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Native cytoplasmic phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase from baker's yeast is a tetramer of the alpha 2 beta 2 type. On mild tryptic cleavage it gives rise to a modified alpha 2 beta 2 form that has lost the tRNA(Phe) binding capacity but is still able to activate phenylalanine. In this paper are presented data concerning peptides released by this limited proteolytic conversion as well as those arising from exhaustive tryptic digestion of the truncated beta subunit. Each purified peptide was unambiguously assigned to a unique stretch of the beta subunit amino acid sequence that was recently determined via gene cloning and DNA sequencing. Together with earlier results from affinity labelling studies the present data show that the Lys 172-Ile 173 bond is the unique target of trypsin under mild conditions and that the N-terminal domain of each beta subunit (residues 1-172) contains the major tRNA(Phe) binding sites.  相似文献   
In September 1987 the shallow, eutrophic, Lake Mosvatn was treated with rotenone to eliminate planktivorous fish (mainly whitefish,Coregonus lavaretus, L.), and the effects were studied. The first summer after treatment the zooplankton community changed markedly from rotifer dominance and few grazers, to a community with few rotifers and many grazers. Accordingly there was a fivefold increase in the biomass ofDaphnia galeata. Adult females ofD. galeata approximately doubled in weight. The decrease in rotifer biomass was probably mainly due to a loss of food by competition with the daphnids. The phytoplankton community was also markedly affected. Prior to treatment Secchi depth was 1.7 m and Chl-a 23μg l−1 in the summer. After treatment there was an increase in the proportion of small and gelatinous algae and the mean chlorophyll concentration fell to 7μg Chl-a l−1. Secchi depth increased to>2.3 m (bottom-sight most of the season). After the treatment there were also fewer cyanobacterial blooms. This seems to be related to oligotrophication caused indirectly by increased grazing by the zooplankton. Total nutrient concentrations were affected. Prior to treatment the mean summer concentration of total phosphate was 44μg P l−1. This decreased to 29μg P l−1 in the first summer and 23μg P l−1 the second summer after the treatment. Total nitrogen decreased from 0.68 mg N l−1 before treatment to 0.32 mg N l−1 the first summer after the treatment. The phosphate loading was not reduced, therefor it can be concluded that the fish removal provided a biomanipulation which caused the more oligotrophic conditions.  相似文献   
It has been suggested that sequestration of parasitized red blood cells might contribute to the pathogenesis of cerebral malaria (CM), by hypoxia causing either: (i) compensatory vasodilatation with a resultant increase in the brain volume; or (ii) enhancing cytokine-induced nitric oxide (NO) production via induction of inducible NO synthase (iNOS). Available evidence suggests that cerebral oedema is the initiating and probably the most important factor in the pathogenesis of murine CM. The relevance of this model in the study of the pathogenesis of CM has been questioned. However, a closer look at published reports on both human and murine CM, in this review, suggests that the pathogenesis of the murine model of CM might reflect more closely the CM seen in African children than that seen in Asian adults. It is also proposed that the role of iNOS induction during CM is protective: that the primary purpose of iNOS induction is to inhibit the side effects of brain indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) induction and quinolinic acid accumulation during hypoxia.  相似文献   
Mineralization of radioactive synthetic lignin (14C-DHP) was studied in a compost environment at 35, 50 and 58 degrees C. Compost samples were successively extracted with water, dioxane and alkali, and the molecular weight distribution of some extracts was determined by gel permeation chromatography (GPC). Biodegradation of lignin-containing spruce groundwood (SGW) and pine sawdust was concurrently determined in controlled composting tests by measuring evolved CO2. The temperatures were the same as in the 14C-DHP mineralization experiment and bleached kraft paper, with a lignin content of 0.2%, was used as a reference. The mineralization of 14C-DHP was relatively high (23-24%) at 35 degrees C and 50 degrees C, although the mixed population of compost obviously lacks the most effective lignin degraders. At 58 degrees C the mineralization of 14C-DHP, as well as the biodegradation of SGW and sawdust, was very low, indicating that the lignin-degrading organisms of compost were inactivated at this temperature. SGW was poorly biodegradable (<40%) in controlled composting tests compared with kraft paper (77-86%) at all temperatures, which means that lignin inhibits the degradation of carbohydrates. During the incubation, water-soluble degradation products, mainly monomers and dimers, and the original 14C-DHP were either mineralized or bound to humic substances. A substantial fraction of 14C-DHP was incorporated into humin or other insolubles.  相似文献   
A simple, sensitive and selective liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) method for the simultaneous determination of m-nisoldipine and its three metabolites in rat plasma has been developed using nitrendipine as an internal standard (IS). Following liquid–liquid extraction, the analytes were separated using an isocratic mobile phase on a reverse phase C18 column and analyzed by MS in the multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. To avoid contamination by residual sample in the injection syringe, a special injection protocol was developed. We found that m-nisoldipine, metabolite M1 and IS could be ionized under positive or negative electrospray ionization conditions, whereas metabolite M and M2 could only be ionized in the positive mode. The mass spectrometry fragmentation pathways for these analytes are analyzed and discussed herein. The total analysis time required less than 5 min per sample. We employed this method successfully to study the metabolism of m-nisoldipine when it was orally administered to rats at a dose of 9 mg/kg. Three metabolites of m-nisoldipine and an unknown compound of molecular weight 386 were found for the first time in rat plasma. The concentration of the potentially active metabolite was approximately equal to its parent compound concentration.  相似文献   
Summary The use of trap crops such as cowpea could reduce the effects of the root parasitic weed, Striga hermonthica and its subsequent constraints on the growth of cereals. Certain bacteria could augment the trap crop stimulatory effect. We studied the effect of three bacteria introduced to the rhizosphere of three cowpea varieties at planting. Number of days to cowpea flowering was noted and at harvest, data were collected on pod characteristics and biomass. Means of data subjected to ANOVA were compared using Tukey’s Studentized Range Test. We analysed bacterial headspace volatiles for ethylene by gas chromatography and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. Bacterial type significantly influenced the cowpea varieties with better performance over the non-inoculated control. Average pod weight (g) with bacterial treatment was 37.97 for Enterobacter sakazakii 8MR5, 34.38 for Pseudomonas 44MS8 and 27.46 for Pseudomonas 10M3. Non-inoculated control had an average weight of 20.98 g. Bacteria promoted a significant increase in pod weight (≥30.89%), fresh biomass (≥24.22%), and improved pod number (≥20.54%) and pod wall thickness (≥7.33%) with no deleterious effect on plant health. Ethylene released by the bacteria ranged from trace concentrations in Pseudomonas sp. to 210 nmoles/108 c. f. u./ml in Ent. sakazakii 8MR5.  相似文献   
J&#;ntti  Helena  Jilbert  Tom  Aalto  Sanni L.  Simojoki  Asko  Mangayil  Rahul  Peura  Sari  Rissanen  Antti J. 《Hydrobiologia》2022,849(9):2145-2160
Hydrobiologia - The nitrogen availability, that affects the greenhouse gas emission and the trophic level of lakes, is controlled mainly by microbial processes. We measured in a boreal nitrate and...  相似文献   
The ability of Streptomyces sp. OXCI, S. rimosus NRRL B2659, S. rimosus NRRL B2234, S. alboflavus NRRL B1273 S. aureofaciens NRRL B2183 and S. vendagensis ATCC 25507 to produce tetracycline using some local agricultural wastes as solid state media, were assessed. The wastes employed include peanut (groundnut) shells, corncob, corn pomace and cassava peels. Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 was used to assay antimicrobial activity. All the strains produced tetracycline in a solid-state fermentation process containing peanut (groundnut) as the carbohydrate source. Streptomyces sp. OXC1 had the highest ability for tetracycline production with peanut shells as the substrate in solid fermentation (13.18 mg/g), followed by S. vendagensis ATCC 25507 (11.08 mg/g), S.rimosus NRRL B1679 (8.46 mg/g), S. alboflavus NRRL B1273 (7.59 mg/g), S. rimosus NRRL B2234 (6.37 mg/g), S. aureofaciens NRRL B2183 (4.27 mg/g). Peanut (groundnut) shells were the most effective substrate (4.36 mg/g) followed by corncob (2.64 mg/g), cassava peels (2.16 mg/g) and corn pomace (1.99 mg/g). The composition of the peanut (groundnut) shell medium optimal for tetracycline production were peanut shells 100 g, organic nitrogen (peanut meal) 10 g, (NH 4)2 SO4 1 g, KH2 PO 4 0.5 g, CaCO3 > 0.5 g, NaCl 0.5 g, MgSO4 · 7H2 O 0.5 g, soluble starch 10 g, peanut oil 0.25 ml with initial moisture content of 65–68%, and initial pH 5.3–6.3. Substrate (1 g dry weight) was inoculated with 1.0 × 10 8 conidia per ml and incubated at 28–31 °C for 5–7 days, producing 13.18 mg/g of total tetracycline. Tetracycline detection started on day 3 and attained its maximum level on day 5.  相似文献   
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