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To investigate the effects of hydration status on oxidative DNA damage and exercise performance, 10 subjects ran on a treadmill until exhaustion at 80% VO2max during four different trials [control (C), 3% dehydration (D), 3% dehydration + water (W) or 3% dehydration + sports drink (S)]. Dehydration significantly decreased exercise time to exhaustion (D < C and S). Plasma MDA levels were significantly higher at pre-exercise in D than C. Plasma TAS was significantly lower at pre-exercise in C and S than in D, and was significantly lower in S than D at 60 min of recovery. Dehydration significantly increased oxidative DNA damage during exercise, but fluid replacement with water or sports drink alleviated it equally. These results suggest that (1) dehydration impairs exercise performance and increases DNA damage during exercise to exhaustion; and (2) fluid replacement prolongs exercise endurance and attenuates DNA damage.  相似文献   
A recombinant DNA, encoding the chimeric protein of the signal sequence for bifidobacterial α-amylase mature pediocin PA-1, was introduced into Bifidobacterium longum MG1. Biologically active pediocin PA-1 was successfully secreted from the strain and showed bactericidal activity against Listeria monocytogenes and the same molecular mass as native pediocin PA-1.  相似文献   
Circulating tumor cells (CTCs), shed from primary tumors and disseminated into peripheral blood, are playing a major role in metastasis. Even after isolation of CTCs from blood, the target cells are mixed with a population of other cell types. Here, we propose a new method for analyses of cell mixture at the single-cell level using a microfluidic device that contains arrayed electroactive microwells. Dielectrophoretic (DEP) force, induced by the electrodes patterned on the bottom surface of the microwells, allows efficient trapping and stable positioning of single cells for high-throughput biochemical analyses. We demonstrated that various on-chip analyses including immunostaining, viability/apoptosis assay and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) at the single-cell level could be conducted just by applying specific reagents for each assay. Our simple method should greatly help discrimination and analysis of rare cancer cells among a population of blood cells.  相似文献   
An in vitro study of digestion by the subterranean larva of S. geminata revealed the presence of enzymes able to digest starch, trehalose, salicin, cellobiose, melibiose, maltose, sucrose, casein, and several forms of cellulose. The midgut is the major source of all enzymes except invertase and CMC-cellulase, for which hindgut preparations are more active. The pH values of the gut contents are: foregut 6.9, midgut 9.0 and hindgut 7.5. The midgut fluid is pumped forward into the foregut, and the carbohydrases in it are generally more active at the pH of the foregut than at the pH of the midgut. It is possible, therefore, that the foregut, which is itself insignificant as a source of enzymes, is the site of considerable carbohydrate digestion. The proteinase is inhibited 28% by trypsin inhibitors.
Zusammenfassung Eine in vitro-Untersuchung über die Verdauungsvorgänge in den unterirdisch lebenden Larven von S. geminata wies Enzyme nach, die Stärke, Trehalose, Salicin, Cellobiose, Melibiose, Maltose, Rohrzucker, Kasein und mehrere Celluloseformen abbauen können. Versuche mit Vorder-, Mittel- und Enddarmextrakten zeigten, daß der Abbau von Rohrzucker und CMC-Cellulose in Ansätzen mit Enddarmpräparaten prozentual am höchsten war. Maximale Verdauung aller anderen geprüften Substrate erfolgte dagegen mit Mitteldarmpräparaten.Die pH-Werte betrugen im Vorderdarm 6,9, im Mitteldarm 9,0 und im Enddarm 7,5. Im Mittel- und Enddarm lagen die jewciligen optimalen pH-Werte für Maltose bei 6,5–7,0 und 7,5, für Melibiose bei 6,0–7,0 und 7,0–7,5, für Cellobiose bei 6,0–7,0 und 4,5, für Rohrzucker bei 7,0 und 6,0, für CMC bei 5,2 und 5,6.Die Verdauung unlöslicher Celluloseformen war durchweg gering, die der CMC dagegen beträchtlich.Die Mitteldarmflüssigkeit wird nach vorn in den Vorderdarm gepumpt. Die darin enthaltenen Carbohydrasen sind beim pH-Wert des Vorderdarmes meistens wirksamer als in dem des Mitteldarmes. Es ist deshalb möglich, daß im Vorderdarm, welcher selbst wahrscheinlich keine Enzyme produziert, doch eine beträchtliche Kohlenhydratverdauung stattfindet.Die Wirksamkeit der Proteinase wird durch bekannte Tryptin-Hemmstoffe um 28% reduziert.
Thyroxine has been shown to accelerate the synthesis of carbamyl phosphate synthetase in the liver of Rana catesbeiana. Stimulation of carbamyl phosphate synthetase synthesis by thyroxine appears to be relatively specific because of the following observations: (1) succinoxidase activity decreased during the time that carbamyl phosphate synthetase increased; (2) liver catalase responded more slowly than carbamyl phosphate synthetase to thyroxine; (3) the ratio of biochemical changes/morphological changes was greatly altered during thyroxine-induced metamorphosis. The relationships between the concentration of thyroxine and (1) temperature; (2) duration of exposure of the tadpole to thyroxine; and (3) the activity of carbamyl phosphate synthetase during the induced synthesis of carbamyl phosphate synthetase by thyroxine are discussed. Chloramphenicol and thiouracil partly counteracted the effect of thyroxine on the synthesis of carbamyl phosphate synthetase.  相似文献   
Bartholomew, J. W. (University of Southern California, Los Angeles), and George Paik. Isolation and identification of obligate thermophilic sporeforming bacilli from ocean basin cores. J. Bacteriol. 92:635-638. 1966.-Obligate thermophilic sporeforming aerobic bacilli were isolated from 11 ocean basin cores taken from locations in a 150 mile long area off of the coast from Ensenada, Mexico, to Santa Catalina Island, and ranging as far out from shore as 160 miles. Isolated strains of bacilli were all identified as being identical, or closely related, to Bacillus stearothermophilus.  相似文献   
Isolated microspores of rice (Oryza saliva L.) cultivars, IR36and IR43, belonging to the recalcitrant indica subspecies werecultured. Two types of microspores were observed after isolationfrom the fresh anthers and from pre-cultured anthers—onetype consisted of vacuolated, larger-sized grains, while theother was composed of microspores of smaller sizes with densecytoplasm. Within few days in culture, all the smaller sizedgrains were dead, and only the large grains were viable andproduced pollen embryos. After 30 days from culture, microcalliwere transferred to semisolid modified Murashige and Skoog mediumcontaining 1 mg/liter each of kinetin and naphthaleneaceticacid and kept under continuous light at 25?C. IR36 showed onlycell division while IR43 gave 32 green plants from these experiments. (Received January 18, 1990; Accepted July 4, 1990)  相似文献   
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