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Radioisotopes and fluorescent compounds are frequently used for RNA labeling but are unsuitable for clinical studies of RNA drugs because of the risk from radiation exposure or the nonequivalence arising from covalently attached fluorophores. Here, we report a practical phosphoramidite solid-phase synthesis of 18O-labeled RNA that avoids these disadvantages, and we demonstrate its application to quantification and imaging. The synthesis involves the introduction of a nonbridging 18O atom into the phosphate group during the oxidation step of the synthetic cycle by using 18O water as the oxygen donor. The 18O label in the RNA was stable at pH 3–8.5, while the physicochemical and biological properties of labeled and unlabeled short interfering RNA were indistinguishable by circular dichroism, melting temperature and RNA-interference activity. The 18O/16O ratio as measured by isotope ratio mass spectrometry increased linearly with the concentration of 18O-labeled RNA, and this technique was used to determine the blood concentration of 18O-labeled RNA after administration to mice. 18O-labeled RNA transfected into human A549 cells was visualized by isotope microscopy. The RNA was observed in foci in the cytoplasm around the nucleus, presumably corresponding to endosomes. These methodologies may be useful for kinetic and cellular-localization studies of RNA in basic and pharmaceutical studies.  相似文献   
A new phosphorylating agent, S-(N-monomethoxytritylaminoethyl)-O-(O-chlorophenyl) phosphorothioate, was prepared and reacted with a 5'-hydroxyl group of an oligonucleotide using 1-mesitylene-sulfonyl-3-nitrotriazole (MSNT) as a condensing agent. After base labile protecting groups were removed, the partially deprotected oligonucleotide was separated on a reversed phase column and converted to the oligonucleotide with an aminoethyl or a phosphoryl group at the 5'-end by treatment with 80% acetic acid or iodine-water, respectively. The syntheses of ppT, pppT, A5'pp5'T and A5'ppp5'T were also performed by treatment of 5'-O-(N-monomethoxytritylaminoethylthiophosphoryl) thymidine with tri-n-octylammonium salt of phosphoric acid, pyrophosphoric acid, pA and ppA, respectively.  相似文献   
Effect of Osmotic Stress on Turgor Pressure in Mung Bean Root Cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Turgor pressure in cells of the elongating region of intactmung bean roots was directly measured by using the pressure-probetechnique. After the external osmotic pressure had been increasedfrom 0 MPa to 0.5 MPa, turgor pressure rapidly decreased byabout 0.5 MPa from 0.65 MPa to 0.14 MPa and root elongationstopped. Subsequent turgor regulation was clearly confirmed,which followed the osmotic adjustment to maintain a constantdifference in the osmotic pressure between root-cell sap andthe external medium ( II). It took at least 6 h for turgor pressureto recover to an adjusted constant level of about 0.5 MPa dueto turgor regulation, but rootelongation resumed within onlyan hour after the osmotic treatment. Therefore, the resumptionof root elongation under osmotic stress could not have beendirectly connected with turgor regulation. Furthermore, sincethe amounts of decrease in turgor pressure just after applicationsof various degrees of osmotic stress could be interpreted inrelation to those in II, hydraulic conductivity between theinside and the outside of root cells must be large enough toattain water potential equilibrium rapidly in response to osmoticstress. We conclude that turgor pressure in the cells of theelongating region of mung bean roots is determined mainly by II because of water potential equilibrium. (Received January 27, 1987; Accepted May 21, 1987)  相似文献   
A tridecaribonucleotide, r-UGAGCUUCGGCUC, and two analogues r(UGAGC)d(UUCG)r(GCUC) and r-UGAGCUUCIGCUC, which form a hairpin structure with a four-base-paired stem and a UUCG loop, were synthesized by the solid-phase phosphoramidite method. Properties of these three oligomers and d-TGAGCTTCGGCTC, the DNA analogue, were studied by UV, CD and NMR spectroscopy. The melting temperature (Tm) data suggest that the 2'-hydroxy1 groups and the 2-amino group of guanosine in the loop (9G) stabilize the CUUCGG hairpin which is known to have an unusually high Tm. NMR studies show that this 9G takes a syn conformation and the phosphodiester backbone has a turn at 9G-10G which is a junction of the stem and loop.  相似文献   
A new human acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) cell line, designated HBL-3, was established from the bone marrow of a patient with non-T-ALL. The HBL-3 cell line expressed B4 (CD 19), BA-1 (CD 24) and HLA-DR antigens, but not surface immunoglobulin (SIg) or cytoplasmic immunoglobulin (CIg). The cell line lacked the common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen (CALLA) and antigenic markers characteristic of T-cell and myeloid cell lineages. The HBL-3 cells had structural rearrangements of both the homologous chromosome 9s, including a translocation with chromosome 1 which has been reported in a patient with common ALL. The cell line had rearranged immunoglobulin heavy chain genes but retained germ-line κ light chain genes and germ-line T-cell receptorβ- and γ-chain genes. The HBL-3 cell line was strongly positive for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT). These findings indicate that the HBL-3 cell line is derived from the earliest B-cell committed to B-cell lineage.  相似文献   
The intracellular K+ concentration and its change in mung bean[Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper] root tips were investigated non-invasivelywith 39K nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy using a membraneimpermeable shift reagent, dysprosium (III) tripolyphosphate[Dy(PPPi)7–2]. The K+ resonance was shifted to highermagnetic field in proportion to the concentration of the shiftreagent. In addition to a reference capillary peak for measuringthe K+ concentration, two well-resolved peaks (intra- and extracellularK+ resonances) were observed in the 39K NMR spectra of mungbean root tips. The intracellular K+ concentration was determinedto be 41 mM, which was similar to the value obtained by flamephotometry. When 20 mM KCl was added to the external medium,the intensity of the intracellular K+ resonance gradually increasedand the net K+ uptake rate was calculated to be 4.1 micromolesper gram fresh weight per hour. After removal of KCl from theperfusion medium, the intracellular K+ concentration considerablydecreased. With 31P NMR method, 2.5 mM Dy(PPPj)7–12 and20 mM KCl had little effect on the ATP level in the cells. Wehave indicated that the 39K NMR method can be used to determinethe K+ levels and net fluxes of the K+ transport in perfusedroot tips successively. (Received April 6, 1988; Accepted September 29, 1988)  相似文献   
We investigated the regulation of class I and class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen expression of murine peritoneal macrophages (M phi) by interferons (IFNs) at the mRNA level. Enhancement of class I antigen expression by IFNs (IFN-alpha, beta, and gamma), induction of class II antigen expression by IFN-gamma, and inhibition of class II antigen expression by IFN-alpha or IFN-beta all corresponded to steady-state levels of these MHC-specific mRNAs. Cycloheximide (CHX), a protein synthesis inhibitor, was used to elucidate whether IFN regulation of MHC mRNA expression depends on the newly synthesized proteins. CHX concentration was carefully chosen so that M phi viability was not decreased, total protein synthesis was considerably but not completely inhibited, and suppression of surface class II expression was virtually perfect. Under these conditions CHX did not affect the levels of either class I or class II mRNA, but it prevented IFN-beta from interfering with class II mRNA induction by IFN-gamma. These results indicate that the augmentation of induction and/or accumulation of MHC mRNA by IFNs is not dependent on the de novo synthesis of protein, but the down-regulation of class II mRNA level by IFN-beta is mediated by some newly synthesized protein(s).  相似文献   
Mutagenic activities of 4-aminopyridine (4AP), 4-aminoquinoline (4AQ), 9-aminoacridine (9AA) and harman (HM) were examined by the Salmonella test system in the presence of cobalt(II) chloride (CoCl2), which itself is non-mutagenic in this system. Mutagenic activity of the mixture of 9AA and CoCl2 was found to be much higher than that of 9AA alone in strains TA1537 and TA2637. A similar enhancing phenomenon was observed in 4AQ-CoCl2 and HM-CoCl2 mixtures but not in that of 4AP-CoCl2. Judging from visible and nuclear magnetic resonance spectral data, this increased mutagenicity may be attributable to the formation of moderate to weak complexes between these chemicals and the Co(II) cation. A survey of the mutagenicity of several Co(II) complexes supported this interpretation.  相似文献   
The soluble mediators and/or mechanisms involved in immunosuppression in tumor-bearing hosts are not well characterized, although macrophages have long been recognized as major participants. We have investigated the role of lipocortin I, a phospholipid-binding protein, in macrophage-mediated immunosuppression in tumor-bearing mice. Proliferation of splenic lymphocytes in response to the mitogens (PHA, Con A, LPS, and PWM) was severely suppressed in tumor (Sqc-NH-1 carcinoma)-bearing mice. This immunosuppression was associated with a decrease in T and B lymphocytes and an increase in macrophages in these spleens. Mac-2+ macrophages were found only in spleens from tumor-bearing mice. Splenic macrophages from tumor-bearing, but not normal, mice were responsible for this immunosuppression, as revealed by negative and positive selection experiments. The levels of lipocortin I mRNA expression were markedly increased in peripheral blood cells from tumor-bearing mice as compared with those from normal mice. Lipocortin I mRNA was strongly induced in splenic mononuclear cells from tumor-bearing mice. Furthermore, these cells displayed increased expression of lipocortin I protein, as judged by Western blot analysis with polyclonal anti-lipocortin I serum. Some nonimmune organs such as the heart, submaxillary gland, muscle, and bladder also displayed increased levels of lipocortin I mRNA expression in tumor-bearing mice. Mac-2+ macrophages among the splenic mononuclear cells in tumor-bearing mice expressed lipocortin I mRNA, as judged by negative and positive selection experiments. Most of these Mac-2+ macrophages also had Mac-1 and Mac-3 Ag. Lipocortin I protein was increased in the serum of tumor-bearing mice as compared with normal mice. The culture supernatants of splenic cells from tumor-bearing mice suppressed the mitogenic responses of splenic cells from normal mice, and addition of anti-lipocortin I antiserum inhibited this suppression. Furthermore, recombinant mouse lipocortin I suppressed mitogenic responses of splenic cells from normal mice. In summary, Mac-2+ macrophage-derived lipocortin I was largely involved in immunosuppression in tumor-bearing mice.  相似文献   
Gelatinases have been purified from the exudate in the chronic-phase (day 7) of carrageenin-induced inflammation in rats. The day-7 exudate gelatinases gave two peaks on Sephadex G-150 gel filtration, the initial step of the purification. The molecular weights of the gelatinases corresponding to the two peaks were about 300 kDa (HMW fraction) and about 110 kDa (LMW fraction), respectively. The gelatinase in the HMW fraction has been purified to homogeneity; the purified gelatinase gave a single band corresponding to a molecular weight of 57 kDa on both SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and SDS-gelatin PAGE. On the other hand, the gelatinase purified from the LMW fraction was found to consist of three species, with molecular weights of 66, 64, and 57 kDa, as judged on SDS-gelatin PAGE. Granulation tissue-derived fibroblasts in culture mainly produced the 64-kDa species, which was converted to a 57-kDa species on treatment with 4-amino-phenylmercuric acetate, while rat macrophages and polymorphonuclear leukocytes mainly secreted the 96-kDa species. These results suggest that exudate gelatinases are largely produced by fibroblasts in granulation tissue and that they bind to exudate proteins, resulting in the formation of complexes with molecular weights of about 300 kDa and about 110 kDa. The gelatinases purified from the HMW and LMW fractions are metalloproteinases, as judged from the results of inhibitor experiments. Both the gelatinases degraded gelatin, but showed to proteolytic activity toward alpha-casein or type I collagen. Type IV collagen was degraded at 35 degrees C by the gelatinases purified from the LMW fraction but not by that from the HMW fraction.  相似文献   
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