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In several geographic populations of the Arctic ground squirrel C. parryi, studies have been made on changes in oxygen consumption during decrease of the ambient temperature from 25 to 3-4 degrees, thermal preference, hemoglobin content of the blood and composition of the adipose tissue (both brown and white, subcutaneous and visceral). Significant shifts of these indices were found. In animals from various parts of the species area, different sensitivity to cooling was found, as indicated by determinations of oxygen consumption at different temperatures and the prefered temperature: different hemoglobin content of the blood was also found together with differences in the level of two unsaturated fatty acids - the oleic and linoleic ones. Comparison of these data with similar results obtained on various populations of the Siberian ground squirrel C. undulatus revealed obvious differences between these close species with respect to the indices studied.  相似文献   
The results of treating 322 patients with various forms of meningococcal infection accepted to a hospital within a year are presented. The patients were divided into 3 groups by the character of etiotropic therapy. The patients of group I were treated with benzylpenicillin and those of group 2 were treated with levomycetin sodium succinate. Group 3 included the patients, the therapy of whom with the above two antibiotics failed and they were subjected to treatment with cefazolin, cefotaxime, amikacin and other broad spectrum antibiotics. Benzylpenicillin generally proved to be the drug of choice in the antibacterial therapy of meningococcal infection. In comparison to levomycetin (chloramphenicol) it provide more rapid clinical recovery of the patients and normalization of the indices of the cerebrospinal fluid. Only failure of benzylpenicillin therapy was considered as an indication to the broad-spectrum antibiotics to be in the complex treatment of the patients. As additional methods for estimating the efficacy of antibacterial therapy it was recommended to employ calculation of the integral indices of hemograms (the leukocyte index of intoxication and the hematologic index of intoxication).  相似文献   
Collapsible-tube flow with self-excited oscillations has been extensively investigated. Though physiologically relevant, forced oscillation coupled with self-excited oscillation has received little attention in this context. Based on an ODE model of collapsible-tube flow, the present study applies modern dynamics methods to investigate numerically the responses of forced oscillation to a limit-cycle oscillation which has topological characteristics discovered in previous unforced experiments. A devil's staircase and period-doubling cascades are presented with forcing frequency and amplitude as control parameters. In both cases, details are provided in a bifurcation diagram. Poincaré sections, a frequency spectrum and the largest Lyapunov exponents verify the existence of chaos in some circumstances. The thin fractal structure found in the strange attractors is believed to be a result of high damping and low stiffness in such systems.  相似文献   
应用底物膜技术检测130例正常精液,精子顶体酶活性百分率的正常值下限为57%。459例不孕症病人精液分析,无精症25例,其余434例中75%精子顶体酶活性正常。实验表明精子密度对数值与顶体酶活性百分率之间有正相关,r=0.84(P<0.01),回归方程为顶体酶活性百分率y=48.43%+(8.9%)(log精子计数)。活动精子百分率与顶体酶活性之间有密切正相关,r=0.967,(P<0.01),顶体酶活性y=38.6%+0、36x%。前向活跃直线运动精子百分率与顶体酶活性之间也有密切相关.r=0.96,(P<0.01),顶体酶活性y=34.21%+0.61x%。  相似文献   
The purpose of this report is to develop a correlation between the hydrophobicity of a phospholipid as measured by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and its rate of spontaneous transfer and to use this correlation to predict the rate of transfer of any homologous lipid from any lipoprotein. We have studied the mechanism of transfer of a series of fluorescent or radiolabeled phospholipids among natural and reassembled serum lipoproteins. Fluorescent phosphatidylcholines included those with 9-(1-pyrenyl)nonanoic acid in the sn-2 position and lauric, myristic, palmitic, stearic, oleic or linoleic acid at sn-1. The radioactive phosphatidylcholines contained [3H]oleic acid in the sn-2 position and lauric, myristic, or palmitic acid at sn-1. The kinetics of transfer of the pyrene-labeled lipid were followed by changes in the excimer fluorescence, and that of the radioactive lipids by separation of the donor (lipid-apolipoprotein recombinant) from the acceptor (single bilayer vesicles) on a column of Sephacryl S-200. The retention time of each lipid was measured by high-performance hydrophobic chromatography through a Waters radially compressed C18 column eluted with 75% isopropanol and 25% triethylammonium phosphate (0.15 M). A linear relationship was observed between the rate-constant of transfer and the retention time which suggest that the rate of desorption of phosphatidylcholines from lipoproteins and vesicles is controlled predominately by the hydrophobic effect. For a homologous series of lipids, the rate of transfer can be predicted from retention times obtained from hydrophobic chromatography. The kinetics of transfer of 1-lauroyl-2-[9-(1-pyrenyl)nonanoyl] phosphatidylcholine between isolated human serum lipoproteins exhibits a linear correlation between the transfer half-time and the size of the donor lipoproteins. As a consequence, transfer from very-low-density lipoprotein is 10-times slower than that observed from high-density lipoproteins. The observed correlations between phospholipid transfer rates and both the Stokes radius of the donor and the retention time of the phospholipid on a hydrophobic column permit one to calculate the rate of transfer of homologous molecules between lipid-protein complexes. The results predict that the spontaneous transfer of phospholipids between plasma lipoproteins would be too slow to be a physiologically important phenomena.  相似文献   
UV-light is shown to induce the structural transitions in the erythrocyte membrane described by S-shape curves in plots of the structural response versus the irradiation dose. In contrast to the free acetylcholine esterase (AChE) UV-light acts on the membrane enzyme as a mixed inhibitor (simultaneous change in Vmax and Km). The modification of the environment structure of residual enzyme is suggested to be the main reason of this phenomenon. The effect is under the control of membrane integrity and disappears after its desintegration. Membrane AChE treated ultrasonically both prior to and after irradiation is inactivated without a Km change. The data obtained show the influence of erythrocyte membrane structure on the catalytic behaviour of membrane-bound AChE.  相似文献   
We used an allelogenic Cre/loxP gene targeting strategy in mice to determine the role of cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) in hepatic energy metabolism. Mice that lack this enzyme die within 3 days of birth, while mice with at least a 90% global reduction of PEPCK, or a liver-specific knockout of PEPCK, are viable. Surprisingly, in both cases these animals remain euglycemic after a 24-h fast. However, mice without hepatic PEPCK develop hepatic steatosis after fasting despite up-regulation of a variety of genes encoding free fatty acid-oxidizing enzymes. Also, marked alterations in the expression of hepatic genes involved in energy metabolism occur in the absence of any changes in plasma hormone concentrations. Given that a ninefold elevation of the hepatic malate concentration occurs in the liver-specific PEPCK knockout mice, we suggest that one or more intermediary metabolites may directly regulate expression of the affected genes. Thus, hepatic PEPCK may function more as an integrator of hepatic energy metabolism than as a determinant of gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   
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