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Summary Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells kept in suspension culture for 12–15 hr displayed high-affinity binding sites for125I-lathyritic (soluble) collagen (120,000/cell,K D =30nm) and preferred collagens types I and IV over laminin or fibronectin as substrates during the first hour of attachment. On the other hand, after 4 hr, attachment to all four substrates was equally efficient. Upon challenge with a collagen substrate, the high-affinity sites were rapidly recruited on it (T1/2=6 min). Their occupancy by soluble collagen triggered the exocytosis of a second large population of low-affinity collagen binding sites that included laminin and seems to be involved in a second cell-attachment mechanism. These results are compatible with a twostep model of MDCK cell attachment to the substrate: first, via high-affinity collagen binding sites, and second, via laminin of cellular origin.  相似文献   
Bacopa monniera Wettst. (BM, syn. Herpestis monniera L; Scrophulariaceae), is an Ayurvedic drug used as a rasayana. Its fresh juice was earlier reported to have significant antiulcerogenic activity. In continuation, methanolic extract of BM (BME) standardized to bacoside-A content (percentage-38.0 ± 0.9), when given in the dose of 10–50 mg/kg, twice daily for 5 days, showed dose-dependent anti-ulcerogenic on various gastric ulcer models induced by ethanol, aspirin, 2 h cold restraint stress and 4 h pylorus ligation. BME in the dose of 20 mg/kg, given for 10 days, twice daily showed healing effects against 50% acetic acid-induced gastric ulcers. Further work was done to investigate the possible mechanisms of its action by studying its effect on various mucosal offensive acid-pepsin secretion and defensive factors like mucin secretion, mucosal cell shedding, cell proliferation and antioxidant activity in rats. BME 20 mg/kg showed no effect on acid-pepsin secretion, increased mucin secretion, while it decreased cell shedding with no effect on cell proliferation. BME showed significant antioxidant effect per se and in stressed animals. Thus, the gastric prophylactic and curative effects of BME may be due to its predominant effect on mucosal defensive factors.  相似文献   
White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) is a major pathogen in shrimp aquaculture, and its rampant spread has resulted in great economic loss. Identification of host cellular proteins interacting with WSSV will help in unravelling the repertoire of host proteins involved in WSSV infection. In this study, we have employed one-dimensional and two-dimension virus overlay protein binding assay (VOPBA) followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) to identify the host proteins of Penaeus monodon that could interact with WSSV. The VOPBA results suggest that WSSV interacted with housekeeping proteins such as heat shock protein 70, ATP synthase subunit β, phosphopyruvate hydratase, allergen Pen m 2, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein, actin and 14-3-3-like protein. Our findings suggest that WSSV exploits an array of housekeeping proteins for its transmission and propagation in P. monodon.  相似文献   
Mechanisms of predator detection and the influence of the presence of nonlethal predators on antipredator defense behavior and metamorphic traits were studied in the Indian tree frog, Polypedates maculatus. Exposure of P. maculatus tadpoles to chemical cues of caged predator(crabs, Barytelphusa spp.) fed with either conspecific or heterogeneric tadpoles, or were starved elicited defense behavior(by avoiding predator zone) in them. Such a behavior was not evident when exposed to predators housed in a glass beaker(visual cues). Both early(Gosner stage 27–28) and later(Gosner stage 35–36) stage tadpoles when exposed to caged predators(fed with conspecific tadpoles), prey tadpoles spent less time swimming and remained motionless for longer periods. Yet, the time spent by prey in feeding was unaffected. Further, the predator avoidance behavior exhibited by them was of the same intensity regardless of whether the caged predators were fed or starved implying the influence of predator's kairomones. Tadpoles reared with caged predator reached the metamorphic climax stage(MC stage; Gosner stage 42) earlier than those reared without a predator. Size at emergence(Gosner stage 46) was comparable in both the groups. The findings suggest that P. maculatus tadpoles assess predation risk chiefly by sensing kairomones of the predator in eliciting antipredator defense behaviors. Accelerated development and early metamorphosis without any compromise of the size at emergence may be due to their unaltered feeding activity.  相似文献   
The solvation properties of ubiquinone-10 and ubiquinol-10 in a wide variety of solvents of polarity varying from alkanes to water are reported. Greatest solubility is observed in solvents of intermediate polarity and particularly where low polarity is combined with a pronounced tendency to interact with the benzoquinone substituent of the ubiquinone molecule. This includes solvents like chloroform and benzene. Ubiquinone-10 is somewhat less polar than ubiquinol-10 as judged by comparative solubilities of the two molecules. Proton-NMR chemical shift measurements and aggregation studies in selected solvents indicate that in ubiquinone-10 in the liquid phase and in solution in hydrocarbons like dodecane the molecules have a preferred association possibly involving stacking of the benzoquinone rings. Surface balance studies indicated that the surface-active character of ubiquinone-10 is relatively weak and only in a comparatively polar and highly structured solvent, formamide, was there evidence of an effect on surface tension of the solvent. The critical micelle concentratiom in this solvent was estimated to be about 5 M on the basis of surface tension measurements. Ubiquinone-10 is well known to form virtually insoluble monolayers at the air/water interface. Studies of the partition of ubiquinone-10 in binary mixtures of solvents suggest that the interaction of the benzoquinone ring substituent with structured polar solvents is considerably weaker than the internal cohesion between molecules of the solvent. No evidence on the basis of wide-angle X-ray diffraction measurements was obtained to indicate that solvent molecules were a component of the crystal lattice of ubiquinone-10 that had precipitated from solvent mixtures.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Zellfreie Extrakte aus Agaricus bisporus bilden Malat, Fumarat und Aspartat einerseits aus Pyruvat und CO2 in Gegenwart von Mn2+ und andererseits aus Phosphoenolpyruvat und CO2 in Gegenwart von Mg2+.Die Carboxylierung von Pyruvat wird durch ATP und NADPH2 deutlich gefördert, ist aber unabhängig von der Anwesenheit von CoA-Estern. Die Reaktion erfährt durch pCMB, Oxalat und Avidin eine Hemmung.Die Carboxylierung von Phosphoenolpyruvat wird durch ADP, nicht aber durch GDP und IDP gefördert.Aus den Ergebnissen wird geschlossen, daß bei der Carboxylierung von Pyruvat sowohl Pyruvatcarboxylase als auch Malatenzym wirksam sind, während für die Oxalacetatsynthese aus Phosphoenolpyruvat PEP-Carboxykinase verantwortlich ist.Die Bedeutung der drei Enzyme im Zusammenhang mit der Ernährung des Kulturchampignons aus dem natürlichen Substrat, mit der Glucogenese und der Steuerung des Citronensäurecyclus wird diskutiert.
Carboxylation reactions in Agaricus bisporus III. Pyruvate and phosphoenolpyruvate as CO2-acceptors
Summary Cell-free extracts from Agaricus bisporus catalyze the synthesis of malate, fumarate and aspartate from pyruvate and CO2 in the presence of Mn2+, and from phosphoenolpyruvate and CO2 with Mg2+ (partially replaceable by Mn2+).The carboxylation of pyruvate is highly stimulated by ATP and NADPH2, but is not affected by CoA-esters. The reaction is inhibited by pCMB, oxalate and avidin.The carboxylation of phosphoenolpyruvate is stimulated by ADP, but not by IDP and GDP.From cofactor-requirement and inhibitor studies it is concluded, that there are two enzymes, pyruvatecarboxylase and malic enzyme, which catalyze the carboxylation of pyruvate. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase is responsible for the CO2-fixation into oxaloacetate.The significance of these three enzymes is discussed in connection with the nutrition of the fungus from its natural growth substrate and with the regulation of glycogenesis and the citric acid cycle.
Dora Rast 《Planta》1968,80(2):154-158
Summary Hyperosid (quercetin-3-galactoside) was isolated from the bracts of the dove tree and identified by paper chromatography, melting point determinations, UV- and IR-spectroscopy. The yield of crystalline hyperosid was approximately 1% of the dry weight. It is the main glycoside of the bracts and also appears in the green leaves, but is absent in the bark, wood and fruit. Quercitrin (quercetin-3-rhamnoside) is also present, in minor amount. No other flavonol glycoside could be detected. The analytical results are discussed in relation to their possible taxonomic and physiological implications.  相似文献   
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