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Hares (Lepus capensis Linnaeus 1758) were probably introduced into Sardinia in historical times. Previous studies indicated North Africa as the most likely source area but did not exclude the occurrence of hybridization events with continental brown hares (L. europaeus Pallas 1778) perhaps introduced for hunting purposes. We implemented both morphometric and genetic approaches to verify the genetic isolation of the Sardinian population. Specifically, we conducted a multivariate analysis of craniometric data and analysed 461 bp of the mitochondrial control region and 12 autosomal microsatellites in Sardinian hares, using North African cape hares and European brown hares as reference populations. Sardinian hares displayed a peculiar skull shape. In agreement, both nuclear and mitochondrial markers remarked the distinctiveness of this population. Observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.52 and 0.61, while haplotype and nucleotide diversity were 0.822 and 0.0129. Self‐assignment based on Bayesian cluster analysis was high (average membership 0.98), and no evident signs of introgression from continental brown hares were found. Our results support the hypothesis that the Sardinian hares have been introduced from North Africa, remained genetically isolated since the founding event and evolved independently from the source population. This long‐lasting isolation and the consequent genetic drift resulted in a differentiation, perhaps accompanied by an adaptation to local environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Neurons of the Grueneberg ganglion respond to cool temperatures as well as to distinct odorants and extend axonal processes to the olfactory bulb of the brain. Analyses of transgenic mice, in which Grueneberg ganglion neurons and their axons are labeled, revealed that these axons innervated nine distinct glomeruli distributed in a characteristic topographical pattern in dorsal, lateral, ventral, and medial regions of rather posterior areas in the bulb. To assess activation of these glomeruli (hereinafter designated as Grueneberg glomeruli) upon stimulation of Grueneberg ganglion neurons, mice were exposed to the odorant 2,3-dimethylpyrazine (2,3-DMP) and the expression of the activity-dependent marker c-Fos in juxtaglomerular cells of the relevant glomeruli was monitored. It was found that all of these glomeruli were activated, irrespective of their localization in the bulb. To verify that the activation of juxtaglomerular cells in Grueneberg glomeruli was indeed based on stimulation of Grueneberg ganglion neurons, the 2,3-DMP-induced responses in these glomeruli were investigated in mice lacking the cyclic nucleotide-gated channel CNGA3 which is critical for chemo- and thermosensory signal transduction in Grueneberg ganglion neurons. This approach revealed that elimination of CNGA3 led to a reduction of the odorant-induced activity in Grueneberg glomeruli, indicating that the activation of these glomeruli is based on a preceding stimulation of the Grueneberg ganglion. Analyzing whether Grueneberg glomeruli in the bulb might also process thermosensory information, it was found that upon exposure to coolness, Grueneberg glomeruli were activated. Investigating mice lacking CNGA3, the activation of these glomeruli by cool temperatures was attenuated.  相似文献   
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