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Dendritic cells (DCs) are pivotal antigen-presenting cells for regulating immune responses. A major focus of contemporary vaccine research is the genetic modification of DCs to express antigens or immunomodulatory molecules, utilizing a variety of viral and nonviral vectors, to induce antigen-specific immune responses that ameliorate disease states as diverse as malignancy, infection, autoimmunity, and allergy. The present study has evaluated adeno-associated virus (AAV) type 2 as a vector for ex vivo gene transfer to human peripheral blood monocyte (MO)-derived DCs. AAV is a nonpathogenic parvovirus that infects a wide variety of human cell lineages in vivo and in vitro, for long-term transgene expression without requirements for cell proliferation. The presented data demonstrate that recombinant AAV (rAAV) can efficiently transduce MOs as well as DCs generated by MO culture with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor plus interleukin in vitro. rAAV transgene expression in MO-derived DCs could be enhanced by etoposide, previously reported to enhance AAV gene expression. rAAV transduction of freshly purified MO followed by 7 days of culture with cytokines to generate DCs, and subsequent sorting for coexpression of DC markers CD1a and CD40, showed robust transgene expression as well as evidence of nuclear localization of the rAAV genome in the DC population. Phenotypic analyses using multiple markers and functional assays of one-way allogeneic mixed leukocyte reactions indicated that rAAV-transduced MO-derived DCs were as equivalent to nontransduced DCs. These results support the utility of rAAV vectors for future human DC vaccine studies.  相似文献   
The pSub201-pAAV/Ad plasmid cotransfection system was developed to eliminate homologous recombination which leads to generation of the wild-type (wt) adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) during recombinant vector production. The extent of contamination with wt AAV has been documented to range between 0.01 and 10%. However, the precise mechanism of generation of the contaminating wt AAV remains unclear. To characterize the wt AAV genomes, recombinant viral stocks were used to infect human 293 cells in the presence of adenovirus. Southern blot analyses of viral replicative DNA intermediates revealed that the contaminating AAV genomes were not authentic wt but rather wt AAV-like sequences derived from recombination between (i) AAV inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) in the recombinant plasmid and (ii) AAV sequences in the helper plasmid. Replicative AAV DNA fragments, isolated following amplification through four successive rounds of amplification in adenovirus-infected 293 cells, were molecularly cloned and subjected to nucleotide sequencing to identify the recombinant junctions. Following sequence analyses of 31 different ends of AAV-like genomes derived from two different recombinant vector stocks, we observed that all recombination events involved 10 nucleotides in the AAV D sequence distal to viral hairpin structures. We have recently documented that the first 10 nucleotides in the D sequence proximal to the AAV hairpin structures are essential for successful replication and encapsidation of the viral genome (X.-S. Wang et al., J. Virol. 71:3077–3082, 1997), and it was noteworthy that in each recombinant junction sequenced, the same 10 nucleotides were retained. We also observed that adenovirus ITRs in the helper plasmid were involved in illegitimate recombination with AAV ITRs, deletions of which significantly reduced the extent of wt AAV-like particles. Furthermore, the combined use of recombinant AAV plasmids lacking the distal 10 nucleotides in the D sequence and helper plasmids lacking the adenovirus ITRs led to complete elimination of replication-competent wt AAV-like particles in recombinant vector stocks. These strategies should be useful in producing clinical-grade AAV vectors suitable for human gene therapy.  相似文献   
The adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) arrests the growth of primary human fibroblasts in vitro at high particle-to-cell ratios. To test the role of AAV gene expression in the observed growth inhibition, primary human cells were infected, under identical conditions, with wild-type (wt) AAV or with recombinant AAV that lacked all viral promoters and coding sequences. Significant, dose-dependent growth inhibition of primary human cells was observed with both wt and recombinant AAV at particle-to-cell ratios equal to or exceeding 10(4). In contrast, neither virus affected the growth of immortalized human cells even at a 10-fold-higher particle-to-cell ratio. AAV-induced growth arrest could be overcome by reculturing cells after treatment with trypsin. Even after reculturing, cells still harbored the proviral AAV genome. Thus, neither integration nor expression of the AAV genome appears to be required for the virus-induced growth-inhibitory effect on primary human cells. The growth-inhibitory effect of AAV was hypothesized to be mediated by virion-associated AAV Rep proteins, since these proteins have been reported to inhibit cellular DNA synthesis. Rep proteins tightly associated with wt as well as recombinant AAV could be detected on Western blots. Coinfection by adenovirus was necessary and sufficient for ample replication of recombinant AAV genomes lacking the rep gene. Although wt AAV-like particles arose during production of the recombinant AAV stocks, their low-titer levels were insufficient to cause the observed growth inhibition. AAV rep gene expression from these contaminating particles was not required for replication of the recombinant AAV genomes, which could be detected even in the absence of de novo Rep protein synthesis. Exposure of recombinant AAV to anti-AAV Rep protein antibodies did not abrogate viral infectivity. These results suggest that biologically active Rep proteins are encapsidated in mature progeny AAV particles. AAV Rep protein-mediated growth inhibition of primary human cells has implications in the use of AAV-based vectors in human gene therapy.  相似文献   
We report here the significance of the Notch1 receptor in intracellular trafficking of recombinant adeno-associated virus type 2 (rAAV2). RNA profiling of human prostate cancer cell lines with various degrees of AAV transduction indicated a correlation of the amount of Notch1 with rAAV transgene expression. A definitive role of Notch1 in enhancing AAV transduction was confirmed by developing clonal derivatives of DU145 cells overexpressing either full-length or intracellular Notch1. To discern stages of AAV2 transduction influenced by Notch1, competitive binding with soluble heparin and Notch1 antibody, intracellular trafficking using Cy3-labeled rAAV2, and blocking assays for proteasome and dynamin pathways were performed. Results indicated that in the absence or low-level expression of Notch1, only binding of virus was found on the cell surface and internalization was impaired. However, increased Notch1 expression in these cells allowed efficient perinuclear accumulation of labeled capsids. Nuclear transport of the vector was evident by transgene expression and real-time PCR analyses. Dynamin levels were not found to be different among these cell lines, but blocking dynamin function abrogated AAV2 transduction in DU145 clones overexpressing full-length Notch1 but not in clones overexpressing intracellular Notch1. These studies provide evidence for the role of activated Notch1 in intracellular trafficking of AAV2, which may have implications in the optimal use of AAV2 in human gene therapy.  相似文献   
The adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) genome can be successfully rescued from recombinant plasmids following transfection in adenovirus-infected human cells. However, following rescue, the AAV genome undergoes preferential replication and encapsidation, whereas little replication and packaging of the vector DNA sequences occur. In view of the crucial role in the rescue, replication, and packaging of the proviral genome played by the AAV inverted terminal repeats (ITRs), which consist of a palindromic hairpin (HP) structure and a 20-nucleotide stretch, designated the D-sequence, that is not involved in the HP-formation, we evaluated the involvement of the individual ITRs as well as their components in the selective viral DNA replication and encapsidation. A number of recombinant AAV plasmids that contained deletions-substitutions in different regions of the individual ITRs were constructed and examined for their potential to allow rescue, replication, and/or packaging in adenovirus-infected human cells in vivo. The results reported here document that (ii) two HP structures and one D-sequence are sufficient for efficient rescue and preferential replication of the AAV DNA, (ii) two HP structures alone allow a low-level rescue and replication of the AAV DNA, but rescue and replication of the vector DNA sequences also occur in the absence of the D-sequences, (iii) one HP structure and two D-sequences, but not one HP structure and one D-sequence, also allow rescue and replication of the AAV as well as the vector DNA sequences, (iv) one HP structure alone or two D-sequences, but not one D-sequence alone, allow replication of the full-length plasmid DNA, but no rescue of the AAV genome occurs, (v) no rescue-replication occurs in the absence of the HP structures and the D-sequences, (vi) in the absence of the D-sequences, the HP structures are insufficient for successful encapsidation of the AAV genomes, and (vii) the AAV genomes containing only one ITR structure can be packaged into biologically active virions. Thus, the D-sequence plays a crucial role in the efficient rescue and selective replication and encapsidation of the AAV genome. Furthermore, the D-sequence specifically interacts with a hitherto unknown host-cell protein that we have designated the D-sequence-binding protein (D-BP). These studies illustrate that the D-sequence-D-BP interaction constitutes an important step in the AAV life cycle.  相似文献   
Adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV), a nonpathogenic human parvovirus, is gaining attention as a vector for potential use in human gene therapy. We and others have described AAV-mediated beta-globin gene transfer and expression in established human and murine erythroleukemia cell lines in vitro. However, successful AAV-mediated globin gene transduction of hematopoietic stem cells and long-term expression in vivo in progeny cells have not been documented. We report here that infection of murine hematopoietic bone marrow cells ex vivo with a recombinant AAV vector containing the genomic copy of a normal human globin gene followed by transplantation of these cells into lethally irradiated congenic mice resulted in efficient gene transfer into hematopoietic cells with long-term repopulating ability as detected by the presence of the human globin gene sequences in bone marrow and spleen in primary recipient mice for at least 6 months. Long-term expression of the human globin gene was also detected in bone marrow, but not in spleen, in primary recipient mice. Furthermore, in secondary-transplant experiments, we were also able to document the presence as well as expression of the transduced human globin gene in mouse bone marrow for up to 3 months. These results provide further support for potential use of the AAV-based vector system in gene therapy of human hemoglobinopathies in general and sickle-cell anemia and beta-thalassemia in particular.  相似文献   
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