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Kainate receptors (KARs) are a class of ionotropic glutamate receptors that are expressed throughout the central nervous system. The function and subcellular localization of KARs are tightly regulated by accessory proteins. We have previously identified the single-pass transmembrane proteins, Neto1 and Neto2, to be associated with native KARs. In the hippocampus, Neto1, but not Neto2, controls the abundance and modulates the kinetics of postsynaptic KARs. Here we evaluated whether Neto2 regulates synaptic KAR levels in the cerebellum where Neto1 expression is limited to the deep cerebellar nuclei. In the cerebellum, where Neto2 is present abundantly, we found a ∼40% decrease in GluK2-KARs at the postsynaptic density (PSD) of Neto2-null mice. No change, however, was observed in total level of GluK2-KARs, thereby suggesting a critical role of Neto2 on the synaptic localization of cerebellar KARs. The presence of a putative class II PDZ binding motif on Neto2 led us to also investigate whether it interacts with PDZ domain-containing proteins previously implicated in regulating synaptic abundance of KARs. We identified a PDZ-dependent interaction between Neto2 and the scaffolding protein GRIP. Furthermore, coexpression of Neto2 significantly increased the amount of GRIP associated with GluK2, suggesting that Neto2 may promote and/or stabilize GluK2:GRIP interactions. Our results demonstrate that Neto2, like Neto1, is an important auxiliary protein for modulating the synaptic levels of KARs. Moreover, we propose that the interactions of Neto1/2 with various scaffolding proteins is a critical mechanism by which KARs are stabilized at diverse synapses.  相似文献   
The role of invariant water molecules in the activity of plant cysteine protease is ubiquitous in nature. On analysing the 11 different Protein DataBank (PDB) structures of plant thiol proteases, the two invariant water molecules W1 and W2 (W220 and W222 in the template 1PPN structure) were observed to form H-bonds with the Ob atom of Asn 175. Extensive energy minimization and molecular dynamics simulation studies up to 2 ns on all the PDB and solvated structures clearly revealed the involvement of the H-bonding association of the two water molecules in fixing the orientation of the asparagine residue of the catalytic triad. From this study, it is suggested that H-bonding of the water molecule at the W1 invariant site better stabilizes the Asn residue at the active site of the catalytic triad.  相似文献   
The protein components of the cloned crystal toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. Using an antiserum to the solubilized B. thuringiensis var. israelensis crystal protein as a probe, immunological homology between the crystal protein components of B. thuringiensis var. israelensis and those of the recombinant B. megaterium strain VB131 was tested. The results from this study indicate that the crystal inclusion of the recombinant strain contains only the 130 kilodalton protein and not the 68 or the 28 kilodalton proteins of the crystal toxin of B. thuringiensis var. israelensis and that the 130 kilodalton protein is primarily responsible for the mosquitocidal activity of this organism.  相似文献   
Mine wastewater often contains dissolved metals at concentrations too low to be economically extracted by existing technologies, yet too high for environmental discharge. The most common treatment is chemical precipitation of the dissolved metals using limestone and subsequent disposal of the sludge in tailing impoundments. While it is a cost-effective solution to meet regulatory standards, it represents a lost opportunity. In this study, we engineered Escherichia coli to overexpress its native NikABCDE transporter and a heterologous metallothionein to capture nickel at concentrations in local effluent streams. We found the engineered strain had a 7-fold improvement in the bioaccumulation performance for nickel compared to controls, but also observed a drastic decrease in cell viability due to metabolic burden or inducer (IPTG) toxicity. Growth kinetic analysis revealed the IPTG concentrations used based on past studies lead to growth inhibition, thus delineating future avenues for optimization of the engineered strain and its growth conditions to perform in more complex environments.  相似文献   
Poly(A)+ RNA (polyadenylated RNA) isolated from membrane-bound and free polyribosomes was translated in reticulocyte lysates, and the products were analysed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Several translation products were specific to membrane-bound polyribosomal mRNA, including polypeptides of 47kDa, 35kDa and 21 kDa, whereas others (e.g. of 37 kDa, 17 kDa and 14 kDa) were specific to free polyribosomal mRNA. Although many products were common to both mRNA species, cross-contamination could be ruled out on the basis of the presence of these and other specific products. The common products included a 68 kDa microtubule-associated protein, tubulin, actin, the brain form of creatine kinase, neuron-specific enolase and protein 14-3-3 and calmodulin, all of which were identified on the basis of two-dimensional gel and peptide analyses. The 35 kDa protein product of membrane-specific mRNA was co-translationally processed in vitro by microsomal membranes, resulting in its cleavage to 33 kDa (and partial glycosylation). The 33 kDa processed protein (but not the 35 kDa precursor) was integrated into both dog pancreas and rat brain microsomal membranes. The occurrence of the enzymes and calmodulin as products of membrane-bound polyribosomal mRNA is discussed in the light of their presence on rat brain synaptic plasma membranes [Lim, Hall, Leung, Mahadevan & Whatley (1983) J. Neurochem. 41, 1177-1182] and their existence in a specific component of axonal flow. It is suggested that some of these translation products of the rough endoplasmic reticulum may represent proteins destined for the plasma membrane. However, the identity and location of the 35 kDa membrane-specific product (or its processed form) still remain unestablished.  相似文献   
The bacterial protein content and protozoal protein content of unfractionated samples from the liquid-small particle phase of the rumen were determined on the basis of direct microscopic measurement of bacteria numbers and protozoa numbers and cell volumes. Standard values of 8.7 X 10(-11) mg of protein per bacterial cell and 5.9 X 10(-11) mg/micron 3 of protozoa cell volume, obtained from analysis of isolated cells, were used to convert the microscopic measurements to an estimate of the protein content of the rumen sample. When the correlation between bacterial and protozoal protein levels was examined within groups of animals, a highly significant negative correlation between these two parameters was found (P less than 0.001). The variation among animals for total (bacterial plus protozoal) microbial protein was smaller than the variation among animals for bacterial or protozoal protein alone. There was also a highly significant positive correlation (P less than 0.001) between protozoal protein level and total microbial protein level. The variation found among animals in total microbial protein level could be reduced by using a regression equation determined for bacterial versus protozoal protein to correct for the different population dynamics of the two groups.  相似文献   
Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum when grown on ordinary culture medium has a tough cell wall which is lysozyme-resistant and difficult to disrupt by physical means. The cell wall, however, can be weakened by the addition of D-sorbitol to the growth medium and the organisms form protoplasts after lysozyme addition. This technique allowed the isolation of two types of intracellular small vesicles: (a) isolated by disruption of the total cell population (lysozyme-sensitive and lysozyme-resistant cells) by ultrafrequency sound and (b) isolated by osmotic lysis of protoplasts. For the first time, a small vesicle fraction isolated as in (a) was capable of synthesizing methane from CO2 and H2 without cytoplasm. There was, however, an absolute requirement for a small, heat-stable, oxygen-sensitive cofactor which was isolated from the cytoplasm. Methane synthesis with this vesicle fraction was inhibited by the detergent deoxycholate, and by the protonophores 2,4-dinitrophenol and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. Mg2+-ATPase appeared to be located on the outer or cytoplasmic surface of the small vesicle fraction isolated as in (b). The results were consistent with a previously made suggestion [Sauer, Erfle & Mahadevan (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 9843-9848] that the interior of the small intracellular vesicles becomes acid during methane synthesis.  相似文献   
Summary Addition of aldicarb (2 methyl-2(methyl thio) propionaldehyde-0-methyl carbamoyl oxime) in the growth medium enhanced the growth ofRhizobium sp. (cowpea group) at 2 ppm level while an inhibition was observed at the normal (5 ppm) and higher (10 ppm) concentrations. Respiration of the cells was also inhibited by 5 and 10 ppm levels of the chemical eventhough a stimulation was observed at 2 ppm (lower) concentration. The insecticide, when incorporated at 5 and 10 ppm levels in the medium increased the14C-glucose incorporation and considerably altered the assimilation of the radioactive carbon in different fractions of rhizobium cells. Soil application of this insecticide (Temik 10 G) reduced the number of nodules formed and the total nitrogen content in cowpea plants inoculated with theRhizobium sp. but enhanced the dry matter production of cowpea plants.Based on the M. Sc. thesis submitted by the first author to the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-3.  相似文献   
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