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Transaxial tomoscintigraphy (or single-photon emission computerised tomography) was used to detect secondary deposits of carcinoma in 17 patients who had been injected with iodine-131-labelled monoclonal antibodies against carcinoembryonic antigen. Of 17 tumor sites studied by tomoscintigraphy 16 were detected (sensitivity 94%); five sites had a volume smaller than 10 cm3. Tomoscintigraphy also detected three unknown tumour deposits later confirmed by surgery or radiology. In contrast, when 21 tumour sites in the same patients were studied by rectilinear scintigraphy, only nine tumour sites were detected (sensitivity 43%), of which eight had a volume larger than 50 cm3.  相似文献   
To generate new chromosome 21 markers in a region that is critical for the pathogenesis of Down syndrome (D21S55-MX1), we used pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) to isolate a 600-kb NruI DNA fragment from the WA17 hybrid cell line, which has retained chromosome 21 as the only human material. This fragment, which contains the oncogene ETS2, was used to construct a partial genomic library. Among the 14 unique sequences that were isolated, 3 were polymorphic markers and contained sequences that are conserved in mammals. Five of these markers mapped on the ETS2-containing NruI fragment and allowed us to define an 800-kb high-resolution PFGE map.  相似文献   
The serum unsaturated vitamin B12-binding capacity (UBBC), unsaturated transcobalamin (UTC) I, UTC II, UTC III levels, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase activities and bilirubin concentration were estimated in 61 patients with liver diseases (31 with hepatoma, 30 with viral hepatitis). The levels of serum cobalamin, UTC I, UTC III, UBBC, alanine and aspartate aminotransferases, and bilirubin were raised in both hepatoma and viral hepatitis patients. Serum UTC II was reduced in both conditions. Alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly increased in hepatoma. Four significant correlations were observed among these parameters in the hepatoma patients while only one significant correlation was observed in viral hepatitis.  相似文献   
In this paper I analyze the relationship between diagrammatic representations of social relations and historical processes in Belau (formerly Palau), Micronesia. Four diagrams, linear paths, balanced sides, quadripartition, and graded series, are discussed in terms of their lexical labels, schematic arrangements, prototypical embodiments, and semantic fields. Ethnographic and historical examples presented reveal the differential historical vulnerability of social institutions modeled by these diagrams. The use of Peirce's typology of signs is demonstrated to be an important corrective to the structuralist notion of transformation.  相似文献   
Summary The lymphoid organs of rosy barb (Barbus conchonius) and carp (Cyprinus carpio) were investigated for their phagocytic uptake of carbon, after its intraperitoneal injection. Carbon handling was similar in both species. It was first detected in the lymphoid organs at 30 min after injection. During the first day, carbon was phagocytized by macrophages situated in the spleen within the ellipsoids and in the red pulp. In head and trunk kidney, carbon was found in macrophages scattered throughout the haemopoietic parenchyma, and in cells lining the blood sinuses. In the spleen, macrophages replete with carbon left the ellipsoidal structures and formed aggregates with pigment-containing macrophages from day 6 onwards. In all lymphoid organs, almost all carbon was ultimately concentrated in the melano-macrophage centres.  相似文献   
The gene encoding a putative G protein-coupled receptor (HG10) was cloned from human genomic DNA by low stringency PCR and found to be homologous to the recently described rat bradykinin B2 receptor. The receptor was expressed in xenopus oocytes and stably transfected CHO cell lines. Binding studies demonstrated that HG10 encodes a high affinity BK receptor with an apparent Kd of 150 pM. Displacement by BK agonists and antagonists allowed the characterization of the receptor as a B2 subtype. Functional coupling to the Ca(2+)-phosphatidylinositol cascade was demonstrated in transfected CHO cells where inositol phosphates accumulation and intracellular calcium concentration were elevated in response to BK stimulation. The agonistic and antagonistic properties of BK analogs do not match strictly the pharmacological profile described for the rat or guinea pig B2 receptor subtypes or the putative B3 subtype. This discrepancy is attributed either to species variability or to differences in the coupling efficiency of receptors to the transduction cascade in different cell types. From our results, the existence of B3 receptors and of B2 subtypes appears questionable.  相似文献   
13C kinetic isotope effects have been measured in carbamyl phosphate for the reaction catalyzed by aspartate transcarbamylase. For the holoenzyme, the value was 1.0217 at zero aspartate, but unity at infinite aspartate, with 4.8 mM aspartate eliminating half of the isotope effect. This pattern proves an ordered kinetic mechanism, with carbamyl phosphate adding before aspartate. The same parameters were observed in the presence of ATP or CTP, showing that there is only one form of active enzyme present, regardless of the presence or absence of allosteric modifiers. These data support the Monod model of allosteric behavior in which the equilibrium between fully active and inactive enzyme is perturbed by selective binding interactions of substrates and modifiers, and there are no enzyme forms having partial activity. Isolated catalytic subunits of the enzyme showed similar 13C isotope effects (1.0240 at zero aspartate, 1.0039 at infinite aspartate, 3.8 mM aspartate causing half of the change from one value to the other), but the finite isotope effect at infinite aspartate shows that the kinetic mechanism is now partly random. With the very slow and poorly bound aspartate analog cysteine sulfinate, the 13C isotope effects were 1.039 for both holoenzyme and catalytic subunits and were not decreased significantly by high levels of cysteine sulfinate. The value of 1.039 is probably close to the intrinsic isotope effect on the chemical reaction, while the kinetic mechanism with this substrate is now fully random because the chemistry is so much slower than release of either reactant from the enzyme.  相似文献   
Heavy-atom isotope effects and steady-state kinetic parameters were measured for the catalytic trimer of an active site mutant of aspartate transcarbamoylase, T55A, to assess the role of Thr 55 in catalysis. The binding of carbamoyl phosphate to the T55A mutant was decreased by 2 orders of magnitude relative to the wild-type enzyme whereas the affinities for aspartate and succinate were not markedly altered. This indicates that Thr 55 plays a significant role in the binding of CbmP. If, as had been suggested previously, Thr 55 assists in the polarization of the carbonyl group of CbmP, the carbon isotope effect for the T55A mutant should increase relative to that observed for the wild-type enzyme. However, the opposite is seen, indicating that Thr 55 is not involved in stabilizing the oxyanion in the transition state. Quantitative analysis of a series of 13C and 15N isotope effects suggested that the rate-determining step in the reaction catalyzed by T55A trimer may be a conformational change in the protein subsequent to formation of the Michaelis complex. Thus, Thr 55 may facilitate a conformational change in the enzyme that is a prerequisite for catalysis. An altered active site environment in the binary and Michaelis complexes with T55A trimer is reflected in the pH profiles for log V, log (V/K)asp, and pK(i) succinate, show a displacement in the pK values of ionizing residues involved in aspartate binding and catalysis relative to the wild-type enzyme.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary— The distribution of calbindin D28k in the digestive system and the urinary bladder of the toad was investigated using immunohistochemistry and Western blotting. By analogy with mammals and birds, the protein was expected to be located preferentially in the duodenal part of the intestine. Interestingly, absorptive cells of the duodenum were totally devoid of calbindin D28k while the colon contained high amounts of the calcium-binding protein. This reversed polarity of calbindin D28k content in the toad intestine should obviously correspond to a different scheme of calcium absorption regulation between amphibians and higher vertebrates. Calbindin D28k containing neuroendocrine-like cells were found scattered in the proximal parts of the gut with a similar distribution to what has been described in rat and chick intestine. The oesophagus, the stomach, and the intrinsic nervous sytem of the intestine were negative. No significant amounts of the proteins were found in the urinary bladder, which is known to be a site of Ca2+ active transport.  相似文献   
Following the previous ultrastructural demonstration of the presence of arylsulphatase (Asase) activities in Kurloff cells (KC) and of their quasi-exclusive localization in the Kurloff body (KB), this work investigates their biochemical and zymographic properties after extraction from purified KC suspensions. Using the discriminative inhibitory conditions of both the Baum or LeeVaupel and Conzelmann methods, nitrocatechol sulphate hydrolyzing enzymes of the KC were assumed to belong to the B class of the type II Asase alone. After electrophoretic separation under non-denaturing conditions in a 4–23% polyacrylamide gel, they were characterized by 55 kDa and 62 kDa zymographic bands. After isoelectric focusing, ‘classical’ cationic isoforms (pI 8.5) and two anionic isoforms (pI 4.4 and 4.6) were observed on zymograms. As expected for class B Asase, the different zymographic forms of KC Asase were only recovered in the unadsorbed fraction after anion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose column equilibrated with high ionic strength buffer. Their Km (2.1 mM), their optimum pH (5.8) and their inhibitions by sulfite, phosphate, sulphate and ascorbic acid as well as their slight stimulation by AgNO3 were also characteristic of this class of Asase. Finally, chondroitin4-sulphate was shown to potentially be a physiological substrate for these lysosomal enzymes.  相似文献   
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