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The localization of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in brain regions would demonstrate active ethanol metabolism in brain during alcohol consumption, which would be a new basis to explain the effects of ethanol in the central nervous system. Tissue sections from several regions of adult rat brain were examined by in situ hybridization to detect the expression of genes encoding ADH1 and ADH4, enzymes highly active with ethanol and retinol. ADH1 mRNA was found in the granular and Purkinje cell layers of cerebellum, in the pyramidal and granule cells of the hippocampal formation and in some cell types of cerebral cortex. ADH4 expression was detected in the Purkinje cells, in the pyramidal and granule cells of the hippocampal formation and in the pyramidal cells of cerebral cortex. High levels of ADH1 and ADH4 mRNAs were detected in the CNS epithelial and vascular tissues: leptomeninges, choroid plexus, ependymocytes of ventricle walls, and endothelium of brain vessels. Histochemical methods detected ADH activity in rodent cerebellar slices, while Western-blot analysis showed ADH4 protein in homogenates from several brain regions. In consequence, small but significant levels of ethanol metabolism can take place in distinct areas of the CNS following alcohol consumption, which could be related to brain damage caused by a local accumulation of acetaldehyde. Moreover, the involvement of ADH in the synthesis of retinoic acid suggests a role for the enzyme in the regulation of adult brain functions. The impairment of retinol oxidation by competitive inhibition of ADH in the presence of ethanol may be an additional origin of CNS abnormalities caused by ethanol.  相似文献   
Abstract— Cat sciatic nerves were exposed to iodoacetate for a period of 5–10 min and after washing out the iodoacetate, the enzymes, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase ( d -glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate: NAD oxidoreductase (phosphorylating); EC and lactate dehydrogenase ( l -lactate: NAD oxidoreductase; EC were extracted from the high-speed supernatant fraction of nerve homogenates. Concentrations of iodoacetate as low as 2.5 m m could completely block activity of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase but had no effect on lactate dehydrogenase. These findings are in accord with the classical concept shown earlier for muscle that iodoacetate blocks glycolysis by its action on glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. A complete block of activity of the enzyme was found after treatment with 2 to 5 m m -iodoacetate for a period of 10 min and such blocks were irreversible for at least 3 h. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity was NAD specific, with NADP unable to substitute for NAD. The results are discussed in relation to the effect of iodoacetate in blocking glycolysis and in turn the fast axoplasmic transport of materials in mammalian nerve.  相似文献   
Chloroplast biogenesis requires synthesis of proteins in the nucleocytoplasm and the chloroplast itself. Nucleus-encoded chloroplast proteins are imported via multiprotein translocons in the organelle’s envelope membranes. Controversy exists around whether a 1-MDa complex comprising TIC20, TIC100, and other proteins constitutes the inner membrane TIC translocon. The Arabidopsis thaliana cue8 virescent mutant is broadly defective in plastid development. We identify CUE8 as TIC100. The tic100cue8 mutant accumulates reduced levels of 1-MDa complex components and exhibits reduced import of two nucleus-encoded chloroplast proteins of different import profiles. A search for suppressors of tic100cue8 identified a second mutation within the same gene, tic100soh1, which rescues the visible, 1 MDa complex-subunit abundance, and chloroplast protein import phenotypes. tic100soh1 retains but rapidly exits virescence and rescues the synthetic lethality of tic100cue8 when retrograde signaling is impaired by a mutation in the GENOMES UNCOUPLED 1 gene. Alongside the strong virescence, changes in RNA editing and the presence of unimported precursor proteins show that a strong signaling response is triggered when TIC100 function is altered. Our results are consistent with a role for TIC100, and by extension the 1-MDa complex, in the chloroplast import of photosynthetic and nonphotosynthetic proteins, a process which initiates retrograde signaling.

Complementary mutations in TIC100 of the chloroplast inner envelope membrane cause reductions or corrective improvements in chloroplast protein import, and highlight a signaling role.

IN A NUTSHELLBackground: Plants harvest energy from the sun and CO2 from the air and convert them into the energy-rich molecules they, and eventually us, are made of. Plants do this, photosynthesis, in bodies called chloroplasts inside their cells. Chloroplasts, made of protein and membrane material, were, before plants evolved, free-living bacteria, but the synthesis of most of their proteins occurs outside them, using information carried by the cell’s nuclear DNA, so most proteins have to be brought into developing chloroplasts, across the double membrane surrounding them, through dedicated, selective channels, formed by TOC (outer) and TIC (inner envelope) proteins. The identity of those channels matters as it helps determine versions of chloroplasts suited for particular environments. Which TIC proteins constitute the inner envelope channel has been a matter of controversy.Question: A mutant Arabidopsis plant called cue8 is slow-to-green (young leaves begin almost white) and shows delayed chloroplast and plant development. We looked for the molecular identity of the CUE8 gene. We also caused further mutations in this mutant and searched whether any corrected the defects in cue8.Findings: We found the mutated gene causing the cue8 defects is the TIC100 gene. This is one essential component of the “TIC 1-MDa complex,” one of the two versions of the TIC import complex under debate. That complex is made of several proteins, all present at reduced levels in cue8. In laboratory assays in which proteins are imported into isolated chloroplasts, cue8 performed worse than normal plants for a photosynthetic and a housekeeping chloroplast protein. A corrective, “suppressor” mutant was identified, and it carried a second mutation in TIC100, one physically complementary to the first one. Both the single and the double (suppressed) mutant still were slow-to-green, which evidences a signaling role for import defects to the nucleus, making photosynthetic genes active or not.Next steps: Surprisingly the grasses, including the cereals, have one core protein of the TIC 1 MDa complex but not the rest (including TIC100). We don’t know how their TIC channels operate. We also need to learn how the information on the defect in protein import, which occurs at the chloroplast envelope, is relayed to the cell’s nucleus (but we do have some clues).  相似文献   
In this article, the spectral features of first heart sounds (S1) and second heart sounds (S2), which comprise the mechanical heart valve sounds obtained after aortic valve replacement (AVR) and mitral valve replacement (MVR), are compared to find out the effect of mechanical heart valve replacement and recording area on S1 and S2. For this aim, the Welch method and the autoregressive (AR) method are applied on the S1 and S2 taken from 66 recordings of 8 patients with AVR and 98 recordings from 11 patients with MVR, thereby yielding power spectrum of the heart sounds. Three features relating to frequency of heart sounds and three features relating to energy of heart sounds are obtained. Results show that in comparison to natural heart valves, mechanical heart valves contain higher frequency components and energy, and energy and frequency components do not show common behaviour for either AVR or MVR depending on the recording areas. Aside from the frequency content and energy of the sound generated by mechanical heart valves being affected by the structure of the lungs–thorax and the recording areas, the pressure across the valve incurred during AVR or MVR is a significant factor in determining the frequency and energy levels of the valve sound produced. Though studies on native heart sounds as a non-invasive diagnostic method has been done for many years, it is observed that studies on mechanical heart valves sounds are limited. The results of this paper will contribute to other studies on using a non-invasive method for assessing the mechanical heart valve sounds.  相似文献   
HTLV-1 infection is associated with several inflammatory disorders, including the neurodegenerative condition HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (HAM/TSP). It is unclear why a minority of infected subjects develops HAM/TSP. CD4+ T cells are the main target of infection and play a pivotal role in regulating immunity to HTLV and are hypothesized to participate in the pathogenesis of HAM/TSP. The CD39 ectonucleotidase receptor is expressed on CD4+ T cells and based on co-expression with CD25, marks T cells with distinct regulatory (CD39+CD25+) and effector (CD39+CD25) function. Here, we investigated the expression of CD39 on CD4+ T cells from a cohort of HAM/TSP patients, HTLV-1 asymptomatic carriers (AC), and matched uninfected controls. The frequency of CD39+ CD4+ T cells was increased in HTLV-1 infected patients, regardless of clinical status. More importantly, the proportion of the immunostimulatory CD39+CD25 CD4+ T-cell subset was significantly elevated in HAM/TSP patients as compared to AC and phenotypically had lower levels of the immunoinhibitory receptor, PD-1. We saw no difference in the frequency of CD39+CD25+ regulatory (Treg) cells between AC and HAM/TSP patients. However, these cells transition from being anergic to displaying a polyfunctional cytokine response following HTLV-1 infection. CD39CD25+ T cell subsets predominantly secreted the inflammatory cytokine IL-17. We found that HAM/TSP patients had significantly fewer numbers of IL-17 secreting CD4+ T cells compared to uninfected controls. Taken together, we show that the expression of CD39 is upregulated on CD4+ T cells HAM/TSP patients. This upregulation may play a role in the development of the proinflammatory milieu through pathways both distinct and separate among the different CD39 T cell subsets. CD39 upregulation may therefore serve as a surrogate diagnostic marker of progression and could potentially be a target for interventions to reduce the development of HAM/TSP.  相似文献   
The combined effect of gamma radiation and both hot water and sodium carbonate on physiological decay and chemical constituents of stored mandarin fruits was investigated in this work. In this consideration, the studied fruits were gamma irradiated at doses of 0, 0.3, 0.6, 1.2 and 2.4 KGy. Then, the irradiated and non-irradiated fruits were treated either by hot water or sodium bicarbonate to examine their capacity to give a further maintenance and increasing shelf life or storage periods of mandarin. Treated and non-treated fruit samples were taken at intervals of 10 days and up to 60 days. Physiological decay, total acidity, vitamin C, total sugars and TSS were investigated during the different intervals. Gamma radiation treatments showed a promising effect for maintaining the studied fruits and retarding the development of decay. On the other hand, applying both hot water and sodium bicarbonate as a further combined treatments induced a powerful effect on delaying decay development, keeping the chemical constituents near to the normal level and in turn maximizing shelf life and storage periods of the fruits under investigation.  相似文献   
Formation of bacterial biofilms is a risk with many in situ medical devices. Biofilm-forming Bacillus species are associated with potentially life-threatening catheter-related blood stream infections in immunocompromised patients. Here, bacteria were isolated from biofilm-like structures within the lumen of central venous catheters (CVCs) from two patients admitted to cardiac hospital wards. Isolates belonged to the Bacillus cereus group, exhibited strong biofilm formation propensity, and mapped phylogenetically close to the B. cereus emetic cluster. Together, whole genome sequencing and quantitative PCR confirmed that the isolates constituted the same strain and possessed a range of genes important for and up-regulated during biofilm formation. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing demonstrated resistance to trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole, clindamycin, penicillin and ampicillin. Inspection of the genome revealed several chromosomal β-lactamase genes and a sulphonamide resistant variant of folP. This study clearly shows that B. cereus persisting in hospital ward environments may constitute a risk factor from repeated contamination of CVCs.  相似文献   
Detection of the central cholinergic deficits, a consistent feature of Alzheimer's disease, is essential to allow preventive measures and/or symptomatic treatment already at a very early stage of the disease. The vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) represents an appropriate target to establish PET radiotracer that are adequate for brain imaging the loss of cholinergic terminals. Here we describe the synthesis and binding characteristics of novel derivatives of vesamicol, known to represent a specific antagonist of VAChT sites. Novel benzyl ether derivatives of vesamicol either 4- or 5-substituted at the cyclohexylring have been synthesized by different regioselective ring opening reactions of a same epoxide precursor. The affinity and selectivity of the novel compounds to VAChT sites were analyzed by competitive radioligand binding studies in rat brain and liver membrane preparations using tritium labeled radioligands. The 4-substituted fluorobenzylether of vesamicol 10b was shown to exhibit a high affinity to VAChT sites (K(i)-value(10b)=10.7+/-1.7 nM), but demonstrated also binding capacities to sigma receptors (K(i-)value(10b)=18.5+/-6.9 nM, [(3)H]DTG; K(i)-value(10b)=30.6+/-9.6 nM, [(3)H]haloperidol). The data suggest the potential of vesamicol derivatives to design appropriate radiotracer for PET imaging of central cholinergic deficits.  相似文献   
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