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The effect of chemical modification on the pseudocholinesterase and aryl acylamidase activities of purified human serum pseudocholinesterase was examined in the absence and presence of butyrylcholine iodide, the substrate of pseudocholinesterase. Modification by 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide, N-bromosuccinimide, diethylpyrocarbonate and trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid caused a parallel inactivation of both pseudocholinesterase and aryl acylamidase activities that could be prevented by butyrylcholine iodide. With phenylglyoxal and 2,4-pentanedione as modifiers there was a selective activation of pseudocholinesterase alone with no effect on aryl acylamidase. This activation could be prevented by butyrylcholine iodide. N-Ethylmaleimide and p-hydroxy-mercuribenzoate when used for modification did not have any effect on the enzyme activities. The results suggested essential tryptophan, lysine and histidine residues at a common catalytic site for pseudocholinesterase and aryl acylamidase and an arginine residue (or residues) exclusively for pseudocholinesterase. The use of N-acetylimidazole, tetranitromethane and acetic anhydride as modifiers indicated a biphasic change in both pseudocholinesterase and aryl acylamidase activities. At low concentrations of the modifiers a stimulation in activities and at high concentrations an inactivation was observed. Butyrylcholine iodide or propionylcholine chloride selectively protected the inactivation phase without affecting the activation phase. Protection by the substrates at the inactivation phase resulted in not only a reversal of the enzyme inactivation but also an activation. Spectral studies and hydroxylamine treatment showed that tyrosine residues were modified during the activation phase. The results suggested that the modified tyrosine residues responsible for the activation were not involved in the active site of pseudocholinesterase or aryl acylamidase and that they were more amenable for modification in comparison to the residues responsible for inactivation. Two reversible inhibitors of pseudocholinesterase, namely ethopropazine and imipramine, were used as protectors during modification. Unlike the substrate butyrylcholine iodide, these inhibitors could not protect against the inactivation resulting from modification by 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide, N-bromosuccinimide and trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid. But they could protect against the activation of pseudocholinesterase and aryl acylamidase by low concentrations of N-acetylimidazole and acetic anhydride thereby suggesting that the binding site of these inhibitors involves the non-active-site tyrosine residues.  相似文献   
Arachidonate cyclo-oxygenase (prostaglandin synthetase; prostaglandin endoperoxide synthetase; EC was purified from sheep platelets. The purification procedure involved hydrophobic column chromatography using either Ibuprofen-Sepharose, phenyl-Sepharose or arachidic acid-Sepharose as the first step followed by metal-chelate Sepharose and haemin-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The purified enzyme (Mr approximately 65,000) was homogeneous as observed by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and silver staining. The enzyme was a glycoprotein with mannose as the neutral sugar. Haemin or haemoglobin was essential for activity. The purified enzyme could bind haemin exhibiting a characteristic absorption maximum at 410 nm. The enzyme after metal-chelate column chromatography could undergo acetylation by [acetyl-3H]aspirin. The labelled acetylated enzyme could not bind to haemin-Sepharose, presumably due to acetylation of a serine residue involved in the binding to haemin. The acetylated enzyme also failed to show its characteristic absorption maximum at 410 nm when allowed to bind haemin.  相似文献   
Benzamidine, an inhibitor of serine proteases, was used as an affinity ligand for the purification of aspartyl protease from culture filtrate of Rhizomucor miehei. The two step purification protocol (ion-exchange and affinity chromatography) resulted in a homogenous enzyme preparation with seven-fold purification and a final recovery of 22%. The purified enzyme was free of brown pigmentation, a factor inherently associated with the enzyme; it was stable and active at acidic pH (optimum pH 4.1 for proteolytic activity and 5.6 for milk clotting activity). The significant positive characteristic of the enzyme is its comparatively lower thermostability; the enzyme was comparable to calf rennet in its properties of thermostability, milk-clotting to proteolytic activity ratio and sensitivity to CaCl2. Limited protease digestion of the purified enzyme with proteinase K yielded a 20kDa fragment as shown by SDS–PAGE. Native gel electrophoresis of the digest showed an additional peak of activity corresponding to the 20kDa fragment on SDS–PAGE, this fragment retained both milk-clotting and proteolytic activities. It was also inhibited by pepstatin A and hence it is presumed that this fragment contained the active site of the enzyme.  相似文献   
The structures of protein antigen-antibody (Ag-Ab) interfaces contain information about how Ab recognize Ag as well as how Ag are folded to present surfaces for Ag recognition. As such, the Ab surface holds information about Ag folding that resides with the Ab-Ag interface residues and how they interact. In order to gain insight into the nature of such interactions, a data set comprised of 53 non-redundant 3D structures of Ag-Ab complexes was analyzed. We assessed the physical and biochemical features of the Ag-Ab interfaces and the degree to which favored interactions exist between amino acid residues on the corresponding interface surfaces. Amino acid compositional analysis of the interfaces confirmed the dominance of TYR in the Ab paratope-containing surface (PCS), with almost two fold greater abundance than any other residue. Additionally TYR had a much higher than expected presence in the PCS compared to the surface of the whole antibody (defined as the occurrence propensity), along with aromatics PHE, TRP, and to a lesser degree HIS and ILE. In the Ag epitope-containing surface (ECS), there were slightly increased occurrence propensities of TRP and TYR relative to the whole Ag surface, implying an increased significance over the compositionally most abundant LYS>ASN>GLU>ASP>ARG. This examination encompasses a large, diverse set of unique Ag-Ab crystal structures that help explain the biological range and specificity of Ag-Ab interactions. This analysis may also provide a measure of the significance of individual amino acid residues in phage display analysis of Ag binding.  相似文献   

Inland lake of Vembanad has benefited from continuous monitoring to evaluate water quality which has declined due to increased anthropogenic activities and climate change. Remote sensing techniques can be used to estimate and monitor inland water quality both spatially and temporally. An empirical model is presented in Vemaband lake that retrieves the specific water quality parameters through correlations between various spectral wavelengths of Sentinel-2MSI (S2MSI) with field-measured water quality parameters. This approach includes the combinations of various bands, band ratios, and band arithmetic computation of satellite sensors of spectral datasets. The specific inland water quality parameters such as chlorophyll-a (chl-a), total suspended solids (TSS), turbidity, and secchi disc depth (SDD) were retrieved from the developed water quality model through Sentinel-2A remote sensing reflectance. The result illustrates that Specific Inland Water Quality Parameters (SIWQP) strongly correlated with S2MSI reflection spectral wavelengths. The SIWQP models are constructed for TSS (R2?=?0.8008), Chl-a (R2?=?0.8055), Turbidity (R2?=?0.6329) and SDD (R2?=?0.7174).The spatial distribution of SIWQPs in Vembanad lake for March 2018 is mapped and shows the lake's water quality distribution. The research from Sentinel-2, MSI has potential and is appropriate in high spectral and spatial characteristics for retrieving and continuous monitoring of water quality parameters in the regional scale of inland water bodies.

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) are known to exhibit aryl acylamidase activities (here called AAA(AChe) and AAA(BChe), respectively), which have been suggested to be involved in developmental and pathological processes. We here have investigated the developmental profiles of both AAA(AChe) and AAA(BChe) activities along with their AChE and BChE activities from embryonic days E3 to hatching (E21) in Triton-extracted homogenates from chicken embryonic brains. AAA(AChe) follows continuously an increase that is typical for AChE expression itself, whereas AAA(BChe) was relatively high before E10 to then become negligible toward hatching. Sucrose gradient centrifugation of both homogenized and immunopurified samples from E6-E18 brains showed that all globular forms (G1, G2, G4) of AChE present AAA(AChe) activity. Interestingly, the ratio of AAA(AChe) to AChE is highest at E6, and here again higher on G1/G2- over the G4-form. Noticeably, the sensitivity of AAA(AChe) toward the specific AChE inhibitor BW284c51 at all stages is higher than that of AChE itself. These data of high ratios of AAA associated at young stages with cholinesterases strongly indicate a role of AAA in early brain development.  相似文献   
Acetylcholinesterase purified from cobra (Naja naja) venom exhibits a serotonin-sensitive aryl acylamidase activity. Both acetylcholinesterase and aryl acylamidase activities co-eluted in column chromatographic procedures (Sephadex G-75 and Zinc-Sepharose), co-migrated on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, co-immunoprecipitated by anti-snake venom antibody and showed the same heat denaturation profile at 40 degrees C. Further, several potent acetylcholinesterase inhibitors at different concentrations inhibited the cholinesterase and aryl acylamidase activities to the same extent. It is concluded that in cobra venom, acetylcholinesterase is associated with a serotonin-sensitive aryl acylamidase activity similar to earlier observations made with acetylcholinesterase from different sources.  相似文献   
Computational models provide insight into the structure-function relationship in proteins. These approaches, especially those based on normal mode analysis, can identify the accessible motion space around a given equilibrium structure. The large magnitude, collective motions identified by these methods are often well aligned with the general direction of the expected conformational transitions. However, these motions cannot realistically be extrapolated beyond the local neighborhood of the starting conformation. In this article, the iterative cluster-NMA (icNMA) method is presented for traversing the energy landscape from a starting conformation to a desired goal conformation. This is accomplished by allowing the evolving geometry of the intermediate structures to define the local accessible motion space, and thus produce an appropriate displacement. Following the derivation of the icNMA method, a set of sample simulations are performed to probe the robustness of the model. A detailed analysis of beta1,4-galactosyltransferase-T1 is also given, to highlight many of the capabilities of icNMA. Remarkably, during the transition, a helix is seen to be extended by an additional turn, emphasizing a new unknown role for secondary structures to absorb slack during transitions. The transition pathway for adenylate kinase, which has been frequently studied in the literature, is also discussed.  相似文献   
The metabolic conversion of furfural by a methanogenic Archaea, Methanococcus sp., strain B was studied. The organism was grown on H2–CO2 in the presence of various concentrations of furfural. Furfural at higher concentrations, namely, 25 and 30 mM inhibited growth of this organism. At concentrations 5, 10, and 15 mM, no inhibition was observed. Furfural was completely (100%) metabolized at the concentration of 15 or <15 mM in the cultures within five days of incubation. The end product observed during furfural metabolism was furfuryl alcohol. An almost stoichiometric quantity of furfuryl alcohol was produced. This biotransformation is likely to be of value in the detoxification of furfural and its ultimate conversion to methane and CO2 by the anaerobic process.  相似文献   
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