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SYNOPSIS. A current model concerning the process of limb regenerationin vertebrates is examined. According to this model (Bryantet al, 1981), new positional values in the proximal-distal limbaxis are laid down as a result of local interactions betweencells in the limb circumference. Cells with disparate circumferentialpositional values come together at the site of future outgrowthand intercalation between them generates more distal levelsof the pattern. The results of a number of experiments on surgicallycreated symmetrical limb stumps are discussed in relation tothis model. In addition, an extension of this model to accountfor digit formation is presented, and the implications of thisformulation for limb evolution are discussed.  相似文献   
We studied the post-juvenile dispersal of 18 radiotagged juvenile Hazel Grouse Bonasa bonasia (14 males, four females) in an expanding population in the southeastern French Alps between 1998 and 2001. The mean dispersal distances between the capture sites of juveniles in September–October and the centre of the home range in the following spring was 4 km for males (range 0.1–24.9 km) and 2 km for females (range 0.2–5.6 km). The distances recorded for two long-dispersing males (15 and 24.9 km) are greater than those reported to date for Hazel Grouse. Using our radiotracking data, we interpret the pattern of range expansion that has been occurring since the 1950s around our study area. Barriers to dispersal included rocky ground and other alpine habitats above 2000 m and over 1 km wide, but Hazel Grouse did cross open agricultural land at lower elevation. Two patterns of dispersal movements were recognized in juveniles: erratic movements that led to settlement on or near the natal site, and direct movements to a new range relatively far from the natal area. We discuss the adaptive consequences of these different behaviour patterns.  相似文献   
CYTOCHROME b5 is a haem-containing protein in the microsomes of liver tissue. It interacts specifically with a flavo-protein, cytochrome b5 reductase, which catalyses the transfer of electrons from NADH to the haem iron of the cytochrome1. The microsomal cytochrome b5 system has been implicated in fatty acid desaturation reactions2 and a similar system in erythrocytes may catalyse the reduction of methaemoglobin3. Calf liver cytochrome b5, solubilized by pancreatic lipase, has a molecular weight of 11,000 and consists of ninety-three amino-acids in the sequence shown in Fig. 1 (refs. 4 and 5). The haem group is non-covalently bound to the protein and can be removed reversibly by acid acetone treatment6.  相似文献   
Comparison of gene dosage and the rate of stable RNA synthesis suggests that cytoplasmic elements are involved in its regulation.  相似文献   
The mechanism of action of antileishmanial compounds is poorly understood. Ultrastructural changes in Leishmania tropica within human macrophages exposed in vitro to Pentostam, pentamidine, amphotericin B, WR 6026, ketoconazole, and Formycin B were examined in these experiments. In Pentostam-treated cultures, some organisms exhibited diminished definition of mitochondrial and other membranes, while other organisms had completely disintegrated. Pentostam-exposed macrophages demonstrated loss of membrane definition in the absence of further alterations; it is therefore hypothesized that impaired macrophage membrane function may contribute towards the effect of this drug against macrophage-contained organisms. Leishmania parasites in pentamidine-treated cultures initially demonstrated swollen kinetoplasts and fragmentation of the kinetoplast DNA core. The initial observed effect of the other four drugs on the parasites was cytoplasmic condensation. These ultrastructural studies suggest that all five non-antimonial drugs may have different mechanisms of action than antimony (Pentostam) against Leishmania.  相似文献   
New species of caesalpinioid legumes, Cynometra sensu lato and Afzelia, are described from the Late Oligocene (27.23 Ma) Guang River flora in north‐western Ethiopia. Both taxa show leaf characteristics that are shared with extant species in the Guineo‐Congolian, Sudanian and/or Zambezian regions of Africa today. The presence of these two species in Ethiopia during the Palaeogene provides further evidence of the importance of the legume tribe Detarieae in northern and north‐eastern Africa throughout much of the Cenozoic, even although the clade is poorly represented in these regions today. The fossil record documents a significant palaeogeographical and evolutionary history of Detarieae in Africa, especially compared with that of Europe and Anatolia. Based on this evidence, it is unlikely that significant diversification of extant African Detarieae took place on the Eurasian landmass. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 163 , 44–54.  相似文献   
Mus spicilegus has become a popular biological model species in the last decade because of the evolutionary interest of its behavioural particularities (the building of mounds, bi-parental care and monogamous mating system). The genetic structure of M. spicilegus populations should reflect those life-history traits. Although many studies have reported on mound-building mouse populations in the field or in a semi-natural enclosure, only one used hyper variable genetic markers to assess parentage and social structure. In the present study conducted in Hungary, we analysed individuals from seven highly populous mounds in autumn with the set of loci used in a previous study. Our results confirmed that mounds are inhabited by juveniles from several parental units, but revealed population differences. In a capture–recapture field session in spring, we assessed genetic relationships between individuals after dispersal from the mounds, the other key moment of the life cycle of this species. The results indicate that the social structure at this moment reflects a transition phase between the large over-wintering groups and the monogamous pairs described later in the year. Social bounds forged during the long winter cohabitation may have lasting effects on social and genetic structure of this species. This scenario is discussed in respect of the available literature on this species as well as other species.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 689–699.  相似文献   
Boron is generally considered to be phloem immobile or to haveonly limited phloem mobility in higher plants. Evidence suggests,however, that B may be mobile in some species within thePyrus,Malus andPrunusgenera. These genera utilize sorbitol as a primarytranslocated photosynthate and it has been clearly demonstratedthat B forms stable complexes with sorbitolin vitro.In the researchpresented here we demonstrate, further, that B is freely phloemmobile inPyrus, MalusandPrunusspecies and suggest that thisis mediated by the formation and transport of B-sorbitol complexes. The pattern of B distribution within shoot organs and the translocationof foliar-applied, isotopically-enriched10B was studied in sixtree species. Results demonstrate that in species in which sorbitolis a major sugar (sorbitol-rich), B is freely mobile while inspecies that produce little or no sorbitol (sorbitol-poor) Bis largely immobile. The sorbitol-rich species used here werealmond [Prunus amygdalusB. syn.P. dulcis(Mill.)], apple (MalusdomesticaB.) and nectarine (Prunus persicaL. B. var.nectarinaM.),sorbitol-poor species included fig (Ficus caricaL.), pistachio(Pistacia veraL.) and walnut (Juglans regiaL.). In sorbitol-richspecies foliar applied10B was transported from the treated leavesto adjacent fruit and specifically to the fruit tissues (hull,shell or kernel) that developed during the experimental period.Whereas, foliar-applied10B was rapidly translocated out of leaves,only a small percentage of the11B present in the leaf at thetime of foliar application was retranslocated. In sorbitol-richspecies, B concentrations differed only slightly between oldand young leaves while fruit tissue had significantly greaterB concentrations than leaves. In contrast, sorbitol-poor specieshad significantly higher B concentrations in older leaves thanyoung leaves while fruit tissue had the lowest B concentration.This occurred irrespective the source of plant B (soil, solutionor foliar-applied). In a subsequent experiment the growth ofapple trees in solutions free of applied B was maintained solelyby foliar applications of B to mature leaves. These resultsindicate that B is mobile in species that produce significantamounts of sorbitol. We propose that the mobility of B in thesespecies is mediated by the formation of B-sorbitol complexes. Almond; Prunus amygdalus ; apple; Malus domestica; nectarine; Prunus persica; fig; Ficus carica; pistachio; Pistacia vera; walnut; Juglans regia; boron; phloem mobility; deficiency; toxicity; inductively coupled plasma-mass; spectrometer  相似文献   
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