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Posttranslational acylation of several chloroplast proteins with palmitic acid was recently demonstrated in Spirodela oligorrhiza (AK Mattoo, M Edelman [1987] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 84: 1497-1501). We have now identified an in vivo acylated, soluble protein having an apparent Mr of 10 kilodaltons on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as an acylated form of acyl carrier protein (ACP). This 10-kilodalton protein is present in low abundance, and its acylation is light-stimulated. Turnover of the acyl moiety but not the apo-protein is rapid in the light. The acylated 10-kilodalton protein coelectrophoreses with in vitro synthesized palmitoyl-acyl carrier protein and is immunoprecipitated from soluble extracts with an antibody raised against spinach ACP. Cerulenin, an inhibitor of β-ketoacyl-ACP synthetase, inhibited in vivo acylation of Spirodela ACP. Cell-free extracts of Spirodela plants were able to catalyze the transfer of palmitate from palmitoyl-CoA to ACP, suggesting the existence in higher plants of a pathway for acylation of ACP that involves transacylation from acyl-CoA.  相似文献   
The complete coding sequence for the trichodiene synthase gene from Fusarium sporotrichioides was introduced into tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) under the regulation of the cauliflower mosiac virus 35S promoter. Expression of trichodiene synthase was demonstrated in the leaves of transformed plants. Leaf homogenates incubated with [3H]farnesyl pyrophosphate produced trichodiene as a major product. Trichodiene was detected in the leaves of a transformed plant at a level of 5 to 10 nanograms per gram fresh weight. The introduction of a fungal sesquiterpene cyclase gene into tobacco has resulted in the expression of an active enzyme and the accumulation of low levels of its sesquiterpenoid product.  相似文献   
Parallel incubations with uniformly 14C-labeled oleic and elaidic acids were conducted to compare oxidation rates in tissue homogenates prepared from rat and human hearts. Radioactivity in 14CO2 and 14C-labeled chain-shortened acid-soluble products was used to measure the extent of oxidation. Oxidation rates (pmol/min per mg heart protein) determined on 14C-labeled acid-soluble products suggest that oleic acid was oxidized 35-40% faster than elaidic acid by both male and female rat heart homogenates, whereas human heart homogenates oxidized these fatty acids at equal rates. Rates for female heart homogenates were somewhat higher than those for males in rats and humans. Rates of formation of 14CO2 were the same for each acid in rat and human heart tissue. Comparative rates of formation of oxidation products expressed as oleic/elaidic ratios from parallel incubations confirm that preferential oxidation of oleic acid occurred with rat heart homogenates, but not with the human heart homogenates. These data suggest that the presence of the trans double bond in elaidic acid does not impair its utilization for energy by human heart muscle.  相似文献   
Two closely related isoforms of acyl carrier protein (I and II) have been purified from spinach leaves. Differences in the N-terminal amino acid sequence and amino acid composition indicate that these proteins are coded by different genes. The two spinach leaf isoforms have been resolved and characterized by ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography, by thin layer isoelectric focusing, and by differences in mobility upon polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Both isoforms are effectively bound by antibodies raised to acyl carrier protein I. However, in competition experiments isoform II is only about 40% effective in blocking isoform I binding to antibody. Therefore, the isoforms are immunologically related but hold only some antigenic sites in common. Immunoblot analysis ("Western blotting") of crude spinach leaf tissue extracts probed with antibody to acyl carrier protein I reveals both isoforms. In addition, both forms of acyl carrier protein are present in dark-grown leaf tissue and in isolated chloroplasts. However, in spinach seeds and roots only acyl carrier protein II can be detected. Similar results are observed with extracts of castor oil plant leaf and seed. Therefore, the expression of the two acyl carrier protein isoforms is tissue specific.  相似文献   
Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase; EC is a regulatory enzyme of fatty acid synthesis, and in some higher-plant plastids is a multi-subunit complex consisting of biotin carboxylase (BC), biotin-carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP), and carboxyl transferase (CT). We recently described a Nicotiana tabacum L. (tobacco) cDNA with a deduced amino acid sequence similar to that of prokaryotic BC. We here provide further biochemical and immunological evidence that this higher-plant polypeptide is an authentic BC component of ACCase. The BC protein co-purified with ACCase activity and with BCCP during gel permeation chromatography of Pisum sativum L. (pea) chloroplast proteins. Antibodies to the Ricinus communis L. (castor) BC co-precipitated ACCase activity and BCCP. During castor seed development, ACCase activity and the levels of BC and BCCP increased and subsequently decreased in parallel, indicating their coordinate regulation. The BC protein comprised about 0.8% of the soluble protein in developing castor seed, and less than 0.05% of the protein in young leaf or root. Polypeptides cross-reacting with antibodies to castor BC were detected in several dicotyledons and in the monocotyledons Hemerocallis fulva L. (day lily), Iris L., and Allium cepa L. (onion), but not in the Gramineae species Hordeum vulgare L. (barley) and Panicum virgatum L. (switchgrass). The castor endosperm and pea chloroplast ACCases were not significantly inhibited by long-chain acyl-acyl carrier protein, free fatty acids or acyl carrier protein. The BC polypeptide was detected throughout Brassica napus L. (rapeseed) embryo development, in contrast to the multi-functional ACCase isoenzyme which was only detected early in development. These results firmly establish the identity of the BC polypeptide in plants and provide insight into the structure, regulation and roles of higherplant ACCases.Abbreviations ACCase acetyl-CoA carboxylase - ACP acyl carrier protein - BC biotin carboxylase - BCCP biotin carboxyl carrier protein - CT carboxyl transferase - MF multi-functional - MS multi-subunit We thank our colleagues Nicki Engeseth and Vicki Eccleston for advice on fatty acid analysis and Sarah Hunter for providing the developing Iris seed. This work was supported in part by grant MCB 9406466 from NSF. Acknowledgement is also made to the Michigan Agriculture Experiment Station for its support of this research.  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated that the double bond of petroselinic acid (18:1[delta]6cis) in coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) seed results from the activity of a 36-kD desaturase that is structurally related to the [delta]9-stearoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) desaturase (E.B. Cahoon, J. Shanklin, J.B. Ohlrogge [1992] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 89: 11184-11188). To further characterize the biosynthetic pathway of this unusual fatty acid, 14C-labeling experiments were conducted using developing endosperm of coriander. Studies were also performed using suspension cultures of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) that express the coriander 36-kD desaturase, and as a result produce petroselinic acid and [delta]4-hexadecenoic acid. When supplied exogenously to coriander endosperm slices, [1-14C]palmitic acid and stearic acid were incorporated into glycerolipids but were not converted to petroselinic acid. This suggested that petroselinic acid is not formed by the desaturation of a fatty acid bound to a glycerolipid or by reactions involving acyl-coenzyme As (CoA). Instead, evidence was most consistent with an acyl-ACP route of petroselinic acid synthesis. For example, the exogenous feeding of [1-14C]lauric acid and myristic acid to coriander endosperm slices resulted in the incorporation of the radiolabels into long-chain fatty acids, including primarily petroselinic acid, presumably through acyl-ACP-associated reactions. In addition, using an in vitro fatty acid biosynthetic system, homogenates of coriander endosperm incorporated [2-14C]malonyl-CoA into petroselinic acid, of which a portion was detected in a putative acyl-ACP fraction. Furthermore, analysis of transgenic tobacco suspension cultures expressing the coriander 36-kD desaturase revealed significant amounts of petroselinic acid and [delta]4-hexadecenoic acid in the acyl-ACP pool of these cells. Also presented is evidence derived from [U-14C]nonanoic acid labeling of coriander endosperm, which demonstrates that the coriander 36-kD desaturase positions double bonds relative to the carboxyl end of acyl-ACP substrates. The data obtained in these studies are rationalized in terms of a biosynthetic pathway of petroselinic acid involving the [delta]4 desaturation of palmitoyl-ACP by the 36-kD desaturase followed by two-carbon elongation of the resulting [delta]4-hexadecenoyl-ACP.  相似文献   
We have characterized the occurrence and expression of multiple acyl carrier protein (ACP) isoforms in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh ecotype Columbia. Immunoblot analysis of ACPs from Arabidopsis tissues separated by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and 1 molar urea polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a complex pattern of multiple ACP isoforms. All tissues examined (leaves, roots, and seeds) expressed at least three forms of ACP. The immunoblot identifications of ACP bands were confirmed by acylation of ACP extracts with Escherichia coli acyl-ACP synthetase. A full-length cDNA clone has been isolated that has 70% identity with a previously characterized Arabidopsis genomic ACP clone (ACP-1) (MA Post-Beittenmiller, A Hloušek-Radojčić, JB Ohlrogge [1989] Nucleic Acids Res 17: 1777). Based on RNA blot analysis, the cDNA clone represents an ACP that is expressed in leaves, seeds, and roots. In order to identify the protein products of each known ACP gene, their mature coding sequences have been expressed in E. coli. Using polymerase chain reactions, exons II and III of the genomic ACP-1 clone and the mature coding sequences of the ACP-2 cDNA clone were subcloned into E. coli expression vectors. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to convert the amino acid sequence of the ACP-2 cDNA clone to that of the A2 clone of Lamppa and Jacks ([1991] Plant Mol Biol 16: 469-474), ACP-3. The three E. coli-expressed proteins have different mobilities on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels and each comigrates with a different Arabidopsis ACP isoform expressed in leaves, seeds, and roots. Thus, all of the three cloned ACPs appear to be constitutively expressed Arabidopsis ACPs. In addition to these three ACP isoforms, protein blots indicate that seed, leaf, and root each express one or more tissue-specific isoforms.  相似文献   
Avocado mesocarp extracts contain both acyl-CoA and acyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) hydrolase activities. These activities have been separated by a sequence of ammonium sulfate fractionations, DEAE-cellulose, and hydroxyapatite column chromatography. Two distinct acyl-CoA hydrolase fractions and one acyl-ACP hydrolase fraction were obtained. The acyl-ACP hydrolase fraction was essentially free of acyl-CoA hydrolase activity, had a pH optimum of 9.5 and a molecular weight of 70–80,000 based on sucrose density gradient centrifugation and gel filtration chromatography. Substrate specificity studies showed that lauroyl-ACP, myristoyl-ACP, palmitoyl-ACP, and stearoyl-ACP were slowly hydrolyzed but oleoyl-ACP was rapidly hydrolyzed to free fatty acid. These results suggest a possible role for acyl-ACP hydrolase as one component of a switching system which allows, indirectly, acyl transfer from ACP to CoA derivatives in plant cells.  相似文献   
Reciprocal interactions between neurons and oligodendrocytes are not only crucial for myelination, but also for long-term survival of axons. Degeneration of axons occurs in several human myelin diseases, however the molecular mechanisms of axon-glia communication maintaining axon integrity are poorly understood. Here, we describe the signal-mediated transfer of exosomes from oligodendrocytes to neurons. These endosome-derived vesicles are secreted by oligodendrocytes and carry specific protein and RNA cargo. We show that activity-dependent release of the neurotransmitter glutamate triggers oligodendroglial exosome secretion mediated by Ca2+ entry through oligodendroglial NMDA and AMPA receptors. In turn, neurons internalize the released exosomes by endocytosis. Injection of oligodendroglia-derived exosomes into the mouse brain results in functional retrieval of exosome cargo in neurons. Supply of cultured neurons with oligodendroglial exosomes improves neuronal viability under conditions of cell stress. These findings indicate that oligodendroglial exosomes participate in a novel mode of bidirectional neuron-glia communication contributing to neuronal integrity.  相似文献   
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