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Bioaccessibility measurements have the potential to improve the accuracy of risk assessments and reduce the potential costs of remediation when they reveal that the solubility of chemicals in a matrix (e.g., soil) differs markedly from that in the critical toxicity study (i.e., the key study from which a toxicological or toxicity reference value is derived). We aimed to apply this approach to a brownfield site contaminated with chromium, and found that the speciation was CrIII, using a combination of alkaline digestion/diphenylcarbazide complexation and X-ray absorption near edge structure analysis. The bioaccessibility of Cr2O3, the compound on which a reference dose for CrIII is based, was substantially lower (<0.1%) than that of the CrIII in the soils, which was a maximum of 9%, giving relative bioaccessibility values of 13,000% in soil. This shows that the reference dose is based on essentially an insoluble compound, and thus we suggest that other compounds be considered for toxicity testing and derivation of reference dose. Two possibilities are CrCl3·6H2O and KCr(SO4)2·12H2O, which have been used for derivation of ecological toxicity reference values and are soluble at a range of dosing levels in our bioaccessibility tests.  相似文献   
Hypertonic mannitol previously has been shown to improve cardiac function, increase collateral flow, and decrease epicardial ST segment elevation following coronary occlusion in anesthetized or awake dogs. The present study quantitates by morphologic techniques, the effect of hypertonic mannitol on infarct size. Ischemic injury was produced by proximal occlusion of the circumflex artery for 40 min and necrosis was assessed after 48 hr of reflow. One group of dogs was given isotonic saline and the other hypertonic mannitol beginning the infusions just prior to, during, and for a short period after the release of the circumflex coronary artery occlusion. Serum osmolality increased by approximately 40 mOsm in the mannitol group. The administration of hypertonic mannitol was associated with a 40-50% reduction in infarct size ventricular fibrillation during occlusion and following release of the circumflex coronary artery occlusion was greater in mannitol-treated dogs although the difference was not statistically significant. Thus, the data obtained in this study extend previous observations and provide direct evidence that hypertonic mannitol can reduce infarct size in dogs with temporary circumflex artery occlusion and reflow.  相似文献   
Fluorescein-conjugated staphylococcal protein A (SPA) was complexed with either: 1) heat-aggregated IgG, 2) B cell specific antibody, or 3) T cell specific antibody and then used for an immunofluorescent analysis of mononuclear cell surfaces. Cellular Fc receptors failed to recognize the Fc region of aggregated IgG that had been blocked by SPA. Moreover, fluoresceinated SPA that had been complexed either with anti-Fab (B-cell specific) or T cell-specific antisera prevented the nonspecific binding of these reagents to the IgG-Fc receptors on mononuclear cells, thereby permitting the latter to be properly identified as B or T lymphocytes. In addition, when unconjugated SPA was added to presensitized target cells in a test for antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity, cytolysis was abrogated.  相似文献   
Community hospitals can do much in the general effort toward earlier detection of breast cancer. Using xeromammography in the department of general radiology of one community hospital, 21 cases of occult carcinoma were detected in 2,392 patients in a two year period. Patients were both symptomatic and asymptomatic. This percentage is comparable to results in previously published series of similar patient populations, and can be expected to be slightly higher than screening populations of totally asymptomatic patients. In 24 percent of cases of occult carcinoma there was axillary node involvement, compared with 42 percent axillary node involvement in cases of nonoccult carcinoma.Early detection efforts are currently centered on improving thoroughness in physical examinations, stressing breast self-examination and identifying patients in high-risk categories. These, together with proper periodic use of mammograms, will yield the highest rate of early carcinoma detection until more sensitive biologic markers are developed.  相似文献   
Cutmore  S. C.  Yong  R. Q.-Y.  Reimer  J. D.  Shirakashi  S.  Nolan  M. J.  Cribb  T. H. 《Systematic parasitology》2021,98(5-6):641-664

Ankistromeces Nolan & Cribb, 2004 and Phthinomita Nolan & Cribb, 2006 are sister genera of threadlike blood flukes (Trematoda: Aporocotylidae) infecting teleost fishes of the tropical Indo-west Pacific. Here, we report new collections of these genera from Australia, Indonesia, and Japan. A new species of Ankistromeces, Ankistromeces kawamurai n. sp., is described from Siganus spinus (Linnaeus) off Okinawa, Japan, and a new species of Phthinomita, Phthinomita abdita n. sp., from Choerodon cephalotes (Castelnau), in Moreton Bay, Australia; the new species are morphologically cryptic within their respective genera and are delineated by molecular and ecological data. Ankistromeces olsoni Nolan & Cribb, 2006 is reported from Siganus fuscescens (Houttuyn) off Heron Island (southern Great Barrier Reef), Lizard Island (northern Great Barrier Reef), and Okinawa and Wakayama Prefectures, Japan and from Siganus spinus (Linnaeus) from off Bali, Indonesia. Ankistromeces mariae Nolan & Cribb, 2004 is re-reported from the type-host, Meuschenia freycineti (Quoy & Gaimard), from a new location, Gypsy Bay, Tasmania. Phthinomita poulini Nolan & Cribb, 2006 is re-reported from its type-locality, Lizard Island, from a range of mullids, including five new host species, and its range is extended to include Moreton Bay. Phthinomita symplocos Nolan & Cribb, 2006 is reported from Bali and P. hallae Nolan & Cribb, 2006, P. jonesi Nolan & Cribb, 2006, P. littlewoodi Nolan & Cribb, 2006, and P. munozae Nolan & Cribb, 2006 are each re-reported from their type-host and type-localities. New cox1 mtDNA data were generated for all known species of these two genera from new and archival material. Analyses of these data enabled an evaluation of all known Phthinomita species; P. robertsthomsoni Nolan & Cribb, 2006 is synonymised with P. adlardi Nolan & Cribb, 2006, and P. brooksi Nolan & Cribb, 2006 is synonymised with P. sasali Nolan & Cribb, 2006. We highlight the failure of ITS2 data to delineate closely related aporocotylid species. In contrast, cox1 sequence data are proving reliable and effective in this context and we recommend their incorporation in future studies of blood fluke taxonomy.

The Protein Journal - Difference circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy was used here to characterize changes in structure of flexible peptides upon altering their environments. Environmental changes...  相似文献   
The oil from the 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico was documented by shoreline assessment teams as stranding on 1,773 km of shoreline. Beaches comprised 50.8%, marshes 44.9%, and other shoreline types 4.3% of the oiled shoreline. Shoreline cleanup activities were authorized on 660 km, or 73.3% of oiled beaches and up to 71 km, or 8.9% of oiled marshes and associated habitats. One year after the spill began, oil remained on 847 km; two years later, oil remained on 687 km, though at much lesser degrees of oiling. For example, shorelines characterized as heavily oiled went from a maximum of 360 km, to 22.4 km one year later, and to 6.4 km two years later. Shoreline cleanup has been conducted to meet habitat-specific cleanup endpoints and will continue until all oiled shoreline segments meet endpoints. The entire shoreline cleanup program has been managed under the Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique (SCAT) Program, which is a systematic, objective, and inclusive process to collect data on shoreline oiling conditions and support decision making on appropriate cleanup methods and endpoints. It was a particularly valuable and effective process during such a complex spill.  相似文献   
Animals must balance a series of costs and benefits while trying to maximize their fitness. For example, an individual may need to choose how much energy to allocate to reproduction versus growth, or how much time to spend on vigilance versus foraging. Their decisions depend on complex interactions between environmental conditions, behavioral plasticity, reproductive biology, and energetic demands. As animals respond to novel environmental conditions caused by climate change, the optimal decisions may shift. Stochastic dynamic programming provides a flexible modeling framework with which to explore these trade‐offs, but this method has not yet been used to study possible changes in optimal trade‐offs caused by climate change. We created a stochastic dynamic programming model capturing trade‐off decisions required by an individual adult female polar bear (Ursus maritimus) as well as the fitness consequences of her decisions. We predicted optimal foraging decisions throughout her lifetime as well as the energetic thresholds below which it is optimal for her to abandon a reproductive attempt. To explore the effects of climate change, we shortened the spring feeding period by up to 3 weeks, which led to predictions of riskier foraging behavior and higher reproductive thresholds. The resulting changes in fitness may be interpreted as a best‐case scenario, where bears adapt instantaneously and optimally to new environmental conditions. If the spring feeding period was reduced by 1 week, her expected fitness declined by 15%, and if reduced by 3 weeks, expected fitness declined by 68%. This demonstrates an effective way to explore a species' optimal response to a changing landscape of costs and benefits and highlights the fact that small annual effects can result in large cumulative changes in expected lifetime fitness.  相似文献   
After disulphide bonds are reduced with dithiothreitol, trans-3- (α-bromomethyl)-3’-[α- (trimethylammonium)methyl]azobenzene (trans-QBr) alkylates a sulfhydryl group on receptors. The membrane conductance induced by this “tethered agonist” shares many properties with that induced by reversible agonists. Equilibrium conductance increases as the membrane potential is made more negative; the voltage sensitivity resembles that seen with 50 [mu]M carbachol. Voltage- jump relaxations follow an exponential time-course; the rate constants are about twice as large as those seen with 50 μM carbachol and have the same voltage and temperature sensitivity. With reversible agonists, the rate of channel opening increases with the frequency of agonist-receptor collisions: with tethered trans-Qbr, this rate depends only on intramolecular events. In comparison to the conductance induced by reversible agonists, the QBr-induced conductance is at least 10-fold less sensitive to competitive blockade by tubocurarine and roughly as sensitive to “open-channel blockade” bu QX-222. Light-flash experiments with tethered QBr resemble those with the reversible photoisomerizable agonist, 3,3’,bis-[α-(trimethylammonium)methyl]azobenzene (Bis-Q): the conductance is increased by cis {arrow} trans photoisomerizations and decreased by trans {arrow} cis photoisomerizations. As with Bis-Q, ligh-flash relaxations have the same rate constant as voltage-jump relaxations. Receptors with tethered trans isomer. By comparing the agonist-induced conductance with the cis/tans ratio, we conclude that each channel’s activation is determined by the configuration of a single tethered QBr molecule. The QBr-induced conductance shows slow decreases (time constant, several hundred milliseconds), which can be partially reversed by flashes. The similarities suggest that the same rate-limiting step governs the opening and closing of channels for both reversible and tethered agonists. Therefore, this step is probably not the initial encounter between agonist and receptor molecules.  相似文献   
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