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* Localization of cadmium (Cd) and other elements was studied in the leaves of the field-collected cadmium/zinc (Cd/Zn) hyperaccumulator Thlaspi praecox from an area polluted with heavy metals near a lead mine and smelter in Slovenia, using micro-PIXE (proton-induced X-ray emission). * The samples were prepared using cryofixation. Quantitative elemental maps and average concentrations in whole-leaf cross-sections and selected tissues were obtained. * Cd was preferentially localized in the lower epidermis (820 microg g(-1) DW), vascular bundles and upper epidermis, whereas about twice the lower concentrations were found in the mesophyll. * Taking into account the large volume of the mesophyll compared with the epidermis, the mesophyll is indicated as a relatively large pool of Cd, possibly involved in Cd detoxification/dilution at the tissue and cellular level.  相似文献   
Heteronuclear high-resolution NMR spectroscopy was employed to determine the solution structure of the excisionase protein (Xis) from the lambda-like bacteriophage HK022 and to study its sequence-specific DNA interaction. As wild-type Xis was previously characterized as a generally unstable protein, a biologically active HK022 Xis mutant with a single amino acid substitution Cys28-->Ser was used in this work. This substitution has been shown to diminish the irreversibility of Xis denaturation and subsequent degradation, but does not affect the structural or thermodynamic properties of the protein, as evidenced by NMR and differential scanning calorimetry. The solution structure of HK022 Xis forms a compact, highly ordered protein core with two well-defined alpha-helices (residues 5-11 and 18-27) and five beta-strands (residues 2-4, 30-31, 35-36, 41-44 and 48-49). These data correlate well with 1H2O-2H2O exchange experiments and imply a different organization of the HK022 Xis secondary structure elements in comparison with the previously determined structure of the bacteriophage lambda excisionase. Superposition of both Xis structures indicates a better correspondence of the full-length HK022 Xis to the typical 'winged-helix' DNA-binding motif, as found, for example, in the DNA-binding domain of the Mu-phage repressor. Residues 51-72, which were not resolved in the lambda Xis, do not show any regular structure in HK022 Xis and thus appear to be completely disordered in solution. The resonance assignments have shown, however, that an unusual connectivity exists between residues Asn66 and Gly67 owing to asparagine-isoaspartyl isomerization. Such an isomerization has been previously observed and characterized only in eukaryotic proteins.  相似文献   
We have recently communicated that DNA oligonucleotide d(G(3)T(4)G(4)) forms a dimeric G-quadruplex in the presence of K(+) ions [J. Am. Chem. Soc.2003, 125, 7866-7871]. The high-resolution NMR structure of d(G(3)T(4)G(4))(2) G-quadruplex exhibits G-quadruplex core consisting of three stacked G-quartets. The two overhanging G3 and G11 residues are located at the opposite sides of the end G-quartets and are not involved in G-quartet formation. d(G(3)T(4)G(4))(2) G-quadruplex represents the first bimolecular G-quadruplex where end G-quartets are spanned by diagonal (T4-T7) as well as edge-type loops (T15-T18). Three of the G-rich strands are parallel while one is anti-parallel. The G12-G22 strand demonstrates a sharp reversal in strand direction between residues G19 and G20 that is accommodated with the leap over the middle G-quartet. The reversal in strand direction is achieved without any extra intervening residues. Here we furthermore examined the influence of different monovalent cations on the folding of d(G(3)T(4)G(4)). The resolved imino and aromatic proton resonances as well as (sequential) NOE connectivity patterns showed only minor differences in key intra- and interquartet NOE intensities in the presence of K(+), Na(+) and NH(4)(+) ions, which were consistent with subtle structural differences while retaining the same folding topology of d(G(3)T(4)G(4))(2) G-quadruplex.  相似文献   
The thyroglobulin type-1 (Tg-1) domain is a protein module that occurs in a variety of secreted and membrane proteins and is recognised as a potent inhibitor of cysteine peptidases. We present here some properties of the Tg-1 domain of human testican, a modularly organised proteoglycan secreted mainly by brain cells, the exact in vivo function of which is not yet clear. The domain was prepared as a recombinant protein in a Pichia pastoris expression system and its activity was demonstrated by specific and selective inhibition of cathepsin L (K(i) =0.14 nM). Interaction at high enzyme and inhibitor concentrations resulted in degradation of the domain by cathepsin L, which was not observed under conditions used for the determination of kinetic parameters. No inhibitory activity could be detected for cathepsin K, but it exhibited a very similar degradation pattern. Homology modelling provided a good explanation for the different behaviour observed with the two enzymes. Firstly, the steric fit between the interfaces of testican domain and cathepsin L is stabilised by numerous favourable forces, while no such interactions are evident in the complex with cathepsin K, and repulsive interactions even prevent access of the domain to the active site of papain. Secondly, the prolonged first loop of the domain occupies a position near the catalytic cysteine residue in a more substrate-like manner, enabling cleavage of the Gly22-Ala23 bond.  相似文献   
Members of the toll-like receptor family are crucial in recognition of microbial pathogens as part of innate immune response. MD-2, an accessory protein to TLR4, present on the extracellular side of the membrane is needed to initiate the signal transduction. We have identified a 15 amino acid region of human MD-2 that contains several features of other lipopolysaccharide (LPS) binding proteins and peptides. In vitro LPS neutralization by this peptide was observed and confirmed by 2D transferred NOESY NMR experiments. NMR experiments have also shown binding of the MD-2 peptide to lipoteichoic acid (LTA) but not to peptidoglycan. Furthermore this peptide inhibited growth of gram-negative and to a lower extent of some gram-positive bacteria. Our results indicate that this region of MD-2 might be responsible for binding of LPS and confirms the role of MD-2 as an accessory protein in LPS signaling bestowing the Toll receptors their specificity.  相似文献   
A soluble and fully functional 10.5 kDa fragment of the 18.2 kDa membrane-bound cytochrome c(552) from Paracoccus denitrificans has been heterologously expressed and (13)C/(15)N-labeled to study the structural features of this protein in both redox states. Well-resolved solution structures of both the reduced and oxidized states have been determined using high-resolution heteronuclear NMR. The overall protein topology consists of two long terminal helices and three shorter helices surrounding the heme moiety. No significant redox-induced structural differences have been observed. (15)N relaxation rates and heteronuclear NOE values were determined at 500 and 600 MHz. Several residues located around the heme moiety display increased backbone mobility in both oxidation states, while helices I, III, and V as well as the two concatenated beta-turns between Leu30 and Arg36 apparently form a less flexible domain within the protein structure. Major redox-state-dependent differences of the internal backbone mobility on the picosecond-nanosecond time scale were not evident. Hydrogen exchange experiments demonstrated that the slow-exchanging amide proton resonances mainly belong to the helices and beta-turns, corresponding to the regions with high order parameters in the dynamics data. Despite this correlation, the backbone amide protons of the oxidized cytochrome c(552) exchange considerably faster with the solvent compared to the reduced protein. Using both differential scanning calorimetry as well as temperature-dependent NMR spectroscopy, a significant difference in the thermostabilities of the two redox states has been observed, with transition temperatures of 349.9 K (76.8 degrees C) for reduced and 307.5 K (34.4 degrees C) for oxidized cytochrome c(552). These results suggest a clearly distinct backbone stability between the two oxidation states.  相似文献   


The excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in the obese state is linked to an altered secretion profile of adipocytes, chronic low-grade inflammation and metabolic complications. RBP4 has been implicated in these alterations, especially insulin resistance. The aim of the present study was to determine if a local inflammatory micro-environment in adipose tissue regulates RBP4 expression and secretion.


Human SGBS and primary adipocytes cultured with conditioned media from human THP-1 macrophages were used as an in vitro model for adipose inflammation. Adipocytes were exposed to recombinant TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 or IL-8. In addition, coexpression of IL-1β and RBP4 was measured in adipose tissue samples from 18 healthy females. RBP4 expression was studied by quantitative PCR and ELISA.


RBP4 mRNA expression and secretion was significantly reduced upon incubation with macrophage-conditioned media in SGBS adipocytes and human primary adipocytes. Out of several factors studied we identified IL-1β as a new factor regulating RBP4. IL-1β significantly downregulated RBP4 mRNA and secretion in a time- and dose-dependent manner. IL-1β mediated its inhibitory effects on RBP4 expression via IL-1 receptor and NF-κB, as incubation with the IL-1 receptor blocking antibody and the NF-κB inhibitors CAPE and SC-514 reversed its effect. Most interestingly, RBP4 mRNA was negatively correlated with IL-1β mRNA in subcutaneous adipose tissue.


Adipose tissue inflammation as found in the obese state might lead to a downregulation in local RBP4 levels. IL-1β was identified as a major factor contributing to the decrease in RBP4. The increase in circulating RBP4 that often precedes the development of systemic insulin resistance is most likely unrelated to inflammatory processes in adipose tissue.  相似文献   
Prion diseases are fatal transmissible neurodegenerative diseases affecting many mammalian species. The normal prion protein (PrP) converts into a pathological aggregated form, PrPSc, which is enriched in the β-sheet structure. Although the high resolution structure of the normal PrP was determined, the structure of the converted form of PrP remains inaccessible to high resolution techniques. To map the PrP conversion process we introduced disulfide bridges into different positions within the globular domain of PrP, tethering selected secondary structure elements. The majority of tethered PrP mutants exhibited increased thermodynamic stability, nevertheless, they converted efficiently. Only the disulfides that tether subdomain B1-H1-B2 to subdomain H2-H3 prevented PrP conversion in vitro and in prion-infected cell cultures. Reduction of disulfides recovered the ability of these mutants to convert, demonstrating that the separation of subdomains is an essential step in conversion. Formation of disulfide-linked proteinase K-resistant dimers in fibrils composed of a pair of single cysteine mutants supports the model based on domain-swapped dimers as the building blocks of prion fibrils. In contrast to previously proposed structural models of PrPSc suggesting conversion of large secondary structural segments, we provide evidence for the conservation of secondary structural elements of the globular domain upon PrP conversion. Previous studies already showed that dimerization is the rate-limiting step in PrP conversion. We show that separation and swapping of subdomains of the globular domain is necessary for conversion. Therefore, we propose that the domain-swapped dimer of PrP precedes amyloid formation and represents a potential target for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   
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