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Binding sites for six distinct nuclear factors on the 75-base-pair repeat of the Moloney murine leukemia virus enhancer have been identified by an electrophoretic mobility shift assay combined with methylation interference. Three of these factors, found in WEHI 231 nuclear extracts, which we have named LVa, LVb, and LVc (for leukemia virus factors a, b, and c) have not been previously identified. Nuclear factors that bind to the conserved simian virus 40 corelike motif, the NF-1 motif, and the glucocorticoid response element were also detected. Testing of multiple cell lines showed that most factors appeared ubiquitous, except that the NF-1 binding factor was found neither in nuclear extracts from MEL cells nor in the embryonal carcinoma cell lines PCC4 and F9, and core-binding factor was relatively depleted from MEL and F9 nuclear extracts.  相似文献   
Attenuation of phrenic motor discharge by phrenic nerve afferents   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Short latency phrenic motor responses to phrenic nerve stimulation were studied in anesthetized, paralyzed cats. Electrical stimulation (0.2 ms, 0.01-10 mA, 2 Hz) of the right C5 phrenic rootlet during inspiration consistently elicited a transient reduction in the phrenic motor discharge. This attenuation occurred bilaterally with an onset latency of 8-12 ms and a duration of 8-30 ms. Section of the ipsilateral C4-C6 dorsal roots abolished the response to stimulation, thereby confirming the involvement of phrenic nerve afferent activity. Stimulation of the left C5 phrenic rootlet or the right thoracic phrenic nerve usually elicited similar inhibitory responses. The difference in onset latency of responses to cervical vs. thoracic phrenic nerve stimulation indicates activation of group III afferents with a peripheral conduction velocity of approximately 10 m/s. A much shorter latency response (5 ms) was evoked ipsilaterally by thoracic phrenic nerve stimulation. Section of either the C5 or C6 dorsal root altered the ipsilateral response so that it resembled the longer latency contralateral response. The low-stimulus threshold and short latency for the ipsilateral response to thoracic phrenic nerve stimulation suggest that it involves larger diameter fibers. Decerebration, decerebellation, and transection of the dorsal columns at C2 do not abolish the inhibitory phrenic-to-phrenic reflex.  相似文献   
The production of acid in milk cultures of lactic streptococci was stimulated by the addition of corn steep liquor. Separation by ion-exchange and paper chromatography indicated the presence of four major stimulatory components in the corn steep. Some variation was noted in the response of the lactic streptococci to the individual stimulatory components. The four components were further purified by paper and column chromatography. One of the four stimulatory components stained positively on chromatograms with ninhydrin. The remaining stimulatory components were detectable only by bioautography. All four components were unstable to acid hydrolysis and absorbed ultraviolet light between 230 and 275 nm in aqueous solution. The stimulatory components did not contain pentoses, suggesting that they were not nucleotides or nucleosides; however, they might be purine or pyrimidine bases.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Aus dem exponentiellen Abfall der spezifischen Aktivität nach einmaliger Injektion von L-Leucin-14C wurden die Halbwertszeiten der Gesamtproteine in den meisten Organen des Mußkrebses zu 8,5–19 Tagen bestimmt, in Leber und Niere der Maus zu 1,6–1,7 Tagen. Muskel- und Hämolymphproteine des Krebses zeigten weit längere Halbwertszeiten. Berücksichtigt man die Temperaturdifferenz von 25° unter Annahme eines Q 10 von 2,0–2,5, so ergeben sich für Maus und Krebs etwa übereinstimmende Geschwindigkeiten des Proteinturnovers.
Protein turnover in the tissues of the crayfish, Orconectes limosus
Summary The exponential decay of protein radioactivity after injection of L-Leucin-14C was measured in the different tissues of the crayfish, and in liver and kidney of the mouse. The half life time of tissue proteins was calculated to be 8.5 to 19 days in most crayfish tissues, 1.6 to 1.7 days in the mouse liver and kidney. Proteins of muscle and hemolymph of crayfish had much longer half life values. Taking into consideration the temperature difference of 25° C and assuming a Q 10 of 2.0 to 2.5, the speed of protein turnover corresponds in the mouse and the crayfish.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
Addition of catalase to milk cultures of lactic streptococci resulted in increased rates of acid production, although it had no effect on cultures of lactobacilli. Milk cultures of both streptococci and lactobacilli produced detectable amounts of peroxide, which reached a maximum level in the early period of acid production followed by a drastic decrease as the acid production increased. Pyruvate and reduced glutathione decreased the amount of peroxide formed, but had little effect on acid production by the streptococci. Ferrous sulfate prevented the accumulation of peroxide and stimulated the rate of acid production by the streptococci to a greater extent than did catalase.  相似文献   
Preparation of concentrated lactic streptococcus starters   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Single-strain cultures of Streptococcus cremoris were grown in a semisynthetic medium with automatic pH control. After centrifugation, the cells were resuspended in sterile nonfat milk (2% of the original volume). There was no significant difference in the maximum population attained when cultures were grown at pH values of 5.5, 6.0, or 6.5 with sodium hydroxide as the neutralizer. With ammonium hydroxide as the neutralizer, maximum populations obtained were increased about twofold. In most cases, the acid-producing ability of the culture concentrates was comparable to that of fresh-milk cultures. There was some variation among strains of S. cremoris with respect to the effects of different neutralizers and levels of pH control on the biological activity of the culture concentrates. The culture concentrates were stored in liquid nitrogen for as long as 231 days without significant loss in biological activity.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Pulsationen der Lymphherzen von Normaltieren von Triturus vulgaris L. und T. alpestris Laur. sind unregelmäßig und verändern sich bei Erregung der Tiere. Die Lymphherzfrequenzen sind temperaturabhängig und folgen der R-G-T-Regel. Der Q 10 beträgt bei T. vulgaris 2,5, bei T. alpestris 2,1. In Narkose oder bei Spinaltieren sinkt die Lymphherzfrequenz gegenüber der von Normaltieren ab, der Rhythmus wird regelmäßig. Bei Spinaltieren tritt homolaterale Synchronie auf. Jedes Lymphherz hat ein eigenes motorisches Zentrum im Rückenmark; die Impulse werden über Spinalnerven geleitet. Die Ergebnisse werden mit den von Anuren bekannten verglichen.
Physiological investigations on the lymph hearts of urodelans
Summary The heart beats of normal individuals of Triturus vulgaris L. and T. alpestris Laur. are irregular and can be altered by excitation of the animal. The frequencies vary with alterations in temperature according to the rule of van t'Hoff. The Q 10 was measured as 2.5 for T. vulgaris and 2.1 for T. alpestris. In anesthetized and in spinal animals the frequencies are strongly reduced and the pulsations become regular. Spinal animals show homolateral synchrony of the lymph heart beats. The motor centres, separated for each lymph heart, are situated in the spinal cord; the impulses are mediated by spinal nerves. The results are compared with those of the Anurans.
The revitalization of mixed strain dried starter cultures at 22 and 32 C in sterile skim milk was materially accelerated when the substrate was fortified with 0.2% pancreas-extract solids. At 22 C, all cultures grew up satisfactorily in 18 hr, and in unfortified milk none of the cultures reached comparable growth in this period. When the cultures were grown at 32 C, the dried cultures developed adequately in 7.5 hr, but required 9 to 10 hr in plain milk. Culture growth was enhanced in milk containing pancreas extract to the extent that the amount of dried culture required to produce adequate acidity in normal incubation times could be markedly reduced. At 32 C, certain cultures could be reduced to 12.5% of recommended amounts, and at 22 C certain ones could be reduced by 50%. Revitalization of the dried cultures in milk containing pancreas extract did not affect the growth of subcultures in plain milk. Also, when dried cultures initiated growth in fortified milk at 32 C their subsequent growth at 22 C in milk alone was not affected. The faster rate of culture growth in milk containing pancreas extract should permit, with more certainty, the establishment of active mother and bulk starters. Furthermore, economy of dried cultures, as well as of time, could be realized by the use of fortified milk.  相似文献   
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