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Environmental unpredictability can influence strategies of maternal investment among eggs within a clutch. Models predict that breeding females should adopt a diversified bet-hedging strategy in unpredictable environments, but empirical field evidence from Asia is scarce. Here we tested this hypothesis by exploring spatial patterns in egg size along an altitudinal gradient in a frog species(Rana kukunoris) inhabiting the Tibetan Plateau. Within-clutch variability in egg size increased as the environment became variable(e.g., lower mean monthly temperature and mean monthly rainfall at higher altitudes), and populations in environments with more unpredictable rainfall produced eggs that were smaller and more variable in size. We provide support for a diversified bet-hedging strategy in high-altitude environments, which experience dynamic weather patterns and therefore are of unpredictable environmental quality. This strategy may be an adaptive response to lower environmental quality and higher unpredictable environmental variance. Such a strategy should increase the likelihood of breeding success and maximize maternal lifetime fitness by producing offspring that are adapted to current environmental conditions. We speculate that in high-altitude environments prone to physical disturbance, breeding females are unable to consistently produce the optimal egg size due to physiological constraints imposed by environmental conditions(e.g., duration of the active season, food availability). Species and populations whose breeding strategies are adapted to cope with uncertain environmental conditions by adjusting offspring size and therefore quality show a remarkable degree of ability to cope with future climatic changes.  相似文献   
在荔枝和龙眼种子发育过程中,内源ABA水平先是上升,至大约78~80DPA时出现高峰,之后两者ABA含量均不断下降。果实成熟时采收的种子,ABA含量比高峰时分别下降近6倍。另外,随着种子的发育,种子及其胚轴对外源ABA的敏感性(SABA)亦持续下降。10-4mol/LABA可以完全抑制90DPA前的荔枝和龙眼种子的萌发,但对成熟种子10-2mol/LABA亦不能抑制其萌发。龙眼种子离体胚轴的SABA高于荔枝。ABA含量与敏感性的这种变化可能是两种顽拗性种子成熟时萌动,进而不耐脱水贮藏的重要原因之一。  相似文献   
生长抑素(somatostatin, SST)作为一种抑制性多肽激素,在多种生物过程中发挥重要的功能。生长抑素受体2 (somatostatin receptor 2, SSTR2)作为生长抑素表达最广泛的受体在多种组织中表达,但其表达的具体细胞类型尚不清楚。本研究在小鼠不同发育阶段的多种组织中鉴定了SSTR2蛋白表达的细胞类型。通过多色免疫荧光在小鼠胚胎期15.5 d、出生后1 d、7 d、15 d、3个月和6个月的脑、骨、肺、肠道、皮肤、胃、脾和肾等组织中检测了Sstr2基因的表达。结果发现Sstr2在不同发育阶段的多种组织的特定细胞类型中表达,包括脑神经元和星形胶质细胞,骨的间充质基质细胞、造血细胞和B细胞,肺的巨噬细胞、Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞和气道纤毛细胞,肠道的上皮细胞和神经元,皮肤的毛囊细胞,胃体的上皮细胞,脾的造血干细胞、造血祖细胞和神经纤维,肾的肾小管上皮细胞等。本研究确定了小鼠多组织不同发育阶段Sstr2表达的细胞类型,为生长抑素与生长抑素受体2的生理功能研究提供了新的线索。  相似文献   
目的 利用果蝇作为遗传工具从个体和分子层面研究果蝇的训练免疫效应,并为后续深入研究其分子机制提供依据。方法 首先构建无菌果蝇模型,在此基础上构建果蝇成虫及跨发育阶段训练免疫模型,用两种革兰氏阴性菌——胡萝卜软腐欧文氏菌(Erwinia carotovora carotovora 15)及铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aeruginosa)分别经口腔感染果蝇。在第一次感染完全消退后进行再次感染,然后通过比较果蝇在两个感染阶段的存活率和细菌量来衡量训练免疫的潜在效果。通过实时荧光定量PCR检测相应先天免疫相关基因的表达水平,研究革兰氏阴性菌对免疫缺陷(IMD)通路的诱导作用。结果 果蝇成虫及幼虫初次感染均可提高二次感染后的生存率、细菌清除效率及死亡时能承受的最高细菌负荷;二次感染的果蝇中,IMD通路中免疫反应基因的基础表达比未感染的高,这提供了获得感染抗性的分子基础;果蝇的免疫反应主要发生在中肠,二次免疫比初次免疫的效应更迅速且剧烈;二次免疫的果蝇中,肠道干细胞的数量显著多于初次感染。结论 果蝇肠道中强大的训练免疫可由同源或异源革兰氏阴性菌口腔感染引发,且免疫记忆可在整个发育阶段持...  相似文献   
中国异皮属线虫一新种(线虫纲:垫刃目:异皮科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文描述采自河北省滦县寄生于白茅Imperate cylindrica var.Major的异皮属线虫一新种,中华异皮线虫Heterodera sinensis sp.nov.;新种孢囊为柠檬形,阴门膜孔为两侧单膜孔型,下桥发达有泡状突;二龄幼虫口针基部球前部略凹陷,口孔侧唇外缘融合王头晕第1环纹内,即无明显侧唇,其体侧区有3条侧线与体环纹呈不完全网格状交叉;雄虫侧区有3条侧线与体环纹呈完全网格状  相似文献   
Sequence variation and genetic diversity in the giant panda   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
About 336–444 bp mitochondrial D-loop region and tRNA gene were sequenced for 40 individuals of the giant panda which were collected from Mabian, Meigu, Yuexi, Baoxing, Pingwu, Qingchuan, Nanping and Baishuijiang, respectively. 9 haplotypes were found in 21 founders. The results showed that the giant panda has low genetic variations, and that there is no notable genetic isolation among geographical populations. The ancestor of the living giant panda population perhaps appeared in the late Pleistocene, and unfortunately, might have suffered bottleneck attacks. Afterwards, its genetic diversity seemed to recover to some extent. Project supported by the “8.5” Key Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chairman Foundation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, K. C. Wang Education Foundation, the Applied Basic Research Foundation of Yunnan, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Special Foundation for Returned Chinese Scientists, and Zoological Society of San Diego.  相似文献   
在不同生境的松林中,人工补充寄主卵都能提高寄生效果。但林地生境不同,寄生率有明显差异。在松阔混交林中补充寄主,其寄生率比对照提高5.5—16.2倍。植被稀疏的纯松林效果较差,补充的寄生率比对照提高3.0倍。 卵蜂种群消长随季节温度而变化,全年以5月中旬至6月下旬和9月中旬至10月中旬为两个寄生高峰。卵蜂种群与松毛虫种群的消长存在较明显的相依关系,卵蜂种群随着松毛虫种群的消长而消长。施药对卵蜂种群有较大影响,施药区比对照区的寄生率约降低一倍。在混交林中填充寄主卵,能促进卵蜂种群世代延续。在逐步改善林地生境的基础上,利用人工补充寄主,可以代替人工繁蜂放蜂。  相似文献   
中国散白蚁属种类十分丰富,已发表的种类近20种,分属两个亚属,近年来湖南省林业部门结合普查工作又采得不少白蚁标本,经整理鉴定,其中鼻白蚁科的散白蚁属有两个新种。均属于额白蚁亚属。现描述如下。模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。 平江散白蚁Reticulitermes(Frontotermes)pingjiangensis Tsai et Peng新种 兵蚁(图1—5)体中型,头部橙黄色,上颚棕褐色,颚基赤黄色,触角堤脊褐黄色,触角及胸部背板乳黄色,腹部色泽浅淡,体被小毛。  相似文献   
本文报道了银耳目银耳属的两个新种——海南银耳(Tremella hainancnsis Peng sp·nov.)和莽山银耳(Tremella mangen.Peng sp.nov.)。其形态特征,前者与网状银耳(Tremellarcticulata)近似,后者与赖特银耳(Tremella wrightii)接近。对这两个新种进行了汉文和拉丁 文描述。  相似文献   
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