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No commercially licensed vaccine or treatment is available for dengue fever, a potentially lethal infection that impacts millions of lives annually. New tools that target mosquito control may reduce vector populations and break the cycle of dengue transmission. Male mosquito seminal fluid proteins (Sfps) are one such target since these proteins, in aggregate, modulate the reproduction and feeding patterns of the dengue vector, Aedes aegypti. As an initial step in identifying new targets for dengue vector control, we sought to identify the suite of proteins that comprise the Ae. aegypti ejaculate and determine which are transferred to females during mating.

Methodology and Principal Findings

Using a stable-isotope labeling method coupled with proteomics to distinguish male- and female-derived proteins, we identified Sfps and sperm proteins transferred from males to females. Sfps were distinguished from sperm proteins by comparing the transferred proteins to sperm-enriched samples derived from testes and seminal vesicles. We identified 93 male-derived Sfps and 52 predicted sperm proteins that are transferred to females during mating. The Sfp protein classes we detected suggest roles in protein activation/inactivation, sperm utilization, and ecdysteroidogenesis. We also discovered that several predicted membrane-bound and intracellular proteins are transferred to females in the seminal fluids, supporting the hypothesis that Ae. aegypti Sfps are released from the accessory gland cells through apocrine secretion, as occurs in mammals. Many of the Ae. aegypti predicted sperm proteins were homologous to Drosophila melanogaster sperm proteins, suggesting conservation of their sperm-related function across Diptera.

Conclusion and Significance

This is the first study to directly identify Sfps transferred from male Ae. aegypti to females. Our data lay the groundwork for future functional analyses to identify individual seminal proteins that may trigger female post-mating changes (e.g., in feeding patterns and egg production). Therefore, identification of these proteins may lead to new approaches for manipulating the reproductive output and vectorial capacity of Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   
Male mosquitoes transfer seminal fluid proteins (hereafter ‘SFPs’) during mating. These proteins can have profound effects on female behavior in the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti and the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus. SFPs are thought to be responsible for female refractoriness to mating in both species. However, only limited information is available about the duration of induced refractoriness or the quantity of SFPs required to be effective in Ae. albopictus. Here, we tested the duration of the effect of SFPs on female refractory behavior for both Aedes species. Additionally, we determined the lowest SFP dose required to induce female refractory behavior in Ae. aegypti. Virgin females were injected intra-thoracically with doses ranging from 0.25 to 0.008 equivalents of one male’s SFP amount. Our results demonstrate high sensitivity of female Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus to SFPs of their own species, with the majority of females becoming refractory at doses ? 0.031 male-equivalents after injection into the hemocoel. This effect was long-lasting in both species; none of the injected females were inseminated when presented with males of their own species 30 to 34 days post-injection, whereas most saline-injected control females mated at this time point. These results will aid future work to characterize individual SFPs involved in post-mating refractoriness in these two species. Moreover, they show that as is the situation in the mosquito Anopheles gambiae, and unlike Drosophila melanogaster, sperm are not required for the maintenance of a sexual refractoriness response in Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus.  相似文献   
There has been much recent interest in modelling epidemics on networks, particularly in the presence of substantial clustering. Here, we develop pairwise methods to answer questions that are often addressed using epidemic models, in particular: on the basis of potential observations early in an outbreak, what can be predicted about the epidemic outcomes and the levels of intervention necessary to control the epidemic? We find that while some results are independent of the level of clustering (early growth predicts the level of ‘leaky’ vaccine needed for control and peak time, while the basic reproductive ratio predicts the random vaccination threshold) the relationship between other quantities is very sensitive to clustering.  相似文献   
In solitary parasitoids, superparasitism (the allocation ofan egg to an already parasitized host) has a payoff, measuredin offspring produced and costs, measured in eggs and time invested.Solitary parasitoids that are capable of host discriminationmust adopt the strategy that ensures the best use of both theiregg load and available lifetime. In this paper, we develop astate-dependent model defining the optimal strategy of superparasitismfor a solitary parasitoid species with overlapping generations.The fitness measure we use is based on the growth rate of thenumber of genotype copies. The model predicts that the tendencyto superparasitize should increase as the egg load of the parasitoidincreases, or as its life expectancy decreases. The model alsopredicts that under particular conditions wasps should showpartial preferences for parasitized hosts. These predictionswere tested with the parasitoid Venturia canescens (Hymenoptera:Ichneumonidae). The tendency of the wasps to superparasitizein the presence of both healthy and parasitized hosts was correlatedto egg load and access to food before the experiment A complementaryexperiment, where parasitized hosts were given sequentiallyto parasitoids, showed that V. canescens exhibits partial preferencestoward superparasitism. These experimental results and a previouswork support the predictions of the model.  相似文献   
In parallel with increased prevalence of overweight people in affluent societies are individuals trying to lose weight, often using low-carbohydrate diets. Nevertheless, long-term metabolic consequences of those diets, usually high in (saturated) fat, remain unclear. Therefore, we investigated long-term effects of high-fat diets with different carbohydrate/protein ratios on energy balance and fuel homeostasis in obese (fa/fa) Zucker and lean Wistar rats. Animals were fed high-carbohydrate (HC), high-fat (HsF), or low-carbohydrate, high-fat, high-protein (LC-HsF-HP) diets for 60 days. Both lines fed the LC-HsF-HP diet displayed reduced energy intake compared with those fed the HsF diet (Zucker, -3.7%) or the HC diet (Wistar rats, -12.4%). This was not associated with lower weight gain relative to HC fed rats, because of increased food efficiencies in each line fed HsF and particularly LC-HsF-HP food. Zucker rats were less glucose tolerant than Wistar rats. Lowest glucose tolerances were found in HsF and particularly in LC-HsF-HP-fed animals irrespective of line, but this paralleled reduced plasma adiponectin levels, elevated plasma resistin levels, higher retroperitoneal fat masses, and reduced insulin sensitivity (indexed by insulin-induced hypoglycemia) only in Wistar rats. In Zucker rats, however, improved insulin responses during glucose tolerance testing and tendency toward increased insulin sensitivities were observed with HsF or LC-HsF-HP feeding relative to HC feeding. Thus, despite adverse consequences of LC-HsF diets on blood glucose homeostasis, principal differences exist in the underlying hormonal regulatory mechanisms, which could have benefits for B-cell functioning and insulin action in the obese state but not in the lean state.  相似文献   
When phage lambda lysogenizes a cell that lacks the primary bacterial attachment site, integrase catalyzes insertion of the phage chromosome into one of many secondary sites. Here, we characterize the secondary sites that are preferred by wild-type lambda and by lambda int mutants with altered insertion specificity. The sequences of these secondary sites resembled that of the primary site: they contained two imperfect inverted repeats flanking a short spacer. The imperfect inverted repeats of the primary site bind integrase, while the 7 bp spacer, or overlap region, swaps strands with a complementary sequence in the phage attachment site during recombination. We found substantial sequence conservation in the imperfect inverted repeats of secondary sites, and nearly perfect conservation in the leftmost three bases of the overlap region. By contrast, the rightmost bases of the overlap region were much more variable. A phage with an altered overlap region preferred to insert into secondary sites with the corresponding bases. We suggest that this difference between the left and right segments is a result of the defined order of strand exchanges during integrase-promoted recombination. This suggestion accounts for the unexpected segregation pattern of the overlap region observed after insertion into several secondary sites. Some of the altered specificity int mutants differed from wild-type in secondary site preference, but we were unable to identify simple sequence motifs that account for these differences. We propose that insertion into secondary sites is a step in the evolutionary change of phage insertion specificity and present a model of how this might occur.  相似文献   
Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a multisystemic disorder characterized by postaxial polydactyly, progressive retinal dystrophy, obesity, hypogonadism, renal dysfunction, and learning difficulty. Other manifestations include diabetes mellitus, heart disease, hepatic fibrosis, and neurological features. The condition is genetically heterogeneous, and eight genes (BBS1-BBS8) have been identified to date. A mutation of the BBS1 gene on chromosome 11q13 is observed in 30%-40% of BBS cases. In addition, a complex triallelic inheritance has been established in this disorder--that is, in some families, three mutations at two BBS loci are necessary for the disease to be expressed. The clinical features of BBS that can be observed at birth are polydactyly, kidney anomaly, hepatic fibrosis, and genital and heart malformations. Interestingly, polydactyly, cystic kidneys, and liver anomalies (hepatic fibrosis with bile-duct proliferation) are also observed in Meckel syndrome, along with occipital encephalocele. Therefore, we decided to sequence the eight BBS genes in a series of 13 antenatal cases presenting with cystic kidneys and polydactyly and/or hepatic fibrosis but no encephalocele. These fetuses were mostly diagnosed as having Meckel or "Meckel-like" syndrome. In six cases, we identified a recessive mutation in a BBS gene (three in BBS2, two in BBS4, and one in BBS6). We found a heterozygous BBS6 mutation in three additional cases. No BBS1, BBS3, BBS5, BBS7, or BBS8 mutations were identified in our series. These results suggest that the antenatal presentation of BBS may mimic Meckel syndrome.  相似文献   
Molecules transferred from males to females via seminal fluids are important to the study of insect reproduction because they affect female physiology, reproductive behavior, and longevity. These molecules (seminal fluid molecules or SFMs) interest applied entomologists because of their potential use in insect control. SFMs are also interesting because of their relatively rapid evolution and important role in post-mating sexual selection. We studied SFMs in Diaprepes abbreviatus, a major pest of numerous plant species of economic importance. Using radiolabeled-methionine (35S), we found that D. abbreviatus males synthesized proteins de novo in their reproductive tissues after mating. Males that were fed radiolabeled methionine transferred radioactivity to females beginning within the first 10 min of mating. Male-derived substances are absorbed from the female's reproductive tract into the hemolymph and circulated throughout the body, but are found primarily in the eggs and ovaries. As a result, SFMs may be a useful means of both horizontal (to mates) and vertical transfer (to offspring) of control agents between conspecifics.  相似文献   
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