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Epithelial tissues act as barriers and, therefore, must repair themselves, respond to environmental changes and grow without compromising their integrity. Consequently, they exhibit complex viscoelastic rheological behavior where constituent cells actively tune their mechanical properties to change the overall response of the tissue, e.g., from solid-like to fluid-like. Mesoscopic mechanical properties of epithelia are commonly modeled with the vertex model. While previous studies have predominantly focused on the rheological properties of the vertex model at long time scales, we systematically studied the full dynamic range by applying small oscillatory shear and bulk deformations in both solid-like and fluid-like phases for regular hexagonal and disordered cell configurations. We found that the shear and bulk responses in the fluid and solid phases can be described by standard spring-dashpot viscoelastic models. Furthermore, the solid-fluid transition can be tuned by applying pre-deformation to the system. Our study provides insights into the mechanisms by which epithelia can regulate their rich rheological behavior.  相似文献   
Interorgan lipid transport occurs via lipoproteins, and altered lipoprotein levels correlate with metabolic disease. However, precisely how lipoproteins affect tissue lipid composition has not been comprehensively analyzed. Here, we identify the major lipoproteins of Drosophila melanogaster and use genetics and mass spectrometry to study their assembly, interorgan trafficking, and influence on tissue lipids. The apoB-family lipoprotein Lipophorin (Lpp) is the major hemolymph lipid carrier. It is produced as a phospholipid-rich particle by the fat body, and its secretion requires Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein (MTP). Lpp acquires sterols and most diacylglycerol (DAG) at the gut via Lipid Transfer Particle (LTP), another fat body-derived apoB-family lipoprotein. The gut, like the fat body, is a lipogenic organ, incorporating both de novo-synthesized and dietary fatty acids into DAG for export. We identify distinct requirements for LTP and Lpp-dependent lipid mobilization in contributing to the neutral and polar lipid composition of the brain and wing imaginal disc. These studies define major routes of interorgan lipid transport in Drosophila and uncover surprising tissue-specific differences in lipoprotein lipid utilization.  相似文献   
In-gel digestion of proteins isolated by gel electrophoresis is a cornerstone of mass spectrometry (MS)-driven proteomics. The 10-year-old recipe by Shevchenko et al. has been optimized to increase the speed and sensitivity of analysis. The protocol is for the in-gel digestion of both silver and Coomassie-stained protein spots or bands and can be followed by MALDI-MS or LC-MS/MS analysis to identify proteins at sensitivities better than a few femtomoles of protein starting material.  相似文献   

The corticotropin-releasing hormone family of peptides is involved in regulating the neuroendocrine stress response. Also, the vagus nerve plays an important role in the transmission of immune system-related signals to brain structures, thereby orchestrating the neuroendocrine stress response. Therefore, we investigated gene expression of urocortin 2 (Ucn2) and c-fos, a markers of neuronal activity, within the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN), a brain structure involved in neuroendocrine and neuroimmune responses, as well as in the adrenal medulla and spleen in vagotomized rats exposed to immune challenge. In addition, markers of neuroendocrine stress response activity were investigated in the adrenal medulla, spleen, and plasma. Intraperitoneal administration of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced a significant increase of c-fos and Ucn2 gene expression in the PVN, and adrenal medulla as well as increases of plasma corticosterone levels. In addition, LPS administration induced a significant increase in the gene expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) in the adrenal medulla. In the spleen, LPS administration increased gene expression of c-fos, while gene expression of TH and PNMT was significantly reduced, and gene expression of Ucn2 was not affected. Subdiaphragmatic vagotomy significantly attenuated the LPS-induced increases of gene expression of c-fos and Ucn2 in the PVN and Ucn2 in the adrenal medulla. Our data has shown that Ucn2 may be involved in regulation of the HPA axis in response to immune challenge. In addition, our findings indicate that the effect of immune challenge on gene expression of Ucn2 is mediated by vagal pathways.

Cornulites sp. and Fistulipora przhidolensis formed a symbiotic association in the Pridoli (latest Silurian) of Saaremaa Island, Estonia. This Cornulites sp.–F. przhidolensis association is the youngest example of cornulitid–bryozoan symbiosis. Symbiosis is indicated by intergrowth of both organisms. The cornulitids are completely embedded within the cystoporate bryozoan colony, leaving only their apertures free on the growth surface of bryozoan. In terms of food competition, this association could have been slightly harmful to F. przhidolensis as Cornulites sp. may have been a kleptoparasite. There may have been a small escalation in the evolution of the endobiotic life mode of cornulitids as the number of such associations increased from the Ordovician to Silurian. It is likely that Palaeozoic bryozoan symbiosis reached its maximum in the Late Ordovician. Most of the symbiotic bryozoans in the Palaeozoic are trepostomes, and the diversity of symbiotic associations was also greatest among trepostomes.  相似文献   


Intestinal inflammatory responses play a critical role in the pathogenesis of postoperative ileus (POI). As cannabinoid receptor-1 (CB1) is involved in inhibiting gastrointestinal (GI) motility and anti-inflammation, we aimed to explore its contribution to POI.


Experimental POI was induced in adult female CB1-deficient (CB1–/–) mice and wild-type littermates (C57BL/6N) by standardized small bowel manipulation. Twenty-four hours after surgery, GI transit was assessed by charcoal transport. FITC avidin, F4/80, and myeloperoxidase immunohistochemistry techniques were used to evaluate the inflammatory response in the muscularis of ileum and colon. Expressions of p38MAPK and its phosphorylated form (pp38) in the intestine were determined. Plasma levels of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines were measured by ELISA as well.


POI was characterized by decreased GI transit (p<0.01) and accompanied by a marked intestinal and systematic inflammatory response in wild-type and CB1–/– mice. Increased numbers of inflammatory cells, including macrophages, neutrophils, and mast cells were observed in the muscularis of ileum and colon (p<0.01, or p<0.05). Plasma levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6), cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-1 (CINC-1/KC), and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) were elevated (p<0.01, or p<0.05). Expression of p38 and pp38 increased in the intestine (p<0.01, or p<0.05). CB1–/– mice showed an increased inflammatory response during POI, especially the systemic inflammatory markers, such as IL-6, KC, CINC1, and pp38 expression were increased as compared to those in WT mice (p<0.05).


Intestinal motility was inhibited during POI. In this condition, inhibition of motility did not seem to be altered by the absence of CB1 receptors, however, an increased inflammatory response was observed in CB1–/– mice. Hence, CB1 receptor activation rather than inhibition may reduce the inflammatory response in POI, which has a remote potential to relate into reduced inhibition of intestinal motility during POI.  相似文献   
Vertebrate animals exhibit impressive locomotor skills. These locomotor skills are due to the complex interactions between the environment, the musculo-skeletal system and the central nervous system, in particular the spinal locomotor circuits. We are interested in decoding these interactions in the salamander, a key animal from an evolutionary point of view. It exhibits both swimming and stepping gaits and is faced with the problem of producing efficient propulsive forces using the same musculo-skeletal system in two environments with significant physical differences in density, viscosity and gravitational load. Yet its nervous system remains comparatively simple. Our approach is based on a combination of neurophysiological experiments, numerical modeling at different levels of abstraction, and robotic validation using an amphibious salamander-like robot. This article reviews the current state of our knowledge on salamander locomotion control, and presents how our approach has allowed us to obtain a first conceptual model of the salamander spinal locomotor networks. The model suggests that the salamander locomotor circuit can be seen as a lamprey-like circuit controlling axial movements of the trunk and tail, extended by specialized oscillatory centers controlling limb movements. The interplay between the two types of circuits determines the mode of locomotion under the influence of sensory feedback and descending drive, with stepping gaits at low drive, and swimming at high drive.  相似文献   
Immunocytochemistry is a powerful tool for detection and visualization of specific molecules in living or fixed cells, their localization and their relative abundance. One of the most commonly used fluorescent DNA dyes in immunocytochemistry applications is 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride, known as DAPI. DAPI binds strongly to DNA and is used extensively for visualizing cell nuclei. It is excited by UV light and emits characteristic blue fluorescence. Here, we report a phenomenon based on an apparent photoconversion of DAPI that results in detection of a DAPI signal using a standard filter set for detection of green emission due to blue excitation. When a sample stained with DAPI only was first imaged with the green filter set (FITC/GFP), only a weak cytoplasmic autofluorescence was observed. Next, we imaged the sample with a DAPI filter set, obtaining a strong nuclear DAPI signal as expected. Upon reimaging the same samples with a FITC/GFP filter set, robust nuclear fluorescence was observed. We conclude that excitation with UV results in a photoconversion of DAPI that leads to detection of DAPI due to excitation and emission in the FITC/GFP channel. This phenomenon can affect data interpretation and lead to false-positive results when used together with fluorochrome-labeled nuclear proteins detected with blue excitation and green emission. In order to avoid misinterpretations, extra precaution should be taken to prepare staining solutions with low DAPI concentration and DAPI (UV excitation) images should be acquired after all other higher wavelength images. Of various DNA dyes tested, Hoechst 33342 exhibited the lowest photoconversion while that for DAPI and Hoechst 33258 was much stronger. Different fixation methods did not substantially affect the strength of photoconversion. We also suggest avoiding the use of mounting medium with high glycerol concentrations since glycerol showed the strongest impact on photoconversion. This photoconversion effect cannot be avoided even when using narrow bandpass filter sets.  相似文献   


Evaluation of diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy (DSP) is hindered by the need for complex nerve conduction study (NCS) protocols and lack of predictive biomarkers. We aimed to determine the performance of single and simple combinations of NCS parameters for identification and future prediction of DSP.

Materials and Methods

406 participants (61 with type 1 diabetes and 345 with type 2 diabetes) with a broad spectrum of neuropathy, from none to severe, underwent NCS to determine presence or absence of DSP for cross-sectional (concurrent validity) analysis. The 109 participants without baseline DSP were re-evaluated for its future onset (predictive validity). Performance of NCS parameters was compared by area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AROC).


At baseline there were 246 (60%) Prevalent Cases. After 3.9 years mean follow-up, 25 (23%) of the 109 Prevalent Controls that were followed became Incident DSP Cases. Threshold values for peroneal conduction velocity and sural amplitude potential best identified Prevalent Cases (AROC 0.90 and 0.83, sensitivity 80 and 83%, specificity 89 and 72%, respectively). Baseline tibial F-wave latency, peroneal conduction velocity and the sum of three lower limb nerve conduction velocities (sural, peroneal, and tibial) best predicted 4-year incidence (AROC 0.79, 0.79, and 0.85; sensitivity 79, 70, and 81%; specificity 63, 74 and 77%, respectively).


Individual NCS parameters or their simple combinations are valid measures for identification and future prediction of DSP. Further research into the predictive roles of tibial F-wave latencies, peroneal conduction velocity, and sum of conduction velocities as markers of incipient nerve injury is needed to risk-stratify individuals for clinical and research protocols.  相似文献   
The endemic Canary Island lizard clade Gallotia, which includes the largest members of Europe's dominant reptile group, Lacertidae, is one of the classic examples of insular gigantism. For the first time we use fossil data to test the evolutionary reasons for the association between gigantism and herbivory. We describe an almost completely preserved skeleton of J anosikia ulmensis comb. nov. from the early Miocene of Ulm, Germany (MN 2a, ~ 22 Mya). We show that this species and Oligocene Pseudeumeces cadurcensis (Filhol, 1877) are in fact crown lacertids, and the first known pre‐Quaternary record of the total clade of Gallotia. Pseudeumeces confirms the early origin of crown Lacertidae in the Palaeogene of Europe. More importantly, these fossil taxa show that large body size was already achieved on the European mainland by the early Miocene. Furthermore, Pseudeumeces and Janosikia were faunivorous, thus demonstrating that insularity, not large body size, was crucial to the evolution of herbivory in this lineage. Body size change in Gallotia was more complex than previously thought, encompassing size increase [e.g. in the extinct Gallotia goliath (Mertens, 1942)], but more commonly involving miniaturization. The physical environment may play a crucial role in modulating the evolution of body size in this natural laboratory.  相似文献   
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