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We have examined the effects of a number of derivatives of ryanodine on K+ conduction in the Ca2+ release channel purified from sheep cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). In a fashion comparable to that of ryanodine, the addition of nanomolar to micromolar quantities to the cytoplasmic face (the exact amount depending on the derivative) causes the channel to enter a state of reduced conductance that has a high open probability. However, the amplitude of that reduced conductance state varies between the different derivatives. In symmetrical 210 mM K+, ryanodine leads to a conductance state with an amplitude of 56.8 +/- 0.5% of control, ryanodol leads to a level of 69.4 +/- 0.6%, ester A ryanodine modifies to one of 61.5 +/- 1.4%, 9,21-dehydroryanodine to one of 58.3 +/- 0.3%, 9 beta,21beta-epoxyryanodine to one of 56.8 +/- 0.8%, 9-hydroxy-21-azidoryanodine to one of 56.3 +/- 0.4%, 10-pyrroleryanodol to one of 52.2 +/- 1.0%, 3-epiryanodine to one of 42.9 +/- 0.7%, CBZ glycyl ryanodine to one of 29.4 +/- 1.0%, 21-p-nitrobenzoyl-amino-9-hydroxyryanodine to one of 26.1 +/- 0.5%, beta-alanyl ryanodine to one of 14.3 +/- 0.5%, and guanidino-propionyl ryanodine to one of 5.8 +/- 0.1% (chord conductance at +60 mV, +/- SEM). For the majority of the derivatives the effect is irreversible within the lifetime of a single-channel experiment (up to 1 h). However, for four of the derivatives, typified by ryanodol, the effect is reversible, with dwell times in the substate lasting tens of seconds to minutes. The effect caused by ryanodol is dependent on transmembrane voltage, with modification more likely to occur and lasting longer at +60 than at -60 mV holding potential. The addition of concentrations of ryanodol insufficient to cause modification does not lead to an increase in single-channel open probability, such as has been reported for ryanodine. At concentrations of > or = 500 mu M, ryanodine after initial rapid modification of the channel leads to irreversible closure, generally within a minute. In contrast, comparable concentrations of beta-alanyl ryanodine do not cause such a phenomenon after modification, even after prolonged periods of recording (>5 min). The implications of these results for the site(s) of interaction with the channel protein and mechanism of the action of ryanodine are discussed. Changes in the structure of ryanodine can lead to specific changes in the electrophysiological consequences of the interaction of the alkaloid with the sheep cardiac SR Ca2+ release channel.  相似文献   
Despite the pivotal role of ryanodine in ryanodine receptor (RyR) research, the molecular basis of ryanodine-RyR interaction remains largely undefined. We investigated the role of the proposed transmembrane helix TM10 in ryanodine interaction and channel function. Each amino acid residue within the TM10 sequence, 4844IIFDITFFFFVIVILLAIIQGLII4867, of the mouse RyR2 was mutated to either alanine or glycine. Mutants were expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, and their properties were assessed. Mutations D4847A, F4850A, F4851A, L4858A, L4859A, and I4866A severely curtailed the release of intracellular Ca2+ in human embryonic kidney 293 cells in response to extracellular caffeine and diminished [3H]ryanodine binding to cell lysates. Mutations F4846A, T4849A, I4855A, V4856A, and Q4863A eliminated or markedly reduced [3H]ryanodine binding, but cells expressing these mutants responded to extracellular caffeine by releasing stored Ca2+. Interestingly these two groups of mutants, each with similar properties, are largely located on opposite sides of the predicted TM10 helix. Single channel analyses revealed that mutation Q4863A dramatically altered the kinetics and apparent affinity of ryanodine interaction with single RyR2 channels and abolished the effect of ryanodol, an analogue of ryanodine, whereas the single channel conductance of the Q4863A mutant and its responses to caffeine, ATP, and Mg2+ were comparable to those of the wild type channels. Furthermore the effect of ryanodine on single Q4863A mutant channels was influenced by the transmembrane holding potential. Together these results suggest that the TM10 sequence and in particular the Q4863 residue constitute an important determinant of ryanodine interaction.  相似文献   
Most of the bone, cartilage and connective tissue of the lower jaw is derived from cranial neural crest cells (NCCs) arising from the posterior midbrain and hindbrain. Multiple factors direct the patterning of these NCCs, including endothelin-1-mediated endothelin A receptor (Edn1/Ednra) signaling. Loss of Ednra signaling results in multiple defects in lower jaw and neck structures, including homeotic transformation of lower jaw structures into upper jaw-like structures. However, since the Ednra gene is expressed by both migrating and post-migrating NCCs, the actual function of Ednra in cranial NCC development is not clear. Ednra signaling could be required for normal migration or guidance of NCCs to the pharyngeal arches or in subsequent events in post-migratory NCCs, including proliferation and survival. To address this question, we performed a fate analysis of cranial NCCs in Ednra-/- embryos using the R26R;Wnt1-Cre reporter system, in which Cre expression within NCCs results in permanent beta-galactosidase activity in NCCs and their derivatives. We find that loss of Ednra does not detectably alter either migration of most cranial NCCs into the mandibular first arch and second arch or their subsequent proliferation. However, mesenchymal cell apoptosis is increased two fold in both E9.5 and E10.5 Ednra-/- embryos, with apoptotic cells being present in and just proximal to the pharyngeal arches. Based on these studies, Ednra signaling appears to be required by most cranial NCCs after they reach the pharyngeal arches. However, a subset of NCCs appear to require Ednra signaling earlier, with loss of Ednra signaling likely leading to premature cessation of migration into or within the arches and subsequent cell death.  相似文献   
Cranial neural crest cells (NCCs) play an intimate role in craniofacial development. Multiple signaling cascades participate in patterning cranial NCCs, some of which are regulated by endothelin-A receptor (Ednra) signaling. Ednra−/− embryos die at birth from severe craniofacial defects resulting from disruption of neural crest cell patterning and differentiation. These defects include homeotic transformation of lower jaw structures into upper jaw-like structures, suggesting that some cephalic NCCs alter their “identity” in the absence of Ednra signaling. To elucidate the temporal necessity for Ednra signaling in vivo, we undertook two strategies. We first used a conditional knockout strategy in which mice containing a conditionally targeted Ednra allele (Ednrafl) were bred with mice from the Hand2-Cre and Wnt1-Cre transgenic mouse strains, two strains in which Cre expression occurs at different time periods within cranial NCCs. In our second approach, we used an Ednra-specific antagonist to treat wild type pregnant mice between embryonic days E8.0 and E10.0, a time frame encompassing the early migration and proliferation of cranial NCCs. The combined results suggest that Ednra function is crucial for NCC development between E8.25 and E9.0, a time period encompassing the arrival of NCCs in the arches and/or early post-migratory patterning. After this time period, Ednra signaling is dispensable. Interestingly, middle ear structures are enlarged and malformed in a majority of Ednrafl/fl;Wnt1-Cre embryos, instead resembling structures found in extinct predecessors of mammals. These observations suggest that the advent of Ednra signaling in cranial NCCs may have been a crucial event in the evolution of the mammalian middle ear ossicles.  相似文献   
The regulatory effect of amino acids on the production of thaxtomin A, a phytotoxin produced by Streptomyces scabies, was investigated. Tryptophan had an important inhibitory effect on the toxin biosynthesis in all five strains of S. scabies tested. Two other aromatic amino acids (tyrosine and phenylalanine) also inhibited thaxtomin A biosynthesis, while aliphatic amino acids did not cause an important decline in thaxtomin A production. Methylation of tryptophan prevented or reduced the inhibitory effect on thaxtomin A biosynthesis. In spite of the inhibitory action of tryptophan and phenylalanine on thaxtomin A production, incorporation of these radiolabeled molecules into thaxtomin A confirmed that they are metabolic precursors for the biosynthesis of the phytotoxin.  相似文献   
Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) is a key signaling molecule regulating cellular responses to integrin-mediated adhesion. Integrin engagement promotes FAK phosphorylation at multiple sites to achieve full FAK activation. Phosphorylation of FAK Tyr-397 creates a binding site for Src-family kinases, and phosphorylation of FAK Tyr-576/Tyr-577 in the kinase domain activation loop enhances catalytic activity. Using novel phosphospecific antibody reagents, we show that FAK activation loop phosphorylation is significantly elevated in cells expressing activated Src and is an early event following cell adhesion to fibronectin. In both cases, this regulation is largely dependent on Tyr-397. We also show that the FAK activation loop tyrosines are required for maximal Tyr-397 phosphorylation. Finally, immunostaining analyses revealed that tyrosine-phosphorylated forms of FAK are present in both newly forming and mature focal adhesions. Our findings support a model for reciprocal activation of FAK and Src-family kinases and suggest that FAK/Src signaling may occur during both focal adhesion assembly and turnover.  相似文献   
Tyrosine phosphorylation of CAS (Crk-associated substrate, p130(Cas)) has been implicated as a key signaling step in integrin control of normal cellular behaviors, including motility, proliferation, and survival. Aberrant CAS tyrosine phosphorylation may contribute to cell transformation by certain oncoproteins, including v-Crk and v-Src, and to tumor growth and metastasis. The CAS substrate domain (SD) contains 15 Tyr-X-X-Pro motifs, which are thought to represent the major tyrosine phosphorylation sites and to function by recruiting downstream signaling effectors, including c-Crk and Nck. CAS makes multiple interactions, direct and indirect, with the tyrosine kinases Src and focal adhesion kinase (FAK), and as a result of this complexity, several plausible models have been proposed for the mechanism of CAS-SD phosphorylation. The objective of this study was to provide experimental tests of these models in order to determine the most likely mechanism(s) of CAS-SD tyrosine phosphorylation by FAK and Src. In vitro kinase assays indicated that FAK has a very poor capacity to phosphorylate CAS-SD, relative to Src. However, FAK expression along with Src was found to be important for achieving high levels of CAS tyrosine phosphorylation in COS-7 cells, as well as recovery of CAS-associated Src activity toward the SD. Structure-functional studies for both FAK and CAS further indicated that FAK plays a major role in regulating CAS-SD phosphorylation by acting as a docking or scaffolding protein to recruit Src to phosphorylate CAS, while a secondary FAK-independent mechanism involves Src directly bound to the CAS Src-binding domain (SBD). Our results do not support models in which FAK either phosphorylates CAS-SD directly or phosphorylates CAS-SBD to promote Src binding to this site.  相似文献   
Paxillin is a prominent focal adhesion docking protein that regulates cell adhesion and migration. Although numerous paxillin-binding proteins have been identified and paxillin is required for normal embryogenesis, the precise mechanism by which paxillin functions in vivo has not yet been determined. We identified an ortholog of mammalian paxillin in Drosophila (Dpax) and have undertaken a genetic analysis of paxillin function during development. Overexpression of Dpax disrupted leg and wing development, suggesting a role for paxillin in imaginal disc morphogenesis. These defects may reflect a function for paxillin in regulation of Rho family GTPase signaling as paxillin interacts genetically with Rac and Rho in the developing eye. Moreover, a gain-of-function suppressor screen identified a genetic interaction between Dpax and cdi in wing development. cdi belongs to the cofilin kinase family, which includes the downstream Rho target, LIM kinase (LIMK). Significantly, strong genetic interactions were detected between Dpax and Dlimk, as well as downstream effectors of Dlimk. Supporting these genetic data, biochemical studies indicate that paxillin regulates Rac and Rho activity, positively regulating Rac and negatively regulating Rho. Taken together, these data indicate the importance of paxillin modulation of Rho family GTPases during development and identify the LIMK pathway as a critical target of paxillin-mediated Rho regulation.  相似文献   
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