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To improve the assembly of backbone cyclic peptides, N-functionalized dipeptide building units were synthesized. The corresponding N-aminoalkyl or N-carboxyalkyl amino acids were formed by alkylation or reductive alkylation of amino acid benzyl or tert-butyl esters. In the case of N-aminoalkyl amino acid derivatives the aldehydes for reductive alkylation were obtained from N,O-dimethyl hydroxamates of N-protected amino acids by reduction with LiAlH4. N-carboxymethyl amino acids were synthesized by alkylation using bromoacetic acid ester and the N-carboxyethyl amino acids via reductive alkylation using aldehydes derived from formyl Meldrums acid. Removal of the carboxy protecting group leads to free N-alkyl amino acids of very low solubility in organic solvents, allowing efficient purification by extraction of the crude product. These N-alkyl amino acids were converted to their tetramethylsilane-esters by silylation with N,O-bis-(trimethylsilyl)acetamide and could thus be used for the coupling with Fmoc-protected amino acid chlorides or fluorides. To avoid racemization the tert-butyl esters of N-alkyl amino acids were coupled with the Fmoc-amino acid halides in the presence of the weak base collidine. Both the N-aminoalkyl and N-carboxyalkyl functionalized dipeptide building units could be obtained in good yield and purity. For peptide assembly on the solid support, the allyl type protection of the branching moiety turned out to be most suitable. The Fmoc-protected N-functionalized dipeptide units can be used like any amino acid derivative under the standard conditions for Fmoc-solid phase synthesis.  相似文献   
Summary Our study of young white Peking ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) revealed that their main olfactory centres are very similar to those reported for pigeons. Additionally, two major olfactory tracts and other olfactory centres were found to be intimately associated with telencephalic and diencephalic limbic structures. Our results make it possible to reject the view that olfaction in birds is not connected with the limbic system, as is the case in other vertebrates. The occurrence of olfaction was found to be considerably higher in embryos and ducklings. Embryonic connections are more extensive than the olfactory structures of young ducks, covering the archipallial wall of the hemisphere, i.e. the dorsomedial hippocampus and the main laminae of the forebrain. Transitory centripetal olfactory connections develop in embryos, and centrifugal olfactory connections are present in ducklings at the time of hatching. Controls revealed that a portion of the olfactory connections is drastically reduced by physiological degeneration involving connections emanating from both directions. Ultrastructural examination of embryonic archipallial structures revealed that the degeneration is partially the result of the dispersal of innervated neurons. Phylogenetically, one may compare the significant involvement of transitory olfactory connections in the anlage of limbic structures with the conditions occurring in anamniot vertebrates. This supports the hypothesis that the primary development of transitory olfactory connections represents an ontogenetic recapitulation of ancestral conditions, by which the structural and functional organization of the avian brain is influenced.  相似文献   
A single dose of Myleran suppressed CFU in polycythemic mice to around 1% of normal for a period of 2 weeks and permitted the study of effects of erythropoietin on unipotential, erythroid stem cells (erythropoietin-responsive cells, ERC) in the absence of cell inflow from the CFU compartment. Without erythropoietin no ERC were detectable for 12 days after Myleran. Injections of erythropoietin had no effect on CFU but restored ERC populations in proportion to the dose of erythropoietin. Hydroxyurea given after erythropoietin markedly inhibited ERC repopulation and the latter is attributed to a stimulation of ERC proliferation by erythropoietin. Evidence in support of an age structure in the ERC population is presented. Daily erythropoietin injection resulted in stable ERC populations, indicating that ERC loss through differentiation and ERC self-replication were in balance.  相似文献   
Summary By cloning in vitro we have obtained two sublines of the L5222 rat leukemia, one with high (L5222-S) and the other with low (L5222-R) in vivo sensitivities to non-toxic doses of mafosfamide, a stabilized derivative of 4-hydroxy-cyclophosphamide. This sensitivity in vivo was not related to the cytotoxic activity of the drug in vitro. Treatment of rats bearing the L5222-S and of mice transplanted with the MOPC-315 plasmocytoma with low doses of mafosfamide or cyclophosphamide resulted in a high percentage of surviving animals, which were resistant to a subsequent tumor challenge. Viable leukemic cells were needed to establish antitumor immunity, since it was not possible to induce resistance by injection of mitomycin-C-treated, non-viable L5222 cells. The adoptive transfer of spleen cells from animals immune against the L5222-S and the MOPC-315 resulted in resistance of the syngeneic recipients against a rechallenge with tumor cells, provided that the animals were treated with an immunosuppressive dose (100 mg/kg) of cyclophosphamide prior to the spleen cell implantation. In nude mice treatment of the L5222 with low doses of mafosfamide also resulted in surviving animals, however resistance to a second tumor challenge occurred only sporadically.The data presented confirm that therapy with cyclophosphamide or mafosfamide enhances host antitumor immunity but, contrary to previous reports, it could be demonstrated that successful tumor rejection was independent of T cells.Supported by the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology (BMFT), Bonn-Bad Godesberg, FRG  相似文献   
Independently of their agonistic or antagonistic activity on different isolated tissue preparations, the kinin analogues investigated induce histamine release on rat peritoneal mast cells. The effectivity of most compounds is 10 to 100 times higher than that of bradykinin. Beside the positively charged amino acids, the elongation at the N-terminus with hydrophobic amino acids and the replacement of amino acids in the bradykinin sequence (especially at position 7) with aromatic residues is important for a high histamine-releasing activity.  相似文献   
Ampullosporin A is a 15-mer peptaibol type polypeptide that induces pigment formation by the fungus Phoma destructiva, forms voltage-dependent ion channels in membranes and exhibits hypothermic effects in mice. The structure of ampullosporin A has been determined by x-ray crystallography. This is the first three-dimensional (3D) structure of the peptaibol subfamily SF6. From the N-terminus to residue 13 the molecule adopts an approximate right-handed alpha-helical geometry, whereas a less regular structure pattern with beta-turn characteristics is found in the C-terminus. Even though ampullosporin A does not contain a single proline or hydroxyproline it is significantly bent. It belongs to both the shortest and the most strongly bent peptaibol 3D structures. The straight structure part encompasses residues Ac-Trp(1)-Aib(10) and is thus less extended than the alpha-helical subunit. The 3D structure of ampullosporin A is discussed in relation to other experimentally determined peptaibol structures and in the context of its channel-forming properties. As a part of this comparison a novel bending analysis based on a 3D curvilinear axis describing the global structural characteristics has been proposed and applied to all 3D peptaibol structures. A sampling of 2500 conformations using different molecular dynamics protocols yields, for the complete ampullosporin A structure, an alpha-helix as the preferred conformation in vacuo with almost no bend. This indicates that solvent or crystal effects may be important for the experimentally observed peptide backbone bending characteristics of ampullosporin A.  相似文献   
In rat myometrial membranes, two 3H-Bradykinin binding sites with KD values of 16 pM and 1.0 nM were identified. Employed at pM concentrations, bradykinin stimulated high affinity GTPases. This effect was abolished by the bradykinin antagonist, [D-Arg(Hyp3-Thi5,8, D-Phe7)]bradykinin (10 microM), and by treatment of membranes with pertussis toxin. Myometrial membranes contained two pertussis toxin substrates of 40 and 41 kDa, which corresponded immunologically to alpha-subunits of Gi-type G-proteins. The faster migrating substrate was tentatively identified as Gi2 alpha-subunit. The electrophoretic mobility of the slower migrating Gi alpha-subunit was very similar to that of the Gi3 alpha-subunit. Go alpha-subunits were not detected. Thus, in uterine smooth muscle, G-proteins of the Gi-family (Gi2, Gi3) couple high-affinity bradykinin receptors to their effector enzymes.  相似文献   
Acute rheumatic fever is a serious autoimmune sequela of pharyngitis caused by certain group A streptococci. One mechanism applied by streptococcal strains capable of causing acute rheumatic fever is formation of an autoantigenic complex with human collagen IV. In some geographic regions with a high incidence of acute rheumatic fever pharyngeal carriage of group C and group G streptococci prevails. Examination of such strains revealed the presence of M-like surface proteins that bind human collagen. Using a peptide array and recombinant proteins with targeted amino acid substitutions, we could demonstrate that formation of collagen complexes during streptococcal infections depends on an octapeptide motif, which is present in collagen binding M and M-like proteins of different beta-hemolytic streptococcal species. Mice immunized with streptococcal proteins that contain the collagen binding octapeptide motif developed high serum titers of anti-collagen antibodies. In sera of rheumatic fever patients such a collagen autoimmune response was accompanied by specific reactivity against the collagen-binding proteins, linking the observed effect to clinical cases. Taken together, the data demonstrate that the identified octapeptide motif through its action on collagen plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of rheumatic fever. Eradication of streptococci that express proteins with the collagen binding motif appears advisable for controlling rheumatic fever.  相似文献   
Recent epidemiological data on diseases caused by beta-hemolytic streptococci belonging to Lancefield group C and G (GCS, GGS) underline that they are an emerging threat to human health. Among various virulence factors expressed by GCS and GGS isolates from human infections, M and M-like proteins are considered important because of their anti-phagocytic activity. In addition, protein G has been implicated in the accumulation of IgG on the bacterial surface through non-immune binding. The function of this interaction, however, is still unknown. Using isogenic mutants lacking protein G or the M-like protein FOG (group G streptococci), respectively, we could show that FOG contributes substantially to IgG binding. A detailed characterization of the interaction between IgG and FOG revealed its ability to bind the Fc region of human IgG and its binding to the subclasses IgG1, IgG2, and IgG4. FOG was also found to bind IgG of several animal species. Surface plasmon resonance measurements indicate a high affinity to human IgG with a dissociation constant of 2.4 pm. The binding site was localized in a central motif of FOG. It has long been speculated about anti-opsonic functions of streptococcal Fc-binding proteins. The presented data for the first time provide evidence and, furthermore, indicate functional differences between protein G and FOG. By obstructing the interaction between IgG and C1q, protein G prevented recognition by the classical pathway of the complement system. In contrast, IgG that was bound to FOG remained capable of binding C1q, an effect that may have important consequences in the pathogenesis of GGS infections.  相似文献   
Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) are used to internalize different cargoes, including DNA, into live mammalian and plant cells. Despite many cells being easily transfected with this approach, other cells are rather “difficult” or “hard to transfect,” including protist cells of the genus Leishmania. Based on our previous results in successfully internalizing proteins into Leishmania tarentolae cells, we used single CPPs and three different DNA-binding proteins to form protein-like complexes with plasmids covered with CPPs. We attempted magnetofection, electroporation, and transfection using a number of commercially available detergents. While complex formation with negatively charged DNA required substantially higher amounts of CPPs than those necessary for mostly neutral proteins, the cytotoxicity of the required amounts of CPPs and auxiliaries was thoroughly studied. We found that Leishmania cells were indeed susceptible to high concentrations of some CPPs and auxiliaries, although in a different manner compared with that for mammalian cells. The lack of successful transfections implies the necessity to accept certain general limitations regarding DNA internalization into difficult-to-transfect cells. Only electroporation allowed reproducible internalization of large and rigid plasmid DNA molecules through electrically disturbed extended membrane areas, known as permeable membrane macrodomains.  相似文献   
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