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Intramonomer fluorescence resonance energy transfer between the donor epsilon-ATP bound to the nucleotide site and the acceptor N-(4-dimethylamino-3,5-dinitrophenyl)maleimide (DDPM) or 4-dimethylaminophenyl-azophenyl-4'-maleimide bound to Cys-10 in G-actin was measured. The donor-acceptor distance was calculated to be about 40 A. The intermonomer energy transfer in F-actin occurring between epsilon-ADP and DABMI was also measured. The radial coordinate of Cys-10 was calculated to be 25 A based on the helical symmetry of F-actin and the recently calculated radial coordinate of the nucleotide binding site in F-actin i.e. 25 A (Miki, M., Hambly, B. and dos Remedios, C.G. (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 871, 137-141). (The assumption has been made in calculating these distances that the energy donor and acceptor rotate rapidly relative to the fluorescence lifetime.) Corresponding distances separating the donor nucleotide in one monomer from acceptors on Cys-10 in the first and second nearest neighbours in F-actin are 39-40 A and 41-43 A.  相似文献   
The sequence and timing of the embryonic development of Adriatic sturgeon (Acipenser naccarii) are described at a constant temperature (17 ± 1 °C), from fertilisation to hatch in a hatchery. Fertilised eggs, obtained from one female and two males, were held in a flow‐through system. On the first day, embryos were sampled every 20 min during the first 12 h, and every 40 min in the following 12 h. Embryos were sampled hourly on the second day. On the third and fourth days, embryos were sampled every 2 h, and every 3 h on the fifth and sixth days. The first cleavage furrow appeared at 1 h 40 min postfertilisation. Blastulation concluded at 12 HPF (hours postfertilisation), when the dorsal blastopore lip formed. The completion of gastrulation was at 18 HPF, closing of the neural tube at 23 HPF and formation of the s‐shape heart at 31 HPF. The mass hatch occurred at 120 HPF. A. naccarii is a relatively common sturgeon species in aquaculture and possesses similar developmental patterns to those of other sturgeons; hence, we can use this species as a model for further studies about sturgeon species which are more difficult to breed artificially. Information about the embryonic development of the Adriatic sturgeon could assist restocking programmes.  相似文献   
In this review, we present our current understanding of peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) based on reports of the incidence, diagnosis and current treatment options. We summarise opinions on whether PPCM is triggered by vascular and/or hormonal causes and examine the influence of comorbidities such as preeclampsia. Two articles published in 2021 strongly support the hypothesis that PPCM may be a familial disease. Using large cohorts of PPCM patients, they summarised the available genomic DNA sequence data that are expressed in human cardiomyocytes. While PPCM is considered a disease predominately affecting the left ventricle, there are data to suggest that some cases also involve right ventricular failure. Finally, we conclude that there is sufficient evidence to warrant an RNAseq investigation and that this would be most informative if performed at the cardiomyocytes level rather than analysing genomic DNA from the peripheral circulation. Given the rarity of PPCM, the combined resources of international human heart tissue biobanks have assembled 30 ventricular tissue samples from PPCM patients, and we are actively seeking to enlarge this patient base by collaborating with human heart tissue banks and research laboratories who would like to join this endeavour.  相似文献   
Differential scanning calorimetry was used to examine the effects of cofilin on the thermal unfolding of actin. Stoichiometric binding increases the thermal stability of both G- and F-actin but at sub-saturating concentrations cofilin destabilizes F-actin. At actin:cofilin molar ratios of 1.5-6 the peaks corresponding to stabilized (66-67 degrees C) and destabilized (56-57 degrees C) F-actin are observed simultaneously in the same thermogram. Destabilizing effects of sub-saturating cofilin are highly cooperative and are observed at actin:cofilin molar ratios as low as 100:1. These effects are abolished by the addition of phalloidin or aluminum fluoride. Conversely, at saturating concentrations, cofilin prevents the stabilizing effects of phalloidin and aluminum fluoride on the F-actin thermal unfolding. These results suggest that cofilin stabilizes those actin subunits to which it directly binds, but destabilizes F-actin with a high cooperativity in neighboring cofilin-free regions.  相似文献   
The tos1 (tomato osmotically sensitive) mutant, isolated from an in vitro screen of root growth during osmotic stress, was less sensitive to exogenous ABA, but accumulated more ABA under osmotic stress than WT plants. We assessed growth and water relations characteristics of hydroponically grown tos1 seedlings (in the absence of osmotic stress) at low and high evaporative demands. Growth of tos1 was severely inhibited at both high and low evaporative demands. Twenty DAS, WT and tos1 genotypes had a similar leaf water and turgor potential, but mature tos1 plants (45 day old) showed a significant diurnal loss of leaf turgor, with recovery overnight. Increased evaporative demand increased turgor loss of tos1 plants. High evaporative demand at the beginning of the day decreased stomatal conductance of tos1, without diurnal recovery, thus whole plant transpiration was decreased. De-topped tos1 seedlings showed decreased root hydraulic conductance and had a 1.4-fold increase in root ABA concentration. Impaired root function of tos1 plants failed to meet transpirational water demand and resulted in shoot turgor loss, stomatal closure and growth inhibition.  相似文献   
Temperature excursions of short duration are useful in exploring the effects of stress on biological systems. Stress will affect the conformation of biological molecules such as proteins, which will lead to an effect on their function. The feasibility of generating such temperature excursions is demonstrated by solving the heat diffusion equation for an aqueous layer on a silicon wafer. The silicon is rapidly heated by a laser pulse and also acts as a heat sink to quench the temperature rise. An oxide layer was used to limit the maximum temperature attained by the sample. We show that exposures above a 50 degrees C benchmark can be confined to times less than 5 micros.  相似文献   
The occurrence of GS isoenzymes has been investigated in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings. A transient increase of glutamine synthetase (GS, EC activity was observed in the cotyledon whorl of plants treated with the herbicide phosphinotricin (PPT). The increase in GS activity was accompanied by a parallel accumulation of GS1 protein, which remained at high levels throughout the PPT treatment. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE western analysis showed that pine extracts contained two GS1 polypeptides which differ in their corresponding isoelectric points. Analysis of crude extracts by ion-exchange chromatography led to the separation of two GS isoforms. The first peak (GS1-a) eluted from the columns at a low ionic strength (0.15-0.18 M KCl), whereas the second one (GS1-b) was detected at 0.5 M KCl. A detailed molecular study of both GS holoenzymes confirmed that their subunits were similar in size (about 41 kDa) but different in charge. All these data clearly demonstrate the presence of two GS1 forms in Scots pine cotyledons. Moreover, a comparison of isolated GS isoproteins with the recombinantly expressed Scots pine cytosolic subunit suggests that GS1-a corresponds to the previously characterized cDNA (pGSP114) whereas GS1-b is a minor GS isoenzyme with increased relative abundance in phosphinotricin treated plants.  相似文献   
The adult cerebral hemispheres are connected to each other by specialized midline cell types and by three axonal tracts: the corpus callosum, the hippocampal commissure, and the anterior commissure. Many steps are required for these tracts to form, including early patterning and later axon pathfinding steps. Here, the requirement for FGF signaling in forming midline cell types and commissural axon tracts of the cerebral hemispheres is examined. Fgfr1, but not Fgfr3, is found to be essential for establishing all three commissural tracts. In an Fgfr1 mutant, commissural neurons are present and initially project their axons, but these fail to cross the midline that separates the hemispheres. Moreover, midline patterning defects are observed in the mutant. These defects include the loss of the septum and three specialized glial cell types, the indusium griseum glia, midline zipper glia, and glial wedge. Our findings demonstrate that FGF signaling is required for generating telencephalic midline structures, in particular septal and glial cell types and all three cerebral commissures. In addition, analysis of the Fgfr1 heterozygous mutant, in which midline patterning is normal but commissural defects still occur, suggests that at least two distinct FGF-dependent mechanisms underlie the formation of the cerebral commissures.  相似文献   
SSF production of lactic acid from cellulosic biosludges   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The use of cellulosic biosludges generated in a Kraft pulp mill was investigated as substrate for lactic acid production by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF). The effect of the operation mode (batch or fedbatch), the initial liquid to solid ratio (12 or 30 g/g) and the nutrient supplementation (MRS components or none) on several parameters including lactic acid concentration, volumetric productivity and product yields, were evaluated. When the operation was carried out in fedbatch mode with nutrient supplementation and using a LSR(0)=12 g/g, a broth containing 42 g/L was obtained after 48 h with a volumetric productivity of 0.87 g/L h and a product yield of 37.8 g lactic acid/100 g biosludges. In a similar experiment carried out without nutrient supplementation, a lactic acid concentration of 39.4 g/L was obtained after 48 h with a volumetric productivity of 0.82 g/L h and a product yield of 35.5 g L-lactic acid/100 g biosludges.  相似文献   
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