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Four new species ofCayaponia are described and illustrated: three from Brazil (C. cogniauxiana, C. nitida andC. rugosa) and one from Brazil and Bolivia (C. ferruginea).  相似文献   
Summary Several pneumococcal bacteriophages showing a morphology similar to that previously described for Cp-1 (Ronda et al. 1981) have been isolated and purified from throat samples taken from healthy children. Three of these phages (Cp-5, Cp-7 and Cp-9) have been studied in detail and compared to Cp-1. The four phages differed in several respects, e.g. size, structural polypeptides, restriction enzyme cleavage patterns, etc. The DNA of Cp-5, Cp-7 and Cp-9 showed protease-sensitive transfecting activity. This, together with the results obtained by electrophoretic analyses as well as by isotopic labelling of these DNAs with [-32P] ATP and polynucleotide kinase indicated that all these new phages have a protein covalently linked to the 5 ends of their DNAs as in the case of Cp-1 (García et al. 1983). Restriction enzyme cleavage maps of Cp-1, Cp-5, Cp-7 and Cp-9 have been constructed.  相似文献   
To elucidate the association between stressful life events and the development of cancer the influence of life stress on relapse in operable breast cancer was examined in matched pairs of women in a case-control study. Adverse life events and difficulties occurring during the postoperative disease free interval were recorded in 50 women who had developed their first recurrence of operable breast cancer and during equivalent follow up times in 50 women with operable breast cancer in remission. The cases and controls were matched for the main physical and pathological factors known to be prognostic in breast cancer and sociodemographic variables that influence the frequency of life events and difficulties. Severely threatening life events and difficulties were significantly associated with the first recurrence of breast cancer. The relative risk of relapse associated with severe life events was 5.67 (95% confidence interval 1.57 to 37.20), and the relative risk associated with severe difficulties was 4.75 (1.58 to 19.20). Life events and difficulties not rated as severe were not related to relapse. Experiencing a non-severe life event was associated with a relative risk of 2.0 (0.62 to 7.47), and experiencing a non-severe difficulty was associated with a relative risk of 1.13 (0.38 to 3.35). These results suggest a prognostic association between severe life stressors and recurrence of breast cancer, but a larger prospective study is needed for confirmation.  相似文献   
Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is the foremost cause of neonatal sepsis and meningitis in the United States. A major virulence factor for GBS is its capsular polysaccharide, a high molecular weight polymer of branched oligosaccharide subunits. N -acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac or sialic acid), at the end of the polysaccharide side chains, is critical to the virulence function of the capsular polysaccharide. Neu5Ac must be activated by CMP-Neu5Ac synthetase before it is incorporated into the polymer. We showed previously that a transposon mutant of a serotype III GBS strain which had no detectable capsular Neu5Ac was deficient in CMP-Neu5Ac-synthetase activity (Wessels et al ., 1992). In this paper, we report the identification and characterization of cpsF , a gene interrupted by transposon insertion in the previously described Neu5Ac-deficient mutant. The predicted amino acid sequence of the cpsF gene product shares 57% similarity and 37% identity with CMP-Neu5Ac synthetase encoded by the Escherichia coli K1 gene, neuA . The enzymatic function of the protein encoded by cpsF was established by cloning the gene in E. coli under the control of the T7 polymerase/promoter. Lysates of E. coli in which the cpsF gene product was expressed, catalysed the condensation of CTP with Neu5Ac to form CMP-Neu5Ac. In addition, when a CMP-Neu5Ac synthetase-deficient mutant of E. coli K1 was transformed with cpsF , K1 antigen expression was restored. We conclude that cpsF encodes CMP-Neu5Ac synthetase in type III GBS, and that the GBS enzyme can function in the capsule-synthesis of a heterologous bacterial species.  相似文献   
Alloimmune spleen cells (C57BL/6 anti P815), but not normal spleen cells, lyse syngeneic (EL4) target cells in the presence of Con A. Con A dependent cytotoxicity was mediated by T cells and required the continued presence of lectin. Cytolysis in the presence of a succinylated derivative was equivalent to that seen with the parent Con A molecule. In contrast to previous reports of Con A dependent cytolysis, however, we conclude that lysis is not primarily caused by directly cytotoxic T cells. The reasons for this conclusion are: 1. Removal of directly cytotoxic cells by adsorption on P815 monolayers did not alter the Con A dependent cytolysis of EL4 cells; 2. Populations in which no direct T killers were demonstrable (e.g., spleen cells harvested 5 days after alloimmunization) lysed both P815 and EL4 cells in the presence of Con A; and 3. Con A dependent cytolysis, but not direct cytotoxicity, could be induced by culturing normal C57BL/6 spleen cells for 4 days with a sonicated extract of P815 cells. We hypothesize that the cell "activated" to lyse targets in the presence of Con A is a T cell which has differentiated lytic potential following alloantigenic stimulation, but has either insufficient density or affinity of antigen receptors to serve as a directly cytotoxic cell. The role of Con A is viewed as 2-fold: i) to "bridge" killer and target cell, and ii) to "activate" the effector.  相似文献   
Incubation of rat-liver microsomes, previously azide-treated to inhibit catalase, with H2O2 caused a loss of cytochrome P-450 but not of cytochrome b5. This loss of P-450 was not prevented by scavengers of hydroxyl radical, chain-breaking antioxidants or metal ion-chelating agents. Application of the thiobarbituric acid (TBA) assay to the reaction mixture suggested that H2O2 induces lipid peroxidation, but this was found to be due largely or completely to an effect of H2O2 on the TBA assay. By contrast, addition of ascorbic acid and Fe(III) to the microsomes led to lipid peroxidation and P-450 degradation: both processes were inhibited by chelating agents and chain-breaking antioxidants, but not by hydroxyl radical scavengers. H2O2 inhibited ascorbate/Fe (III)-induced microsomal lipid peroxidation, but part of this effect was due to an action of H2O2 in the TBA test itself. H2O2 also decreased the colour measured after carrying out the TBA test upon authentic malondialdehyde, tetraethoxypropane, a DNA-Cu2+/o-phenanthroline system in the presence of a reducing agent, ox-brain phospholipid liposomes in the presence of Fe(III) and ascorbate, or a bleomycin-iron ion/DNA/ascorbate system. Caution must be used in interpreting the results of TBA tests upon systems containing H2O2.  相似文献   
Several bacterial pathogens have evolved the means to escape immune detection by mimicking host cell surface carbohydrates that are crucial for self/non-self recognition. Sialic acid, a terminal residue on these carbohydrates, inhibits activation of the alternate pathway of complement by recruiting the immune modulating molecule factors H, I, and iC3b. Sialylation of capsular polysaccharide (CPS) is important for virulence of group B streptococci (GBS), a significant human pathogen. We previously reported that cpsK, a gene within the cps locus of type III GBS, could complement a sialyltransferase deficient lst mutant of Haemophilus ducreyi, implicating its role in sialylation of the GBS capsule. To explore the function of cpsK in GBS capsule production, we created a mutant in cpsK. Immunoblot analysis and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using anti-type III CPS antisera demonstrated that the mutant CPS did not contain sialic acid. This was confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography after mild acid hydrolysis of the CPS. Although increased CPS chain length was seen for this strain, CPS production was <20% of the parental isolate. An episomal cpsK copy restored synthesis of sialo-CPS to wild-type levels. These data support our hypothesis that cpsK encodes the GBS CPS sialyltransferase and provide further evidence that lack of CPS oligosaccharide sialylation reduces the amount of CPS expressed on the cell surface. These observations also imply that one or more of the components involved in synthesis or transport of oligosaccharide repeating units requires a sialo-oligosaccharide for complete activity.  相似文献   
We measured grazing by herbivorous zooplankton (<200 μm fraction) in coastal and slope regions of the South Brazil Bight. Using the dilution technique, we performed nine experiments during the austral summer, when nutrient-rich South Atlantic Central Water is present on the shelf, and five during winter. These experiments provide the first estimates of microzooplankton grazing in the western South Atlantic Ocean. Model II regression showed a strong relationship between phytoplankton intrinsic growth rates and grazing, with a slope of 0.64 (±0.28; 95% confidence interval) indicating that microzooplankton grazing could account for the majority of phytoplankton mortality. Both phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing were higher during the summer upwelling season, compared to winter. For the two experiments that were conducted in oligotrophic slope water, grazing accounted for >80% of phytoplankton production. A comparison of incubations with and without added inorganic nutrients showed no consistent stimulation of phytoplankton growth (slope of enriched versus unenriched treatments not significantly different from 1). Estimates from microscopic counts of heterotrophic organisms >10 μm indicated that copepod nauplii comprised the largest share of the microzooplankton biomass (mean 62.4 ± 5.8% SE). Grazing estimates were not correlated with microzooplankton biomass, whether or not nauplii were included, suggesting that most of the grazing was done by nano-sized zooplankton. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users. Handling editor: S. Wellekens  相似文献   
Abstract A 2.5-kb Sca I fragment of the type 3 pneumococcal strain 406 DNA containing a 1425-nucleotide open reading frame ( gadA ) and encoding a 475-amino acid protein ( M rmr 54427) was characterised. The gene gadA was expressed in Salmonella typhimurium . Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and Southern blotting analysis of DNAs prepared from several pneumococcal serotypes showed that only those clinical isolates belonging to serotype 3 harbour the gadA gene. Sequence comparison of GadA with proteins included in the data banks revealed the highest similarity with human glutamate decarboxylase (GAD65) (59% similarity, 28% identity). Auto-antibodies to GAD65 have been associated with the onset of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Interestingly, several epitopes of GAD65 that have been identified as immunodominant are particularly well conserved in the pneumococcal GadA.  相似文献   
The two pneumococcal autolytic enzymes (an N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase and an endo-beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminidase) are directly involved in the penicillin-induced killing of Streptococcus pneumoniae. The activity of these lytic enzymes was efficiently controlled in tolerant mutants under physiological conditions.  相似文献   
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