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Susceptible A/J and more resistant C57BL/6J mice were infected with Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi 54X, P.c. chabaudi AS and Plasmodium chabaudi adami 408XZ. As expected, most C57BL/6J mice survived the infections with the different isolates. But in contrast to previous observations, not all A/J mice succumbed to infection: just over 50% of A/J mice survived infections with P.c. chabaudi 54X, while 80% survived P.c. chabaudi AS. The more virulent parasite, P.c. adami 408XZ, was able to kill all A/J mice and 20% of C57BL/6J mice after an intravenous infection with 10(5) pRBC. A detailed study of four parameters of pathology (body weight, body temperature, blood glucose and RBC counts) in both mouse strains after a P.c. adami 408XZ infection showed similar patterns to those previously reported after infection with P.c. chabaudi AS. These data suggest that environmental factors as well as parasite polymorphisms might influence the severity of malaria between susceptible and resistant mice.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to apply transition models to distinguish between factors associated with both incident and persistent trypanosome infections. Data collected from 1561 cattle were analyzed from a long-term study involving 8 herds in which both trypanosome infections (a total of 56,931 cattle sampling-months) and tsetse (Glossina spp.) challenge were monitored monthly from March 1986 to March 1998. Both pour-on and insecticide-target tsetse control programs and mass treatment with diminazene aceturate before tsetse control were associated with significant decreases in both incidence and persistence of trypanosome infection relative to noncontrol periods, as were seasonal and sex effects. The magnitudes of the effects were, however, often different for new and persistent infections. For persistence of infection, there were 2 trends. In general, the duration of infection increased during the study, despite the regular treatment with diminazene aceturate. The transition model had 2 major benefits. The first was to identify an increasing duration of infections with time, taking into account other factors associated with increasing infection risk. The second was to highlight different patterns in the effects of certain factors on new and persistent trypanosome infections.  相似文献   
Microsatellite markers are commonly used for population genetic analyses of livestock. However, up to now, combinations of microsatellite data sets or comparison of population genetic parameters from different studies and breeds has proven difficult. Often different genotyping methods have been employed, preventing standardization of microsatellite allele calling. In other cases different sets of markers have been genotyped, providing differing estimates of population genetic parameters. Here, we address these issues and illustrate a general two-step regression approach in cattle using three different sets of microsatellite data, to combine population genetics estimates of diversity and admixture. This regression-based method is independent of the loci genotyped but requires common breeds in the data sets. We show that combining microsatellite data sets can provide new insights on the origin and geographical distribution of genetic diversity and admixture in cattle, which will facilitate global management of this livestock species.  相似文献   
The study aimed to evaluate the effect of cow urine and combination of antioxidants against lindane induced oxidative stress in Swiss mice. Male healthy mice, 8–10 weeks old, weighing 30 ± 5 g were randomly selected and divided into eight groups, namely, control (C); lindane (L); antioxidant (A), antioxidant+lindane (A+L), cow urine (U), cow urine+lindane (U+L), cow urine+antioxidants (U+A) and cow urine+antioxidants+lindane (U+A+L). Group C animals were administered only the vehicle (olive oil); doses selected for other treatments were: lindane: 40 mg/kg b.w.; antioxidants: 125 mg/kg b.w. (vitamin C: 50 mg/kg b.w., vitamin E: 50 mg/kg b.w., α-lipoic acid: 25 mg/kg b.w.) and cow urine: 0.25 ml/kg b.w. In group A+L and U+L antioxidants and cow urine were administered 1 h prior to lindane administration and in group U+A and U+A+L cow urine was administered 10 min before antioxidants. All treatments were administered orally continuously for 60 days. Lindane treated group showed increased lipid peroxidation, whereas glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, catalase, protein and endogenous levels of vitamin C and E were significantly decreased compared to control. Administration of cow urine and antioxidants alleviated the levels of these biochemical parameters.  相似文献   
A genome‐wide scan for quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting gastrointestinal nematode resistance in sheep was completed using a double backcross population derived from Red Maasai and Dorper ewes bred to F1 rams. This design provided an opportunity to map potentially unique genetic variation associated with a parasite‐tolerant breed like Red Maasai, a breed developed to survive East African grazing conditions. Parasite indicator phenotypes (blood packed cell volume – PCV and faecal egg count – FEC) were collected on a weekly basis from 1064 lambs during a single 3‐month post‐weaning grazing challenge on infected pastures. The averages of last measurements for FEC (AVFEC) and PCV (AVPCV), along with decline in PCV from challenge start to end (PCVD), were used to select lambs (N = 371) for genotyping that represented the tails (10% threshold) of the phenotypic distributions. Marker genotypes for 172 microsatellite loci covering 25 of 26 autosomes (1560.7 cm ) were scored and corrected by Genoprob prior to qxpak analysis that included Box–Cox transformed AVFEC and arcsine transformed PCV statistics. Significant QTL for AVFEC and AVPCV were detected on four chromosomes, and this included a novel AVFEC QTL on chromosome 6 that would have remained undetected without Box–Cox transformation methods. The most significant P‐values for AVFEC, AVPCV and PCVD overlapped the same marker interval on chromosome 22, suggesting the potential for a single causative mutation, which remains unknown. In all cases, the favourable QTL allele was always contributed from Red Maasai, providing support for the idea that future marker‐assisted selection for genetic improvement of production in East Africa will rely on markers in linkage disequilibrium with these QTL.  相似文献   
Fine mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with resistance to the gastrointestinal parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus was achieved on F6/F7 offspring (1076 mice) from resistant (SWR) and susceptible (CBA) mouse strains by selective genotyping (top and bottom 20% selected on total worm count in week 6). Fecal egg counts were recorded at weeks 2, 4, and 6, and the average was also analyzed. Blood packed cell volume in weeks 3 and 6 and five immunological traits (mucosal mast cell protease 1, granuloma score, IgG1 against adult worm, IgG1, and IgE to L4 antigen) were also recorded. On Chromosome 1 single-trait analyses identified a QTL with effects on eight traits located at about 24 cM on the F2 mouse genome database (MGD) linkage map, with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of 20-32 cM established from a multitrait analysis. On Chromosome 17 a QTL with effects on nine traits was located at about 18 cM on the MGD map (CI 17.9-18.4 cM). Strong candidate genes for the QTL position on Chromosome 1 include genes known to be involved in regulating immune responses and on Chromosome 17 genes within the MHC, notably the Class II molecules and tumor necrosis factor.  相似文献   
Five tested plant volatile oils and their mixtures were evaluated for controlling the coccid, Saissetia coffeae (Walker) on growing Sago palms Cycas revoluta in Antoniades public gardens, Alexandria, Egypt. The tested volatile oils at concentration rates of 0.5, 1 and 1.5% (v/v) were: Camphor 20%, Dill 20%, Rose 30%, Peppermint 20% and Clove 30% (v/v). Their mixtures were : Camphor/Peppermint, Camphor/Rose at a rate of 1:1, Camphor/Rose/Peppermint at 1:1:2 rate and Camphor/Rose/Dill at 2:1:1 rate. The results, as a general mean of residual reduction percent for the whole inspection intervals of the test lasted 2 days up to 9 days post treatment, indicated that the superior volatile oils in reducing the insect were both Camphor and Rose, followed by Dill, Peppermint and the least efficient one was the Clove oil. The evaluated mixtures of the volatile oils showed that each of Camphor/Rose/Peppermint, Camphor/Rose and Camphor/Peppermint mixtures attained a higher rank of efficiency against that of the assigned soft scale insect.  相似文献   
Effects of mechanical forces exerted on mammalian skeletal muscle cells during development were studied using an in vitro model to unidirectionally stretch cultured C2C12 cells grown on silastic membrane. Previous models to date have not studied these responses of the mammalian system specifically. The silastic membrane upon which these cells were grown exhibited linear strain behavior over the range of 3.6-14.6% strain, with a Poisson's ratio of approximately 0.5. To mimic murine in utero long bone growth, cell substrates were stretched at an average strain rate of 2.36%/day for 4 days or 1.77%/day for 6 days with an overall membrane strain of 9.5% and 10.6%, respectively. Both control and stretched fibers stained positively for the contractile protein, alpha-actinin, demonstrating muscle fiber development. An effect of stretch on orientation and length of myofibers was observed. At both strain rates, stretched fibers aligned at a smaller angle relative to the direction of stretch and were significantly longer compared to randomly oriented control fibers. There was no effect of duration of stretch on orientation or length, suggesting the cellular responses are independent of strain rate for the range tested. These results demonstrate that, under conditions simulating mammalian long bone growth, cultured myocytes respond to mechanical forces by lengthening and orienting along the direction of stretch.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to elucidate the involvement of acid phosphatase (ACP) in metastasis and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as an immediate compensatory alleviation mechanism for energy stress in liver lesions induced by hexachlorocyclohexane in Swiss mice. Animals were continuously exposed to hexachlorocyclohexane (500 ppm) for 2, 4, and 6 months. Neoplastic nodules and tumors developed after continuous exposure for 4 and 6 months, respectively. The distribution pattern of both enzymes markedly varied in neoplastic nodules and tumors. Intense ACP activity was more observed only in sinusoids and blood vessels of neoplastic nodule, whereas an overall increase in ACP activity was observed in the tumor. Noticeably, a significant decline in LDH activity was noted after 2 and 4 months of exposure, whereas LDH in a tumor region showed intense enzymatic activity. The role of acid phosphate in metastasis and LDH in oxidative stress during hepatocarcinogenesis induced by hexachlorocyclohexane has been discussed. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 26:439‐444, 2012; View this article online at wileyonlinelibrary.com . DOI 10:1002/jbt.21441  相似文献   
A deltamethrin 'pour-on' insecticide was applied monthly to over 2000 cattle exposed to a high challenge of drug-resistant trypanosomes and high tsetse re-invasion pressure in the Ghibe valley, south-west Ethiopia. Blood samples were taken monthly from an average of 760 cattle for determination of PCV and presence of trypanosomes. The area of the valley is approximately 350 km2 and the cattle grazed in roughly four locations covering about a quarter to half of the area. Two years before the trial commenced, Glossina morsitans submorsitans Newstead (Diptera: Glossinidae) began to invade the valley. Despite the use of the pour-on the mean apparent density of G. m. submorsitans continued to rise, and, during the 4 years of tsetse control, was more than three-fold higher than that recorded during the previous 18 months. Over the same period there was little change in the apparent density of Glossina pallidipes Austen (Diptera: Glossinidae). By contrast, the mean monthly prevalence of trypanosome infections in cattle over 36 months of age decreased from 38.3 to 29.0%, the incidence of new infections decreased from 26.6 to 16.0% (a reduction of 40%), and packed cell volume in cattle increased from 21.7 to 24.1%. Evidence of a change in apparent parasite transmission rate was demonstrated by regression of infection incidence in cattle on the logarithm of apparent density of G. m. submorsitans. Before the trial started the regression coefficient was 45.8 +/- 6.3 and this reduced to 9.2 +/- 2.5% incidence per log(e) (flies/trap/day) during the period of tsetse control. It was concluded that this indicated reductions in tsetse numbers in the immediate vicinities of cattle in a way that was not reflected in overall tsetse catches. Nevertheless, the comparatively high levels of trypanosome prevalence that persisted in the cattle demonstrates that, where invasion prevalence is high, treatment of small pockets of cattle will not eradicate tsetse. To achieve more significant reduction in trypanosome prevalence in cattle, integrated methods of control utilizing target barriers in the major routes of invasion will be needed.  相似文献   
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