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Three novel strains in Calotrichaceae from tropical habitats were isolated and characterized with regard to their morphology, phylogenetic placement, and secondary structures of conserved domains in the 16S-23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS). The strains fell into two clades formerly identified as Calothrix from freshwater and brackish habitats. Based on both morphology and ecology, they differed from the type species of Calothrix, C. confervicola, which is marine, has wide trichomes with short cells, and narrows abruptly to a hyaline hair. The first clade grouped species with heteropolar filaments widened at the base and narrowed gradually toward the apex but not ending in a hair, with basal heterocytes that are formed in series as the apically placed heterocytes senesce; this clade is being named Fulbrightiella gen. nov., with two named species, F. bharadwajae sp. nov. and F. oahuensis sp. nov. The second clade was comprised of a single species with isopolar trichomes that are untapering as hormogonia, but which widen midfilament and taper toward both ends following growth. These trichomes develop pairs of heterocyte mid-filament, causing fragmentation into heteropolar trichomes with basal heterocytes and ends that taper, but not to a hair. This clade consists of a single species at present, Sherwoodiella mauiensis. With this action, four clades in the Calotrichaceae have been named: Macrochaete, Dulcicalothrix, Fulbrightiella, and Sherwoodiella. Calothrix sensu stricto is truly marine, morphologically distinct, and unsequenced; finding and sequencing the generitype for Calothrix remains as the most important and unfinished task in the revision of the Calotrichaceae.  相似文献   
Mn(II) and Co(II) complexes of methyl-(Z)−N′-carbamothioylcarbamohydrazonate Schiff base ligand were synthesized. The ligand and metal salts were taken in 2 : 1 stoichiometric ratio. All the synthesized complexes were characterized using elemental analysis, molar conductance, magnetic moment and various spectroscopic techniques (FT-IR, UV/VIS, EPR) techniques. Elemental and spectroscopic results verified bidentate donor nature of the ligand and octahedral geometry of all the complexes. The non-electrolytic nature of Mn(II) and Co(II) complexes were suggested by conductivity data analysis. In vitro antibacterial (E. coli and S. aureus) and antifungal (C. albicans and C. tropicalis) screening were achieved by employing agar well diffusion method which revealed better antimicrobial activity of Co(II) complexes than Mn(II) complexes. In silico SwissADME study predicted the drug-likeness probability of ligand and complexes. The interaction of two bacterial proteins (E. coli and S. aureus) with compounds was also analyzed using molecular docking study, which corroborate the in vitro analysis.  相似文献   
Abstract: The mouse mutant coloboma ( Cm /+), which exhibits profound spontaneous hyperactivity and bears a deletion mutation on chromosome 2, including the gene encoding synaptosomal protein SNAP-25, has been proposed to model aspects of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Increasing evidence suggests a crucial role for SNAP-25 in the release of both classical neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. In the present study, we compared the release of specific neurotransmitters in vitro from synaptosomes and slices of selected brain regions from Cm /+ mice with that of +/+ mice. The release of dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) from striatum, and of arginine vasopressin and corticotropin-releasing factor from hypothalamus and amygdala is calcium-dependent. Glutamate release from and content in cortical synaptosomes of Cm /+ mice are greatly reduced, which might contribute to the learning deficits in these mutants. In dorsal striatum of Cm /+ mutants, but not ventral striatum, KCI-induced release of DA is completely blocked and that of 5-HT is significantly attenuated, suggesting that striatal DA and 5-HT deficiencies may be involved in hyperactivity. Further, although acetylcholine failed to induce hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing factor release from Cm /+ slices, restraint stress increased plasma corticosterone levels in Cm /+ mice to a significantly higher level than in +/+ mice, suggesting an important role for arginine vasopressin in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation. These results suggest that reduced SNAP-25 expression may contribute to a region-specific and neurotransmitter-specific deficiency in neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   
Cai L  Ye Z  Zhou BY  Mali P  Zhou C  Cheng L 《Cell research》2007,17(1):62-72
We previously showed that Wnt3a could stimulate human embryonic stem (hES) cell proliferation and affect cell fate determination. In the absence of feeder cell--derived factors, hES cells cultured under a feeder-free condition survived and proliferated poorly. Adding recombinant Wnt3a in the absence of feeder cell derived-factors stimulated hES cell proliferation but also differentiation. In the present study, we further extended our analysis to other Wnt ligands such as Wntl and Wnt5a. While Wntl displayed a similar effect on hES cells as Wnt3a, Wnt5a had little effect in this system. Wnt3a and Wntl enhanced proliferation of undifferentiated hES cells when feeder-derived self-renewal factors and bFGF are also present. To explore the possibility to promote the proliferation of undifferentiated hES cells by activating the Wnt signaling, we overexpressed Wnt3a or Wntl gene in immortalized human adult fibroblast (HAFi) cells that are superior in supporting long-term growth of undifferentiated hES cells than primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. HAFi cells with or without a Wnt tmnsgene can be propagated indefinitely. Over-expression of the Wnt3a gene significantly enhanced the ability of HAFi feeder cells to support the undifferentiated growth of 3 different hES cell lines we tested. Co-expression of three commonly-used drug selection genes in Wnt3a-overpressing HAFi cells further enabled us to select rare hES clones after stable transfection or transduction. These immortalized engineered feeder cells (W3R) that co-express growth-promoting genes such as Wnt3a and three drug selection genes should empower us to efficiently make genetic modified hES cell lines for basic and translational research.  相似文献   
The cell cycle of neurons remains suppressed to maintain the state of differentiation and aberrant cell cycle reentry results in loss of neurons, which is a feature in neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer''s disease (AD). Present studies revealed that the expression of microRNA 34a (miR-34a) needs to be optimal in neurons, as an aberrant increase or decrease in its expression causes apoptosis. miR-34a keeps the neuronal cell cycle under check by preventing the expression of cyclin D1 and promotes cell cycle arrest. Neurotoxic amyloid β1–42 peptide (Aβ42) treatment of cortical neurons suppressed miR-34a, resulting in unscheduled cell cycle reentry, which resulted in apoptosis. The repression of miR-34a was a result of degradation of TAp73, which was mediated by aberrant activation of the MEK extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway by Aβ42. A significant decrease in miR-34a and TAp73 was observed in the cortex of a transgenic (Tg) mouse model of AD, which correlated well with cell cycle reentry observed in the neurons of these animals. Importantly, the overexpression of TAp73α and miR-34a reversed cell cycle-related neuronal apoptosis (CRNA). These studies provide novel insights into how modulation of neuronal cell cycle machinery may lead to neurodegeneration and may contribute to the understanding of disorders like AD.  相似文献   
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of indica rice varieties has been quite difficult as these are recalcitrant to in vitro responses. In the present study, we established a high-efficiency Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation system of rice (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica) cv. IR-64, Lalat, and IET-4786. Agrobacterium strain EHA-101 harboring binary vector pIG121-Hm, containing a gene encoding for β-glucuronidase (GUS) and hygromycin resistance, was used in the transformation experiments. Manipulation of different concentrations of acetosyringone, days of co-culture period, bacterial suspension of different optical densities (ODs), and the concentrations of l-cysteine in liquid followed by solid co-culture medium was done for establishing the protocol. Among the different co-culture periods, 5 days of co-culture with bacterial cells (OD600 nm?=?0.5–0.8) promoted the highest frequency of transformation (83.04 %) in medium containing l-cysteine (400 mg l?1). Putative transformed plants were analyzed for the presence of a transgene through genomic PCR and GUS histochemical analyses. Our results also suggest that different cultural conditions and the addition of l-cysteine in the co-culture medium improve the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation frequencies from an average of 12.82 % to 33.33 % in different indica rice cultivars.  相似文献   
There has been considerable progress over the last decade in development of the perovskite solar cells (PSCs), with reported performances now surpassing 25.2% power conversion efficiency. Both long‐term stability and component costs of PSCs remain to be addressed by the research community, using hole transporting materials (HTMs) such as 2,2′,7,7′‐tetrakis(N,N′‐di‐pmethoxyphenylamino)‐9,9′‐spirbiuorene(Spiro‐OMeTAD) and poly[bis(4‐phenyl)(2,4,6‐trimethylphenyl)amine] (PTAA). HTMs are essential for high‐performance PSC devices. Although effective, these materials require a relatively high degree of doping with additives to improve charge mobility and interlayer/substrate compatibility, introducing doping‐induced stability issues with these HTMs, and further, additional costs and experimental complexity associated with using these doped materials. This article reviews dopant‐free organic HTMs for PSCs, outlining reports of structures with promising properties toward achieving low‐cost, effective, and scalable materials for devices with long‐term stability. It summarizes recent literature reports on non‐doped, alternative, and more stable HTMs used in PSCs as essential components for high‐efficiency cells, categorizing HTMs as reported for different PSC architectures in addition to use of dopant‐free small molecular and polymeric HTMs. Finally, an outlook and critical assessment of dopant‐free organic HTMs toward commercial application and insight into the development of stable PSC devices is provided.  相似文献   
The Protein Journal - C-lobe represents the C-terminal half of lactoferrin which is a bilobal 80 kDa iron binding glycoprotein. The two lobes are designated as N-lobe (Ser1-Glu333) and...  相似文献   
Boosted responsiveness of plant cells to stress at the onset of pathogen‐ or chemically induced resistance is called priming. The chemical β‐aminobutyric acid (BABA) enhances Arabidopsis thaliana resistance to hemibiotrophic bacteria through the priming of the salicylic acid (SA) defence response. Whether BABA increases Arabidopsis resistance to the necrotrophic bacterium Pectobacterium carotovorum ssp. carotovorum (Pcc) is not clear. In this work, we show that treatment with BABA protects Arabidopsis against the soft‐rot pathogen Pcc. BABA did not prime the expression of the jasmonate/ethylene‐responsive gene PLANT DEFENSIN 1.2 (PDF1.2), the up‐regulation of which is usually associated with resistance to necrotrophic pathogens. Expression of the SA marker gene PATHOGENESIS RELATED 1 (PR1) on Pcc infection was primed by BABA treatment, but SA‐defective mutants demonstrated a wild‐type level of BABA‐induced resistance against Pcc. BABA primed the expression of the pattern‐triggered immunity (PTI)‐responsive genes FLG22‐INDUCED RECEPTOR‐LIKE KINASE 1 (FRK1), ARABIDOPSIS NON‐RACE SPECIFIC DISEASE RESISTANCE GENE (NDR1)/HAIRPIN‐INDUCED GENE (HIN1)‐LIKE 10 (NHL10) and CYTOCHROME P450, FAMILY 81 (CYP81F2) after inoculation with Pcc or after treatment with purified bacterial microbe‐associated molecular patterns, such as flg22 or elf26. PTI‐mediated callose deposition was also potentiated in BABA‐treated Arabidopsis, and BABA boosted Arabidopsis stomatal immunity to Pcc. BABA treatment primed the PTI response in the SA‐defective mutants SA induction deficient 2‐1 (sid2‐1) and phytoalexin deficient 4‐1 (pad4‐1). In addition, BABA priming was associated with open chromatin configurations in the promoter region of PTI marker genes. Our data indicate that BABA primes the PTI response upon necrotrophic bacterial infection and suggest a role for the PTI response in BABA‐induced resistance.  相似文献   
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