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Fish skin bacteria: Colonial and cellular hydrophobicity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dental plaque is a complex community of bacteria coexisting in an environment frequently limited by carbon and energy sources. UnlikeStreptococcus mutans, other oral streptococci such asS. milleri andS. sanguis have an absolute requirement for and actually consume all available arginine when grown glucose limited in a chemically defined medium. The conditions, particularly in terms of arginine concentration, under which the dental plaque bacteriaS. mutans andS. milleri would coexist under glucose-limiting conditions were investigated. The minimum level of arginine supporting optimal growth ofS. milleri was found to be ca. 50M, and above this level these strains outcompetedS. mutans. However, coexistence withS. mutans could be achieved at arginine levels of 14–40M, depending upon theS. milleri andS. mutans strains used. Under such dual limitation,S. milleri was unable to respond to glucose pulses but did respond to pulses of arginine and arginine plus glucose. One of the twoS. milleri strains did not tolerate low pH. In contrast,S. mutans did not tolerate high pH whereasS. milleri was unaffected. This is relevant to dental plaque where arginine catabolism produces a pH rise. Additionally, arginine is an important nutrient since it can be used as an energy source by some oral streptococci.  相似文献   
Summary A new distinctive feature between the two Mediterranean species of Tethya, T. aurantium and T. citrina has been found in the body arrangement of different types of micrasters. Contrary to the previous assumptions, T. aurantium has two clearly distinct categories of micrasters: the chiaster-tylaster in the cortex and the larger, slender oxyaster in the choanosome. T. citrina has only slightly differentiated micraster sets in the cortex and choanosome; in the latter the shape of micrasters is close to that of oxyasters. SEM analysis shows that differences in micraster shape depend on the cylindrical or conical form of rays and on the distribution, density and strength of the microspines along their axis. The relationship between the degree of micraster differentiation and the development of the cortex in the two species is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution of specific nuclear binding sites for androgens and estrogens in the male accessory sex organs of the mouse was assessed by autoradiography with3H dihydrotestosterone (3H DHT) and3H estradiol (3H E2). With3H DHT nuclear labeling differed among the epithelia of the organs. It was high in seminal vesicle and ampullary gland, moderate in ventral prostate, urethral gland, prostatic excretory ducts and the ampulla ductus deferentis, low in dorsal prostate and low or absent in coagulation gland. With3H E2, in contrast, epithelial nuclear labeling was high only in coagulation gland, moderate or low in seminal vesicle, low or absent in ventral and dorsal prostate and absent in ampullary gland and ampulla ductus deferentis. In the lamina propria of all organs nuclear labeling with3H DHT was generally moderate and existed only in some cells, with the highest number in the ampulla ductus deferentis. With3H E2, nuclear labeling in the lamina propria showed a high intensity in all organs, except in ventral and dorsal prostate which remained unlabeled. Many labeled cells were found in the deferent duct and its ampulla, while in the other organs only a few cells showed nuclear labeling with3H E2. In the smooth muscle sheath of all organs, some muscle cells were moderately labeled with3H DHT, but not with3H E2. The results indicate the presence of nuclear receptors in male accessory sex organs for both dihydrotestosterone and estradiol. The differential patterns of3H DHT and3H E2 nuclear uptake suggest differential sensitivities of the individual organs and their tissue compartments for androgens and estrogens. Supported by PHS grant NSO9914 to W.E.S. and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Dr94/4 to U.D. The work of Dr. Schleicher and his stay in Chapel Hill were additionally sponsored by Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes and Boehringer-Ingelheim Fonds  相似文献   
Summary Specific binding sites for 3H dihydrotestosterone are demonstrated by autoradiography in brain nuclei of sex reversed mice heterozygous for testicular feminization (Tfm) which are phenotypically intersexes with testes and accessory sex glands that consist of a mosaic of androgen insensitive Tfm cells which lack specific dihydrotestosterone binding and androgen sensitive normal cells. The nuclear group evaluated include: nucleus (n.) septi lateralis, n. interstitialis striae terminalis, n. medialis amygdalae, the hypothalamic n. arcuatus, n. ventromedialis lateralis, n. premammillaris ventrialis, n. preopticus medialis, and nuclei of the cranial nerves VII, X, and XII. In the sex reversed males and the female, used as controls, the frequency of neurons with specific DHT binding show a distinct male-female difference in the caudal part of the arcuate nucleus. In the sex reversed Tfm heterozygotes, in all brain nuclei studied, the frequency of labeled neurons is reduced. The extent of reduction of androgen binding in the different brain nuclei varies among as well as within individual sex reversed Tfm heterozygotes, suggesting variations of the ratio of normal to Tfm neurons in sex reversed Tfm heterozygotes. The differentially reduced androgen binding of different brain systems corresponds to a differentially reduced androgen dependent behaviour reported in the literature.Supported by US PHS grant NSO9914 to W.E.S. and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Dr94/4 to U.D.. The work of Dr. Schleicher and his stay in Chapel Hill were sponsored by Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes and Boehringer-Ingelheim Fonds  相似文献   
Summary After injection of radiolabeled 1,25 (OH)2 vitamin D3, nuclear concentration of radioactivity is observed in parenchymal cells of the parathyroid gland in pregnant, adult male, and 10-day male neonatal rats. In competition studies with unlabeled 1,25 (OH)2 vitamin D3, but not with 25 (OH) vitamin D3, nuclear uptake is prevented. Experiments with 3H 25 (OH) vitamin D3, in contrast to 3H 1,25 (OH)2 vitamin D3, do not show nuclear concentration in cells of the parathyroid. The results of the autoradiographic studies suggest the presence of receptors for a direct effect of 1,25 (OH)2 vitamin D3 on the parathyroid gland for modulation of parathyroid hormone secretion.  相似文献   
Summary Nerve growth factor (NGF) was localized in the submandibular, sublingual, and parotid salivary glands of male and female diabetic mice and their normal littermates by immunoperoxidase staining usingp-phenylenediamine-pyrocatechol as a chromogen for the cytochemical demonstration of peroxidase activity. In the normal male submandibular gland, immunoreactive NGF was localized in the apical regions of granular, intercalated and collecting duct cells, while in the normal female submandibular gland, NGF was present throughout the cytoplasm of granular duct cells. The localization of NGF in the diabetic male and female submandibular glands was similar and resembled that of the normal female. NGF immunoreactivity was also observed in the striated duct cells in the sublingual and parotid glands of all four types of mice.The sympathetic innervation of the submandibular glands of normal and diabetic mice was demonstrated using glyoxylic acid-induced histofluorescence. The pattern of sympathetic innervation and the intensity of catecholamine fluorescence was consistently different in the four types of mice. In the normal male submandibular gland the fluorescence was very intense, particularly in nerves adjacent to the granular ducts. In the normal female submandibular gland, the fluorescence was weak, while in the diabetic male and female the fluorescence was moderate.The correlation between the intensity of the immunocytochemical staining for NGF and the catecholamine fluorescence adjacent to the granular ducts suggests a trophic influence of the NGF-containing granular ducts on their sympathetic innervation.  相似文献   
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