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Species loss leads to community closure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Global extinction of a species is sadly irreversible. At a local scale, however, extinctions may be followed by re-invasion. We here show that this is not necessarily the case and that an ecological community may close its doors for re-invasion of species lost from it. Previous studies of how communities are assembled have shown that there may be rules for that process and that limitations are set to the order by which species are introduced and put together. Instead of focusing on the assembly process we randomly generated simple competitive model communities that were stable and allowed for two to 10 coexisting species. When a randomly selected single species was removed from the community, the cascading species loss was recorded and frequently the resulting community was more than halved. Cascading extinctions have previously been recorded, but we here show that the relative magnitude of the cascade is dependent on community size (and not only trophic structure) and that the reintroduction of the original species lost often is impossible. Hence, species loss does not simply leave a void potentially refilled, but permanently alters the entire community structure and consequently the adaptive landscape for potential re-invaders.  相似文献   
Hexagonal periodicity in the outer membrane of Bacteroides buccae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In Bacteroides buccae, a hexagonally arranged periodic structure was found in the outer membrane (OM), in addition to hexagonal lattices present in its external surface layer (S-layer). This crystalline OM protein (COMP) was present as patches on the concave fracture face (the outer leaflet) of the OM in freeze-fractured cells. Occasionally, hexagonally arranged structures could also be seen on the convex fracture face of the OM as 'fingerprints' of the COMP. The OM proteins were isolated and analysed by gel electrophoresis. The major band protein had an apparent molecular mass of 17 kDa. Whether the minor band proteins are also components in the structure of the COMP remains to be elucidated. Other oral Gram-negative anaerobic rods studied did not show any periodicity in their OM.  相似文献   
The matrix method for calculating the overall sensitivities (including control coefficients) of a metabolic system, described by Crabtree & Newsholme [Biochem. J. 247, 113-129 (1987)], is simplified by a preliminary partitioning of the initial matrix equation. This reduces the size of the matrix to be inverted and thereby removes a major drawback with the original method. The resulting procedure is simpler and more systematic than the alternative methods currently available, especially when the system is extensively branched.  相似文献   
The diurnal variation of TRH concentrations in different parts of hypothalamus was studied in 80 male rats, which were killed in groups of 5 at 3 h intervals. The hypothalamus was dissected into three parts: I) medial basal hypothalamus (MBH), II) anterior hypothalamus, and III) dorsal hypothalamus. Anterior pituitary and serum TSH concentrations were also measured. TRH concentrations were higher in MBH than in the other parts of the hypothalamus: at night 300–450 pg/mg of wet weight of tissue. When the lights were turned on, MBH-TRH levels began to decrease, reaching a nadir of 210 pg/mg at 12 noon. After 15 h, MBH-TRH levels began to increase again. The changes in TRH levels in anterior hypothalamus were usually opposite to those in MBH (r = ?0.6185). Serum TSH levels were about 800 ng/ml during the day and were decreased to about one half of these levels when the lights were turned off. Serum TSH levels were positively correlated with anterior hypothalamic TRH levels (r = 0.6457) and inversely correlated with MBH-TRH levels (r = ?0.7747). Anterior pituitary TSH levels showed small but statistically insignificant variations. In conclusion, there were statistically interrelated diurnal rhythms in anterior hypothalamic and MBH-TRH levels and serum TSH concentrations.  相似文献   
The study area is an urban forest remnant in the city of Tampere (Finland). The presence of vascular plant species were surveyed in 1980 and again in 2000 within the 5 × 5 m grid cells covering the whole forest. The forest fragment has been influenced by three types of urban pressure: general ecological conditions (such as eutrophication due to increase of nitrogen), edge effect and local human disturbance. A general and spatially even eutrophication was reflected in the frequencies of C- and S-strategists as a shift towards to the C-point in the CSR triangle. The total number of native species (83 in 1980, 89 in 2000), typical Vaccinium type (VT)-forest species (32 in 1980, 31 in 2000) and aliens (57 in 1980, 68 in 2000) did change, but only to a moderate extent. The number of typical VT-forest species and native species were more common in central parts of the fragment. In terms of the number of species, the forest has been relatively resistant to date to major changes. However, the average number of native plant species per grid cell increased from 13.7 to 14.4, the average number of aliens increased from 2.0 to 4.2 and the average number of typical VT-forest species decreased from 5.5 to 5.0. Natives were spatially concentrated in the centre in 1980, but in 2000 they were more evenly distributed. The edge has offered habitats for new species, but the typical VT-forest species of the original sub-xeric forest are slowly diminishing.  相似文献   
In stark contrast to other species within the Salmonidae family, phylogeographic information on European grayling, Thymallus thymallus, is virtually nonexistent. In this paper, we utilized mitochondrial DNA polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (mtDNA PCR-RFLP) and sequence variation to infer the postglacial dispersal routes of T. thymallus into and within northern Europe, and to locate geographically, potential evolutionarily distinct populations. Mitochondrial analyses revealed a total of 27 T. thymallus haplotypes which clustered into three distinct lineages. Average pairwise interlineage divergence was four and nine times higher than average intralineage divergence for RFLP and sequence data, respectively. Two European grayling individuals from the easternmost sample in Russia exhibited haplotypes more genetically diverged from any T. thymallus haplotype than T. arcticus haplotype, and suggested that hybridization/introgression zone of these two sister species may extend much further west than previously thought. Geographic division of the lineages was generally very clear with northern Europe comprising of two genetically differentiated areas: (i) Finland, Estonia and north-western Russia; and (ii) central Germany, Poland and western Fennoscandia. Average interpopulation divergence in North European T. thymallus was 10 times higher than that observed in a recent mtDNA study of North American T. arcticus. We conclude that (i) North European T. thymallus populations have survived dramatic Pleistocene temperature oscillations and originate from ancient eastern and central European refugia; (ii) genetic divergence of population groups within northern Europe is substantial and geographically distinct; and (iii) the remainder of Europe harbours additional differentiated assemblages that likely descend from a Danubian refugium. These findings should provide useful information for developing appropriate conservation strategies for European grayling and exemplify a case with a clear need for multinational co-operation for managing and conserving biodiversity.  相似文献   
Kaitala  Ranta 《Ecology letters》1998,1(3):186-192
We analyse spatial population dynamics showing that periodic or period-like chaotic dynamics produce self-organization structures, such as travelling waves. We suggest that self-organized patterns are associated with spatial synchrony patterns that often depend on geographical distance between subpopulations. The population dynamics also show statistical spatial autocorrelation patterns. We contrast our theoretical simulations with empirical data on annual damages in young sapling stands caused by voles. We conclude, on the basis of the periodicity, synchrony, and spatial autocorrelation patterns, and our simulation results, that vole dynamics represent travelling waves in population dynamics. We suggest that because such synchrony patterns are frequently observed in natural populations, spatial self-organization may be more common in population dynamics than reported in the literature.  相似文献   
The structure of seven local bumblebee communities was studied in eastern Finland. The number of species in the study sites varied from 5 to 10, 11 being the number in the species pool. Most of the species (queens) had proboscis lengths of 8–11 mm. When floral resources were analysed on the basis of corolla tube depths, a group was found between 4 and 8 mm. In terms of flower utilization, species with similar proboscises had higher pairwise niche overlaps than species differing by their proboscis lengths.
Spacing between neighbouring species along the proboscis length dimension was not more uniform in the realized communities than what was expected on the basis of random draws from the local species pool. The results were the same for all species observed in the communities and for the abundant species only (frequency >5%), although competition among species in the latter group is expected to be more intense.
When the structure of bumblebee communities and of floral resources was expressed in terms of diversity of proboscis lengths and corolla tube depths, respectively, a positive correlation was found. Data suggest that species with similar proboscis tend to co-occur on fields with availability of appropriate corolla tubes.  相似文献   
Masting, the intermittent production of large crops of flowers by a plant population, is a common feature among trees in boreal and temperate forests. The pollen of many broadleaved trees causes allergic diseases, which are major causes of increasing health-care costs in industrialised countries. As the prevalence and severity of allergic diseases are connected with the concentrations of airborne pollen, an universal model predicting the intensity of the coming flowering would be a valuable tool for pollen information services, and ultimately for allergic people and allergologists. We investigated whether a resource budget model created in Japan explains the fluctuations in the annual pollen sums of Betula-species in north European data sets (10–12 years at 4 sites, 20 years at 10 sites). Using the shorter data sets, the model explained 76–92% of the annual fluctuations at five study sites. Using the 20-year data set, the percentage for southern Finland was much lower, only 48%, compared with the 85% of the 12-year data set. The annual pollen sums have been higher during the 1990s than in the 1980s, which may explain the ineffectiveness of the model, while applied to the 20-year data set. Our results support the resource budget model: the masting of birch species is regulated by weather factors together with the system of resource allocation among years. The model can serve pollen information service. However, only the 10 most recent years should be used to avoid interference from trends in changing vegetation and/or climate.  相似文献   
The invasion of alien species and genotypes is an increasing concern in contemporary ecology. A central question is, what life-history traits enable invasion amidst populations of wild species and conventional cultivars? In order to invade, the initially rare species must perform better than their resident competitors. We conducted a mathematical analysis and simulation of a two-species extension of the Maynard Smith and Slatkin model for population dynamics in discrete time to study the role of density dependence as different types of competition in the invasion of new species. The type of density dependence ranged from scramble to contest competition. This led to intrinsic dynamics of the species range from point equilibrium to cycles and chaos. The traits were treated either as free parameters or constrained by a trade-off resulting from a common fixed strength of density dependence or equilibrium density. Resident and intruder traits had up to ten-fold differences in all of the parameters investigated. Higher equilibrium density of the intruder allowed invasion. Under constrained equilibrium density, an intrinsically stable intruder could invade an unstable resident population. Scramble competition made a population more susceptible to invasion than contest competition (e.g., limitation by light or territory availability). This predicts that a population which is mainly limited by food (or nutrients in plants) is more likely to be invaded than a population limited by a hierarchical competition, such as light among plants. The intruder population may have an effect on the resident population's dynamics, which makes the traditional invasion analysis unable to predict invasion outcome.  相似文献   
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