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Excretion of protoporphyrin IX by Euglena   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The metacestode of Taenia solium persists for years in the human central nervous system. As proteolytic enzymes play an important role in the survival of tissues helminths, we examined extracts of T. solium metacestodes for proteolytic activity using 9 synthetic peptide substrates and 3 proteins (hemoglobin, albumin, and immunoglobulin G). The proteolytic enzymes were classified based on their inhibitor profiles. At neutral pH, aminopeptidase(arginine-7-amino-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin) and endopeptidase(benzyloxy-carbonyl-glycine-glycine-arginine-7-amino-4- trifluoromethylcoumarin) substrates were cleaved. Hydrolysis of both substrates was inhibited by chelating agents, which inhibit metalloproteases. Peak activity with both substrates eluted in gel filtration fractions corresponding to a molecular weight of about 104 kDa. Cysteine protease activity was identified, which cleaved benzyloxy-carbonyl-phenylalanine-arginine-7-amino- 4-trifluoromethylcoumarin (Z-Phe-Arg-AFC) and hemoglobin. Cleavage of Z-Phe-Arg-AFC was maximal at acid pH, was stimulated by thiols, and was inhibited by leupeptin and Ep459. Peak cysteine protease activity eluted in gel filtration fractions corresponding to a molecular weight of 32 kDa. Aspartic protease activity was identified by specific inhibition with pepstatin of acid digestion of hemoglobin and immunoglobulin G. Immunoglobulin digestion occurred at acid pH, with preferential degradation of the heavy chain. Upon gel filtration chromatography, the aspartic protease activity eluted as a broad peak with maximal activity at about 90 kDa. No serine protease activity was detected. None of the parasite enzymes digested albumin. Proteolytic enzymes of T. solium may be important for parasite survival in the intermediate host, by providing nutrients and digesting host immune molecules.  相似文献   
We report for the first time, and for the whole of sub-Saharan Africa, the geographical distribution and the frequency of an indicine and a taurine Y specific allele amongst African cattle breeds. A total of 984 males from 69 indigenous African populations from 22 countries were analysed at the microsatellite locus INRA 124. The taurine allele is probably the oldest one on the continent. However, the taurine and the indicine alleles were present in 291 males (30%), and 693 males (70%), respectively. More particularly, 96% of zebu males (n = 470), 50% of taurine males (n = 263), 29% of sanga males (crossbreed Bos taurus x Bos indicus, n = 263) and 95% of zebu x sanga crossbred males (n = 56) had the indicine allele. The Borgou, a breed classified as zebu x taurine cross showed only the zebu allele (n = 12). The indicine allele dominates today in the Abyssinian region, a large part of the Lake Victoria region and the sahelian belt of West Africa. All the sanga males (n = 64) but only one from the Abyssinian region had the indicine allele. The taurine allele is the commonest only among the sanga breeds of the southern African region and the trypanotolerant taurine breeds of West Africa. In West Africa and in the southern Africa regions, zones of introgression were detected with breeds showing both Y chromosome alleles. Our data also reveal a pattern of male zebu introgression in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, probably originating from the Mozambique coast. The sanga cattle from the Lake Victoria region and the Kuri cattle of Lake Chad, cattle populations surrounded by zebu breeds were, surprisingly, completely devoid of the indicine allele. Human migration, phenotypic preferences by the pastoralists, adaptation to specific habitats and to specific diseases are the main factors explaining the present-day distribution of the alleles in sub-Saharan Africa.  相似文献   
Summary It has been attempted to isolate and characterize the folate precursors in the culture filtrates of two folate-requiring organisms, Streptococcus faecalis R and Lactobacillus casei. On the basis of paper chromatography, bioautography, ultra violet absorption spectra, chemical reactions, and differential microbiological responses it has been concluded that L. casei cultures contain a compound similar to pteroic acid which can be utilized by S. faecalis R. The S. faecalis R cultures on the other hand appear to accumulate a pteridine derivative active for Crithidia fasciculata It has been confirmed that this pteridine is not derived from the folic acid usually added to the growth medium.Abbreviations PGA Pterolyglutamic acid - PABA p-aminobenzoic acid  相似文献   
Summary Biosynthesis of folic acid activity by Bacillus subtilis cell suspensions was studied with respect to substrates utilized as precursors. Among purine bases, adenine was utilized the best and not guanine although guanosine or guanylic acid were utilized efficiently. Among 3-C precursors, glyceraldehyde gave maximum synthesis of folate activity. The cells appeared to utilize p-aminobenzoate preferentially to p-aminobenzoyl-glutamate. Pteroic acid appears to be an intermediate in the synthesis of folate derivatives in this system. Ascorbic acid stimulates the synthesis to a great extent.  相似文献   
Cytometry experiments yield high-dimensional point cloud data that is difficult to interpret manually. Boolean gating techniques coupled with comparisons of relative abundances of cellular subsets is the current standard for cytometry data analysis. However, this approach is unable to capture more subtle topological features hidden in data, especially if those features are further masked by data transforms or significant batch effects or donor-to-donor variations in clinical data. We present that persistent homology, a mathematical structure that summarizes the topological features, can distinguish different sources of data, such as from groups of healthy donors or patients, effectively. Analysis of publicly available cytometry data describing non-naïve CD8+ T cells in COVID-19 patients and healthy controls shows that systematic structural differences exist between single cell protein expressions in COVID-19 patients and healthy controls. We identify proteins of interest by a decision-tree based classifier, sample points randomly and compute persistence diagrams from these sampled points. The resulting persistence diagrams identify regions in cytometry datasets of varying density and identify protruded structures such as ‘elbows’. We compute Wasserstein distances between these persistence diagrams for random pairs of healthy controls and COVID-19 patients and find that systematic structural differences exist between COVID-19 patients and healthy controls in the expression data for T-bet, Eomes, and Ki-67. Further analysis shows that expression of T-bet and Eomes are significantly downregulated in COVID-19 patient non-naïve CD8+ T cells compared to healthy controls. This counter-intuitive finding may indicate that canonical effector CD8+ T cells are less prevalent in COVID-19 patients than healthy controls. This method is applicable to any cytometry dataset for discovering novel insights through topological data analysis which may be difficult to ascertain otherwise with a standard gating strategy or existing bioinformatic tools.  相似文献   
Selenium reduction by a denitrifying consortium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A denitrifying bacterial consortium obtained from the Pullman, Washington wastewater treatment facility was enriched under denitrifying conditions and its ability to reduce selenite and selenate was studied. Replicate experiments at two different experimental conditions were performed. All experiments were performed under electron-acceptor limiting conditions, with acetate as the carbon source and nitrate the electron acceptor. In the first set of experiments, selenite was present, whereas, in the second set, selenate was added. A significant lag period of approximately 150 h was necessary before selenite or selenate reduction was observed. During this lag period, nitrate and nitrite use was observed. Once selenite or selenate reduction had started, nitrate and nitrite reduction was concomitant with selenium species reduction. Trace amounts of selenite were detected during the selenate reduction study. Analysis of the data indicates that, once selenium species reduction was induced, the rate of reduction was proportional to the selenium species concentration and to the biomass concentration. Furthermore, at similar biomass and contaminant concentrations, selenite reduction is approximately four times faster than selenate reduction. Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The stability and structure of protein-containing water-in-oil (w/o) microemulsions were investigated by using the large protein immunoglobulin G (IgG, MW 155,000) in a mixture comprised of brine, sulfosuccinic acid bis [2-ethylhexyl]ester (sodium salt), and isooctane. We explored factors affecting the initial uptake of IgG into the w/o microemulsion and its subsequent release to a solid (precipitate) phase, and the kinetics of the latter process. Influences of such parameters as pH, ionic strength, and protein concentration on the solubilization and precipitation of bovine IgG in the organic phase are described. The structure and dynamics in microemulsions containing bovine IgG were probed by using dynamic light scattering, and it was found that the presence of IgG in the microemulsion induced strong attractive forces between the droplets. Based on results obtained by using these various experimental approaches, a model for protein solubilization and release is proposed. In this model, we propose the formation of clusters within which bovine IgG resides and which substantially slow the kinetics of protein release from the droplets to the precipitate phase.  相似文献   
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