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Concentrations of Ni were determined in xylem and phloem of Quercus ilex trees growing on serpentine and sandy loam soils of northeast Portugal. Radial distribution patterns of Ni in stemwood were compared to variations in annual growth increments of the trees.Concentrations of Ni in xylem and phloem were higher in Q. ilex from serpentine soil, when compared with Q. ilex of a sandy loam soil.The radial distributions of Ni showed large variations among the trees, although they all grew in the same area within a short distance from each other. These differences can be caused by small-scale spatial variations in the soil. Therefore, the use of such radial Ni distributions for a retrospective biomonitoring of the Ni pollution of larger areas appears questionable.  相似文献   
Three-year-old spruce (Picea abies) saplings were planted and cultivated for 2 years in pots with 3 1 substrate, consisting of a homogenized mixture of sand, peat and forest soil with a high organic content (volume ratio 11.52). This substrate was amended with 10–180 mol Cd [kg soil dry weight (DW)]–1, 50–7500 mol Zn (kg soil DW)–1 (determined with 1 M ammonium acetate extracts) or combinations of both elements. Annual xylem growth rings in stems of plants treated with 50 mol Cd (kg soil DW)–1 or 7500 mol Zn (kg soil DW)–1 were significantly narrower than in control plants. Growth reductions were more pronounced in the second year of the experiment. The contents of Cd and Zn in stem wood and needles were positively correlated with the substrate concentrations. The Mg contents of the spruce needles were inversely correlated with soil concentrations of Cd and Zn. Root development was impeded at moderate concentrations of Cd (50 mol kg–1) or Zn (1000 mol kg–1) in the substrate. The adverse effects of potentially toxic trace elements, like Cd or Zn, on xylem growth of spruce plants are discussed with regard to possible growth reductions in forest trees under field conditions.  相似文献   
Concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn were determined in stem wood of beech trees (Fagus sylvatica L.) from 3 sites in northern Germany. Distinct radial distribution patterns of the elements were observed in the xylem. Concentrations of Cd and Pb increased from the youngest, outermost annual rings towards the center of the stem. With Zn intermediate concentrations were observed in the sapwood and higher levels at the center of the stem.Temporal and spatial stability of such distribution patterns in the trunks was investigated. Wood samples taken from the same individual tree in different months of the year were analysed. Marked seasonal variations of mineral concentrations were observed. Also the shape of the distribution patterns of the elements varied with the season. Such variations were larger than those observed with samples taken simultaneously from different sides of the trunk. Furthermore, Pb concentrations in the stem showed variations with height above ground.The results indicate, that radial distribution patterns of Cd, Pb and Zn in xylem rings of beech are not stable. Biomonitoring trace element pollution levels by analysis of beech wood is, thus, questionable. To obtain a reliable historical record of pollution from tree rings, the distribution patterns should be stable over a long period of time. This basic requirement of the dendroanalytical method does not hold for the examined beech. Still, with other tree species and under more favourable conditions the dendroanalytical biomonitoring method may prove valuable.Presented as symposium paper at the V International Congress of Ecology, Yokohama, August 23–30, 1990.  相似文献   
Die beiden Xerohalophyten Atriplex confertifolia (Torr. und Frem.) S. Wats. und Ceratoides lanata Nevski (= Eurotia 1.), die im Mittelwesten der USA auf mäßig salzhaltigen, feinkörnigen Böden vorkommen, zeigen ein sehr unterschiedliches ökophysiologisches Verhalten. Einige der umfangreichen Untersuchungen an Atriplex confertifolia (C4-Pflanze) und Ceratoides lanata (C3-Pflanze) im Rahmen des IBP Desert Biome werden im Zusammenhang mit dem Salzhaushalt diskutiert. Analysen der Salzgehalte verschiedener Pflanzenorgane werden verglichen. Der potentielle osmotische Druck des Zellsaftes bleibt bei Ceratoides lanata bei etwa —30 bar, bei Atriplex confertifolia fällt er im Sommer bis —200 bar (Preßsaft ganzer Blätter). Parallel laufen starke jahreszeitliche Schwankungen der Salzgehalte. Atriplex confertijolia weist im Mittel ein K+/Na+-Verhältnis von 0,25 auf (Ceratoides lanata etwa 20) und ein SO4 = / Cl? –Verhältnis von etwa 0,04 (Ceratoides lanata von etwa 0,15). Ceratoides lanata gehört zu den Arten, die die Salzaufnahme schon im Wurzelbereich weitgehend ausschließen, ähnlich den Nichthalophyten; Atriplex confertifolia ist dagegen “salzdurchströmt” und salzt durch Blasenhaare ab. Der Salzgehalt dieser Haare ist sehr hoch: 18% Na+, bezogen auf TG, = 9,3 M Na+. Durch Waschen der Blätter gehen nur geringe Salzmengen in Lösung. Die beiden Arten sind aufgrund sehr unterschiedlicher Strategien des Gesamtmetabolismus den dortigen Standortsbedingungen angepaßt. Je nach Zusammenspiel der Außenfaktoren fluktuiert das Konkurrenz-Gleichgewicht. Für eine Reisebeihilfe und finanzielle Unterstützung bin ich der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft zu Dank verpflichtet. Mein herzlicher Dank gilt auch dem Ecology-Center in Logan/Utah, insbesondere Herrn Prof. Dr. M. M. Caldwell für seine vielseitige Hilfe vor, während und nach meinem Aufenthalt.  相似文献   
Die alpine Stufe des afghanischen Hindukusch weist trotz hoher Niederschläge im Winterhalbjahr eine an Trockenheit angepaßte Vegetation auf. Auch noch in Höhenlagen über 4000 m sind geschlossene Rasenformationen an alloch-thone Wasserzufuhr gebunden, da gerade während der Hauptvegetationszeit im Sommer ein Niederschlagsminimum herrscht. Der Einfluß des Monsuns ist dabei in den alpinen Regionen zu vernachlässigen, außer im Safed Koh und im südlichsten Nuristan. Die Flora ist in erster Linie durch Arten der zentral-asiatischen Gebirge geprägt, daneben bestehen Beziehungen zum west-himalayischen Raum. Der Endemismus ist nicht groß, im Gegensatz zu dem in tieferen Stufen. Die Baumgrenze liegt im Mittel für das betreffende Gebiet bei etwa 3300 m, die Schneegrenze bei etwa 5000 m. Es werden Beispiele für die Temperatur- und Wasserverhältnisse angeführt. Das Mikroklima und dementsprechend die ökologischen Bedingungen sind sehr extrem. Die hohe Strahlung schafft große tägliche Temperaturschwankungen. Tagesgänge des potentiellen osmotischen Drucks des Zellsafts einiger alpiner Arten sind gut nachweisbar. Beobachtungen und Messungen aus dem Kohe Khrebek-Massiv in Ost-Afghanistan werden beispielhaft mit solchen aus dem Pamir, Kohe Baba und andern Gebirgsregionen verglichen. Insgesamt ist die Erforschung des afghanischen Hindukusch noch sehr lückenhaft, es wird daher der Appell an alle zukünftigen bergsteigerischen Expeditionen ausgesprochen, bei Planung und Durchführung Naturwissenschaftler noch weit mehr als bisher mit heranzuziehen.  相似文献   
The beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is the dominant tree in Middle Europe under many different ecological conditions. But like other tree species, it is suffering in the last ten years increasingly by air pollutants including heavy metals which have been deposited and accumulated for decades in many forest soils. Increasingly mobilized by acidification processes, these metals may have toxic effects on trees.In autecological studies (dose-response-experiments) effects of root-applied Pb and Cd on various growth parameters, on uptake of mineral nutrients and on transpiration of young beech trees were evaluated, and critical concentrations (threshold levels) could be established. Significant leaf area reduction was found with 6 ppm Pb (0.3 ppm Cd) in the leaves (DW), but biomass reduction only with 18 ppm Pb (3.6 ppm Cd). Root elongation rates of seedlings were significantly reduced with 44 ppm plant-available Pb in the soil by about 30%, but only with 24 ppm Pb when combined with 2 ppm Cd, exhibiting synergistic effects. After treatments with 20 ppm Pb and 1 ppm Cd in sand culture, a considerable decrease in the contents of K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, and Zn in roots and leaves of saplings was coincident with high (roots) and moderate (leaves) accumulation of Pb and Cd. A 20% reduction of transpiration rates was measured in ten-year-old beech trees after three months of exposure to a forest soil containing 2.5 ppm plant-available Cd.The data indicate that present-day concentrations mainly of Pb, but not yet of Cd, in acidified European forest soils are sufficiently high to affect germination, growth and mineral nutrition of natural rejuvenation of beech.The data published here are part of a doctoral and of various diploma theses: Mrs. Christiane Bertels, Barbara Buschmann, Martina Hücker, Gritli Noack, Ute Röder, Swantje von Oy and Mr. Rüdiger Ahrend, Peter Rüther and Frank Weisser.  相似文献   
Along the west coast of South America mangroves are found only outside the area influenced by the cold Peruvian Current. At 6° S (near ‘Cerro Illescas’) the current turns west to the open sea in the direction of the Galapagos Islands. Dense mangrove vegetation with a tree height up to 15 m occurs only north of 3° 35′ S from the delta of the river Tumbes (Peru). At 3° 44′ S some small individuals of Rhizophora and at 5° 30′ S a small stand of Avicennia can be found. In the transition zone between 3° 35′ and 6° S no mangrove forest occurs. The reasons for the lack of mangal in the transition zone are:
  1. Evapotranspiration and atmospheric humidity show significant differences between the mangrove region and the transition zone. In this zone soil conditions like salinity, water and organic matter content and the geological structure can also be considered as inhibiting mangrove growth.
  2. Topographic conditions in this zone are not suitable for mangal and the lack of a regular annual flow from rivers provides a sharp limit for the existence of mangal in the delta of the river Tumbes. Nevertheless, cultivation of mangrove species south of the mangrove region is possible and seems promising.
We edited, redrew, and evaluated four unpublished historical vegetation maps of the Western Pamirs (Tajikistan) by the Soviet geobotanist Okmir E. Agakhanjanz. These maps cover an area of 5,188 km2 and date from 1958 to 1960. The purpose of this article is to make the historic vegetation data available to the scientific community and thus preserve a hitherto non available and up to now neglected or forgotten data source with great potential for studies on vegetation and ecosystem response to global change. The original hand-drawn maps were scanned, georeferenced, and digitized and the corresponding land cover class was assigned to each polygon. The partly differing legends were harmonized and plant names updated. Furthermore, a digital elevation model and generalized additive models were used to calculate response curves of the land cover classes and to explore vegetation-topography relationships quantitatively. In total, 2,216 polygons belonging to 13 major land cover classes were included that are characterized by 252 different plant species. As such, the presented maps provide excellent comparison data for studies on vegetation and ecosystem change in an area that is deemed to be an important water tower in Central Asia.  相似文献   
Iran is a mountainous country. Zagros and Alborz mountains reach altitudes of more than 4,000 m. Alpine regions are above timber-line, which is not easy to recognize, since aridity is prominent in most regions. The alpine zone in Alborz lies between 3,000 and 4,000 m, the nival zone is above 4,000 m, locally varying by some hundred meters. A first evaluation of vascular flora shows that 682 species belonging to 193 genera and 39 families are known from the alpine zone of Iran. The alpine zone is commonly characterized by many species of hemicryptophytes and thorny cushions. Species numbers decline very strongly with increasing altitude. In this paper biogeographical patterns of the alpine flora of Iran have been discussed and distribution maps of 44 species are illustrated. New data indicate a transitional situation of the Iranian mountains between Anatolia/Caucasus and the Hindu Kush, but with a strong own element with high endemism and remarkable relict species. Ca. 58% of the alpine flora of Iran are endemic and subendemic. The Zagros Mountains harbor high endemism which justify considering this area as a separate floristic province. Based on the evaluation of published data from 682 known alpine species ca. 160 species have been known only by one record, 110 species by 2–3 records and 87 endemic species have been known only based on the type location. These plants need a strong conservation and protection management since the fragile ecosystems are often very restricted, small and very isolated, nonetheless grazing and overgrazing are still common threats.  相似文献   
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