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Experimental results are presented for the verification of the first adsorption step of the ‘adsorbed template’ biogeochemical cycle, a simple model for a primitive prebiotic replication system. The adsorption of Poly-C, Poly-U, Poly-A, Poly-G, and 5′-AMP, 5′-GMP, 5′-CMP and 5′-UMP onto gypsum was studied. It was found that under the conditions of the experiment, the polymers have a very high affinity for the mineral surface, while the monomers adsorb much less efficiently.  相似文献   
The adsorption of 5-AMP and 5-CMP was studied in saturated solutions of several soluble mineral salts (NaCl, Na2SO4, MgCl2·6H2O, MgSO4·7H2O, CaCl2·2H2O, CaSO4·2H2O, SrCl2·6H2O, SrSO4, and ZnSO4·7H2O) as a function of pH, ionic strength, and surface area of the solid salt. The adsorption shows a pH dependence; this can be correlated with the charge on the nucleotide molecule which is determined by the state of protonation of the N-1 nitrogen of 5-AMP or N-3 nitrogen of 5-CMP and the phosphate oxygens. The adsorption which results from the binding between the nucleotide molecule and the salt surface is proposed as being due to electrostatic forces. It was concluded that the adsorption was reversible in nature. The adsorption shows a strong dependence upon ionic strength and decreases with increasing ionic strength. Surface area is shown to be an important factor in evaluating and comparing the magnitude of adsorption of nucleotides onto various mineral salts. The implications of the results of the study are discussed in terms of the importance of soluble mineral salts as adsorption sites in the characterization of the adsorption reactions of an adsorbed template in biogeochemical cycles.  相似文献   
Rh(DIP)3(3+): a shape-selective metal complex which targets cruciforms.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The coordination complex tris(4,7-diphenylphenanthroline)rhodium(III), Rh(DIP)3(3+), binds to and, upon photoactivation, cleaves both DNA strands near the base of a DNA cruciform. Sites of photoinduced double-stranded DNA cleavage by the rhodium complex map to regions containing cruciforms on closed circular pBR322, pColE1 and phi X174 (replicative form) DNAs. Neither cleavage nor binding by the metal complex, assayed using S1 nuclease, is found on the linear plasmid which lacks the extruded cruciform. High resolution mapping experiments reveal that Rh(DIP)3(3+) cleaves at a specific AT-rich site neighboring the stem of the minor cruciform on pBR322. The primary site of cleavage is found at position 3238 on the 3'-strand and 3250 on the 5'-strand and is remarkably specific. The pattern of cleavage, to one side only of the cruciform stem, indicates an asymmetry in the cruciform structure recognized by the complex. These results suggest that Rh(DIP)3(3+) may provide a useful reagent to probe cruciform sites. In addition, the high degree of specificity found in targeting the cruciform structure with this simple metal complex underscores the utility of shape-selection for the recognition of specific sites on a DNA strand.  相似文献   
An antibody that inhibits over 95% of the cytosolic NADP+-dependent gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) dehydrogenase activity of either rat brain or kidney was found to inhibit only approximately 50% of the conversion of [1-14C]GHB to 14CO2 by rat kidney homogenate. A similar result was obtained with sodium valproate, a potent inhibitor of GHB dehydrogenase. The mitochondrial fraction from rat brain and kidney was found to catalyze the conversion of [1-14C]GHB to 14CO2. The dialyzed mitochondrial fraction also catalyzed the oxidation of GHB to succinic semialdehyde (SSA) in a reaction that did not require added NAD+ or NADP+ and which was not inhibited by sodium valproate. The enzyme from the mitochondrial fraction which converts GHB to SSA appears to be distinct from the NADP+-dependent cytosolic oxidoreductase which catalyzes this reaction.  相似文献   
Zohar NJ 《Bioethics》1991,5(4):309-311
Several important issues are raised and illuminated in "Genetic Harm"; not least, in its detailed discussion of specific genetic disorders. In particular, it focuses on a type of disorder whose ill effects are not manifested at birth, but only at a later stage in life. The conclusion, with its significant implications for practice, seems quite valid: a moral duty should be recognized to genetically (or otherwise, if feasible) cure an embryo of that which is expected to (later) cause such prospective suffering. Yet the reasons given for that conclusion, as well as much of the argument throughout, concentrate on a debatable notion of "harm". On an alternate account -- drawn in terms of personal identity -- what makes the moral difference in this type of case is rather that the genotype manifests itself, and that a life-history begins, prior to (and thus independently of) any effects of the gene(s) we are called to alter.  相似文献   
Summary Males of the composition XC2/B S Yy + were collected as prepupae, aged an additional 48 hours, then irradiated with 1000 r and brooded individually for eight days with three virginy w f females each day. Analysis suggests that brood days 1–3 represent the recovery of cells which were predominantly spermatids at the time of treatment, those from brood days 4–6 predominantly spermatocytes, and those from brood days 7–8 predominantly spermatogonia. The highest frequency of loss of individual Y markers and X0 males, as well as the smallest F1 population size was found in broods 5 and 6, and especially in brood 6. Further analysis suggests that the vast majority of individual Y-marker losses recovered from diploid cells (spermatocytes, spermatogonia) arose independent of inter-Y arm exchange and Y-autosome translocations. In general, the data confirm the suggestive results of other investigators that deletions are recovered most readily from spermatocytes than from any other stage in spermatogenesis.  相似文献   
The applicability of the RNA-world and co-evolution hypotheses to the study of the very first stages of the origin of life is discussed. The discussion focuses on the basic differences between the two hypotheses and their implications, with regard to the reconstruction methodology, ribosome emergence, balance between ribozymes and protein enzymes, and their major difficulties. Additional complexities of the two hypotheses, such as membranes and the energy source of the first reactions, are not treated in the present work.A central element in the proposed experimental strategies is the study of the catalytic activities of very small peptides and RNA-like oligomers, according to existing, as well as to yet-to-be-invented scenarios of the two hypotheses under consideration. It is suggested that the noveldirected molecular evolution technology, andmolecular computational modeling, can be applied to this research. This strategy is assumed to be essential for the suggested goal of future studies of the origin of life, namely, the establishment of a Primordial Darwinian entity.  相似文献   
Skeletal muscle myosin is an enzyme that interacts allosterically with MgATP and actin to transduce the chemical energy from ATP hydrolysis into work. By modifying myosin structure, one can change this allosteric interaction and gain insight into its mechanism. Chemical cross-linking with N,N'-p-phenylenedimaleimide (pPDM) of Cys-697 to Cys-707 of the myosin-ADP complex eliminates activity and produces a species that resembles myosin with ATP bound (Burke et al., 1976). Nucleotide-free pPDM-modified myosin subfragment 1 (S1) was prepared, and its structural and allosteric properties were investigated by comparing the nucleotide and actin interactions of S1 to those of pPDM-S1. The structural properties of the nucleotide-free pPDM-S1 are different from those of S1 in several respects. pPDM-S1 intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence intensity is reduced 28%, indicating a large increase of an internal quenching reaction (the fluorescence intensity of the related vanadate complex of S1, S1-MgADP-Vi, is reduced by a similar degree). Tryptophan fluorescence anisotropy increases from 0.168 for S1 to 0.192 for pPDM-S1, indicating that the unquenched tryptophan population in pPDM-S1 has reduced local freedom of motion. The actin affinity of pPDM-S1 is over 6,000-fold lower than that of S1, and the absolute value of the product of the net effective electric charges at the acto-S1 interface is reduced from 8.1 esu2 for S1 to 1.6 esu2 for pPDM-S1. In spite of these changes, the structural response of pPDM-S1 to nucleotide and the allosteric communication between its ATP and actin sites remain intact.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary A model is proposed for a prebiotic environment in which concentration, condensation, and chemical evolution of biomolecules could have taken place. The main reactions expected of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and some of their precursors in this environment are examined.The model is based on our previously developed concept of a fluctuating system in which hydration and dehydration processes take place in a cyclic manner. In the present model, however, high concentrations of soluble salts, such as chlorides and sulfates, are taken into account, whereas previously a more or less salt-free system had been assumed. Thus the preponderance of surfaces of soluble salts is implied, even though sparingly soluble minerals, such as clay minerals or quartz, are also present.During the dehydration stage biomolecules tend to leave the solution and concentrate at certain microenvironments, such as in micelles and aggregates, at the liquid-gas surface and, possibly, at the emerging solid surfaces. Moreover, in these brines, and especially during the last stages of dehydration, high temperatures are attainable, which may enhance certain reactions between the organic molecules, and result in a net increase of condensation over degradation.In the dehydrated state, solid-state condensation and synthesis reactions are possible in which the surface of soluble salts may serve as a catalyst. Several reports in the literature support this hypothesis. Hydration brings about dissolution of the minerals and redistribution of the biomolecules. In such a system, evolutionary processes like those postulated by White (1980) and by Lahav and White (1980) are possible. Moreover, since several soluble salts of known geological occurrence are optically active in their crystalline state, the involvement of the model system in the selection and evolution of chiral organic compounds should also be considered. In addition, organic molecules in the above microenvironments are also expected to undergo selective interactions based on factors such as molecular pattern and chiral recognition and hydrophobicity. The proposed system emphasizes the need to develop the theoretical background and experimental methods for the study of interactions among biomolecules in the presence of high salt concentrations and solid surfaces of soluble salts, as well as interactions between the biomolecules and these surfaces.  相似文献   
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