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To clarify the mechanism of aluminum (Al) toxicity and Al tolerance, we isolated a new clone (pAL201) from a tobacco cDNA library. Northern blot hybridization analysis indicated that the expression of pAL201 is induced by Al treatment and phosphate (P1) starvation. The complete cDNA sequence suggested that this clone encodes a moderately anionic peroxidase (EC Analysis by isoelectric focussing indicated that a moderately anionic peroxidase (approximately pI 6.7) and two cationic peroxidases (pI 9.2 and 9.7) in the soluble fraction are activated by Al treatment and P1 starvation, while two moderately anionic isozymes are repressed by these stresses. We suppose that Al ion stress can control the activity of some peroxidase isozymes, one of which is probably induced by enhanced gene expression of pAL201. There is a possibility that some of these isozymes have some functions in Al ion stress.  相似文献   
To analyze the possible involvement of protein kinases in the sexual development (macrocyst formation) of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium mucoroides-7 (Dm7), the effects of several protein kinase inhibitors were examined. K252a, a potent inhibitor of protein kinase activities, promoted the sexual cell fusion, through enhancement of gamete formation. In contrast, staurosporine (structurally and functionally similar to K252a) inhibited markedly the progress of development including cell aggregation, thus resulting in the failure of cells to form mature macrocysts. The effective period of K252a was 5–7 hr after starvation, during which Dm7 cells could acquire fusion competence, and the inhibitory effect of cAMP on zygote formation was nullified by the co-application of K252a. Although KT5720 (a specific inhibitor of cAMP-dependent protein kinase) and W7 (a calmodulin inhibitor) had no effects on zygote formation when applied separately, their combined application enhanced zygote formation like K252a did. Neither calphostin C (a specific inhibitor of Ca2+-dependent protein kinase) nor herbimycin A (a specific inhibitor of tyrosine kinase) exerted a stimulative influence upon macrocyst formation. These results strongly suggest that the two signal transduction pathways mediated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) and calmodulin are closely related to zygote formation, their blockage being favorable to zygote formation.  相似文献   
We examined whether inhibitors of the arachidonic acid cascade inhibited nitric oxide (NO) production, as measured by nitrite concentration, either in macrophages or by their cytosolic fractions. Nitrite production by peritoneal macrophages from mice receiving OK-432 treatment was significantly inhibited by phospholipase A2 inhibitors [dexamethasone and 4-bromophenacyl bromide (4-BPB)], lipoxygenase inhibitors [nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) and ketoconazole] and a glutathioneS-transferase (leukotrienes LTA4-LTC4) inhibitor (ethacrynic acid). However, caffeic acid and esculetin, inhibitors of 5- and 12-lipoxygenase respectively, were not inhibitory. On the other hand, indomethacin, a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, slightly inhibited whereas another inhibitor, ibuprofen, did not. Inhibition of the nitrite production by dexamethasone, 4-BPB, NDGA and ethacrynic acid was also demonstrated when the macrophages were restimulated ex vivo with OK-432 or with lipopolysaccharide. The inhibitory activity of dexamethasone, NDGA and ethacrynic acid was significantly reduced by ex vivo restimulation with OK-432, whereas that of 4-BPB was hardly affected. Furthermore, the inhibitory activity of dexamethasone, NDGA and ethacrynic acid was much higher when the macrophages were continuously exposed to the agents than when they were pulsed. Meanwhile, inhibition by 4-BPB was almost the same with either treatment. In addition, the inhibitory activity of these agents was not blocked withl-arginine, a substrate of NO synthases, or with arachidonate metabolites (LTB4, LTC4 and LTE4). Ethacrynic acid and 4-BPB, but not dexamethasone and NDGA, also inhibited nitrite production by the cytosolic fractions from OK-432-restimulated peritoneal macrophages, and the inhibitory activity of 4-BPB was superior to that of ethacrynic acid. These agents, however, did not inhibit nitrite production from sodium nitroprusside, a spontaneous NO-releasing compound. These results indicate that dexamethasone, 4-BPB, NDGA and ethacrynic acid inhibited the production of NO by macrophages through at least two different mechanisms: one was inhibited by dexamethasone, NDGA and ethacrynic acid and the other by 4-BPB. Furthermore, 4-BPB and ethacrynic acid directly inhibited the activity of the NO synthase in macrophages, suggesting that the agents work by binding to the active site(s) of the enzyme.  相似文献   
A recombinant plasmid which contained a gene for diphtheria toxin A-chain (DT-A) under the control of the long terminal repeat (LTR) of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) (BLV-LTR) was constructed to test a novel application of liposomes as antiviral agents. The promoter activity of BLV-LTR was estimated by the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) assay using a plasmid which contains the coding sequence of CAT under the control of BLV-LTR (pBLVCAT). When BLV-infected cells were transfected with pBLVCAT, CAT activity was detected. BLV-uninfected cell lines, however, showed no detectable CAT activity. The plasmid DNA entrapped in liposomes was added to BLV-infected cells in culture. Syncytium formation induced by BLV-infected cells was effectively suppressed by the liposomes containing the gene for DT-A under the control of BLV-LTR. Conversely, liposomes containing the gene for DT-A without a promoter showed no such effect. DT-A gene-containing liposomes with BLV-LTR did not affect formation of syncytium induced by bovine immunodeficiency virus. These observations indicate that BLV-infected cells were readily targeted on the level of gene expression. This strategy could be applied to the treatment of BLV-induced B-cell proliferation of cattle, and further to other viral/neoplastic diseases where specific gene expression is exerted.  相似文献   
Suspension-cultured cells of carrot (Daucus carota L.) synthesize and secrete a glycoprotein that is normally found only in dermal tissues (epidermis, endodermis and periderm). This protein, previously called GP57, is now referred to as EDGP (E xtracellular D ermal G lyco P rotein). We purified sufficient quantities of EDGP to obtain amino-acid sequences on two internal tryptic peptides and screened a cDNA library of young carrot roots with antiserum to EDGP and with oligonucleotides corresponding to the peptides. Here we report the derived amino-acid sequence of EDGP. Sequence comparisons show that it has 40% amino-acid sequence identity with 7S basic globulin, a protein that is released when soybean seeds are soaked in hot water for a few hours. We suggest that these two proteins belong to a new family of dermal proteins. As far as we know, this is the first reported derived amino-acid sequence for protein that is specific to the epidermis and other dermal tissues. The level of EDGP mRNA is low in dry seeds, but increases rapidly in growing seedlings as they develop dermal tissues. The level of mRNA is low in storage roots, but increases rapidly in response to wounding. The presence of EDGP in dermal tissues and its up-regulation in response to wounding indicate a role in the response of plants to biotic and-or abiotic stresses. An unusual feature of the amino-acid sequence of EDGP is that it contains a short motif, which is present at the active site of aspartyl proteases such as pepsin and chymosin.Abbreviations cDNA copy DNA - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophen-oxyacetic acid - EDGP extracellular dermal glycoprotein - 7SBG 7S basic globulin Supported by a contract from the United States Department of Energy (Energy Biosciences) (to M.J.C.) and a Grant-in-Aid for Special Research on Priority Areas (01660002, Cellular and Molecular Basis for Reproductive Processes in Plants) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, and by the Fund from Basic Research Core System of Science and Technology Agency, Japan (to S.S.).  相似文献   
Proteins and Carbohydrates in Xylem Sap from Squash Root   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The xylem sap from squash roots was collected from the cut surfaceof stems, and the proteins and carbohydrates in the sap wereanalyzed. The sap contained 18.6 µg ml–1 proteinand the major polypeptides were as follows: 1) two polypeptides,of 75 and 40 kDa, with high-mannose glycans, the levels of whichincreased for about 24 h after cutting and then decreased; 2)a 32-kDa polypeptide, which appeared soon after cutting, disappearedand then reappeared again 48–64 h after cutting; and 3)a 19-kDa and a 14-kDa polypeptide, which were present constitutively.The carbohydrates contained in the xylem sap were fractionatedinto 80% ethanol-soluble and -insoluble material, and whichwere analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography, gaschromatography and enzymatic mathods. The former fraction containedconsiderable amounts of myo-inositol and fructose as free sugarsand oligosaccharides composed mainly of galactose, arabinoseand glucose. The latter contained polysaccharides composed mainlyof uronic acids, galactose and arabinose. The possible significanceof these substances, which may mediate the interactions betweenthe root and the aerial organs, is discussed. (Received April 20, 1992; Accepted July 4, 1992)  相似文献   
Gangliosides were isolated from Trypanosoma brucei and analyzed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and TLC immunostaining test. Four species of gangliosides, designated as G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4, were separated by TLC. G-1 ganglioside had the same TLC migration rate as GM3. In contrast, G-2, G-3, and G-4 gangliosides migrated a little slower than GM1, GD1a, and GD1b, respectively. To characterize the molecular species of gangliosides from T. brucei, G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4 gangliosides were purified and analyzed by TLC immunostaining test with monoclonal antibodies against gangliosides. G-1 ganglioside showed the reactivity to the monoclonal antibody against ganglioside GM3. G-2 was recognized by the anti-GM1 monoclonal antibody. G-3 showed reaction with the monoclonal antibody to GD1a. G-4 had the reactivity to anti-GD1b monoclonal antibody. Using 4 kinds of monoclonal antibodies, we also studied the expression of GM3, GM1, GD1a, and GD1b in T. brucei parasites. GM3, GM1, GD1a, and GD1b were detected on the cell surface of T. brucei. These results suggest that G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4 gangliosides are GM3 (NeuAc alpha2-3Gal beta1-4Glc beta1-1Cer), GM1 (Gal beta1-3GalNAc beta1-4[NeuAc alpha2-3]Gal beta1-4Glc beta1-1Cer), GD1a (NeuAc alpha2-3Gal beta1-3GalNAc beta1-4[NeuAc alpha2-3]Gal beta1-4Glc beta1-1Cer), and GD1b (Gal beta1-3GalNAc beta1-4[NeuAc alpha2-8NeuAc alpha2-3]Gal beta1-4Glc beta1-1Cer), respectively, and also that they are expressed on the cell surface of T. brucei.  相似文献   
Clec1A, a member of C-type lectin receptor family, has a carbohydrate recognition domain in its extracellular region, but no known signaling motif in the cytoplasmic domain. Clec1a is highly expressed in endothelial cells and weakly in dendritic cells. Although this molecule was reported to play an important role in the host defense against Aspergillus fumigatus by recognizing 1,8-dihydroxynaphthalene-melanin on the fungal surface, the roles of this molecule in un-infected animals remain to be elucidated. In this study, we found that Clec1a−/− mice develop milder symptoms upon induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), an animal model for multiple sclerosis. The maximum disease score was significantly lower, and demyelination and inflammation of the spinal cord were much milder in Clec1a−/− mice compared to wild-type mice. No abnormality was detected in the immune cell composition in the draining lymph nodes and spleen on day 10 and 16 after EAE induction. Recall memory T cell proliferation after restimulation with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide (MOG35–55) in vitro was decreased in Clec1a−/− mice, and antigen presenting ability of Clec1a−/− dendritic cells was impaired. Interestingly, RNA-Seq and RT-qPCR analyses clearly showed that the expression of inflammatory cytokines including Il17a, Il6 and Il1b was greatly decreased in Clec1a−/− mice after induction of EAE, suggesting that this reduced cytokine production is responsible for the amelioration of EAE in Clec1a−/− mice. These observations suggest a novel function of Clec1A in the immune system.  相似文献   
A thiolated oligonucleotide having three ferrocenes was immobilized on a gold electrode through the sulfur-gold linkage. This electrode showed a current response based on the redox reaction of the ferrocene moieties and this response was decreased after treatment with deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I), suggesting the disappearance of the ferrocene moieties on the electrode by the DNase I digestion. A linear correlation between i0 and i, which are current peaks before and after DNase I treatment, respectively, was observed and this slope was decreased with increase in the amount of DNase I. No current decrease was observed in the presence of EDTA or RNase A instead of DNase I. These results suggested that the current decrease responded specifically to the amount of DNase I and this electrode could be used for an electrochemical DNase I assay. Under the optimum conditions of DNase I digestion at 37 °C for 30 min, a quantitative analysis could be achieved in the range of 10−4-10−2 units/μl of DNase I.  相似文献   
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