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CD6 is a type I membrane glycoprotein expressed on thymocytes, mature T and B1a lymphocytes, and CNS cells. CD6 binds to activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (CD166), and is considered as a costimulatory molecule involved in lymphocyte activation and thymocyte development. Accordingly, CD6 partially associates with the TCR/CD3 complex and colocalizes with it at the center of the mature immunological synapse (IS) on T lymphocytes. However, the signaling pathway used by CD6 is still mostly unknown. The yeast two-hybrid system has allowed us the identification of syntenin-1 as an interacting protein with the cytoplasmic tail of CD6. Syntenin-1 is a PDZ (postsynaptic density protein-95, postsynaptic discs large, and zona occludens-1) domain-containing protein, which functions as an adaptor protein able to bind cytoskeletal proteins and signal transduction effectors. Mutational analyses showed that certain amino acids of the most C-terminal sequence of CD6 (-YDDISAA) and the two postsynaptic density protein-95, postsynaptic discs large, and zona occludens-1 domains of syntenin-1 are relevant to the interaction. Further confirmation of the CD6-syntenin-1 interaction was obtained from pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation assays in mammalian cells. Image analyses also showed that syntenin-1 accumulates at CD6 caps and at the IS. Therefore, we propose that syntenin-1 may function as a scaffolding protein coupling CD6 and most likely other lymphocyte receptors to cytoskeleton and/or signaling effectors during IS maturation.  相似文献   
Complex traits are under the genetic control of multiple genes, often with weak effects and strong epistatic interactions. We developed two new collections of mouse strains to improve genetic dissection of complex traits. They are derived from several backcrosses of the Mus spretus SEG/Pas or STF/Pas strains on the C57BL/6J background. Each of the 55 interspecific recombinant congenic strains (IRCSs) carries up to eight SEG/Pas chromosomal segments with an average size of 11.7 Mb, totalizing 1.37% of the genome. The complete series covers 39.7% of the SEG/Pas genome. As a complementary resource, six partial or complete interspecific consomic strains were developed and increased genome coverage to 45.6%. To evaluate the usefulness of these strains for QTL mapping, 16 IRCSs were compared with C57BL/6J for seven hematological parameters. Strain 66H, which carries three SEG/Pas chromosomal segments, had lower red blood cell volume and higher platelet count than C57BL/6J. Each chromosomal segment was isolated in a congenic strain to evaluate individual effects. Congenic strains were combined to assess epistasis. Our data show that both traits were controlled by several genes with complex epistatic interactions. IRCSs are therefore useful to unravel QTL with small effects and gene-by-gene interactions.  相似文献   
Allochronic speciation refers to a mode of sympatric speciation in which the differentiation of populations is primarily due to a phenological shift without habitat or host change. However, it has been so far rarely documented. The present paper reports on a plausible case of allochronic differentiation between sympatric populations of the pine processionary moth (PPM), Thaumetopoea pityocampa. The PPM is a Mediterranean insect with winter larval development. A phenologically atypical population with early adult activity and summer larval development was detected 10 years ago in Portugal. Mitochondrial and nuclear sequences strongly suggest that the 'summer' individuals are closely related to the sympatric winter population, while microsatellite data show a reduction in allelic richness, a distortion of allelic frequencies and significant genetic differentiation. Moreover, monitoring of adult flights suggests that reproductive activity does not overlap between the summer and winter populations. We postulate that the summer population appeared after a sudden phenological shift of some individuals of the sympatric winter population, leading to a founder effect and complete reproductive isolation. Given that the individuals showing this new phenology are subject to different selection pressures, the observed allochronic differentiation may rapidly lead to deeper divergence.  相似文献   
The human lymphocyte receptor CD5, a key regulator of immune responses, is involved in the modulation of antigen specific receptor-mediated T cell activation and differentiation signals. CD5 is a membrane glycoprotein which belongs to the group B scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) superfamily for which no structural information is available. The most conserved membrane-proximal SRCR domain of CD5 (domain III) has been expressed in HEK-EBNA-293 cells. Although the yield of the purified protein was at the level of micrograms, well diffracting crystals have been obtained. The crystals belong to a tetragonal space group P4(1)22 or P4(3)22. They contain two molecules per asymmetric unit and diffracted to 2.5A resolution using synchrotron radiation. The strategy shown here to produce, isolate and crystallize CD5 domain III can be used for other mammalian proteins difficult to produce for structural or other biophysical studies.  相似文献   
Complement receptor type 2 (CR2)/CD21 is a B lymphocyte cell membrane C3d/iC3b receptor that plays a central role in the immune response. Human CR2 is also the receptor for the EBV viral membrane glycoprotein gp350/220. Both C3d and gp350/220 bind CR2 within the first two of 15-16 repetitive domains that have been designated short consensus/complement repeats. Many mAbs react with human CR2; however, only one currently available mAb is known to block both C3d/iC3b and gp350/220 binding. We have used a recombinant form of human CR2 containing the short consensus/complement repeat 1-2 ligand-binding fragment to immunize Cr2(-/-) mice. Following fusion, we identified and further characterized four new anti-CR2 mAbs that recognize this fragment. Three of these inhibited binding of CR2 to C3d and gp350/220 in different forms. We have determined the relative inhibitory ability of the four mAbs to block ligand binding, and we have used overlapping peptide-based approaches to identify linear epitopes recognized by the inhibitory mAbs. Placement of these epitopes on the recently solved crystal structure of the CR2-C3d complex reveals that each inhibitory mAb recognizes a site either within or adjacent to the CR2-C3d contact site. One new mAb, designated 171, blocks CR2 receptor-ligand interactions with the greatest efficiency and recognizes a portion of the C3d contact site on CR2. Thus, we have created an anti-human CR2 mAb that blocks the C3d ligand by direct contact with its interaction site, and we have provided confirmatory evidence that the C3d binding site seen in its crystal structure exists in solution.  相似文献   
CD6 is a cell surface receptor expressed on immature thymocytes and mature T and B1a lymphocytes. The ultimate function of CD6 has not been deciphered yet, but much evidence supports a role for CD6 in T cell activation and differentiation. In this study, we show that a fraction of CD6 molecules physically associates with the TCR/CD3 complex by coimmunoprecipitation, cocapping, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments. Image analysis of Ag-specific T-APC conjugates demonstrated that CD6 and its ligand, activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (CD166), colocalize with TCR/CD3 at the center of the immunological synapse, the so-called central supramolecular activation cluster. The addition of a soluble rCD6 form significantly reduced the number of mature Ag-specific T-APC conjugates, indicating that CD6 mediates early cell-cell interactions needed for immunological synapse maturation to proceed. This was in agreement with the dose-dependent inhibition of CD3-mediated T cell proliferation induced by soluble rCD6. Taken together, our data illustrate the important role played by the intra- and intercellular molecular interactions mediated by CD6 during T cell activation and proliferation processes.  相似文献   
Human Sp alpha is a soluble protein belonging to group B of the scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) superfamily for which little functional information is available. It is expressed by macrophages present in lymphoid tissues (spleen, lymph node, thymus, and bone marrow), and it binds to myelomonocytic and lymphoid cells, which suggests that it may play an important role in the regulation of the innate and adaptive immune systems. In the present study we show that recombinant human Sp alpha (rSp alpha) binds to the surface of several gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial strains. Competition studies indicated that such binding is mediated by the recognition of lipoteichoic acid (LTA) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), respectively, through nonoverlapping sites on the Sp alpha molecule. The most conserved part of LPS (2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid and lipid A) was shown to be involved in the recognition by Sp alpha. Bacterial binding studies using the SRCR domain 1 of Sp alpha showed that this domain retains both the LPS and LTA binding activities, indicating that both bacterial interacting sites are retained in a single SRCR domain. Furthermore, rSp alpha induced aggregation of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria strains. On the other hand, rSp alpha inhibited tumor necrosis factor-alpha secretion by human monocytes stimulated with LPS or LTA. Binding of Sp alpha to conserved components of bacterial surfaces and modulation of the monocyte response indicate that this molecule is an active constituent of the innate immune response of the host.  相似文献   
Macrophages serve essential functions as regulators of immunity and homeostasis, and their proliferation contributes to pathogenesis of certain disorders. In this report, we show that induction of macrophage proliferation by the growth factor M-CSF is negatively modulated by agonists that activate the nuclear receptor liver X receptor (LXR), both in vitro and in vivo. Both isoforms LXR α and β are involved in the antiproliferative actions of LXR ligands in macrophages. In contrast, M-CSF does not exert negative effects on LXR-mediated gene expression. Treatment with LXR agonists results in the accumulation of macrophages in the G(0)/G(1) phase of the cell cycle without affecting ERK-1/2 phosphorylation. The use of small interfering RNA or genetically modified mice revealed that, in contrast to other cellular models, functional expression of either the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27KIP1 or the cholesterol transporters ATP-binding cassette A1 or ATP-binding cassette G1 was not required for the antiproliferative effects of LXR agonists in macrophages. Western blot analysis revealed that protein expression of key molecules that regulate progression through the cell cycle, such as cyclins D1 and B1 and cyclin-dependent kinases 2 and 4, was downregulated upon LXR activation. These observations suggest a role for LXR agonists in limiting macrophage proliferative responses associated to pathogenic disorders.  相似文献   
Scavenger receptor cysteine-rich (SRCR) domains are ancient protein modules widely found among cell surface and secreted proteins of the innate and adaptive immune system, where they mediate ligand binding. We have solved the crystal structure at 2.2 A of resolution of the SRCR CD5 domain III, a human lymphocyte receptor involved in the modulation of antigen specific receptor-mediated T cell activation and differentiation signals. The first structure of a member of a group B SRCR domain reveals the fold of this ancient protein module into a central core formed by two antiparallel beta-sheets and one alpha-helix, illustrating the conserved core at the protein level of genes coding for group A and B members of the SRCR superfamily. The novel SRCR group B structure permits the interpretation of site-directed mutagenesis data on the binding of activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule (ALCAM/CD166) binding to CD6, a closely related lymphocyte receptor homologue to CD5.  相似文献   
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