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There is evidence that members of the VEGF family are involved in the crucial processes in the brain: atherosclerosis, cerebral edema, neuroprotection, neurogenesis, angiogenesis, postischemic brain and vessel repair. Most of these effects are mediated by VEGF-A and the VEGFR-2 receptor. VEGF signaling pathways contain some potential targets relevant for pharmacological agents applicable for therapy of neurological diseases affecting the brain.  相似文献   

A common feature of neurodegenerative disorders, in particular Alzheimer's disease (AD), is a chronic neuroinflammation associated with aberrant neuroplasticity. Development of neuroinflammation affects efficacy of stem and progenitor cells proliferation, differentiation, migration, and integration of newborn cells into neural circuitry. However, precise mechanisms of neurogenesis alterations in neuroinflammation are not clear yet. It is well established that expression of NLRP3 inflammasomes in glial cells marks neuroinflammatory events, but less is known about contribution of NLRP3 to deregulation of neurogenesis within neurogenic niches and whether neural stem cells (NSCs), neural progenitor cells (NPCs) or immature neuroblasts may express inflammasomes in (patho)physiological conditions. Thus, we studied alterations of neurogenesis in rats with the AD model (intra-hippocampal injection of Aβ1-42). We found that in Aβ-affected brain, number of CD133+ cells was elevated after spatial training in the Morris water maze. The number of PSA-NCAM+ neuroblasts diminished by Aβ injection was completely restored by subsequent spatial learning. Spatial training leads to elevated expression of NLRP3 inflammasomes in the SGZ (subgranular zones): CD133+ and PSA-NCAM+ cells started to express NLRP3 in sham-operated, but not AD rats. Taken together, our data suggest that expression of NLRP3 inflammasomes in CD133+ and PSA-NCAM+ cells may contribute to stimulation of adult neurogenesis in physiological conditions, whereas Alzheimer’s type neurodegeneration abolishes stimuli-induced overexpression of NLRP3 within the SGZ neurogenic niche.

We have previously documented that transient polyploidy is a potential cell survival strategy underlying the clonogenic re-growth of tumour cells after genotoxic treatment. In an attempt to better define this mechanism, we recently documented the key role of meiotic genes in regulating the DNA repair and return of the endopolyploid tumour cells (ETC) to diploidy through reduction divisions after irradiation. Here, we studied the role of the pluripotency and self-renewal stem cell genes NANOG, OCT4 and SOX2 in this polyploidy-dependent survival mechanism. In irradiation-resistant p53-mutated lymphoma cell-lines (Namalwa and WI-L2-NS) but not sensitive p53 wild-type counterparts (TK6), low background expression of OCT4 and NANOG was up-regulated by ionising radiation with protein accumulation evident in ETC as detected by OCT4/DNA flow cytometry and immunofluorescence (IF). IF analysis also showed that the ETC generate PML bodies that appear to concentrate OCT4, NANOG and SOX2 proteins, which extend into complex nuclear networks. These polyploid tumour cells resist apoptosis, overcome cellular senescence and undergo bi- and multi-polar divisions transmitting the up-regulated OCT4, NANOG and SOX2 self-renewal cassette to their descendents. Altogether, our observations indicate that irradiation-induced ETC up-regulate key components of germ-line cells, which potentially facilitate survival and propagation of the tumour cell population.  相似文献   
Autism and Alzheimer''s disease (AD) are, respectively, neurodevelopmental and degenerative diseases with an increasing epidemiological burden. The AD-associated amyloid-β precursor protein-α has been shown to be elevated in severe autism, leading to the ‘anabolic hypothesis'' of its etiology. Here we performed a focused microarray analysis of genes belonging to NOTCH and WNT signaling cascades, as well as genes related to AD and apoptosis pathways in cerebellar samples from autistic individuals, to provide further evidence for pathological relevance of these cascades for autism. By using the limma package from R and false discovery rate, we demonstrated that 31% (116 out of 374) of the genes belonging to these pathways displayed significant changes in expression (corrected P-values <0.05), with mitochondria-related genes being the most downregulated. We also found upregulation of GRIN1, the channel-forming subunit of NMDA glutamate receptors, and MAP3K1, known activator of the JNK and ERK pathways with anti-apoptotic effect. Expression of PSEN2 (presinilin 2) and APBB1 (or F65) were significantly lower when compared with control samples. Based on these results, we propose a model of NMDA glutamate receptor-mediated ERK activation of α-secretase activity and mitochondrial adaptation to apoptosis that may explain the early brain overgrowth and disruption of synaptic plasticity and connectome in autism. Finally, systems pharmacology analyses of the model that integrates all these genes together (NOWADA) highlighted magnesium (Mg2+) and rapamycin as most efficient drugs to target this network model in silico. Their potential therapeutic application, in the context of autism, is therefore discussed.  相似文献   
Barriergenesis is the process of maturation of the primary vascular network of the brain responsible for the establishment of the blood-brain barrier. It represents a combination of factors that, on the one hand, contribute to the process of migration and tubulogenesis of endothelial cells (angiogenesis), on the other hand, contribute to the formation of new connections between endothelial cells and other elements of the neurovascular unit. Astrocytes play a key role in barriergenesis, however, mechanisms of their action are still poorly examined. We have studied the effects of HIF-1 modulators acting on the cells of non-endothelial origin (neurons and astrocytes) on the development of the blood-brain barrier in vitro. Application of FM19G11 regulating expression of HIF-1 activity and GSI-1 suppressing gamma-secretase and/or proteasomal activity resulted in the elevated expression of thrombospondins and matrix metalloproteinases in the developing blood-brain barrier. However, it caused the opposite effect on VEGF expression thus promoting barrier maturation in vitro.  相似文献   
An important mechanism of neuronal plasticity is neurogenesis, which occurs during the embryonic period, forming the brain and its structure, and in the postnatal period, providing repair processes and participating in the mechanisms of memory consolidation. Adult neurogenesis in mammals, including humans, is limited in two specific brain areas, the lateral walls of the lateral ventricles (subventricular zone) and the granular layer of the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus (subgranular zone). Neural stem cells (NSC), self-renewing, multipotent progenitor cells, are formed in these zones. Neural stem cells are capable of differentiating into the basic cell types of the nervous system. In addition, NSC may have neurogenic features and non-specific non-neurogenic functions aimed at maintaining the homeostasis of the brain. The microenvironment formed in neurogenic niches has importance maintaining populations of NSC and regulating differentiation into neural or glial cells via cell-to-cell interactions and microenvironmental signals. The vascular microenvironment in neurogenic niches are integrated by signaling molecules secreted from endothelial cells in the blood vessels of the brain or by direct contact with these cells. Accumulation of astrocytes in neurogenic niches if also of importance and leads to activation of neurogenesis. Dysregulation of neurogenesis contributes to the formation of neurological deficits observed in neurodegenerative diseases. Targeting regulation of neurogenesis could be the basis of new protocols of neuroregeneration.  相似文献   
Tumor cellular senescence induced by genotoxic treatments has recently been found to be paradoxically linked to the induction of “stemness.” This observation is critical as it directly impinges upon the response of tumors to current chemo-radio-therapy treatment regimens. Previously, we showed that following etoposide (ETO) treatment embryonal carcinoma PA-1 cells undergo a p53-dependent upregulation of OCT4A and p21Cip1 (governing self-renewal and regulating cell cycle inhibition and senescence, respectively). Here we report further detail on the relationship between these and other critical cell-fate regulators. PA-1 cells treated with ETO display highly heterogeneous increases in OCT4A and p21Cip1 indicative of dis-adaptation catastrophe. Silencing OCT4A suppresses p21Cip1, changes cell cycle regulation and subsequently suppresses terminal senescence; p21Cip1-silencing did not affect OCT4A expression or cellular phenotype. SOX2 and NANOG expression did not change following ETO treatment suggesting a dissociation of OCT4A from its pluripotency function. Instead, ETO-induced OCT4A was concomitant with activation of AMPK, a key component of metabolic stress and autophagy regulation. p16ink4a, the inducer of terminal senescence, underwent autophagic sequestration in the cytoplasm of ETO-treated cells, allowing alternative cell fates. Accordingly, failure of autophagy was accompanied by an accumulation of p16ink4a, nuclear disintegration, and loss of cell recovery. Together, these findings imply that OCT4A induction following DNA damage in PA-1 cells, performs a cell stress, rather than self-renewal, function by moderating the expression of p21Cip1, which alongside AMPK helps to then regulate autophagy. Moreover, this data indicates that exhaustion of autophagy, through persistent DNA damage, is the cause of terminal cellular senescence.  相似文献   
Streptococcus pneumoniae , a common human pathogen, colonizes the nasopharynx and causes diseases including acute otitis media (AOM). Herein, pneumococcal serotype distributions in children before and after PCV7 vaccination and in patients with pneumococcal disease in Siberian Russia (Krasnoyarsk) are reported. Analyses included antimicrobial susceptibility testing, sequence typing (ST), pulsed field gel electrophoresis, virulence‐related surface protein gene (VSG) typing with novel primers and structural analysis by scanning electron microscopy. In healthy children (HC) prior to administration of PCV7, drug‐susceptible serotype23F/ST1500 was a major pneumococcal genotype. In the PCV7 trial, multidrug‐resistant serotype19A/ST320 emerged in vaccinees after PCV7, exhibiting a PCV7‐induced serotype replacement. Multidrug‐resistant serotype19A/ST320 was evident in patients with AOM. Community‐acquired pneumonia (CAP) isolates showed genetic similarities to the AOM (ST320) genotype, constituting a common non‐invasive AOM–CAP group. In contrast, meningitis isolates were more divergent. Overall, 25 ST types were identified; five (20%) of which were Krasnoyarsk‐native. Regarding VSGs, PI‐1 (rlrA /rrgB ), PI‐2 (pitA /B ), psrP and cbpA were present at 54.3%, 38.6%, 48.6%, and 95.7%, respectively, with two major VSG content types, PI‐1?/PI‐2?/psrP +/cbpA + and PI‐1+/PI‐2+/psrP /cbpA +, being found for HC and non‐invasive diseases, respectively. A major clone of serotype19A/ST320 (PI‐1+/PI‐2+) produced the longest pneumococcal wire (pilus) structures in colonies. ST1016 (PI‐1?/PI‐2?) in HC had HEp‐2 cell‐adherent pili. These results suggest that serotype19A/ST320 and related genotypes, with the VSG content type PI‐1+/PI‐2+/psrP ?/cbpA +, emerged in vaccinees after PCV7 in Siberia, accompanying diseases in non‐vaccinated children, and that some genotypes (serotypes19A/ST320 and 18/ST1016) produced novel pneumococcal structures, predicting their roles in colony formation and adherence.
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