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于丹  赵克尊 《生态学杂志》1990,9(1):7-10,50
昆虫是森林生态系统中的重要组成部分。由于森林中枯枝落叶较多,生境复杂,为昆虫提供了良好的繁殖和栖息场所;因而在森林中昆虫的种类多,数量大。大多数昆虫都以森林  相似文献   
栀子道地性的分子生态学   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
运用扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)方法,研究了来自江西5个不同产地栀子的亲缘关系,并运用HPLC方法测定了栀子苷的含量,用ICP法测定了植物药材中的矿质元素含量.结果表明,各地方品系间在DNA 水平上存在明显的多样性变异;运用NTSYS-PC 软件对53个个体聚类分析,地理位置相近的种群聚为一类.各样本间栀子苷含量高低与聚类分支间无明显相关性,说明道地性的产生是基因型和环境饰变共同作用的结果.经微量元素测定,锌与栀子苷含量间呈负相关关系.  相似文献   
生态脆弱区贫困与生态环境的博弈分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
祁新华  叶士琳  程煜  林荣平 《生态学报》2013,33(19):6411-6417
生态脆弱区既是生态环境破坏最典型、最强烈的区域,也是贫困问题最集中的区域。然而,实践中试图摆脱"贫困陷阱"的成功案例并不多见。其中一个重要原因是鲜有协同生态保护与扶贫的研究,尤其是忽视了不同利益主体的相互作用过程与机制。从博弈论的视角,探讨生态脆弱区不同利益主体的两组核心博弈,即政府与民众以及政府与企业的博弈。研究发现,扶贫与生态环境保护相互作用过程事实上就是协调不同利益主体的目标与利益的博弈过程,博弈结果一定程度上决定了扶贫的效果以及生态环境保护的效应。研究为深入理解贫困与生态环境相互作用的过程与机制提供一个理论分析框架,并为中国生态脆弱区可持续发展实践提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   
J Song  L Shi  D Li  Y Sun  Y Niu  Z Chen  H Luo  X Pang  Z Sun  C Liu  A Lv  Y Deng  Z Larson-Rabin  M Wilkinson  S Chen 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43971


Internal transcribed spacer of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) is already one of the most popular phylogenetic and DNA barcoding markers. However, the existence of its multiple copies has complicated such usage and a detailed characterization of intra-genomic variations is critical to address such concerns.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study, we used sequence-tagged pyrosequencing and genome-wide analyses to characterize intra-genomic variations of internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) regions from 178 plant species. We discovered that mutation of ITS2 is frequent, with a mean of 35 variants per species. And on average, three of the most abundant variants make up 91% of all ITS2 copies. Moreover, we found different congeneric species share identical variants in 13 genera. Interestingly, different species across different genera also share identical variants. In particular, one minor variant of ITS2 in Eleutherococcus giraldii was found identical to the ITS2 major variant of Panax ginseng, both from Araliaceae family. In addition, DNA barcoding gap analysis showed that the intra-genomic distances were markedly smaller than those of the intra-specific or inter-specific variants. When each of 5543 variants were examined for its species discrimination efficiency, a 97% success rate was obtained at the species level.


Identification of identical ITS2 variants across intra-generic or inter-generic species revealed complex species evolutionary history, possibly, horizontal gene transfer and ancestral hybridization. Although intra-genomic multiple variants are frequently found within each genome, the usage of the major variants alone is sufficient for phylogeny construction and species determination in most cases. Furthermore, the inclusion of minor variants further improves the resolution of species identification.  相似文献   


The plant working group of the Consortium for the Barcode of Life recommended the two-locus combination of rbcL + matK as the plant barcode, yet the combination was shown to successfully discriminate among 907 samples from 550 species at the species level with a probability of 72%. The group admits that the two-locus barcode is far from perfect due to the low identification rate, and the search is not over.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here, we compared seven candidate DNA barcodes (psbA-trnH, matK, rbcL, rpoC1, ycf5, ITS2, and ITS) from medicinal plant species. Our ranking criteria included PCR amplification efficiency, differential intra- and inter-specific divergences, and the DNA barcoding gap. Our data suggest that the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA represents the most suitable region for DNA barcoding applications. Furthermore, we tested the discrimination ability of ITS2 in more than 6600 plant samples belonging to 4800 species from 753 distinct genera and found that the rate of successful identification with the ITS2 was 92.7% at the species level.


The ITS2 region can be potentially used as a standard DNA barcode to identify medicinal plants and their closely related species. We also propose that ITS2 can serve as a novel universal barcode for the identification of a broader range of plant taxa.  相似文献   
Molecular anthropological studies of the populations in and around East Asia have resulted in the discovery that most of the Y-chromosome lineages of East Asians came from Southeast Asia. However, very few Southeast Asian populations had been investigated, and therefore, little was known about the purported migrations from Southeast Asia into East Asia and their roles in shaping the genetic structure of East Asian populations. Here, we present the Y-chromosome data from 1,652 individuals belonging to 47 Mon-Khmer (MK) and Hmong-Mien (HM) speaking populations that are distributed primarily across Southeast Asia and extend into East Asia. Haplogroup O3a3b-M7, which appears mainly in MK and HM, indicates a strong tie between the two groups. The short tandem repeat network of O3a3b-M7 displayed a hierarchical expansion structure (annual ring shape), with MK haplotypes being located at the original point, and the HM and the Tibeto-Burman haplotypes distributed further away from core of the network. Moreover, the East Asian dominant haplogroup O3a3c1-M117 shows a network structure similar to that of O3a3b-M7. These patterns indicate an early unidirectional diffusion from Southeast Asia into East Asia, which might have resulted from the genetic drift of East Asian ancestors carrying these two haplogroups through many small bottle-necks formed by the complicated landscape between Southeast Asia and East Asia. The ages of O3a3b-M7 and O3a3c1-M117 were estimated to be approximately 19 thousand years, followed by the emergence of the ancestors of HM lineages out of MK and the unidirectional northward migrations into East Asia.  相似文献   
该研究采用硅胶柱色谱、Sephadex LH-20凝胶柱色谱、半制备型高效液相色谱和重结晶等方法分离纯化,从黔产昆明山海棠乙醇提取物中分离得到11个化合物,并采用96孔板微量稀释法对化合物进行抑菌活性测定。结果表明:利用NMR,MS等现代波谱技术以及化合物的理化性质并结合参考文献分别鉴定为3-O-乙酰基齐墩果酸(1),雷酚萜(2),3-氧代齐墩果酸(3),β-谷甾醇(4),木栓酮(5),β-谷甾醇棕榈酸酯(6),雷公藤红素(7),大黄素(8),雷公藤内酯甲(9),雷藤二萜醌B(10),ent-kauran-16β,19-diol(11)。抑菌活性结果显示,化合物3、7和8具有较好的抑菌作用,MIC值为2~16μg·mL-1。其中,化合物6、11为首次从该植物中分离得到,化合物11为首次从雷公藤属植物中分离得到,且首次发现了化合物3、7对绿脓杆菌和青枯菌具有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   
DNA分子标记在动物个体识别与亲权鉴定方面的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
自从DNA分子标记技术建立以来,各种DNA分子标记相继被广泛地应用于遗传图谱的构建,评估遗传多样性以及个体识别,亲权鉴定等方面,综述了利用DNA分子标记技术,进行动物个体识别与亲权鉴定的原理,研究进展,现状及其应用前景与存在的问题。  相似文献   
黄娇丽  黄珂  唐健民  曹明  苏仕林 《广西植物》2021,41(11):1827-1838
植物崇拜是人类崇尚自然、敬畏生命这一朴素理念的基本体现。为了解百色地区民族民间植物崇拜文化内涵及其对生物多样性保护和管理的影响,该文采用民族植物学方法调查了百色地区民族民间植物崇拜文化及其文化特征,从自然崇拜、传统节日文化、生命礼俗和传统医药等方面探讨了百色地区民族民间植物文化对生物多样性保护的作用。结果表明:百色地区民族民间植物文化内涵丰富,具有丰富的生物多样性。百色地区民族民间崇拜植物分属53个种、47个属、28个科。其中,蔷薇科和豆科种类最多,分别为5种; 其次是桑科和禾本科,分别为4种。从生活型的组成来看,乔木植物占绝对优势,有39种,占总种数的73.58%; 草本11种,占总种数的20.75%; 灌木3种,占总种数的5.67%。其中,有4种植物在中国珍稀濒危植物信息系统中被列为国家Ⅱ级名录(闽楠、蚬木、格木、红椿),有5种植物被列为各省市区(地方)保护野生植物名录(红楠、广西青冈、桃金娘、苏木、黄檀)。这些植物形成了多样的植物群落,对百色地区植物多样性保护具有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   
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