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HIV-1 proteins, including Tat, gp120, and Nef, activate macrophages (MΦ), which is consistent with the fact that HIV-1 infection is characterized by sustained immune activation. Meanwhile, MΦ are functionally classified into two types: proinflammatory M1-MΦ and anti-inflammatory M2-MΦ. We show that HIV-1 proteins, particularly Nef, preferentially activate M2-MΦ. Extracellular Tat, gp120, and Nef activated MAPK and NF-κB pathways in human peripheral blood monocyte-derived MΦ. However, the activation was marked in M-CSF-derived M2-MΦ but not GM-CSF-derived M1-MΦ. Nef was the most potent activator, and its signaling activation was comparable to that by TNF-α. Indeed, Nef was internalized more rapidly by M2-MΦ than by M1-MΦ. The myristoylation and proline-rich motif of Nef were responsible for the observed signaling activation. Consistent with the activation of MAPK/NF-κB pathways, Nef stimulated the production of a number of proinflammatory cytokines/chemokines by M2-MΦ. However, Nef reduced the expression of CD163 and phagocytosis, the characteristic markers of M2-MΦ, indicating that Nef drives an M2-like to M1-like phenotypic shift. Because the differentiation of most tissue MΦ depends on M-CSF and its receptor, which is the essential axis for the anti-inflammatory M2-MΦ phenotype, the current study reveals an efficient mechanism by which HIV-1 proteins, such as Nef, induce the proinflammatory MΦ.  相似文献   
It is well established that NADH/NAD+ redox balance is heavily perturbed in diabetes, and the NADH/NAD+ redox imbalance is a major source of oxidative stress in diabetic tissues. In mitochondria, complex I is the only site for NADH oxidation and NAD+ regeneration and is also a major site for production of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS). Yet how complex I responds to the NADH/NAD+ redox imbalance and any potential consequences of such response in diabetic pancreas have not been investigated. We report here that pancreatic mitochondrial complex I showed aberrant hyperactivity in either type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Further studies focusing on streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes indicate that complex I hyperactivity could be attenuated by metformin. Moreover, complex I hyperactivity was accompanied by increased activities of complexes II to IV, but not complex V, suggesting that overflow of NADH via complex I in diabetes could be diverted to ROS production. Indeed in diabetic pancreas, ROS production and oxidative stress increased and mitochondrial ATP production decreased, which can be attributed to impaired pancreatic mitochondrial membrane potential that is responsible for increased cell death. Additionally, cellular defense systems such as glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase, sirtuin 3, and NQO1 were found to be compromised in diabetic pancreas. Our findings point to the direction that complex I aberrant hyperactivity in pancreas could be a major source of oxidative stress and β cell failure in diabetes. Therefore, inhibiting pancreatic complex I hyperactivity and attenuating its ROS production by various means in diabetes might serve as a promising approach for anti-diabetic therapies.  相似文献   
The interaction between HIV-1 Nef and the Src kinase Hck in macrophages has been shown to accelerate the progression to AIDS. We previously showed that Nef disturbed the N-glycosylation/trafficking of Fms, a cytokine receptor essential for maintaining macrophages in an anti-inflammatory state, in an Hck-dependent manner. Here, we show the underlying molecular mechanism of this effect. Using various Hck isoforms and their mutants and Golgi-targeting Hck mutants, we confirmed that Hck activation at the Golgi causes the Nef-induced Fms N-glycosylation defect. Importantly, we found that both the co-expression of Nef and Hck and the expression of a Golgi-targeted active Hck mutant caused alterations in the distribution of GM130, a Golgi protein that was shown to be required for efficient protein glycosylation. Moreover, the activation of Hck at the Golgi caused strong serine phosphorylation of the GM130-interacting Golgi structural protein GRASP65, which is known to induce Golgi cisternal unstacking. Using pharmacological inhibitors, we also found that the activation of Hck at the Golgi followed by the activation of the MAP kinase ERK-GRASP65 cascade is involved in the Fms N-glycosylation defect. These results suggest that Nef perturbs the structure and signaling of the Golgi by activating Hck at the Golgi, and thereby, induces the N-glycosylation/trafficking defect of Fms, which is in line with the idea that Src family kinases are crucial Golgi regulators.  相似文献   
Axial loading of the foot/ankle complex is an important injury mechanism in vehicular trauma that is responsible for severe injuries such as calcaneal and tibial pilon fractures. Axial loading may be applied to the leg externally, by the toepan and/or pedals, as well as internally, by active muscle tension applied through the Achilles tendon during pre-impact bracing. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effect of Achilles tension on fracture mode and to empirically model the axial loading tolerance of the foot/ankle complex. Blunt axial impact tests were performed on forty-three (43) isolated lower extremities with and without experimentally simulated Achilles tension. The primary fracture mode was calcaneal fracture in both groups. However, fracture initiated at the distal tibia more frequently with the addition of Achilles tension (p < 0.05). Acoustic sensors mounted to the bone demonstrated that fracture initiated at the time of peak local axial force. A survival analysis was performed on the injury data set using a Weibull regression model with specimen age, gender, body mass, and peak Achilles tension as predictor variables (R2 = 0.90). A closed-form survivor function was developed to predict the risk of fracture to the foot/ankle complex in terms of axial tibial force. The axial tibial force associated with a 50% risk of injury ranged from 3.7 kN for a 65 year-old 5th percentile female to 8.3 kN for a 45 year-old 50th percentile male, assuming no Achilles tension. The survivor function presented here may be used to estimate the risk of foot/ankle fracture that a blunt axial impact would pose to a human based on the peak tibial axial force measured by an anthropomorphic test device.  相似文献   
The emergence of multidrug-resistant viruses compromises the efficacy of anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) therapy and limits treatment options. Therefore, new targets that can be used to develop novel antiviral agents need to be identified. We previously identified a potential parent compound, hematoxylin, which suppresses the nuclear import of HIV-1 via the Vpr-importin α interaction and inhibits HIV-1 replication in a Vpr-dependent manner by blocking nuclear import of the pre-integration complex. However, it was unstable. Here, we synthesized a stable derivative of hematoxylin that bound specifically and stably to Vpr and inhibited HIV-1 replication in macrophages. Furthermore, like hematoxylin, the derivative inhibited nuclear import of Vpr in an in vitro nuclear import assay, but had no effect on Vpr-induced G2/M phase cell cycle arrest or caspase activity. Interestingly, this derivative bound strongly to amino acid residues 54–74 within the C-terminal α-helical domain (αH3) of Vpr. These residues are highly conserved among different HIV strains, indicating that this region is a potential target for drug-resistant HIV-1 infection. Thus, we succeeded in developing a stable hematoxylin derivative that bound directly to Vpr, suggesting that specific inhibitors of the interaction between cells and viral accessory proteins may provide a new strategy for the treatment of HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   
Dietary curcumin was studied for its potential to decrease adiposity and reverse obesity- associated cognitive impairment in a mouse model of midlife sedentary obesity. We hypothesized that curcumin intake, by decreasing adiposity, would improve cognitive function in a manner comparable to caloric restriction (CR), a weight loss regimen. 15-month-old male C57BL/6 mice were assigned in groups to receive the following dietary regimens for 12 weeks: (i) a base diet (Ain93M) fed ad libitum (AL), (ii) the base diet restricted to 70% of ad libitum (CR) or (iii) the base diet containing curcumin fed AL (1000 mg/kg diet, CURAL). Blood markers of inflammation, interleukin 6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP), as well as an indicator of redox stress (GSH: GSSG ratio), were determined at different time points during the treatments, and visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue were measured upon completion of the experiment. After 8 weeks of dietary treatment, the mice were tested for spatial cognition (Morris water maze) and cognitive flexibility (discriminated active avoidance). The CR group showed significant weight loss and reduced adiposity, whereas CURAL mice had stable weight throughout the experiment, consumed more food than the AL group, with no reduction of adiposity. However, both CR and CURAL groups took fewer trials than AL to reach criterion during the reversal sessions of the active avoidance task, suggesting an improvement in cognitive flexibility. The AL mice had higher levels of CRP compared to CURAL and CR, and GSH as well as the GSH: GSSG ratio were increased during curcumin intake, suggesting a reducing shift in the redox state. The results suggest that, independent of their effects on adiposity; dietary curcumin and caloric restriction have positive effects on frontal cortical functions that could be linked to anti-inflammatory or antioxidant actions.  相似文献   
During the export of flavivirus particles through the secretory pathway, a viral envelope glycoprotein, prM, is cleaved by the proprotein convertase furin; this cleavage is required for the subsequent rearrangement of receptor-binding E glycoprotein and for virus infectivity. Similar to many furin substrates, prM in vector-borne flaviviruses contains basic residues at positions P1, P2, and P4 proximal to the cleavage site; in addition, a number of charged residues are found at position P3 and between positions P5 and P13 that are conserved for each flavivirus antigenic complex. The influence of additional charged residues on pr-M cleavage and virus replication was investigated by replacing the 13-amino-acid, cleavage-proximal region of a dengue virus (strain 16681) with those of tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV), yellow fever virus (YFV), and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) and by comparing the resultant chimeric viruses generated from RNA-transfected mosquito cells. Among the three chimeric viruses, cleavage of prM was enhanced to a larger extent in JEVpr/16681 than in YFVpr/16681 but was slightly reduced in TBEVpr/16681. Unexpectedly, JEVpr/16681 exhibited decreased focus size, reduced peak titer, and depressed replication in C6/36, PS, and Vero cell lines. The reduction of JEVpr/16681 multiplication correlated with delayed export of infectious virions out of infected cells but not with changes in specific infectivity. Binding of JEVpr/16681 to immobilized heparin and the heparin-inhibitable infection of cells were not altered. Thus, diverse pr-M junction-proximal sequences of flaviviruses differentially influence pr-M cleavage when tested in a dengue virus prM background. More importantly, greatly enhanced prM cleavability adversely affects dengue virus export while exerting a minimal effect on infectivity. Because extensive changes of charged residues at the pr-M junction, as in JEVpr/16681, were not observed among a large number of dengue virus isolates, these results provide a possible mechanism by which the sequence conservation of the pr-M junction of dengue virus is maintained in nature.  相似文献   
A central concept in the field of learning and memory is that NMDARs are essential for synaptic plasticity and memory formation. Surprisingly then, multiple studies have found that behavioral experience can reduce or eliminate the contribution of these receptors to learning. The cellular mechanisms that mediate learning in the absence of NMDAR activation are currently unknown. To address this issue, we examined the contribution of Ca2+-permeable AMPARs to learning and plasticity in the hippocampus. Mutant mice were engineered with a conditional genetic deletion of GluR2 in the CA1 region of the hippocampus (GluR2-cKO mice). Electrophysiology experiments in these animals revealed a novel form of long-term potentiation (LTP) that was independent of NMDARs and mediated by GluR2-lacking Ca2+-permeable AMPARs. Behavioral analyses found that GluR2-cKO mice were impaired on multiple hippocampus-dependent learning tasks that required NMDAR activation. This suggests that AMPAR-mediated LTP interferes with NMDAR-dependent plasticity. In contrast, NMDAR-independent learning was normal in knockout mice and required the activation of Ca2+-permeable AMPARs. These results suggest that GluR2-lacking AMPARs play a functional and previously unidentified role in learning; they appear to mediate changes in synaptic strength that occur after plasticity has been established by NMDARs.  相似文献   
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