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Thalli of Xanthoria parietina have been grown in cultures in the natural environment. In early phases of development the fungus associates with foreign algae and only later forms a symbiosis with Pseudotrebouxia . The lichen is shown to have a very effective mechanism for distribution by sexual spores followed by relichenization.  相似文献   
Nonuniform enzyme distributions can be obtained by kinetic control of the immobilization process. Such heterogeneous biocatalysts exhibit higher effectiveness compared to conventional immobilization procedures, when the mass transfer of substrates or products is limiting. Model calculations provide some insight into the relative weight of the immobilization parameters with respect to optimal control of the enzyme distribution. Experimental results and model calculations show that considerably improved effectiveness of biocatalysts can be obtained. The role of external mass transfer is emphasized.  相似文献   
Evidence is accumulating that 7-oxo-prostacyclin (7-oxo-PGI2) induces a delayed indirect anti-adrenergic and cytoprotective effect on the myocardium, the mechanism of which is still unclear. To demonstrate that a single application of 7-oxo-PGI2 (50 g/kg i.m.) 48 h prior to starting experiments attenuates the isoprenaline inducible inotropic response and accumulation of cAMP, isolated hearts of pretreated animals were perfused in the Langendorff mode with and without isoprenaline (1 to 100 nM). The late anti-adrenergic effect of the drug was manifested by a significant attenuation in the elevation of cAMP levels as well as in contractile force development. This effect was not due to changes in cAMP generation as there were identical 1-adrenoceptor densities and affinities (as calculated from [3H]-CGP binding studies), Gi and Gs protein patterns (as taken from Western blots) as well as adenylyl cyclase activity measurements in the hearts studied. The anti-adrenergic potency of 7-oxo-PGI2, however, was found to be related to a significant rise in cyclic nucleotide hydrolysis by phosphodiesterase (PDE). Using the fast-performance liquid chromatographic separation for PDE isoforms, a significant increase in the activity of PDE isoforms I and IV (260±28 vs 110±12 pmol cGMP/min x enzyme fraction and 77±11 vs 34±3 pmol cAMP/min x enzyme fraction, respectively) was found in the solubilized fraction of cardiac membranes in comparison to untreated controls; PDE IV activity was also increased in the cytosolic fraction (106±14 vs 65±6 pmol cAMP/min x enzyme fraction). The hypothesis that the delayed anti-adrenergic effect of 7-oxo-PGI2 is initiated by an induction and accelerated synthesis of PDE I and IV in the heart is underlined by the fact that cycloheximide suppresses completely both the rise in PDE activities and the anti-adrenergic effects studied. It is suggested that an inducible predominance of cAMP degradation over its generation may be of relevance in processes related to heart protection.  相似文献   
The kinetic properties of the adenosine 5[prime]-diphosphate/adenosine 5[prime]-triphosphate (ADP/ATP) translocator from pea (Pisum sativum L.) root plastids were determined by silicone oil filtering centrifugation and compared with those of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) chloroplasts and pea leaf mitochondria. In addition, the ADP/ATP transporting activities from the above organelles were reconstituted into liposomes. The Km(ATP) value of the pea root ADP/ATP translocator was 10 [mu]M and that for ADP was 46 [mu]M. Corresponding values of the spinach ADP/ATP translocator were 25 [mu]M and 28 [mu]M, respectively. Comparable results were obtained for the reconstituted ATP transport activities. The transport was highly specific for ATP and ADP. Adenosine 5[prime]-monophosphate (AMP) caused only a slight inhibition and phosphoenolpyruvate and inorganic pyrophosphate caused no inhibition of ATP uptake. With pea root plastids and spinach chloroplasts, Km values >1 mM were obtained for ADP-glucose. Since the concentrations of ATP and ADP-glucose in the cytosolic compartment of spinach leaves have been determined as 2.5 and 0.6 mM, respectively, a transport of ADP-glucose by the ADP/ATP translocator does not appear to have any physiological significance in vivo. Although both the plastidial and the mitochondrial ADP/ATP translocators were inhibited to some extent by carboxyatractyloside, no immunological cross-reactivity was detected between the plastidial and the mitochondrial proteins. It seems probable that these proteins derive from different ancestors.  相似文献   
For a long time lipid peroxidation has only been considered a deleterious process leading to disruption of biomembranes and thus, to cellular dysfunction. However, when restricted to a certain cellular compartment and tightly regulated, lipid peroxidation may have beneficial effects. Early on during evolution of living organisms special lipid peroxidizing enzymes, called lipoxygenases, appeared and they have been conserved during phylogenesis of plants and animals. In fact, a diverse family of lipoxygenase isoforms has evolved starting from a putative ancient precursor. As with other enzymes, lipoxygenases are regulated on various levels of gene expression and there are endogenous antagonists controlling their cellular activity. Among the currently known mammalian lipoxygenase isoforms only 12/15-lipoxygenases are capable of directly oxygenating ester lipids even when they are bound to membranes and lipoproteins. Thus, these enzymes represent the pro-oxidative part in the cellular metabolism of complex hydroperoxy ester lipids. Its metabolic counterplayer, representing the antioxidative part, appears to be the phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme is unique among glutathione peroxidases because of its capability of reducing ester lipid hydroperoxides. Thus, 12/15-lipoxygenase and phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase constitute a pair of antagonizing enzymes in the metabolism of hydroperoxy ester lipids, and a balanced regulation of the two proteins appears to be of major cell physiological importance. This review is aimed at summarizing the recent developments in the enzymology and molecular biology of 12/15-lipoxygenase and phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase, with emphasis on cytokine-dependent regulation and their regulatory interplay.  相似文献   
Continuous processing is the future production method for monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). A fully continuous, fully automated downstream process based on disposable equipment was developed and implemented inside the MoBiDiK pilot plant. However, a study evaluating the comparability between batch and continuous processing based on product quality attributes was not conducted before. The work presented fills this gap comparing both process modes experimentally by purifying the same harvest material (side-by-side comparability). Samples were drawn at different time points and positions in the process for batch and continuous mode. Product quality attributes, product-related impurities, as well as process-related impurities were determined. The resulting polished material was processed to drug substance and further evaluated regarding storage stability and degradation behavior. The in-process control data from the continuous process showed the high degree of accuracy in providing relevant process parameters such as pH, conductivity, and protein concentration during the entire process duration. Minor differences between batch and continuous samples are expected as different processing conditions are unavoidable due to the different nature of batch and continuous processing. All tests revealed no significant differences in the intermediates and comparability in the drug substance between the samples of both process modes. The stability study of the final product also showed no differences in the stability profile during storage and forced degradation. Finally, online data analysis is presented as a powerful tool for online-monitoring of chromatography columns during continuous processing.  相似文献   
Several species of the toxigenic diatom Pseudo-nitzschia, together with low concentrations of domoic acid (DA) in shellfish have been observed in Puget Sound, Washington State, since 1991. However, for the first time in September 2003, high-density blooms of Pseudo-nitzschia forced the closure of recreational, commercial, and tribal subsistence shellfish harvesting in Puget Sound. Here we report on the environmental conditions associated with shellfish closures in two inland waterways of Washington State during the Fall 2005. In Sequim Bay, shellfish harvest losses occurred on September 12 following the measurement of elevated macronutrient levels on September 2, and a bloom of P. pseudodelicatissima (up to 13 million cells/L) on September 9. Ambient NH4 concentrations >12 μM (measured on September 2) were likely due to anthropogenic sources, ostensibly from sewage inputs to Sequim Bay. The closure of a Penn Cove commercial shellfish farm on October 16 was caused by a bloom of P. australis that followed a period of sustained precipitation, elevated Skagit River flow, and persistent southeasterly winds. The relative importance of a number of environmental factors, including temperature, stratification caused by rivers, and nutrient inputs, whether natural or anthropogenic, must be carefully studied in order to better understand the recent appearance of massive blooms of toxigenic Pseudo-nitzschia in the inland waterways of Washington State.  相似文献   
Plague is a flea-borne rodent-associated zoonotic disease that is caused by Yersinia pestis and characterized by long quiescent periods punctuated by rapidly spreading epidemics and epizootics. How plague bacteria persist during inter-epizootic periods is poorly understood, yet is important for predicting when and where epizootics are likely to occur and for designing interventions aimed at local elimination of the pathogen. Existing hypotheses of how Y. pestis is maintained within plague foci typically center on host abundance or diversity, but little attention has been paid to the importance of flea diversity in enzootic maintenance. Our study compares host and flea abundance and diversity along an elevation gradient that spans from low elevation sites outside of a plague focus in the West Nile region of Uganda (~725-1160 m) to higher elevation sites within the focus (~1380-1630 m). Based on a year of sampling, we showed that host abundance and diversity, as well as total flea abundance on hosts was similar between sites inside compared with outside the plague focus. By contrast, flea diversity was significantly higher inside the focus than outside. Our study highlights the importance of considering flea diversity in models of Y. pestis persistence.  相似文献   
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