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The voltage-gated K+ (Kv) channel blocker 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) is used to target symptoms of the neuroinflammatory disease multiple sclerosis (MS). By blocking Kv channels, 4-AP facilitates action potential conduction and neurotransmitter release in presynaptic neurons, lessening the effects of demyelination. Because they conduct inward Na+ and Ca2+ currents that contribute to axonal degeneration in response to inflammatory conditions, acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) contribute to the pathology of MS. Consequently, ASICs are emerging as disease-modifying targets in MS. Surprisingly, as first demonstrated here, 4-AP inhibits neuronal degenerin/epithelial Na+ (Deg/ENaC) channels, including ASIC and BLINaC. This effect is specific for 4-AP compared with its heterocyclic base, pyridine, and the related derivative, 4-methylpyridine; and akin to the actions of 4-AP on the structurally unrelated Kv channels, dose- and voltage-dependent. 4-AP has differential actions on distinct ASICs, strongly inhibiting ASIC1a channels expressed in central neurons but being without effect on ASIC3, which is enriched in peripheral sensory neurons. The voltage dependence of the 4-AP block and the single binding site for this inhibitor are consistent with 4-AP binding in the pore of Deg/ENaC channels as it does Kv channels, suggesting a similar mechanism of inhibition in these two classes of channels. These findings argue that effects on both Kv and Deg/ENaC channels should be considered when evaluating the actions of 4-AP. Importantly, the current results are consistent with 4-AP influencing the symptoms of MS as well as the course of the disease because of inhibitory actions on Kv and ASIC channels, respectively.  相似文献   
Acid-sensing ion channels (ASIC) are ligand-gated cation channels that are highly expressed in peripheral sensory and central neurons. ASIC are transiently activated by decreases in extracellular pH and are thought to play important roles in sensory perception, neuronal transmission, and excitability, and in the pathology of neurological conditions, such as brain ischemia. We demonstrate here that the heavy metals Ni(2+) and Cd(2+) dose-dependently inhibit ASIC currents in hippocampus CA1 neurons and in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells heterologously expressing these channels. The effects of both Ni(2+) and Cd(2+) were voltage-independent, fast, and reversible. Neither metal affected activation and desensitization kinetics but rather decreased pH-sensitivity. Moreover, distinct ASIC isoforms were differentially inhibited by Ni(2+) and Cd(2+). External application of 1 mM Ni(2+) rapidly inhibited homomeric ASIC1a and heteromeric ASIC1a/2a channels without affecting ASIC1b, 2a, and ASIC3 homomeric channels and ASIC1a/3 and 2a/3 heteromeric channels. In contrast, external Cd(+) (1 mM) inhibited ASIC2a and ASIC3 homomeric channels and ASIC1a/2a, 1a/3, and 2a/3 heteromeric channels but not ASIC1a homomeric channels. The acid-sensing current in isolated rat hippocampus CA1 neurons, thought to be carried primarily by ASIC1a and 1a/2a, was inhibited by 1 mM Ni(2+). The current study identifies ASIC as a novel target for the neurotoxic heavy metals Cd(2+) and Ni(2+).  相似文献   
The A6 cell line was used to study the role ofS-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase (SAHHase) inthe aldosterone-induced activation of the epithelial Na+channel (ENaC). Because aldosterone increases methylation of severaldifferent molecules, and because this methylation is associated withincreased Na+ reabsorption, we tested the hypothesis thataldosterone increases the expression and activity of SAHHase protein.The rationale for this work is that general methylation may be promotedby activation of SAHHase, the only enzyme known to metabolize SAH, apotent end-product inhibitor of methylation. Although aldosteroneincreased SAHHase activity, steroid did not affect SAHHase expression.Antisense SAHHase oligonucleotide decreased SAHHaseexpression and activity. Moreover, this oligonucleotide, as well as apharmacological inhibitor of SAHHase, decreased aldosterone-inducedactivity of ENaC via a decrease in ENaC open probability. The kineticsof ENaC in cells treated with antisense plus aldosterone were similarto those reported previously for the channel in the absence of steroid. This is the first report showing that active SAHHase, in part, increases ENaC open probability by reducing the transition rate fromopen states in response to aldosterone. Thus aldosterone-induced SAHHase activity plays a critical role in shifting ENaC from a gatingmode with short open and closed times to one with longer open andclosed times.

The PY and YXXphi motifs are canonical sorting signals involved in trafficking. Nedd4-2 and the mu(2)-subunit of the AP-2 complex target these motifs to facilitate internalization. Epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) subunits contain both motifs in their cytosolic COOH termini where they overlap ((S/T)PPPXYX(S/T)phi). Just preceding the PY and embedded within the YXXphi motifs are conserved serine/threonine. We test here whether these conserved Ser/Thr modulate ENaC activity by influencing the function of the internalization domains. We find that co-expression of dominant-negative dynamin (K44A) with ENaC increases channel activity. Conversely, co-expression of Nedd4-2 and epsin with ENaC decrease activity. Alanine substitution of the conserved Thr(628) preceding the PY motif in gamma-mENaC had no effect on basal activity. Channels with this mutation, however, responded to K44A and epsin but not Nedd4-2. Similarly, mutation of the proline repeat in the PY motif of gamma-mENaC disrupted only Nedd4-2 regulation having no effect on regulation by K44A and epsin. Alanine substitution of the conserved Thr within the YXX motif of gamma-mENaC (T635A) increased basal activity. Channels containing this mutation responded to Nedd4-2 but not K44A and epsin. Channels containing the T635(D/E) substitution in gamma-mENaC did not have increased basal activity and responded to Nedd4-2 but not K44A. The double mutant T628A,T635A did not respond to Nedd4-2 or K44A. Mutation of Thr(628) and Thr(635) also disrupted ENaC precipitation with the mu(2)-subunit of the AP-2 complex. Moreover, the YXXphi motif, independent of the PY motif, was sufficient to target degradation with T635A disrupting this effect. These results demonstrate that the overlapping PY and YXXphi motifs in ENaC are, in some instances, capable of independent function and that the Ser/Thr just preceding and within these domains impact this function.  相似文献   
Activity of the epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) is rate-limiting for Na(+) (re)absorption across electrically tight epithelia. ENaC is a heteromeric channel comprised of three subunits, alpha, beta, and gamma, with each subunit contributing to the functional channel pore. The subunit stoichiometry of ENaC remains uncertain with electrophysiology and biochemical experiments supporting both a tetramer with a 2alpha:1beta:1gamma stoichiometry and a higher ordered channel with a 3alpha:3beta:3gamma stoichiometry. Here we used an independent biophysical approach based upon fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between differentially fluorophore-tagged ENaC subunits to determine the subunit composition of mouse ENaC functionally reconstituted in Chinese hamster ovary and COS-7 cells. We found that when all three subunits were co-expressed, ENaC contained at least two of each type of subunit. Findings showing that ENaC subunits interact with similar subunits in immunoprecipitation studies are consistent with these FRET results. Upon native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, moreover, oligomerized ENaC runs predominantly as a single species with a molecular mass of >600 kDa. Because single ENaC subunits have a molecular mass of approximately 90 kDa, these results also agree with the FRET results. The current results as a whole, thus, are most consistent with a higher ordered channel possibly with a 3alpha:3beta:3gamma stoichiometry.  相似文献   
Here we explore the mechanism and associated structure-function implications of loss of function for epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) containing a pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 (PHA-1)-causing missense point mutation. As expected, human ENaC that contained subunits harboring PHA-1-causing substitutions within an absolutely conserved, cytosolic Gly residue (e.g., βG37S) had significantly less activity. Unexpectedly, though, such substitution also results in voltage sensitivity with greater activity at hyperpolarizing potentials. This is a consequence of voltage-dependent changes in the single-channel open probability and is not species- or subunit-dependent. Voltage sensitivity in PHA-1 mutants stems from the disruption of critical structure, rather than the development of new properties resulting from the introduction of novel side chains. Residues near the conserved His-Gly sequence of G95 in α-mENaC are particularly important for voltage sensing. Although substitution of I93 in α-mENaC results in voltage sensing, it also slows the activation and deactivation kinetics enough to enable capture of the dynamic changes in single-channel open probability that account for changes in macroscopic activity. This provides definitive proof of the mechanism that underlies loss of function. In addition, the voltage dependence of ENaC with PHA-1 substitutions is akin to that which results from substitution of a critical, interfacial Trp residue conserved at the intracellular base of TM1 (e.g., W112 in α-mENaC). Dynamic interactions between similarly positioned His and Trp residues are essential for gating and the girdle-like structure that lines the intracellular mouth of the M2 proton channel. The similar residues in ENaC may serve a shared function, suggesting the possibility of an intracellular girdle just below the mouth of the ENaC pore.  相似文献   
Aldosterone induces the expression of the small G protein K-Ras. Both K-Ras and its 1st effector phosphoinositide 3-OH kinase (PI3-K) are necessary and sufficient for the activation of ENaC increasing channel open probability. The cell signaling mechanism by which K-Ras enhances ENaC activity, however, is uncertain. We demonstrate here that K-Ras significantly activates human ENaC reconstituted in Chinese hamster ovary cells ∼3-fold. Activation in response to K-Ras was sensitive to the irreversible PI3-K inhibitor wortmannin but not the competitive LY294002 inhibitor of this phospholipid kinase. Similarly, a PI3-K 1st effector-specific Ras mutant (G12:C40) enhanced ENaC activity in a wortmannin but not LY294002 sensitive manner. Constitutively active PI3-K also enhanced ENaC activity but in a wortmannin and LY294002 sensitive manner with the effects of PI3-K and K-Ras not being additive. The activation of ENaC by PI3-K was also sensitive to intracellular GDPβS. Constitutively active PI3-K that is incapable of interacting with K-Ras (K227E p110α) acted as dominant negative with respect to the regulation of ENaC even in the presence of K-Ras. K-Ras is known to directly interact with PI3-K with aldosterone promoting this interaction. Here we demonstrate that K-Ras also interacts with ENaC through an, as yet, undetermined mechanism. We conclude that K-Ras enhances ENaC activity by localizing PI3-K near the channel and stimulating of PI3-K activity.  相似文献   
Aldosterone plays a pathological role in cardiac fibrosis by directly affecting cardiac fibroblasts. Understanding of the cellular mechanisms of aldosterone action in cardiac fibroblasts, however, is rudimentary. One possibility is that aldosterone promotes proliferation of cardiac fibroblasts by activating specific cellular signaling cascades. The current study tests whether aldosterone stimulates proliferation of isolated adult rat cardiac myofibroblasts (RCF) by activating Kirsten Ras (Ki-RasA) and its effector, the MAPK1/2 cascade. Aldosterone (10 nM) significantly increased RCF proliferation. This action was sensitive to the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) antagonist spironolactone. Expression of MR in RCF and the whole rat heart was confirmed by immunoblotting. Aldosterone significantly increased absolute and active (GTP bound) Ki-RasA levels in RCF. Aldosterone, in addition, significantly increased phospho-c-Raf and phospho-MAPK1/2. The effects of aldosterone on Ki-RasA and phospho-c-Raf proteins were inhibited by spironolactone but not RU-486, suggesting that aldosterone acts via MR. Inhibitors of MEK1/2 and c-Raf prevented aldosterone-induced activation of MAPK1/2 and proliferation. These results show that aldosterone directly increases RCF proliferation through MR-dependent activation of Ki-RasA and its effector, the MAPK1/2 cascade. Activation of cardiac fibroblasts through such a cascade may play a role in the pathological actions exerted by aldosterone on the heart.  相似文献   
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