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Abstract. Germination and developmental behaviour during juvenile stages are of importance in relation to succession mechanisms acting on plant communities. This is particularly so in the Mediterranean region, where the climatic summer drought causes stress. We investigated and compared germination and development of four tree species in two parts of the French Mediterranean region where the original dominant tree species (Quercus pubescens) has been largely replaced by Quercus ilex in the southern part, and Castanea sativa in the northern part. Observed differences in germination rates and developmental behaviour, especially shootroot ratio and the role of water supply, suggest that other species may eventually replace the current dominant species.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of Toxocara canis eggs is described before and after exposure to microwaves. The morphology of normal eggs is compared to that of eggs from other helminths. Following treatment, the complete disorganization of the surface structure of the shell and the loss of much turgidity of the egg are observed. The destruction of the internal structure is most marked in the center of the egg and is associated with the disappearance of some layers of the shell. In addition, there is substantial damage to the synthesis apparatus (ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, lipid cisternae). An explanation based on the specific action of microwaves and micro-overheating is proposed, and the prophylactic use of this technique is considered.  相似文献   
Recent literature abounds with reports of the decline and extinction of the endemic species of Achatinellidae and Partulidae in the Hawaiian and Society Islands, respectively, resulting from the introduction of the predatory snail Euglandina rosea. Here, we describe a previously unrecognised radiation of helicinid land snails from the Gambier Islands of French Polynesia, with up to seven species co-occurring in a single locality and up to eight species on a single island. This radiation had already become extinct (nine of ten species) several decades before the expansion of E. rosea in the Pacific, and even before the species were collected for scientific study. The Gambier Islands case study shows that massive extinctions of endemic land snails had already taken place in the nineteenth century, but have remained largely unrecognised and undocumented. Nine of the ten species are new to science and are described here almost entirely based on empty shells collected from the shell bank of the soil after the extinction had already taken place. This helicinid radiation alone increases the number of documented global mollusc extinctions by almost 2 %. Most of the species are minute and, at 1.5 mm, rank among the smallest, if not the smallest, species in the family. Several have apertural barriers and one has opercular apophyses—character states not previously documented in Pacific helicinids. Whereas the only surviving Gambier species belongs anatomically to the genus Sturanya, representative helicinid species from the Austral, Society and Cook Islands are not congeneric with it, and the generic name Nesiocina is here established for the latter taxa. It is hypothesised that the extinct Gambier species were also Nesiocina.  相似文献   
Plants, animals and some fungi undergo processes of cell specialization such that specific groups of cells are adapted to carry out particular functions. One of the more remarkable examples of cellular development in higher plants is the formation of water-conducting cells that are capable of supporting a column of water from the roots to tens of metres in the air for some trees. The Zinnia mesophyll cell system is a remarkable tool with which to study this entire developmental pathway in vitro. We have recently applied an RNA fingerprinting technology, to allow the detection of DNA fragments derived from RNA using cDNA synthesis and subsequent PCR-amplified fragment length polymorphisms (cDNA-AFLP), to systematically characterize hundreds of the genes involved in the process of tracheary element formation. Building hoops of secondary wall material is the key structural event in forming functional tracheary elements and we have identified over 50 partial sequences related to cell walls out of 600 differentially expressed cDNA fragments. The Zinnia system is an engine of gene discovery which is allowing us to identify and characterize candidate genes involved in cell wall biosynthesis and assembly.  相似文献   
Schistosoma mansoni eggs were found in a latrine dated AD 1450-1550 in Montbéliard, France. This is the first record of intestinal schistosomiasis in archaeological material. Because the parasite has an African origin, its presence in Europe at that time may be due to African slaves. However, intestinal schistosomiasis has never been established in Europe.  相似文献   
The nematode parasite Ascaris lumbricoides infects the digestive tracts of over 1.4 billion people worldwide, and its sister species, Ascaris suum, has infected a countless number of domesticated and feral pigs. It is generally thought that the putative ancestor to these worms infected either humans or pigs, but with the advent of domestication, they had ample opportunity to jump to a new host and subsequently specialize and evolve into a new species. While nuclear DNA makers decisively separate the two populations, mitochondrial sequences reveal that three major haplotypes are found in A. suum and in A. lumbricoides, indicating either occasional hybridization, causing introgression of gene trees, or retention of polymorphism dating back to the original ancestral species. This article provides an illustration of the combined contribution of parasitology, archaeoparasitology, genetics and paleogenetics to the history of ascariasis. We specifically investigate the molecular history of ascariasis in humans by sequencing DNA from the eggs of Ascaris found among ancient archeological remains. The findings of this paleogenetic survey will explain whether the three mitochondrial haplotypes result from recent hybridization and introgression, due to intensive human-pig interaction, or whether their co-occurrence predates pig husbandry, perhaps dating back to the common ancestor. We hope to show how human-pig interaction has shaped the recent evolutionary history of this disease, perhaps revealing the identify of the ancestral host.  相似文献   
The parasite-host-environment system is dynamic, with several points of equilibrium. This makes it difficult to trace the thresholds between benefit and damage, and therefore, the definitions of commensalism, mutualism, and symbiosis become worthless. Therefore, the same concept of parasitism may encompass commensalism, mutualism, and symbiosis. Parasitism is essential for life. Life emerged as a consequence of parasitism at the molecular level, and intracellular parasitism created evolutive events that allowed species to diversify. An ecological and evolutive approach to the study of parasitism is presented here. Studies of the origin and evolution of parasitism have new perspectives with the development of molecular paleoparasitology, by which ancient parasite and host genomes can be recovered from disappeared populations. Molecular paleoparasitology points to host-parasite co-evolutive mechanisms of evolution traceable through genome retrospective studies.  相似文献   
Many attempts have been made to endow enzymes with new catalytic activities. One general strategy involves the creation of random combinatorial libraries of mutants associated with an efficient screening or selection scheme. Phage display has been shown to greatly facilitate the selection of polypeptides with desired properties by establishing a close link between the polypeptide and the gene that encodes it. Selection of phage displayed enzymes for new catalytic activities remains a challenge. The aim of this study was to display the serine protease subtilisin 309 (savinase) from Bacillus lentus on the surface of filamentous fd phage and to develop selection schemes that allow the extraction of subtilisin variants with a changed substrate specificity from libraries. Subtilisins are produced as secreted preproenzyme that mature in active enzyme autocatalytically. They have a broad substrate specificity but exhibit a significant preference for hydrophobic residues and very limited reactivity toward charged residues at the P4 site in the substrate. Here, we show that savinase can be functionally displayed on phage in the presence of the proteic inhibitor CI2. The free enzyme is released from its complex with CI2 upon addition of the anionic detergent LAS. The phage-enzyme can be panned on streptavidin beads after labelling by reaction with (biotin-N-epsilon-aminocaproyl-cystamine-N'-glutaryl)-l-Ala-l-Ala-l-P ro-Phe(P)-diphenyl ester. Reactions of libraries, in which residues 104 and 107 forming part of the S4 pocket have been randomised, with (biotin-N-epsilon-aminocaproyl-cystamine-N'-glutaryl)-alpha-l-Lys-l-A la-l-Pro-Phe(P)-diphenylester allowed us to select enzymes with increased specific activity for a substrate containing a lysine in P4. Parameters influencing the selection as for instance the efficiency of maturation of mutant enzymes in libraries have been investigated.  相似文献   
l-Arginine (Arg) is a positively charged amino acid constituent of peptides and proteins, participating in diverse mechanisms of protein-membrane interaction. The effect of Arg on phosphatidylcholine (PC) membranes has been previously related to water structure changes and to the presence of water defects in the hydrocarbon region. However, no information is available with regard to phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), another important component of lipid membranes. For this reason, the aim of this study is to determine the effect of Arg on DMPE membranes and partially methylated PEs in comparison to DMPC. The adsorption of the amino acid onto the lipid membranes was followed by determining the changes in the surface potential as a function of the bulk amino acid concentrations. The effects of Arg on the surface properties were also measured by changes in the surface pressure and the dipole potential. The onset of the transition temperature was measured with a fluorophore anchored at the membrane interphase. The results provide a new insight on amino acid—PE interactions, which can be ascribed to specific perturbations in the head group region induced by the guanidinium residue.  相似文献   
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