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Analysis of several populations in a large part of the distribution area of the genusEmilia in Brazil has revealed only two species: the diploidE. sonchifolia and the tetraploidE. fosbergii. The more widely reportedE. coccinea was not found. They show a karyotype constancy in morphology and chromosome number (2n = 10 and 2n = 20, respectively), C-banding pattern and number of secondary constrictions. Some indications were found thatE. fosbergii may be an allopolyploid and that its ancestors had different genome sizes.  相似文献   
Summary Colicin Ia forms voltage-dependent channels when incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. A membrane containing many Colicin Ia channels shows a conductance which is turned on when high positive voltages (>+10 mV) are applied to thecis side (side to which the protein is added). The ionic current flowing through the membrane in response to a voltage step shows at first an exponential and then a linear rise with time. The relationship between the steady-state conductance, achieved immediately after the exponential portion, and voltage is S-shaped and is adequately fit by a Boltzmann distribution. The time constant () of the exponential is also dependent on voltage, and the relation between these two parameters is asymmetric aroundV o (voltage at which half of the channels are open). In both cases the steepness of the voltage dependence, a consequence of the number of effective gating particles (n) present in the channel, is greatly influenced by the pH of the bathing solutions. Thus, increasing the pH leads to a reduction inn, while acidic pH's have the opposite effects. This result is obtained either by changing the pH on both sides of the membrane or on only one side, be itcis orrans. On the other hand, changing pH on only one side by addition of an impermeant buffer fails to induce any change inn. At the single-channel level, pH had an effect both on the unitary conductance, doubling it in going from pH 4.5 to 8.2, as well as on the fraction of time the channels stay open,F (v). For a given voltage,F (v) is clearly diminished by increasing the pH. This titration of the voltage sensitivity leads to the conclusion that gating in the Colicin Ia molecule is accomplished by charged amino-acid residues present in the protein molecule. Our results also support the notion that these charged groups are inside the aqueous portion of the channel.  相似文献   
An experimental Keratitis study of Aspergillus fumigatus was performed in 130 rabbits divided into 12 groups of ten animals each. Three antifungal drugs (myconazole, amphotericin B and pimaricin) were tested using two procedures (topical drops and subconjunctival injections) and two different concentrations (500 and 10 000 times the MIC). In each case, the drugs were applied every 3 h starting 14 h after inoculation. Miconazole was useful at 10 mg/ ml concentration by topical drops and subconjunctival injections, but was less useful at 5 mg/ ml. Amphotericin B was useful at 5 mg/ ml concentration by topical drops and less useful at 2 mg/ ml.No differences were found between the two concentrations by subconjunctival administration. Pimaricin was useful by topical drops at 50 mg/ ml concentration and less useful at 10 mg/ ml as well as by subconjunctival injections.  相似文献   
The lepidopteran mitochondrial control region: structure and evolution   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
For several species of lepidoptera, most of the approximately 350-bp mitochondrial control-region sequences were determined. Six of these species are in one genus, Jalmenus; are closely related; and are believed to have undergone recent rapid speciation. Recent speciation was supported by the observation of low interspecific sequence divergence. Thus, no useful phylogeny could be constructed for the genus. Despite a surprising conservation of control-region length, there was little conservation of primary sequences either among the three lepidopteran genera or between lepidoptera and Drosophila. Analysis of secondary structure indicated only one possible feature in common--inferred stem loops with higher-than-random folding energies-- although the positions of the structures in different species were unrelated to regions of primary sequence similarity. We suggest that the conserved, short length of control regions is related to the observed lack of heteroplasmy in lepidopteran mitochondrial genomes. In addition, determination of flanking sequences for one Jalmenus species indicated (i) only weak support for the available model of insect 12S rRNA structure and (ii) that tRNA translocation is a frequent event in the evolution of insect mitochondrial genomes.   相似文献   
It is widely accepted that oxidative stress plays a central role in alcohol-induced pathogenesis. The protective effect of binaphthyl diselenide (NapSe)2 was investigated in ethanol (Etoh)-induced brain injury. Thirty male adult Wistar rats were divided randomly into five groups of six animals each and treated as follows: (1) The control group received the vehicle (soy bean oil, 1 mL/kg, p.o.). (2) Ethanol group of animals was administered with ethanol (70% v/v, 2 mL/kg, p.o.). (3) (NapSe)2 1 mg/kg, 1 mL/kg plus ethanol 70% (v/v, 2 mL/kg, p.o. (5) (NapSe)2 10 mg/kg, 1 mL/kg) plus ethanol 70% (v/v, 2 mL/kg, p.o). After acute treatment, all rats were sacrificed by decapitation. Evidence for oxidative stress in rat brain was obtained from the observed levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive species, of non-protein thiol (NPSH) groups, and of ascorbic acid, as well as from the activities of catalase (CAT) and of superoxide dismutase (SOD). (NapSe)2 compensated the deficits in the antioxidant defense mechanisms (CAT, SOD, NPSH, and ascorbic acid), and suppressed lipid peroxidation in rat brain resulting from Etoh administration. It was concluded that ethanol exposure causes alterations in the antioxidant defense system and induces oxidative stress in rat brain. (NaPSe)2 at 5 mg/kg restored the antioxidant defenses in rat brain and mitigated the toxic effects of alcohol, suggesting that could be used as a potential therapeutic agent for alcohol-induced oxidative damage in rat brain.  相似文献   
Aim To test predictions of the vicariance model, to define basic biogeographical units for Cerrado squamates, and to discuss previous biogeographical hypotheses. Location Cerrado; South American savannas south of the Amazon, extending across central Brazil, with marginal areas in Bolivia and Paraguay and isolated relictual enclaves in adjacent regions. Methods We compiled species occurrence records via field sampling and revision of museum specimens and taxonomic literature. All species were mapped according to georeferenced locality records, and classified as (1) endemic or non‐endemic, (2) typical of plateaus or depressions, and (3) typical of open or forested habitats. We tested predictions of the vicariance model using biotic element analysis, searching for non‐random clusters of species ranges. Spatial congruence of biotic elements was compared with putative areas of endemism revealed by sympatric restricted‐range species. Effects of topographical and vegetational mosaics on distribution patterns were studied according to species composition in biotic elements and areas of endemism. Results We recorded 267 Cerrado squamates, of which 103 (39%) are endemics, including 20 amphisbaenians (61% endemism), 32 lizards (42%) and 51 snakes (32%). Distribution patterns corroborated predictions of the vicariance model, revealing groups of species with significantly clustered ranges. An analysis of endemic species recovered seven biotic elements, corroborating results including non‐endemics. Sympatric restricted‐range taxa delimited 10 putative areas of endemism, largely coincident with core areas of biotic elements detected with endemic taxa. Distribution patterns were associated with major topographical and vegetational divisions of the Cerrado. Endemism prevailed in open, elevated plateaus, whereas faunal interchange, mostly associated with forest habitats, was more common in peripheral depressions. Main conclusions Our results indicate that vicariant speciation has strongly shaped Cerrado squamate diversity, in contrast to earlier studies emphasizing faunal interchange and low endemism in the Cerrado vertebrate fauna. Levels of squamate endemism are higher than in any other Cerrado vertebrate group. The high number of recovered endemics revealed previously undetected areas of evolutionary relevance, indicating that biogeographical patterns in the Cerrado were poorly represented in previous analyses. Although still largely undocumented, effects of vicariant speciation may be prevalent in a large fraction of Cerrado and Neotropical biodiversity.  相似文献   
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - Steviol glycosides (SGs) and gibberellins (GAs) share the same molecular basis. However, the coordination of their respective biosynthetic pathways is...  相似文献   
Understanding the mechanisms underlying community assembly helps to define success and susceptibility to biological invasions. Here, we explored phytoplankton community assembly following niche and neutral paradigms and using a trait-based approach. Under the hypothesis that the morphology-based functional groups (MBFG) clusters species with similar niche, we analysed how trait-related differences in fitness influence dominance of an invasive species. This was based on literature review, field data and model simulations. We predict that invading species can be dominant if: 1) do not belong to the local MBFG but use unexploited areas of the niche, or 2) belong to the resident MBFG but exhibit a higher fitness due to a particular combination of traits. The invasive dinoflagellate Ceratium furcoides was used as the model species to evaluate these hypotheses, its morphological (e.g. volume) and physiological (e.g. growth rates) traits were compared with species from the same (V: photosynthetic flagellates) and different (VII: colonial cyanobacteria) MBFG. Fitness was estimated using models parametrized with MBFG rates (R*, ability to draw down phosphate) under different environmental conditions (i.e. flushing). Results contributed to support both hypotheses. First, the alternation of C. furcoides and cyanobacteria dominance was explained by the use of different niches. Secondly, species from MBFG V were dominant under similar environments. Within this group V C. furcoides showed higher fitness under low flushing and high predation, advantage provided by a distinctive combination of traits. The application of trait-based approaches to represent the niche and estimate fitness along environmental gradients was useful to evaluate community assembly and can be used to predict the dominance of microbial species invasions.  相似文献   
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