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A new species of open-air processional column termite is here described based on the soldier and worker castes from eight colonies in north Barito, central Kalimantan. Hospitalitermes nigriantennalis sp. n. is readily distinguished in the field from related Hospitalitermes spp. by the light brown to orangish coloration of the soldier head capsule that, further, is with vertex yellowish and nasus brownish. The soldier antenna and the maxillary and labial palps are blackish. By contrast, soldiers from other species of Hospitalitermes from this region have a uniformly black head capsule and antennae. Finally, Hospitalitermes nigriantennalis sp. n. has a minute indentation in the middle of the posterior part of head capsule, which further helps to differentiate this new species from other Hospitalitermes from the Indo-Malayan and Austro-Malayan regions.  相似文献   
Syaukani  Thompson GJ 《ZooKeys》2011,(148):135-160
The Sunda region of Southeastern Asia is rich in termite fauna, but termites from this region have been poorly described. In this study, we described eight species from two diverse genera from this region, and from the family Termitidae. We describe Bulbitermes 4 spp. and Nasutitermes 4 spp. from new field collections. Where possible we examine original holotype specimens, and describe the essential morphological characters for soldier and worker castes. We devise two new bifurcating keys to guide the field identification of each species. In addition, we develop a nucleotide sequence profile for the COI gene. From this molecular character matrix, we use Neighbour-Joining analysis to test the monophyly of each morphospecies and genus. We find that the morphological and molecular characters are highly concordant, whereby all taxa appear to represent distinct molecular clades. For termites, there is therefore agreement between the morphological taxonomic characters used to sort species from a bifurcating key and the molecular taxonomic characters used to sort species on a bifurcating tree. This joint analysis suggests that DNA barcoding holds considerable promise for termite taxonomy, especially for diverse clades like Bulbitermes and Nasutitermes for which a global morphological key would be intractable.  相似文献   
Syaukani  Thompson GJ  Yamane S 《ZooKeys》2011,(148):161-169
A new species of nasute termite, Hospitalitermes krishnaisp. n., is described from soldiers and workers discovered in Lampung Province, Sumatra. This species can be distinguished from other related Hospitalitermes species from Southeast Asia by the anterior part of head capsule that is much smaller than the posterior part, head capsule that is moderately constricted behind the antennal sockets, and relatively deep depression between the head and nasus and, finally, the short and robust nasus measuring less than half as long as head capsule. Moreover, in profile the nasus is slightly up-curved but slightly decurved at the apical tip. We name this new species after Professor Kumar Krishna in recognition of his life-long contributions to termite taxonomy, systematics and biology.  相似文献   
The remains of the rainforests of Sundaland are threatened by logging,burning and conversion to agriculture. In this study theeffects of different levels of disturbance and recovery on termites wereexamined. This was carried out on a regional scale and incorporated sixdifferent disturbance effects. Termites were found to be strongly effected bydisturbance, particularly by complete removal of the forest canopy. Recoveryfrom severe disturbance is discussed and we find that completely cleared andfarmed land, when left fallow near to a source area of primary forest for over50 years, can completely recover its termite assemblage andassociated ecosystem services. Over larger areas termites do not recover fromdisturbance events for millennia. The conservation implications of our findingsare discussed, with reference to both the conservation of species and ofecosystem services. We propose that most Sundan termite species can be conservedin a relatively small area. However, termite composition and ecosystem processesthroughout the region may be altered forever, if current widespread rainforestdestruction is not halted.  相似文献   
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