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The Ag CDw40 (p50, Bp50) is a phosphoprotein expressed on the surface of both B lymphocytes and on certain malignant cell types of nonhemopoietic origin. Antibodies to this Ag have been shown to act as a potent co-mitogen for B cells. In order to elucidate the function of this Ag, we have now investigated some of its biochemical characteristics as well as the relationship of B cell derived CDw40 to that derived from urinary bladder carcinoma (transitional cell carcinoma, TCC) cells. CDw40 from normal B cells or from the Burkitt lymphoma line Raji showed a characteristic pattern of three bands when analyzed by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting: a main band of 47 kDa, a degradation product of 43 kDa, and a dimer of 85 kDa. The dimer was disrupted by reduction with 2-ME but was reformed spontaneously from the purified monomers under nonreducing conditions. CDw40 from two bladder cancer cell lines gave a similar pattern but formed little or no dimer. Thirty amino acids of the amino terminal end of CDw40 from Raji and 22 amino acids of that from TCC cells (HU549) were sequenced. The sequences were unusually rich in cysteines and differed only in that the cysteine in position 6 in Raji CDw40 had been replaced by glutamine in HU549. In addition there were two conservative changes in positions 15 and 19. Taken together these results show that CDw40 derived from B cells or from TCC cells are the same or closely related molecules. Comparisons of the amino acid sequence and biochemical characteristics of CDw40 with proteins having receptor functions indicated a close structural resemblance of CDw40 to the nerve growth factor-receptor.  相似文献   
It is increasingly recognized that evolution may occur in ecological time. It is not clear, however, how fast evolution – or phenotypic change more generally – may be in comparison with the associated ecology, or whether systems with fast ecological dynamics generally have relatively fast rates of phenotypic change. We developed a new dataset on standardized rates of change in population size and phenotypic traits for a wide range of species and taxonomic groups. We show that rates of change in phenotypes are generally no more than 2/3, and on average about 1/4, the concurrent rates of change in population size. There was no relationship between rates of population change and rates of phenotypic change across systems. We also found that the variance of both phenotypic and ecological rates increased with the mean across studies following a power law with an exponent of two, while temporal variation in phenotypic rates was lower than in ecological rates. Our results are consistent with the view that ecology and evolution may occur at similar time scales, but clarify that only rarely do populations change as fast in traits as they do in abundance.  相似文献   
Insulin controls fatty acid (FA) release from white adipose tissue (WAT) through direct effects on adipocytes and indirectly through hypothalamic signaling by reducing sympathetic nervous system outflow to WAT. Uncontrolled FA release from WAT promotes lipotoxicity, which is characterized by inflammation and insulin resistance that leads to and worsens type 2 diabetes. Here we tested whether early diet-induced insulin resistance impairs the ability of hypothalamic insulin to regulate WAT lipolysis and thus contributes to adipose tissue dysfunction. To this end we fed male Sprague-Dawley rats a 10% lard diet (high fat diet (HFD)) for 3 consecutive days, which is known to induce systemic insulin resistance. Rats were studied by euglycemic pancreatic clamps and concomitant infusion of either insulin or vehicle into the mediobasal hypothalamus. Short term HFD feeding led to a 37% increase in caloric intake and elevated base-line free FAs and insulin levels compared with rats fed regular chow. Overfeeding did not impair insulin signaling in WAT, but it abolished the ability of mediobasal hypothalamus insulin to suppress WAT lipolysis and hepatic glucose production as assessed by glycerol and glucose flux. HFD feeding also increased hypothalamic levels of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol after only 3 days. In summary, overfeeding impairs hypothalamic insulin action, which may contribute to unrestrained lipolysis seen in human obesity and type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor eIF2 is a heterotrimer that binds and delivers Met-tRNA(i)(Met) to the 40 S ribosomal subunit in a GTP-dependent manner. Initiation requires hydrolysis of eIF2-bound GTP, which releases an eIF2.GDP complex that is recycled to the GTP form by the nucleotide exchange factor eIF2B. The alpha-subunit of eIF2 plays a critical role in regulating nucleotide exchange via phosphorylation at serine 51, which converts eIF2 into a competitive inhibitor of the eIF2B-catalyzed exchange reaction. We purified a form of eIF2 (eIF2betagamma) completely devoid of the alpha-subunit to further study the role of eIF2alpha in eIF2 function. These studies utilized a yeast strain genetically altered to bypass a deletion of the normally essential eIF2alpha structural gene (SUI2). Removal of the alpha-subunit did not appear to significantly alter binding of guanine nucleotide or Met-tRNA(i)(Met) ligands by eIF2 in vitro. Qualitative assays to detect 43 S initiation complex formation and eIF5-dependent GTP hydrolysis revealed no differences between eIF2betagamma and the wild-type eIF2 heterotrimer. However, steady-state kinetic analysis of eIF2B-catalyzed nucleotide exchange revealed that the absence of the alpha-subunit increased K(m) for eIF2betagamma.GDP by an order of magnitude, with a smaller increase in V(max). These data indicate that eIF2alpha is required for structural interactions between eIF2 and eIF2B that promote wild-type rates of nucleotide exchange. We suggest that this function contributes to the ability of the alpha-subunit to control the rate of nucleotide exchange through reversible phosphorylation.  相似文献   
ADAM family proteins are type I transmembrane, zinc-dependent metalloproteases. This family has multiple conserved domains, including a signal peptide, a pro-domain, a metalloprotease domain, a disintegrin (DI) domain, a cysteine-rich (Cys) domain, an EGF-like domain, a transmembrane domain, and a cytoplasmic domain. The Cys and DI domains may play active roles in regulating proteolytic activity or substrate specificity. ADAM19 has an autolytic processing activity within its Cys domain, and the processing is necessary for its proteolytic activity. To identify a new physiological function of ADAM19, we screened for associating proteins by using the extracellular domain of ADAM19 in a yeast two-hybrid system. Cysteine-rich protein 2 (CRIP2) showed an association with ADAM19 through its DI and Cys domains. Sequence analysis revealed that CRIP2 is a secretable protein without a classical signal. CRIP2 secretion was increased by overexpression of ADAM19 and decreased by suppression of ADAM19 expression. Moreover, CRIP2 secretion increased in parallel with the autolytic processing of ADAM19 stimulated by lipopolysaccharide. These findings suggest that ADAM19 autolysis is activated by lipopolysaccharide and that ADAM19 promotes the secretion of CRIP2.  相似文献   
A rugged sample-preparation method for comprehensive affinity enrichment of phosphopeptides from protein digests has been developed. The method uses a series of chemical reactions to incorporate efficiently and specifically a thiol-functionalized affinity tag into the analyte by barium hydroxide catalyzed β-elimination with Michael addition using 2-aminoethanethiol as nucleophile and subsequent thiolation of the resulting amino group with sulfosuccinimidyl-2-(biotinamido) ethyl-1,3-dithiopropionate. Gentle oxidation of cysteine residues, followed by acetylation of α- and ε-amino groups before these reactions, ensured selectivity of reversible capture of the modified phosphopeptides by covalent chromatography on activated thiol sepharose. The use of C18 reversed-phase supports as a miniaturized reaction bed facilitated optimization of the individual modification steps for throughput and completeness of derivatization. Reagents were exchanged directly on the supports, eliminating sample transfer between the reaction steps and thus, allowing the immobilized analyte to be carried through the multistep reaction scheme with minimal sample loss. The use of this sample-preparation method for phosphopeptide enrichment was demonstrated with low-level amounts of in-gel-digested protein. As applied to tryptic digests of α-S1- and β-casein, the method enabled the enrichment and detection of the phosphorylated peptides contained in the mixture, including the tetraphosphorylated species of β-casein, which has escaped chemical procedures reported previously. The isolates proved highly suitable for mapping the sites of phosphorylation by collisionally induced dissociation. β-Elimination, with consecutive Michael addition, expanded the use of the solid-phase-based enrichment strategy to phosphothreonyl peptides and to phosphoseryl/phosphothreonyl peptides derived from proline-directed kinase substrates and to their O-sulfono- and O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc)-modified counterparts. Solid-phase enzymatic dephosphorylation proved to be a viable tool to condition O-GlcNAcylated peptide in mixtures with phosphopeptides for selective affinity purification. Acetylation, as an integral step of the sample-preparation method, precluded reduction in recovery of the thiolation substrate caused by intrapeptide lysine-dehydroalanine cross-link formation. The solid-phase analytical platform provides robustness and simplicity of operation using equipment readily available in most biological laboratories and is expected to accommodate additional chemistries to expand the scope of solid-phase serial derivatization for protein structural characterization.  相似文献   
The BCL-2 family member Noxa induces apoptosis by antagonizing the prosurvival protein MCL-1. In this issue of Molecular Cell, Lowman et al. (2010) uncover a glucose-dependent phosphoregulatory mechanism that inactivates Noxa's apoptotic function and triggers its capacity to modulate glucose metabolism.  相似文献   
Neural circuits are organized into functional topographic maps. In order to visualize complex circuit architecture we developed an approach to reliably label the global patterning of multiple topographic projections. The cerebellum is an ideal model to study the orderly arrangement of neural circuits. For example, the compartmental organization of spinocerebellar mossy fibers has proven to be an indispensable system for studying mossy fiber patterning. We recently showed that wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) conjugated to Alexa 555 and 488 can be used for tracing spinocerebellar mossy fiber projections in developing and adult mice (Reeber et al. 2011). We found three major properties that make the WGA-Alexa tracers desirable tools for labeling neural projections. First, Alexa fluorophores are intense and their brightness allows for wholemount imaging directly after tracing. Second, WGA-Alexa tracers label the entire trajectory of developing and adult neural projections. Third, WGA-Alexa tracers are rapidly transported in both retrograde and anterograde directions. Here, we describe in detail how to prepare the tracers and other required tools, how to perform the surgery for spinocerebellar tracing and how best to image traced projections in three dimensions. In summary, we provide a step-by-step tracing protocol that will be useful for deciphering the organization and connectivity of functional maps not only in the cerebellum but also in the cortex, brainstem, and spinal cord.Download video file.(58M, mov)  相似文献   
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