease and HLA-B*52 in Takayasu's arteritis (TAK)) and with major clinical and immunological differences. In this study, we aimed to screen a large cohort of TAK patients from Turkey for the presence of HLA-B*51 and HLA-B*52 as susceptibility and severity factors.


TAK patients (n = 330) followed at a total of 15 centers were included in the study. The mean age of the patients was 37.8 years, and 86% were women. DNA samples from the patients and healthy controls (HC; n = 210) were isolated, and the presence of HLA-B*51 or HLA-B*52 was screened for by using PCR with sequence-specific primers.


We found a significant association of HLA-B*52 with TAK (20.9% vs HC = 6.7%, P = 0.000, OR = 3.7, 95% CI = 2.02 to 6.77). The distribution of HLA-B*51 did not differ between TAK patients and HCs (22.7% vs 24.8%, OR = 0.9, 95% CI = 0.60 to 1.34). The presence of HLA-B*52 decreased in late-onset patients (> 40 years of age; 12.0%, P = 0.024, OR = 0.43, 95% CI = 0.20 to 0.91). Patients with angiographic type I disease with limited aortic involvement also had a lower presence of HLA-B*52 compared to those with all other disease subtypes (13.1% vs 26%, P = 0.005, OR = 0.43, 95% CI = 0.23 to 0.78).


In this study, the previously reported association of TAK with HLA-B*52 in other populations was confirmed in patients from Turkey. The functional relevance of HLA-B*52 in TAK pathogenesis needs to be explored further.  相似文献   
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