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A Companion to Psychological Anthropology. Conerly Casey and Robert B. Edgerton, eds. Williston, VT: Blackwell Publishers, 2005. 523 pp.  相似文献   
Abstract The leaves of Berberis aquifolium (Pursh.) exhibit either diffuse or specular (shiny) reflection, depending on the variety, but in no case are the leaves obviously glaucous. The dull-surfaced leaves were less wettable than the glossy ones. Using scanning electron microscopy it was determined that the diffuse reflection was due to tubular crystals of wax 250 nm in diameter. The crystals were primarily composed of 19-nonacosanol, a 29-carbon secondary alcohol, as determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The chemical constituents of the wax underlying the tubes appeared to be the same as those of the wax from glossy leaves, with 29-carbon and 31-carbon n-alkanes and n-heptacosanol as major constituents. The reflection spectra of dull-surfaced (diffuse reflection) or glossy (specular reflection) leaves were the same, as were those of leaves with different amounts of epicuticular wax. Removing the epicuticular wax with chloroform did not change the spectrum.  相似文献   
With the exception of the agnathan fishes, a prolactin cellhas been identified in all vertebrates in which it has beensought. This review examines the structure of the prolactin-producingpituitary cell in non-mammalian vertebrates, the manner in whichit responds to natural and artificial stimuli, and its controlby neural and humoral factors. Fundamental similarities anddifferences are described in an attempt to understand betterits method of operation. Given our present state of knowledge, there is, among all theapparent diversity, a similarity in the basic structure andmorphological response of this cell in teleosts, amphibians,reptiles, and birds. One can identify and speak with relativecertainty about a specific adenohypophysial cell called a "prolactincell." More profound differences may be found at the level ofcontrol mechanisms, chemistry of the hormone(s), and the natureof receptivity and response of target tissues. It appears that although there are basic similarities in thedesign of the prolactin cell, the systems that control its activitiesmay differ and the similar products produced by the cell maybe used toward different ends.  相似文献   
The elongate body form of snakes and the wide diversity of habitatsinto which they have radiated have affected the form and functionof the cardiovascular system. Heart position is strongly correlatedwith habitat. The heart is located 15–25% of the bodylength from the head in terrestrial and arboreal species, but25–45% in totally aquatic species. Semi-aquatic and fossorialspecies are intermediate. The viperids are exceptional, withgenerally more posterior hearts but arboreal species have heartscloser to the head. An anterior heartis favored when snakesclimb because it reduces the hydrostatic pressure of the bloodcolumn above the heart and tends to stabilize cephalic bloodpressure. In water, where hydrostatic bloodpressure is not aproblem, a more centrally located heart is favored because theheart does less work perfusing the body. In terrestrial species,head-heart distance increases linearly with body length andthe increased hydrostatic pressure is matched by higher restingarterial blood pressure in longer animals. Unlike mammals andbirds, snakes have blood pressures that increasewith body mass.The added stress on the ventricle wall in larger snakes is correlatedwith ventricles that are larger than predicted by other reptiles.Heart mass scales with body mass to the 0.95 power in snakesbut only 0.77–0.91 in other reptiles that are not as subjectto the hydrostatic effects of gravity. The spongy hearts ofreptiles do not conform well to the Principle of Laplace.  相似文献   
Biological control agents used to manage alien vegetation are generally viewed as providing an ecosystem service, owing to reduced ecological and economic costs of invasion following their release. In particular, gall‐formers are popular as biological control agents because they are host‐specific and therefore considered low risk. However, galls can also be considered to be ecological engineers, because they provide nutritional resources for native invertebrates. We tested whether native invertebrates had formed associations with the gall‐forming fungus Uromycladium tepperianum, introduced into South Africa to control the Australian invasive alien tree Acacia saligna, by collecting U. tepperianum galls and monitoring emergence. We found that a number of invertebrates had formed associations with the biological control agent, among which was the important citrus pest, Thaumatotibia leucotreta (false codling moth). We used pheromone‐baited traps to ascertain if this supplementary source of T. leucotreta increased their abundance in orchards close to patches of gall host, but did not find this to be the case. We did find, however, that control measures used by farmers explained T. leucotreta abundances in traps, which may have obscured detection of any effects of a nearby host for the pest. Nevertheless, this study illustrates the first case of a host‐specific classical biological control agent providing resources for an economically significant crop pest. We conclude that although biological control agents are strictly vetted to ensure host‐specificity, introduced biological control agents that become abundant and can act as ecological engineers pose risks when native biota form associations with them, resulting in a number of possible cascading ecosystem effects. In addition, there could be economic consequences when these associated species include agricultural pests. We conclude that not just host specificity, but potential ecological effects of biological control agents, should be considered in their selection.  相似文献   
Inflorescences of the arum lily Symplocarpus foetidus are thermogenic and thermoregulatory. The spadix increases respiratory heat production rate as ambient temperature decreases. This study examined the relationships between spadix temperature (Ts), respiration rate () and ambient temperature (Ta) at equilibrium and during transient responses to step changes in Ta. Intact inflorescences inside a miniature constant temperature cabinet in the field showed the most precise temperature regulation yet recorded; over a 37.4 °C range in Ta (?10.3 to 27.1 °C), Ts changed only 3.5 °C (22.7 to 26.2 °C). Regulated temperatures were not related to spadix size (1.9–7.3 g) or circadian cycle. Dynamic responses to step changes in Ta involved a phasic change in Ts, first in the same direction as Ta, then reversing at 38.3 min, and finally approaching equilibrium at 87.6 min, on average. Meanwhile changed in a monotonic curve toward equilibrium. Models revealed that the dynamics of temperature change were inconsistent with simply a physical lag in the system, but involved some form of biochemical regulation, possibly by changes in activity of a rate‐limiting functional protein.  相似文献   
Bananas were exposed to acetylene or ethylene at 0·01, 0·1 and 1 ml/litre, under high humidity, for 24 h at 18 °C. They were then transferred to an atmosphere of air alone for a further 4 days and during this period the respiration rate of three fruit from each treatment was measured. Ripeness was then assessed by colour score and soluble solids content. All levels of ethylene initiated ripening. Treatment with ethylene induced a climacteric rise in respiration, an increase in the soluble solids content of the pulp and degreening of the peel. All levels of acetylene, except 0·01 ml/litre, induced a climacteric rise in respiration. Fruit treated with acetylene at 1 ml/litre had a similar colour score and soluble solids content to those ripened by exposure to ethylene. Fruits treated with acetylene at 0·1 ml/litre had a lower soluble solids content and their peel remained green. Treatment with acetylene at 0·01 ml/litre failed to initiate ripening. Sensory evaluation of fruit ripened by acetylene at 1 ml/litre indicated that the acetylene treated fruit ripened slightly more slowly. When compared at the same stage of ripeness fruits from the two treatments were equally palatable.  相似文献   
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