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AIR POLLUTION CONTRIBUTES TO PREVENTABLE ILLNESS AND DEATH. Subgroups of patients who appear to be more sensitive to the effects of air pollution include young children, the elderly and people with existing chronic cardiac and respiratory disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma. It is unclear whether air pollution contributes to the development of asthma, but it does trigger asthma episodes. Physicians are in a position to identify patients at particular risk of health effects from air pollution exposure and to suggest timely and appropriate actions that these patients can take to protect themselves. A simple tool that uses the CH2OPD2 mnemonic (Community, Home, Hobbies, Occupation, Personal habits, Diet and Drugs) can help physicians take patients'' environmental exposure histories to assess those who may be at risk. As public health advocates, physicians contribute to the primary prevention of illness and death related to air pollution in the population. In this article we review the origins of air pollutants, the pathophysiology of health effects, the burden of illness and the clinical implications of smog exposure using the illustrative case of an adolescent patient with asthma.Case A 16-year-old girl and her mother visit their family physician in July because the daughter woke up at 6 am that morning with shortness of breath, a cough and tightness in her chest. The girl has a history of asthma and used salbutamol soon after the onset of symptoms, with some but not total relief. She reports having had no symptoms during the previous month. She had a few episodes of wheezing the previous summer, which resolved with the use of salbutamol, and a cough that persisted for 2 weeks after an upper respiratory tract infection in the winter. She has no history of allergies, hayfever or other medical problems. She is a nonsmoker and has no family history of allergies. Audible wheezing is detected on physical examination, but the girl does not appear to be in distress. Her vital signs are normal, as are the results of the ear-nose-throat and cardiovascular examinations. Respiratory examination reveals wheezing throughout chest, no focal findings and a centrally placed trachea. The girl''s calves are soft and nontender, and there is no evidence of ankle edema. Her peak expiratory flow is 240 L/min (expected for height 400 L/min). Spirometry testing is unavailable. Fifteen minutes after 2 puffs of salbutamol her peak expiratory flow increases to 320 L/min. To identify possible exposures that may have contributed to the asthma episode, the physician quickly takes an environmental exposure history using the CH2OPD2 mnemonic — Community, Home, Hobbies, Occupation, Personal habits, Drugs and Diet (1Table 1Open in a separate windowQuestions surrounding this case: What was the patient''s exposure to outdoor air pollutants? How should the patient and family be counselled about dealing with these trigger factors? What are the possible inducers and triggers from indoor air pollution? How can the patient and family find out about the status of outdoor air quality in their community?  相似文献   
A new strictly anaerobic bacterium was isolated from an enrichment culture with glutarate as sole substrate and freshwater sediment as inoculum, however, glutarate was not metabolized by the pure culture. The isolate was a mesophilic, spore-forming, Gram-negative, motile curved rod. It fermented various organic acids, alcohols, fructose, acetoin, and H2/CO2 to acetate, usually as the only product. Other acids were fermented to acetate and propionate or acetate and butyrate. Succinate and malonate were decarboxylated to propionate or acetate, respectively, and served as sole sources of carbon and energy for growth. No inorganic electron acceptors except CO2 were reduced. Yeast extract (0.05% w/v) was required for growth. Small amounts of cytochrome b were detected in membrane fractions. The guanine-plus-cytosine content of the DNA was 44.1±2 mol%. The isolate is described as a new species of the genus Sporomusa, S. malonica.  相似文献   
From marine and freshwater mud samples strictly anaerobic, Gram-positive, sporeforming bacteria were isolated which oxidized fatty acids in obligately syntrophic association with H2-utilizing bacteria. Even-numbered fatty acids with up to 10 carbon atoms were degraded to acetate and H2, odd-numbered fatty acids with up to 11 carbon atoms including 2-methylbutyrate were degraded to acetate, propionate and H2. Neither fumarate, sulfate, thiosulfate, sullur, nor nitrate were reduced. A marine isolate, strain CuCal, is described as type strain of a new species, Clostridium bryantii sp. nov.  相似文献   
Phenotypic plasticity plays an important role in adapting the visual capability of many animal species to changing sensory requirements. Such variability may be driven by developmental change or may result from environmental changes in light habitat, thereby improving performance in different photic environments. In this study, we examined inter‐ and intraspecific plasticity of visual sensitivities in seven damselfish species, part of the species‐rich and colourful fish fauna of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Our goal was to test whether the visual systems of damselfish were tuned to the prevailing light environment in different habitats and/or other aspects of their lifestyle. More specifically, we compared the opsin gene expression levels from individuals living in different photic habitats. We found that all species expressed rod opsin (RH1) used for dim‐light vision, and primarily three cone opsins (SWS1, RH2B and RH2A) used for colour vision. While RH1 levels changed exclusively following a diurnal cycle, cone opsin expression varied with depth in four of the seven species. Estimates of visual pigment performance imply that changes in opsin expression adjust visual sensitivities to the dominant photic regime. However, we also discovered that some species show a more stable opsin expression profile. Further, we found indication that seasonal changes, possibly linked to changes in the photic environment, might also trigger opsin expression. These findings suggest that plasticity in opsin gene expression of damselfish is highly species‐specific, possibly due to ecological differences in visual tasks or, alternatively, under phylogenetic constraints.  相似文献   
Cataglyphis desert ants undergo an age‐related polyethism from interior workers to relatively short‐lived foragers with remarkable visual navigation capabilities, predominantly achieved by path integration using a polarized skylight‐based sun compass and a stride‐integrating odometer. Behavioral and physiological experiments revealed that the polarization (POL) pattern is processed via specialized UV‐photoreceptors in the dorsal rim area of the compound eye and POL sensitive optic lobe neurons. Further information about the neuronal substrate for processing of POL information in the ant brain has remained elusive. This work focuses on the lateral complex (LX), known as an important relay station in the insect sky‐compass pathway. Neuroanatomical results in Cataglyphis fortis show that LX giant synapses (GS) connect large presynaptic terminals from anterior optic tubercle neurons with postsynaptic GABAergic profiles of tangential neurons innervating the ellipsoid body of the central complex. At the ultrastructural level, the cup‐shaped presynaptic structures comprise many active zones contacting numerous small postsynaptic profiles. Three‐dimensional quantification demonstrated a significantly higher number of GS (~13%) in foragers compared with interior workers. Light exposure, as opposed to age, was necessary and sufficient to trigger a similar increase in GS numbers. Furthermore, the increase in GS numbers was sensitive to the exclusion of UV light. As previous experiments have demonstrated the importance of the UV spectrum for sky‐compass navigation in Cataglyphis, we conclude that plasticity in LX GS may reflect processes involved in the initial calibration of sky‐compass neuronal circuits during orientation walks preceding active foraging. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 390–404, 2016  相似文献   
Isovalerate-oxidizing strictly aneerobic bacteria were isolated from marine sediment and sewage sludge in coculture with Desulfovibrio sp. Cells stained Gram positive and behaved Gram positive also in Gram classification with KOH. Isovalerate degradation depended on interspecies hydrogen transfer to syntrophic hydrogen-oxidizing sulfate reducers or methanogens. Isovalerate was the only substrate utilized and was fermented to 3 mol acetate and 1 mol hydrogen per mol substrate. The degradation pathway was studied by enzyme assays in crude cell extracts, and included acetyl-CoA dependent activation of isovalerate, oxidation to methylcrotonyl-CoA and carboxylation to methylgluta-conyl-CoA which is hydrated and cleaved to acetoacetate and acetyl-CoA. Studies with inhibitors and ionophores suggest that energy conservation with this organism depends on either acetate efflux-driven proton symport or on an ion-gradient driven carboxylation mechanism.  相似文献   
A dialysis culture device was used for growth of syntrophic fatty acid-oxidizing and ethanol-oxidizing anaerobic bacteria. A pure culture of the fatty acid oxidizer Clostridium bryantii was grown inside dialysis tubing which was surrounded by a pure culture of Desulfovibrio vulgaris. The same apparatus was used for the syntrophic cultivation of Pelobacter acetylenicus and Acetobacterium woodii with ethanol as substrate. In both cases, substrate degradation and product formation were about half as fast as with the homogeneously mixed control cultures. In the compartment of the hydrogen producer, the concentration of free hydrogen during syntrophic ethanol degradation was about 10 times as high as in that of the hydrogen utilizer, whereas the homogeneously mixed culture exhibited an intermediate hydrogen partial pressure.  相似文献   
The individual life history of the desert ant Cataglyphis fortis is characterized by a fast transition from interior tasks to mainly visually guided foraging. Previous studies revealed a remarkable structural synaptic plasticity in visual and olfactory input regions within the mushroom bodies of the ants' brain centers involved in learning and memory. Reorganization of synaptic complexes (microglomeruli) was shown to be triggered by sensory exposure rather than an internal program. Using video analyses at the natural nest site and activity recordings after artificial light treatments we investigated whether the ants get exposed to light before onset of foraging and whether this changes the ants' activity levels. We asked whether synaptic reorganization occurs in a similar time window by immunolabeling and quantification of pre- and postsynaptic compartments of visual and olfactory microglomeruli after periods of light-exposure. Ants reverted back to dark nest conditions were used to investigate whether synaptic reorganization is reversible. The behavior analyses revealed that late-interior ants (diggers) are exposed to light and perform exploration runs up to 2 days before they start foraging. This corresponds well with the result that artificial light treatment over more than 2-3 days significantly increased the ants' locomotor activities. At the neuronal level, visual exposure of more than 1 day was necessary to trigger reorganization of microglomeruli, and light-induced changes were only partly reversible in the dark. We conclude that visual preexposure is an important and flexible means to prepare the ants' visual pathway for orientation capabilities essential during foraging.  相似文献   
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